# Copyright (c) 2014 AppNeta, Inc. # All rights reserved. module Oboe module Inst module Redis module Client # The operations listed in this constant skip collecting KVKey NO_KEY_OPS = [:keys, :randomkey, :scan, :sdiff, :sdiffstore, :sinter, :sinterstore, :smove, :sunion, :sunionstore, :zinterstore, :zunionstore, :publish, :select, :eval, :evalsha, :script] # Instead of a giant switch statement, we use a hash constant to map out what # KVs need to be collected for each of the many many Redis operations # Hash formatting by undiagnosed OCD KV_COLLECT_MAP = { :brpoplpush => { :destination => 2 }, :rpoplpush => { :destination => 2 }, :sdiffstore => { :destination => 1 }, :sinterstore => { :destination => 1 }, :sunionstore => { :destination => 1 }, :zinterstore => { :destination => 1 }, :zunionstore => { :destination => 1 }, :publish => { :channel => 1 }, :incrby => { :increment => 2 }, :incrbyfloat => { :increment => 2 }, :pexpire => { :milliseconds => 2 }, :pexpireat => { :milliseconds => 2 }, :expireat => { :timestamp => 2 }, :decrby => { :decrement => 2 }, :psetex => { :ttl => 2 }, :restore => { :ttl => 2 }, :setex => { :ttl => 2 }, :setnx => { :ttl => 2 }, :move => { :db => 2 }, :select => { :db => 1 }, :lindex => { :index => 2 }, :getset => { :value => 2 }, :keys => { :pattern => 1 }, :expire => { :seconds => 2 }, :rename => { :newkey => 2 }, :renamenx => { :newkey => 2 }, :getbit => { :offset => 2 }, :setbit => { :offset => 2 }, :setrange => { :offset => 2 }, :evalsha => { :sha => 1 }, :getrange => { :start => 2, :end => 3 }, :zrange => { :start => 2, :end => 3 }, :bitcount => { :start => 2, :stop => 3 }, :lrange => { :start => 2, :stop => 3 }, :zrevrange => { :start => 2, :stop => 3 }, :hincrby => { :field => 2, :increment => 3 }, :smove => { :source => 1, :destination => 2 }, :bitop => { :operation => 1, :destkey => 2 }, :hincrbyfloat => { :field => 2, :increment => 3 }, :zremrangebyrank => { :start => 2, :stop => 3 } } # The following operations don't require any special handling. For these, # we only collect KVKey and KVOp # # :append, :blpop, :brpop, :decr, :del, :dump, :exists, # :hgetall, :hkeys, :hlen, :hvals, :hmset, :incr, :linsert, # :llen, :lpop, :lpush, :lpushx, :lrem, :lset, :ltrim, # :persist, :pttl, :hscan, :rpop, :rpush, :rpushx, :sadd, # :scard, :sismember, :smembers, :strlen, :sort, :spop, # :srandmember, :srem, :sscan, :ttl, :type, :zadd, :zcard, # :zcount, :zincrby, :zrangebyscore, :zrank, :zrem, # :zremrangebyscore, :zrevrank, :zrevrangebyscore, :zscore # # For the operations in NO_KEY_OPS (above) we only collect # KVOp (no KVKey) def self.included(klass) # We wrap two of the Redis methods to instrument # operations ::Oboe::Util.method_alias(klass, :call, ::Redis::Client) ::Oboe::Util.method_alias(klass, :call_pipeline, ::Redis::Client) end # Given any Redis operation command array, this method # extracts the Key/Values to report to the TraceView # dashboard. # # @param command [Array] the Redis operation array # @param r [Return] the return value from the operation # @return [Hash] the Key/Values to report def extract_trace_details(command, r) kvs = {} op = command.first begin kvs[:KVOp] = command[0] kvs[:RemoteHost] = @options[:host] unless NO_KEY_OPS.include?(op) || (command[1].is_a?(Array) && command[1].count > 1) if command[1].is_a?(Array) kvs[:KVKey] = command[1].first else kvs[:KVKey] = command[1] end end if KV_COLLECT_MAP[op] # Extract KVs from command for this op KV_COLLECT_MAP[op].each { |k, v| kvs[k] = command[v] } else # This case statement handle special cases not handled # by KV_COLLECT_MAP case op when :set if command.count > 3 options = command[3] kvs[:ex] = options[:ex] if options.key?(:ex) kvs[:px] = options[:px] if options.key?