# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helpers') describe Buildr.method(:struct) do before do @hash = { :foo=>'foo:jar', :bar=>'bar:jar' } @struct = struct(@hash) end it 'should be object with key-value pairs' do @struct.foo.should eql('foo:jar') @struct.bar.should eql('bar:jar') end it 'should fail when requesting non-existent key' do lambda { @struct.foobar }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it 'should return members when requested' do @struct.members.sort.should eql(@hash.keys.map(&:to_s).sort) end it 'should return valued when requested' do @struct.values.sort.should eql(@hash.values.sort) end end describe Buildr.method(:write) do it 'should create path' do write 'foo/test' File.directory?('foo').should be_true File.exist?('foo/test').should be_true end it 'should write content to file' do write 'test', 'content' File.read('test').should eql('content') end it 'should retrieve content from block, if block given' do write('test') { 'block' } File.read('test').should eql('block') end it 'should write empty file if no content provided' do write 'test' File.read('test').should eql('') end it 'should return content as a string' do write('test', 'content').should eql('content') end it 'should return empty string if no content provided' do write('test').should eql('') end end describe Buildr.method(:read) do before do write @file = 'test', @content = 'content' end it 'should return contents of named file' do read(@file).should eql(@content) end it 'should yield to block if block given' do read @file do |content| content.should eql(@content) end end it 'should return block response if block given' do read(@file) { 5 }.should be(5) end end describe Buildr.method(:download) do before do @content = 'we has download!' @http = mock('http') @http.stub!(:request).and_return(Net::HTTPNotModified.new(nil, nil, nil)) end def tasks() [ download('http://localhost/download'), download('downloaded'=>'http://localhost/download') ] end it 'should be a file task' do tasks.each { |task| task.should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) } end it 'should accept a String and download from that URL' do download('http://localhost/download').tap do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_yield [@content] task.invoke task.should contain(@content) end end it 'should accept a URI and download from that URL' do download(URI.parse('http://localhost/download')).tap do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_yield [@content] task.invoke task.should contain(@content) end end it 'should accept a path and String and download from that URL' do download('downloaded'=>'http://localhost/download').tap do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_yield [@content] task.invoke task.should contain(@content) end end it 'should accept a path and URI and download from that URL' do download('downloaded'=>URI.parse('http://localhost/download')).tap do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_yield [@content] task.invoke task.should contain(@content) end end it 'should create path for download' do download('path/downloaded'=>URI.parse('http://localhost/download')).tap do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_yield [@content] task.invoke task.should contain(@content) end end it 'should fail if resource not found' do tasks.each do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_raise URI::NotFoundError lambda { task.invoke }.should raise_error(URI::NotFoundError) end tasks.last.should_not exist end it 'should fail on any other error' do tasks.each do |task| task.source.should_receive(:read).and_raise RuntimeError lambda { task.invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end tasks.last.should_not exist end it 'should execute only if file does not already exist' do download('downloaded'=>'http://localhost/download').tap do |task| task.source.should_not_receive(:read) write task.to_s, 'not really' task.invoke end end it 'should execute without a proxy if none specified' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('localhost', 80).twice.and_return(@http) tasks.each(&:invoke) end it 'should pass Buildr proxy options' do Buildr.options.proxy.http = 'http://proxy:8080' Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('localhost', 80, 'proxy', 8080, nil, nil).twice.and_return(@http) tasks.each(&:invoke) end it 'should set HTTP proxy from HTTP_PROXY environment variable' do ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = 'http://proxy:8080' Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('localhost', 80, 'proxy', 8080, nil, nil).twice.and_return(@http) tasks.each(&:invoke) end end describe Buildr.method(:filter) do def source File.expand_path('src') end it 'should return a Filter for the source' do filter(source).should be_kind_of(Filter) end it 'should use the source directory' do filter(source).sources.should include(file(source)) end it 'should use the source directories' do dirs = ['first', 'second'] filter('first', 'second').sources.should include(*dirs.map { |dir| file(File.expand_path(dir)) }) end it 'should accept a file task' do task = file(source) filter(task).sources.each { |source| source.should be(task) } end end describe Buildr::Filter do before do @filter = Filter.new 1.upto(4) { |i| write "src/file#{i}", "file#{i} raw" } # with ${key1} and ${key2}" } @early = Time.now - 1000 end it 'should respond to :from and