# frozen_string_literal: true module Doing # Chronify methods for strings class ::String ## ## Converts input string into a Time object when input ## takes on the following formats: ## - interval format e.g. '1d2h30m', '45m' ## etc. ## - a semantic phrase e.g. 'yesterday ## 5:30pm' ## - a strftime e.g. '2016-03-15 15:32:04 ## PDT' ## ## @param options Additional options ## ## @option options :future [Boolean] assume future date ## (default: false) ## ## @option options :guess [Symbol] :begin or :end to ## assume beginning or end of ## arbitrary time range ## ## @return [DateTime] result ## def chronify(**options) now = Time.now raise Errors::InvalidTimeExpression, "Invalid time expression #{inspect}" if to_s.strip == '' secs_ago = if match(/^(\d+)$/) # plain number, assume minutes Regexp.last_match(1).to_i * 60 elsif (m = match(/^(?:(?<day>\d+)d)? *(?:(?<hour>\d+)h)? *(?:(?<min>\d+)m)?$/i)) # day/hour/minute format e.g. 1d2h30m [[m['day'], 24 * 3600], [m['hour'], 3600], [m['min'], 60]].map { |qty, secs| qty ? (qty.to_i * secs) : 0 }.reduce(0, :+) end if secs_ago res = now - secs_ago Doing.logger.debug('Parser:', %(date/time string "#{self}" interpreted as #{res} (#{secs_ago} seconds ago))) else date_string = dup date_string = 'today' if date_string.match(REGEX_DAY) && now.strftime('%a') =~ /^#{Regexp.last_match(1)}/i date_string = "#{options[:context].to_s} #{date_string}" if date_string =~ REGEX_TIME && options[:context] res = Chronic.parse(date_string, { guess: options.fetch(:guess, :begin), context: options.fetch(:future, false) ? :future : :past, ambiguous_time_range: 8 }) Doing.logger.debug('Parser:', %(date/time string "#{self}" interpreted as #{res})) end res end ## ## Converts simple strings into seconds that can be ## added to a Time object ## ## Input string can be HH:MM or XX[dhm][[XXhm][XXm]] ## (1d2h30m, 45m, 1.5d, 1h20m, etc.) ## ## @return [Integer] seconds ## def chronify_qty minutes = 0 case self.strip when /^(\d+):(\d\d)$/ minutes += Regexp.last_match(1).to_i * 60 minutes += Regexp.last_match(2).to_i when /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([hmd])?/ scan(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)([hmd])?/).each do |m| amt = m[0] type = m[1].nil? ? 'm' : m[1] minutes += case type.downcase when 'm' amt.to_i when 'h' (amt.to_f * 60).round when 'd' (amt.to_f * 60 * 24).round else 0 end end end minutes * 60 end ## ## Convert DD:HH:MM to seconds ## ## @return [Integer] rounded number of seconds ## def to_seconds mtch = match(/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) raise Errors::DoingRuntimeError, "Invalid time string: #{self}" unless mtch h = mtch[1] m = mtch[2] s = mtch[3] (h.to_i * 60 * 60) + (m.to_i * 60) + s.to_i end ## ## Convert DD:HH:MM to a natural language string ## ## @param format [Symbol] The format to output (:dhm, :hm, :m, :clock, :natural) ## def time_string(format: :dhm) to_seconds.time_string(format: format) end ## ## Convert (chronify) natural language dates ## within configured date tags (tags whose value is ## expected to be a date). Modifies string in place. ## ## @param additional_tags [Array] An array of ## additional tags to ## consider date_tags ## def expand_date_tags(additional_tags = nil) iso_rx = /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d/ watch_tags = [ 'start(?:ed)?', 'beg[ia]n', 'done', 'finished', 'completed?', 'waiting', 'defer(?:red)?' ] if additional_tags date_tags = additional_tags date_tags = date_tags.split(/ *, */) if date_tags.is_a?(String) date_tags.map! do |tag| tag.sub(/^@/, '').gsub(/\((?!\?:)(.*?)\)/, '(?:\1)').strip end watch_tags.concat(date_tags).uniq! end done_rx = /(?<=^| )@(?<tag>#{watch_tags.join('|')})\((?<date>.*?)\)/i gsub!(done_rx) do m = Regexp.last_match t = m['tag'] d = m['date'] future = t =~ /^(done|complete)/ ? false : true parsed_date = d =~ iso_rx ? Time.parse(d) : d.chronify(guess: :begin, future: future) parsed_date.nil? ? m[0] : "@#{t}(#{parsed_date.strftime('%F %R')})" end end def is_range? self =~ / (to|through|thru|(un)?til|-+) / end ## ## Splits a range string and returns an array of ## DateTime objects as [start, end]. If only one date is ## given, end time is nil. ## ## @return [Array<DateTime>] Start and end dates as ## array ## @example Process a natural language date range ## "mon 3pm to mon 5pm".split_date_range ## def split_date_range time_rx = /^(\d{1,2}+(:\d{1,2}+)?( *(am|pm))?|midnight|noon)$/ range_rx = / (to|through|thru|(?:un)?til|-+) / date_string = dup if date_string.is_range? # Do we want to differentiate between "to" and "through"? # inclusive = date_string =~ / (through|thru|-+) / ? true : false inclusive = true dates = date_string.split(range_rx) if dates[0].strip =~ time_rx && dates[-1].strip =~ time_rx start = dates[0].strip finish = dates[-1].strip else start = dates[0].chronify(guess: :begin, future: false) finish = dates[-1].chronify(guess: inclusive ? :end : :begin, future: false) end raise Errors::InvalidTimeExpression, 'Unrecognized date string' if start.nil? || finish.nil? else if date_string.strip =~ time_rx start = date_string.strip finish = '11:59pm' else start = date_string.strip.chronify(guess: :begin, future: false) finish = date_string.strip.chronify(guess: :end) end raise Errors::InvalidTimeExpression, 'Unrecognized date string' unless start end if start.is_a? String Doing.logger.debug('Parser:', "--from string interpreted as time span, from #{start || '12am'} to #{finish || '11:59pm'}") else Doing.logger.debug('Parser:', "date range interpreted as #{start.strftime('%F %R')} -- #{finish ? finish.strftime('%F %R') : 'now'}") end [start, finish] end end end