module TDiary # # class TDiaryView # base of view mode classes # class TDiaryView < TDiaryBase def initialize( cgi, rhtml, conf ) super unless referer_filter( @cgi.referer ) def @cgi.referer; nil; end end # save referer to latest if (!@conf.referer_day_only or (@cgi.params['date'][0] and @cgi.params['date'][0].length == 8)) and @cgi.referer then ym = latest_month @date = ym ? Time::local( ym[0], ym[1] ) : Time::now @io.transaction( @date ) do |diaries| @diaries = diaries dirty = DIRTY_NONE @diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |key| @diary = @diaries[key] break if @diary.visible? end if @diary then @diary.add_referer( @cgi.referer ) dirty = DIRTY_REFERER end dirty end @date = if @diary end end def last_modified lm = Time::at( 0 ) @diaries.each_value do |diary| lmd = diary.last_modified lm = lmd if lm < lmd and diary.visible? end lm end protected def each_day @diaries.keys.sort.each do |date| diary = @diaries[date] next unless diary.visible? yield diary end end def latest_month result = nil calendar @years.keys.sort.reverse_each do |year| @years[year.to_s].sort.reverse_each do |month| result = [year, month] break end break end result end def oldest_month result = nil calendar @years.keys.sort.each do |year| @years[year.to_s].sort.each do |month| result = [year, month] break end break end result end private def load_filters return if @filters @filters = [] filter_path = @conf.filter_path || "{#{PATH},#{TDiary.server_root}}/tdiary/filter" Dir::glob( "#{filter_path}/*.rb" ).sort.each do |file| require file.untaint @filters << TDiary::Filter::const_get( "#{File::basename( file, '.rb' ).capitalize}Filter" )::new( @cgi, @conf ) end end def all_filters load_filters @filters + (load_plugins.sf_filters || []) end def comment_filter( diary, comment ) all_filters.each do |filter| return false unless filter.comment_filter( diary, comment ) break unless comment.visible? end true end def referer_filter( referer ) all_filters.each do |filter| return false unless filter.referer_filter( referer ) end true end end # # class TDiaryDay # show day mode view # class TDiaryDay < TDiaryView def initialize( cgi, rhtml, conf ) super begin # time is noon for easy to calc leap second. @date = Time::local( *@cgi.params['date'][0].scan( /^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)$/ )[0] ) + 12*60*60 load( @date ) rescue ArgumentError, NameError raise TDiaryError, 'bad date' end @diary = nil if @diary and not @diary.visible? end def last_modified @diary ? @diary.last_modified : Time::at( 0 ) end def eval_rhtml( prefix = '' ) if not @diary and bot? raise NotFound else super(prefix) end end protected def load( date ) if not @diary or ( + 12*60*60).gmtime.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) != date.dup.gmtime.strftime( '%Y%m%d' ) then @io.transaction( date ) do |diaries| @diaries = diaries dirty = DIRTY_NONE @diary = self[date] if @diary and @cgi.referer then @diary.add_referer( @cgi.referer ) dirty = DIRTY_REFERER end dirty end else @diary = self[date] end end def cookie_name @cgi.cookies['tdiary'][0] or '' end def cookie_mail @cgi.cookies['tdiary'][1] or '' end end # # class TDiaryDayWithoutFilter # class TDiaryDayWithoutFilter < TDiaryDay def referer_filter(referer); end end # # class TDiaryComment # save a comment # class TDiaryComment < TDiaryDay def initialize( cgi, rhtml, conf ) super end protected def load( date ) @date = date @name = @cgi.params['name'][0] @mail = @cgi.params['mail'][0] @body = @cgi.params['body'][0] @name = @conf.to_native( @name ) @body = @conf.to_native( @body ) @comment = Comment::new( @name, @mail, @body ) dirty = DIRTY_NONE @io.transaction( @date ) do |diaries| @diaries = diaries @diary = self[@date] if @diary and comment_filter( @diary, @comment ) then @diary.add_comment( @comment ) dirty = DIRTY_COMMENT cookie_path = File::dirname( @cgi.script_name ) cookie_path += '/' if cookie_path !