import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { moduleFor, RenderingTest, ApplicationTest } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { strip } from '../../utils/abstract-test-case'; import { set, Mixin } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { Component } from '../../utils/helpers'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { Object as EmberObject } from '@ember/-internals/runtime'; import { Route } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; function expectSendActionDeprecation(fn) { expectDeprecation( fn, /You called (.*).sendAction\((.*)\) but Component#sendAction is deprecated. Please use closure actions instead./ ); } moduleFor( 'Components test: sendAction', class extends RenderingTest { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.actionCounts = {}; this.sendCount = 0; this.actionArguments = null; var self = this; this.registerComponent('action-delegate', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); self.delegate = this; = 'action-delegate'; }, }), }); } renderDelegate(template = '{{action-delegate}}', context = {}) { let root = this; context = assign(context, { send(actionName, ...args) { root.sendCount++; root.actionCounts[actionName] = root.actionCounts[actionName] || 0; root.actionCounts[actionName]++; root.actionArguments = args; }, }); this.render(template, context); } assertSendCount(count) { this.assert.equal(this.sendCount, count, `Send was called ${count} time(s)`); } assertNamedSendCount(actionName, count) { this.assert.equal( this.actionCounts[actionName], count, `An action named '${actionName}' was sent ${count} times` ); } assertSentWithArgs(expected, message = 'arguments were sent with the action') { this.assert.deepEqual(this.actionArguments, expected, message); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component without an action defined does nothing']() { this.renderDelegate(); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => this.delegate.sendAction()); }); this.assertSendCount(0); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with an action defined calls send on the controller']() { this.renderDelegate(); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'action', 'addItem'); this.delegate.sendAction(); }); }); this.assertSendCount(1); this.assertNamedSendCount('addItem', 1); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with a function calls the function']() { this.assert.expect(2); this.renderDelegate(); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'action', () => this.assert.ok(true, 'function is called')); this.delegate.sendAction(); }); }); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with a function calls the function with arguments']() { this.assert.expect(2); let argument = {}; this.renderDelegate(); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'action', actualArgument => { this.assert.deepEqual(argument, actualArgument, 'argument is passed'); }); this.delegate.sendAction('action', argument); }); }); } // TODO consolidate these next 2 tests ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with a reference attr calls the function with arguments']() { this.renderDelegate('{{action-delegate playing=playing}}', { playing: null, }); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => this.delegate.sendAction()); }); this.assertSendCount(0); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'playing', 'didStartPlaying'); }); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { this.delegate.sendAction('playing'); }); }); this.assertSendCount(1); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 1); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with a {{mut}} attr calls the function with arguments']() { this.renderDelegate('{{action-delegate playing=(mut playing)}}', { playing: null, }); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => this.delegate.sendAction('playing')); }); this.assertSendCount(0); this.runTask(() => this.delegate.attrs.playing.update('didStartPlaying')); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => this.delegate.sendAction('playing')); }); this.assertSendCount(1); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 1); } ["@test Calling sendAction with a named action uses the component's property as the action name"]() { this.renderDelegate(); let component = this.delegate; expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'playing', 'didStartPlaying'); component.sendAction('playing'); }); }); this.assertSendCount(1); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 1); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => component.sendAction('playing')); }); this.assertSendCount(2); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 2); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(component, 'action', 'didDoSomeBusiness'); component.sendAction(); }); }); this.assertSendCount(3); this.assertNamedSendCount('didDoSomeBusiness', 1); } ['@test Calling sendAction when the action name is not a string raises an exception']() { this.renderDelegate(); this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'action', {}); set(this.delegate, 'playing', {}); }); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { expectAssertion(() => this.delegate.sendAction()); }); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { expectAssertion(() => this.delegate.sendAction('playing')); }); } ['@test Calling sendAction on a component with contexts']() { this.renderDelegate(); let