return self' do @filter.from('src').should be(@filter) end it 'should respond to :from and add source directory' do lambda { @filter.from('src') }.should change { @filter.sources } end it 'should respond to :from and add source directories' do dirs = ['first', 'second'] @filter.from(*dirs) @filter.sources.should include(*dirs.map { |dir| file(File.expand_path(dir)) }) end it 'should return source directories as file task' do @filter.from('src').sources.each { |source| source.should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) } end it 'should return source directories as expanded path' do @filter.from('src').sources.each { |source| source.to_s.should eql(File.expand_path('src')) } end it 'should respond to :into and return self' do @filter.into('target').should be(@filter) end it 'should respond to :into and set target directory' do lambda { @filter.into('src') }.should change { @filter.target } @filter.into('target').target.should be(file(File.expand_path('target'))) end it 'should return target directory as file task' do @filter.into('target').target.should be_kind_of(Rake::FileTask) end it 'should return target directory as expanded path' do @filter.into('target').target.to_s.should eql(File.expand_path('target')) end it 'should respond to :using and return self' do @filter.using().should be(@filter) end it 'should respond to :using and set mapping from the argument' do mapping = { 'foo'=>'bar' } lambda { @filter.using mapping }.should change { @filter.mapping }.to(mapping) end it 'should respond to :using and set mapping from the block' do @filter.using { 5 }.mapping.call.should be(5) end it 'should respond to :include and return self' do @filter.include('file').should be(@filter) end it 'should respond to :include and use these inclusion patterns' do @filter.from('src').into('target').include('file2', 'file3').run Dir['target/*'].should eql(['target/file2', 'target/file3']) end it 'should respond to :exclude and return self' do @filter.exclude('file').should be(@filter) end it 'should respond to :exclude and use these exclusion patterns' do @filter.from('src').into('target').exclude('file2', 'file3').run Dir['target/*'].sort.should eql(['target/file1', 'target/file4']) end it 'should copy files over' do @filter.from('src').into('target').run Dir['target/*'].sort.each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} raw") end end it 'should copy dot files over' do write 'src/.config', '# configuration' @filter.from('src').into('target').run read('target/.config').should eql('# configuration') end it 'should copy empty directories as well' do mkpath 'src/empty' @filter.from('src').into('target').run File.directory?('target/empty').should be_true end it 'should copy files from multiple source directories' do 4.upto(6) { |i| write "src2/file#{i}", "file#{i} raw" } @filter.from('src', 'src2').into('target').run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} raw") end Dir['target/*'].should include(*(1..6).map { |i| "target/file#{i}" }) end it 'should copy files recursively' do mkpath 'src/path1' ; write 'src/path1/left' mkpath 'src/path2' ; write 'src/path2/right' @filter.from('src').into('target').run Dir['target/**/*'].should include(*(1..4).map { |i| "target/file#{i}" }) Dir['target/**/*'].should include('target/path1/left', 'target/path2/right') end it 'should apply hash mapping using Maven style' do 1.upto(4) { |i| write "src/file#{i}", "file#{i} with ${key1} and ${key2}" } @filter.from('src').into('target').using('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2').run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} with value1 and value2") end end it 'should apply hash mapping using Ant style' do 1.upto(4) { |i| write "src/file#{i}", "file#{i} with @key1@ and @key2@" } @filter.from('src').into('target').using(:ant, 'key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2').run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} with value1 and value2") end end it 'should apply hash mapping using Ruby style' do 1.upto(4) { |i| write "src/file#{i}", "file#{i} with \#{key1} and \#{key2}" } @filter.from('src').into('target').using(:ruby, 'key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2').run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} with value1 and value2") end end it 'should using Maven mapper by default' do @filter.using('key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2').mapper.should eql(:maven) end it 'should apply hash mapping using regular expression' do 1.upto(4) { |i| write "src/file#{i}", "file#{i} with #key1# and #key2#" } @filter.from('src').into('target').using(/#(.*?)#/, 'key1'=>'value1', 'key2'=>'value2').run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql("#{File.basename(file)} with value1 and value2") end end it 'should apply proc mapping' do @filter.from('src').into('target').using { |file, content| 'proc mapped' }.run Dir['target/*'].each do |file| read(file).should eql('proc mapped') end end it 'should apply proc mapping with relative file name' do @filter.from('src').into('target').using { |file, content| file.should =~ /^file\d$/ }.run end it 'should apply proc mapping with file content' do @filter.from('src').into('target').using { |file, content| content.should =~ /^file\d raw/ }.run end it 'should make target directory' do lambda { @filter.from('src').into('target').run }.should change { File.exist?