== 1.2.2 * Moving constant for regular expression to array/args_and_opts to allow each extension to be indepedently required == 1.2.0 * Re-architecting for Jeweler compatibility * Removing test/ directory in favor of skeletal RSpec setup (coming soon) == 1.1.10 * Ruby 1.9 doesn't need this patch mucking with the internal definition of rotate. == 1.1.8 * Invalid regexp for args_and_opts == 1.1.8 * Defining Object#in? regardless of its pre-existence. == 1.1.7 * Ruby < 1.9 does not have Array#rotate. == 1.1.6 * Renaming from CoreUtilities ('core\_utilities' gem) to Justools. * Removing unnecessary dependencies on ActiveSupport, Rails, Significance, Schrodinger's Cat. * Not doubly defining methods in extensions if they are already defined. * Stunting/disabling 'args and opts' with method missing assistance for Ruby < 1.9. * Syntax changes to conform to best practices and style guides. * Deactivating class attribute with default extension. * Merging extract options with merge options file. * Renaming (or aliasing) methods to better fit with RSpec should syntaxes. * Slowly deprecating old names by setting up transition via alias method. * Adding comment-based documentation with examples and parameters. * Updating main README file. == 0.1.0 * Serious effort at making a legit gem. == 0.0.1 * Testing setup