testContext = { song: 'She Broke My Ember' }; let firstContext = { song: 'She Broke My Ember' }; let secondContext = { song: 'My Achey Breaky Ember' }; expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { set(this.delegate, 'playing', 'didStartPlaying'); this.delegate.sendAction('playing', testContext); }); }); this.assertSendCount(1); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 1); this.assertSentWithArgs([testContext], 'context was sent with the action'); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => { this.delegate.sendAction('playing', firstContext, secondContext); }); }); this.assertSendCount(2); this.assertNamedSendCount('didStartPlaying', 2); this.assertSentWithArgs( [firstContext, secondContext], 'multiple contexts were sent to the action' ); } ['@test calling sendAction on a component within a block sends to the outer scope GH#14216']( assert ) { let testContext = this; // overrides default action-delegate so actions can be added this.registerComponent('action-delegate', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); testContext.delegate = this; = 'action-delegate'; }, actions: { derp(arg1) { assert.ok(true, 'action called on action-delgate'); assert.equal(arg1, 'something special', 'argument passed through properly'); }, }, }), template: strip` {{#component-a}} {{component-b bar="derp"}} {{/component-a}} `, }); this.registerComponent('component-a', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); = 'component-a'; }, actions: { derp() { assert.ok(false, 'no! bad scoping!'); }, }, }), }); let innerChild; this.registerComponent('component-b', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); innerChild = this; = 'component-b'; }, }), }); this.renderDelegate(); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => innerChild.sendAction('bar', 'something special')); }); } ['@test asserts if called on a destroyed component']() { let component; this.registerComponent('rip-alley', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); component = this; }, toString() { return 'component:rip-alley'; }, }), }); this.render('{{#if shouldRender}}{{rip-alley}}{{/if}}', { shouldRender: true, }); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'shouldRender', false); }); expectAssertion(() => { component.sendAction('trigger-me-dead'); }, "Attempted to call .sendAction() with the action 'trigger-me-dead' on the destroyed object 'component:rip-alley'."); } } ); moduleFor( 'Components test: sendAction to a controller', class extends ApplicationTest { ["@test sendAction should trigger an action on the parent component's controller if it exists"]( assert ) { assert.expect(20); let component; { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); this.route('c', function() { this.route('d'); this.route('e'); }); }); this.addComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, }), template: `{{val}}`, }); this.add( 'controller:a', Controller.extend({ send(actionName, actionContext) { assert.equal( actionName, 'poke', 'send() method was invoked from a top level controller' ); assert.equal( actionContext, 'top', 'action arguments were passed into the top level controller' ); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('a', '{{foo-bar val="a" poke="poke"}}'); this.add( 'route:b', Route.extend({ actions: { poke(actionContext) { assert.ok(true, 'Unhandled action sent to route'); assert.equal(actionContext, 'top no controller'); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate('b', '{{foo-bar val="b" poke="poke"}}'); this.add( 'route:c', Route.extend({ actions: { poke(actionContext) { assert.ok(true, 'Unhandled action sent to route'); assert.equal(actionContext, 'top with nested no controller'); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate('c', '{{foo-bar val="c" poke="poke"}}{{outlet}}'); this.add('route:c.d', Route.extend({})); this.add( 'controller:c.d', Controller.extend({ send(actionName, actionContext) { assert.equal(actionName, 'poke', 'send() method was invoked from a nested controller'); assert.equal( actionContext, 'nested', 'action arguments were passed into the nested controller' ); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('c.d', '{{foo-bar val=".d" poke="poke"}}'); this.add( 'route:c.e', Route.extend({ actions: { poke(actionContext) { assert.ok(true, 'Unhandled action sent to route'); assert.equal(actionContext, 'nested no controller'); }, }, }) ); this.addTemplate('c.e', '{{foo-bar val=".e" poke="poke"}}'); return this.visit('/a') .then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => component.sendAction('poke', 'top')); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('a'); return this.visit('/b'); }) .then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => component.sendAction('poke', 'top no controller')); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('b'); return this.visit('/c'); }) .then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { component.sendAction('poke', 'top with nested no controller'); }); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('c'); return this.visit('/c/d'); }) .then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => component.sendAction('poke', 'nested')); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('c.d'); return this.visit('/c/e'); }) .then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => component.sendAction('poke', 'nested no controller')); }) .then(() => this.assertText('c.e')); } ["@test sendAction should