module WebTranslateIt class String # rubocop:todo Metrics/ClassLength require 'multi_json' attr_accessor :id, :key, :plural, :type, :dev_comment, :word_count, :status, :category, :labels, :file, :created_at, :updated_at, :translations, :new_record # Initialize a new WebTranslateIt::String # # Implementation Example: # #{ :key => "product_name_123" }) # # to instantiate a new String without any text. # # translation_en ={ :locale => "en", :text => "Hello" }) # translation_fr ={ :locale => "fr", :text => "Bonjour" }) #{ :key => "product_name_123", :translations => [translation_en, translation_fr]}) # # to instantiate a new String with a source and target translation. def initialize(params = {}) # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity params.stringify_keys! = params['id'] || nil self.key = params['key'] || nil self.plural = params['plural'] || nil self.type = params['type'] || nil self.dev_comment = params['dev_comment'] || nil self.word_count = params['word_count'] || nil self.status = params['status'] || nil self.category = params['category'] || nil self.labels = params['labels'] || nil self.file = params['file'] || nil self.created_at = params['created_at'] || nil self.updated_at = params['updated_at'] || nil self.translations = params['translations'] || [] self.new_record = true end # Find a String based on filters # # Implementation Example: # #'secret_api_token') do # strings = WebTranslateIt::String.find_all({ :key => "product_name_123" }) # end # # puts strings.inspect #=> An array of WebTranslateIt::String objects # # to find and instantiate an array of String which key is like `product_name_123`. def self.find_all(params = {}) # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity success = true tries ||= 3 params.stringify_keys! url = "/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings.yaml" url += "?#{HashUtil.to_params('filters' => params)}" unless params.empty? request = WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) begin strings = [] while request response = Connection.http_connection.request(request) YAML.load(response.body).each do |string_response| string = string.new_record = false strings.push(string) end if response['Link']&.include?('rel="next"') url = response['Link'].match(/<(.*)>; rel="next"/)[1] request = WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) else request = nil end end return strings rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end # Find a String based on its ID # Return a String object, or nil if not found. # # Implementation Example: # #'secret_api_token') do # string = WebTranslateIt::String.find(1234) # end # # puts string.inspect #=> A WebTranslateIt::String object # # to find and instantiate the String which ID is `1234`. # def self.find(id) # rubocop:todo Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize success = true tries ||= 3 request ="/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings/#{id}.yaml") WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) begin response = Connection.http_connection.request(request) return nil if response.code.to_i == 404 string = string.new_record = false return string rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end # Update or create a String to # # Implementation Example: # #'secret_api_token') do # string = WebTranslateIt::String.find(1234) # string.status = "status_obsolete" # # end # def save new_record ? create : update end # Delete a String on # # Implementation Example: # #'secret_api_token') do # string = WebTranslateIt::String.find(1234) # string.delete # end # def delete # rubocop:todo Metrics/MethodLength success = true tries ||= 3 request ="/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings/#{id}") WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) begin Util.handle_response(Connection.http_connection.request(request), true, true) rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end # Gets a Translation for a String # # Implementation Example: # #'secret_api_token') do # string = WebTranslateIt::String.find(1234) # puts string.translation_for("fr") #=> A Translation object # end # def translation_for(locale) # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity success = true tries ||= 3 translation = translations.detect { |t| t.locale == locale } return translation if translation return nil if new_record request ="/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings/#{id}/locales/#{locale}/translations.yaml") WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) begin response = Util.handle_response(Connection.http_connection.request(request), true, true) hash = YAML.load(response) return nil if hash.empty? translation = return translation rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end protected # Save the changes made to a String to # def update # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength success = true tries ||= 3 request ="/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings/#{id}.yaml") WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) request.body = to_json translations.each do |translation| translation.string_id = id end begin Util.handle_response(Connection.http_connection.request(request), true, true) rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end # Create a new String to # def create # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength success = true tries ||= 3 request ="/api/projects/#{Connection.api_key}/strings") WebTranslateIt::Util.add_fields(request) request.body = to_json(true) begin response = YAML.load(Util.handle_response(Connection.http_connection.request(request), true, true)) = response['id'] self.new_record = false return true rescue Timeout::Error puts 'Request timeout. Will retry in 5 seconds.' if (tries -= 1).positive? sleep(5) retry else success = false end end success end def to_json(with_translations = false) # rubocop:todo Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength hash = { 'id' => id, 'key' => key, 'plural' => plural, 'type' => type, 'dev_comment' => dev_comment, 'status' => status, 'labels' => labels, 'category' => category, 'file' => file } if translations.any? && with_translations hash.update({ 'translations' => [] }) translations.each do |translation| hash['translations'].push(translation.to_hash) end end MultiJson.dump(hash) end end end