~ /\/$/ @cookies << CGI::Cookie::new( { 'name' => 'tdiary', 'value' => [@name,@mail], 'path' => cookie_path, 'expires' => Time::now.gmtime + 90*24*60*60 # 90days } ) @io.clear_cache( /(latest|#{@date.strftime( '%Y%m' )})/ ) else @comment = nil end dirty end end def do_eval_rhtml( prefix ) load_plugins @plugin.instance_eval { update_proc } if @comment if @conf.request.xhr? super else anchor_str = @plugin.instance_eval( %Q[anchor "#{'%Y%m%d')}"].untaint ) raise ForceRedirect::new( "#{@conf.index}#{anchor_str}#c#{'%02d' % @diary.count_comments( true )}" ) end end end # # class TDiaryMonthBase # base of TDiaryMonth and TDiaryNYear # class TDiaryMonthBase < TDiaryView def eval_rhtml( prefix = '' ) if @diaries.empty? and bot? raise NotFound else super(prefix) end end end # # class TDiaryMonth # show month mode view # class TDiaryMonth < TDiaryMonthBase def initialize( cgi, rhtml, conf ) super begin date = Time::local( *@cgi.params['date'][0].scan( /^(\d{4})(\d\d)$/ )[0] ) d1 = @date.dup.gmtime if @date d2 = date.dup.gmtime if not @date or d1.year != d2.year or d1.month != d2.month then @date = date @io.transaction( @date ) do |diaries| @diaries = diaries @diary = @diaries[@diaries.keys.sort.reverse[0]] DIRTY_NONE end end rescue ArgumentError, NameError raise TDiaryError, 'bad date' end end end # # class TDiaryNYear # show nyear mode view # class TDiaryNYear < TDiaryMonthBase def initialize(cgi, rhtml, conf) super @diaries = {} month, day = @cgi.params['date'][0].scan(/^(\d\d)(\d\d)$/)[0] nyear(month).each do |y, m| @date = Time::local(y, m) @io.transaction(@date) do |diaries| ymd = y + m + day @diaries[ymd] = diaries[ymd] if diaries[ymd] DIRTY_NONE end end end protected def nyear(month) r = [] calendar @years.keys.reverse_each do |year| r << [year, month] if @years[year].include? month end r end end # # class TDiaryMonthWithoutFilter # class TDiaryMonthWithoutFilter < TDiaryMonth def referer_filter(referer); end end # # class TDiaryLatest # show latest mode view # class TDiaryLatest < TDiaryView def initialize( cgi, rhtml, conf ) super if @cgi.params['date'][0] then ym = [@cgi.params['date'][0][0,4].to_i, @cgi.params['date'][0][4,2].to_i] @date = nil else ym = latest_month end unless @date then @date = ym ? Time::local( ym[0], ym[1] ) : Time::now @io.transaction( @date ) do |diaries| @diaries = diaries if @cgi.params['date'][0] then @diary = @diaries[@cgi.params['date'][0][0,8]] @date = if @diary end unless @diary then @diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |d| diary = @diaries[d] if diary.visible? @diary = diary break end end @diary = @diaries[@diaries.keys.sort.reverse[0]] unless @diary @date = if @diary end DIRTY_NONE end end if ym then # read +2 days for calc ndays.prev in count_diaries method limit = limit_size( @conf.latest_limit ) + 2 # read next month data until limit y = ym[0].to_i m = ym[1].to_i latest = latest_month diaries_tmp = {}.update( @diaries ) diaries_size = count_diaries_after( diaries_tmp ) while ( latest and diaries_size < limit ) date = if m == 12 then Time::local( y += 1, m = 1 ) else Time::local( y, m += 1 ) end break if date > Time::local( *latest ) @io.transaction( date ) do |diaries| diaries_tmp.update( diaries ) diaries_size = count_diaries_after( diaries_tmp ) DIRTY_NONE end end # read prev month data until limit y = ym[0].to_i m = ym[1].to_i oldest = oldest_month diaries_size = count_diaries_before( @diaries ) while ( oldest and diaries_size < limit ) date = if m == 1 then Time::local( y -= 1, m = 12 ) else Time::local( y, m -= 1 ) end break if date < Time::local( *oldest ) @io.transaction( date ) do |diaries| @diaries.update( diaries ) diaries_size = count_diaries_before( @diaries ) DIRTY_NONE end end end end def latest( limit = 5 ) start = start_date limit = limit_size( limit ) idx = 0 @diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |date| next if date > start diary = @diaries[date] next unless diary.visible? yield diary idx += 1 break if idx >= limit end end protected def count_diaries_after( diaries ) start = start_date limit = limit_size( @conf.latest_limit ) diaries_size = 0 continue_exist = true diaries.keys.sort.each do |date| if diaries[date].visible? and date > start then continue_exist = true if diaries_size < limit @conf[''] = date if diaries_size < limit diaries_size += 1 end end @conf[''] = nil unless continue_exist diaries_size end def count_diaries_before( diaries ) start = start_date limit = limit_size( @conf.latest_limit ) diaries_size = 0 continue_exist = false diaries.keys.sort.reverse_each do |date| if diaries[date].visible? and date <= start then continue_exist = true if diaries_size >= limit @conf['ndays.prev'] = date if diaries_size <= limit diaries_size += 1 end end @conf['ndays.prev'] = nil unless continue_exist diaries_size end def start_date if @cgi.params['date'][0] then @cgi.params['date'][0][0,8] else '99999999' # max of date string end end def limit_size( default_limit ) if @cgi.params['date'][0] then date = @cgi.params['date'][0] limit = date[9,date.length-9].to_i limit = 30 if limit > 30 limit else default_limit end end end end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: # vim: ts=3