(:px) kvs[:nx] = options[:nx] if options.key?(:nx) kvs[:xx] = options[:xx] if options.key?(:xx) end when :get kvs[:KVHit] = r.nil? ? 0 : 1 when :hdel, :hexists, :hget, :hset, :hsetnx kvs[:field] = command[2] unless command[2].is_a?(Array) if op == :hget kvs[:KVHit] = r.nil? ? 0 : 1 end when :eval if command[1].length > 1024 kvs[:Script] = command[1][0..1023] + '(...snip...)' else kvs[:Script] = command[1] end when :script kvs[:subcommand] = command[1] kvs[:Backtrace] = Oboe::API.backtrace if Oboe::Config[:redis][:collect_backtraces] if command[1] == 'load' if command[1].length > 1024 kvs[:Script] = command[2][0..1023] + '(...snip...)' else kvs[:Script] = command[2] end elsif command[1] == :exists if command[2].is_a?(Array) kvs[:KVKey] = command[2].inspect else kvs[:KVKey] = command[2] end end when :mget if command[1].is_a?(Array) kvs[:KVKeyCount] = command[1].count else kvs[:KVKeyCount] = command.count - 1 end values = r.select { |i| i } kvs[:KVHitCount] = values.count when :hmget kvs[:KVKeyCount] = command.count - 2 values = r.select { |i| i } kvs[:KVHitCount] = values.count when :mset, :msetnx if command[1].is_a?(Array) kvs[:KVKeyCount] = command[1].count / 2 else kvs[:KVKeyCount] = (command.count - 1) / 2 end end # case op end # if KV_COLLECT_MAP[op] rescue StandardError => e Oboe.logger.debug "Error collecting redis KVs: #{e.message}" Oboe.logger.debug e.backtrace.join('\n') end kvs end # Extracts the Key/Values to report from a pipelined # call to the TraceView dashboard. # # @param pipeline [Redis::Pipeline] the Redis pipeline instance # @return [Hash] the Key/Values to report def extract_pipeline_details(pipeline) kvs = {} begin kvs[:RemoteHost] = @options[:host] kvs[:Backtrace] = Oboe::API.backtrace if Oboe::Config[:redis][:collect_backtraces] command_count = pipeline.commands.count kvs[:KVOpCount] = command_count if pipeline.commands.first == :multi kvs[:KVOp] = :multi else kvs[:KVOp] = :pipeline end # Report pipelined operations if the number # of ops is reasonable if command_count < 12 ops = [] pipeline.commands.each do |c| ops << c.first end kvs[:KVOps] = ops.join(', ') end rescue StandardError => e Oboe.logger.debug "[oboe/debug] Error extracting pipelined commands: #{e.message}" Oboe.logger.debug e.backtrace end kvs end # # The wrapper method for Redis::Client.call. Here # (when tracing) we capture KVs to report and pass # the call along # def call_with_oboe(command, &block) if Oboe.tracing? ::Oboe::API.log_entry('redis', {}) begin r = call_without_oboe(command, &block) report_kvs = extract_trace_details(command, r) r rescue StandardError => e ::Oboe::API.log_exception('redis', e) raise ensure ::Oboe::API.log_exit('redis', report_kvs) end else call_without_oboe(command, &block) end end # # The wrapper method for Redis::Client.call_pipeline. Here # (when tracing) we capture KVs to report and pass the call along # def call_pipeline_with_oboe(pipeline) if Oboe.tracing? # Fall back to the raw tracing API so we can pass KVs # back on exit (a limitation of the Oboe::API.trace # block method) This removes the need for an info # event to send additonal KVs ::Oboe::API.log_entry('redis', {}) report_kvs = extract_pipeline_details(pipeline) begin call_pipeline_without_oboe(pipeline) rescue StandardError => e ::Oboe::API.log_exception('redis', e) raise ensure ::Oboe::API.log_exit('redis', report_kvs) end else call_pipeline_without_oboe(pipeline) end end end end end end if Oboe::Config[:redis][:enabled] if defined?(::Redis) && Gem::Version.new(::Redis::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('3.0.0') Oboe.logger.info '[oboe/loading] Instrumenting redis' if Oboe::Config[:verbose] ::Oboe::Util.send_include(::Redis::Client, ::Oboe::Inst::Redis::Client) end end