('target') }.to(true) end it 'should touch target directory' do mkpath 'target' ; File.utime @early, @early, 'target' @filter.from('src').into('target').run File.stat('target').mtime.should be_close(Time.now, 10) end it 'should not touch target directory unless running' do mkpath 'target' ; File.utime @early, @early, 'target' @filter.from('src').into('target').exclude('*').run File.mtime('target').should be_close(@early, 10) end it 'should run only one new files' do @filter.from('src').into('target').run @filter.from('src').into('target').using { |file, content| file.should eql('file2') }.run end it 'should return true when run copies any files' do @filter.from('src').into('target').run.should be(true) end it 'should return false when run does not copy any files' do @filter.from('src').into('target').run @filter.from('src').into('target').run.should be(false) end it 'should fail is source directory not set' do lambda { Filter.new.into('target').run }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No source directory/) end it 'should fail if source directory doesn\'t exist' do lambda { Filter.new.from('srced').into('target').run }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /doesn't exist/) end it 'should fail is target directory not set' do lambda { Filter.new.from('src').run }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /No target directory/) end it 'should copy read-only files as writeable' do Dir['src/*'].each { |file| File.chmod(0444, file) } @filter.from('src').into('target').run Dir['target/*'].sort.each do |file| File.readable?(file).should be_true File.writable?(file).should be_true (File.stat(file).mode & 0o200).should == 0o200 end end end describe Buildr.method(:options) do it 'should return an Options object' do options.should be_kind_of(Options) end it 'should return an Options object each time' do options.should be(options) end it 'should return the same Options object when called on Object, Buildr or Project' do options.should be(Buildr.options) define('foo') { options.should be(Buildr.options) } end end describe Buildr::Options, 'proxy.exclude' do before do options.proxy.http = 'http://myproxy:8080' @domain = 'domain' @host = "host.#{@domain}" @uri = URI("http://#{@host}") @no_proxy_args = [@host, 80] @proxy_args = @no_proxy_args + ['myproxy', 8080, nil, nil] @http = mock('http') @http.stub!(:request).and_return(Net::HTTPNotModified.new(nil, nil, nil)) end it 'should be an array' do options.proxy.exclude.should be_empty options.proxy.exclude = @domain options.proxy.exclude.should include(@domain) end it 'should support adding to array' do options.proxy.exclude << @domain options.proxy.exclude.should include(@domain) end it 'should support resetting array' do options.proxy.exclude = @domain options.proxy.exclude = nil options.proxy.exclude.should be_empty end it 'should use proxy when not excluded' do Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read :proxy=>options.proxy end it 'should use proxy unless excluded' do options.proxy.exclude = "not.#{@domain}" Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read :proxy=>options.proxy end it 'should not use proxy if excluded' do options.proxy.exclude = @host Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read :proxy=>options.proxy end it 'should support multiple host names' do options.proxy.exclude = ['optimus', 'prime'] Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('optimus', 80).and_return(@http) URI('http://optimus').read :proxy=>options.proxy Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('prime', 80).and_return(@http) URI('http://prime').read :proxy=>options.proxy Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with('bumblebee', *@proxy_args[1..-1]).and_return(@http) URI('http://bumblebee').read :proxy=>options.proxy end it 'should support glob pattern on host name' do options.proxy.exclude = "*.#{@domain}" Net::HTTP.should_receive(:new).with(*@no_proxy_args).and_return(@http) @uri.read :proxy=>options.proxy end end describe Hash, '::from_java_properties' do it 'should return hash' do hash = Hash.from_java_properties(<<-PROPS) name1=value1 name2=value2 PROPS hash.should == {'name1'=>'value1', 'name2'=>'value2'} end it 'should ignore comments and empty lines' do hash = Hash.from_java_properties(<<-PROPS) name1=value1 name2=value2 PROPS hash.should == {'name1'=>'value1', 'name2'=>'value2'} end it 'should allow multiple lines' do hash = Hash.from_java_properties(<<-PROPS) name1=start\ end name2=first\ second\ third PROPS hash.should == {'name1'=>'start end', 'name2'=>'first second third'} end it 'should handle \t, \r, \n and \f' do hash = Hash.from_java_properties(<<-PROPS) name1=with\tand\r name2=with\\nand\f name3=double\\hash PROPS hash.should == {'name1'=>"with\tand\r", 'name2'=>"with\nand\f", 'name3'=>"double\\hash"} end end describe Hash, '#to_java_properties' do it 'should return name/value pairs' do props = {'name1'=>'value1', 'name2'=>'value2'}.to_java_properties props.split("\n").size.should be(2) props.split("\n").should include('name1=value1') props.split("\n").should include('name2=value2') end it 'should handle \t, \r, \n and \f' do props = {'name1'=>"with\tand\r", 'name2'=>"with\nand\f", 'name3'=>"double\\hash"}.to_java_properties props.split("\n").should include("name1=with\\tand\\r") props.split("\n").should include("name2=with\\nand\\f") props.split("\n").should include("name3=double\\\\hash") end end