not trigger an action in an outlet's controller if a parent component handles it"]( assert ) { assert.expect(2); let component; this.addComponent('x-parent', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ actions: { poke() { assert.ok(true, 'parent component handled the aciton'); }, }, }), template: '{{x-child poke="poke"}}', }); this.addComponent('x-child', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, }), }); this.addTemplate('application', '{{x-parent}}'); this.add( 'controller:application', Controller.extend({ send() { throw new Error('controller action should not be called'); }, }) ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { expectSendActionDeprecation(() => component.sendAction('poke')); }); } } ); moduleFor( 'Components test: sendAction of a closure action', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test action should be called'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let component; this.registerComponent('inner-component', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, }), template: 'inner', }); this.registerComponent('outer-component', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ outerSubmit() { assert.ok(true, 'outerSubmit called'); }, }), template: '{{inner-component submitAction=(action outerSubmit)}}', }); this.render('{{outer-component}}'); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => component.sendAction('submitAction')); }); } ['@test contexts passed to sendAction are appended to the bound arguments on a closure action']() { let first = 'mitch'; let second = 'martin'; let third = 'matt'; let fourth = 'wacky wycats'; let innerComponent; let actualArgs; this.registerComponent('inner-component', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); innerComponent = this; }, }), template: 'inner', }); this.registerComponent('outer-component', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ third, actions: { outerSubmit() { actualArgs = [...arguments]; }, }, }), template: `{{inner-component innerSubmit=(action (action "outerSubmit" "${first}") "${second}" third)}}`, }); this.render('{{outer-component}}'); expectSendActionDeprecation(() => { this.runTask(() => innerComponent.sendAction('innerSubmit', fourth)); }); this.assert.deepEqual( actualArgs, [first, second, third, fourth], 'action has the correct args' ); } } ); moduleFor( 'Components test: send', class extends RenderingTest { ['@test sending to undefined actions triggers an error'](assert) { assert.expect(2); let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); component = this; }, actions: { foo(message) { assert.equal('bar', message); }, }, }), }); this.render('{{foo-bar}}'); this.runTask(() => component.send('foo', 'bar')); expectAssertion(() => { return component.send('baz', 'bar'); }, /had no action handler for: baz/); } ['@test `send` will call send from a target if it is defined']() { let component; let target = { send: (message, payload) => { this.assert.equal('foo', message); this.assert.equal('baz', payload); }, }; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); component = this; }, target, }), }); this.render('{{foo-bar}}'); this.runTask(() => component.send('foo', 'baz')); } ['@test a handled action can be bubbled to the target for continued processing']() { this.assert.expect(2); let component; this.registerComponent('foo-bar', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, actions: { poke: () => { this.assert.ok(true, 'component action called'); return true; }, }, target: Controller.extend({ actions: { poke: () => { this.assert.ok(true, 'action bubbled to controller'); }, }, }).create(), }), }); this.render('{{foo-bar poke="poke"}}'); this.runTask(() => component.send('poke')); } ["@test action can be handled by a superclass' actions object"](assert) { this.assert.expect(4); let component; let SuperComponent = Component.extend({ actions: { foo() { assert.ok(true, 'foo'); }, bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); }, }, }); let BarViewMixin = Mixin.create({ actions: { bar(msg) { assert.equal(msg, 'HELLO'); this._super(msg); }, }, }); this.registerComponent('x-index', { ComponentClass: SuperComponent.extend(BarViewMixin, { init() { this._super(...arguments); component = this; }, actions: { baz() { assert.ok(true, 'baz'); }, }, }), }); this.render('{{x-index}}'); this.runTask(() => { component.send('foo'); component.send('bar', 'HELLO'); component.send('baz'); }); } ['@test actions cannot be provided at create time'](assert) { this.registerComponent('foo-bar', Component.extend()); let ComponentFactory = this.owner.factoryFor('component:foo-bar'); expectAssertion(() => { ComponentFactory.create({ actions: { foo() { assert.ok(true, 'foo'); }, }, }); }, /`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create time/); // but should be OK on an object that doesn't mix in Ember.ActionHandler EmberObject.create({ actions: ['foo'], }); } ['@test asserts if called on a destroyed component']() { let component; this.registerComponent('rip-alley', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(); component = this; }, toString() { return 'component:rip-alley'; }, }), }); this.render('{{#if shouldRender}}{{rip-alley}}{{/if}}', { shouldRender: true, }); this.runTask(() => { set(this.context, 'shouldRender', false); }); expectAssertion(() => { component.send('trigger-me-dead'); }, "Attempted to call .send() with the action 'trigger-me-dead' on the destroyed object 'component:rip-alley'."); } } );