class Specinfra::Command::Base::File < Specinfra::Command::Base class << self def check_is_file(file) "test -f #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_directory(directory) "test -d #{escape(directory)}" end def check_is_pipe(file) "test -p #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_socket(file) "test -S #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_block_device(file) "test -b #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_character_device(file) "test -c #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_symlink(file) "test -L #{escape(file)}" end def check_contains(file, expected_pattern) "#{check_contains_with_regexp(file, expected_pattern)} || #{check_contains_with_fixed_strings(file, expected_pattern)}" end def check_is_grouped(file, group) regexp = "^#{group}$" if group.is_a?(Numeric) || (group =~ /\A\d+\z/ ? true : false) "stat -c %g #{escape(file)} | grep -- #{escape(regexp)}" else "stat -c %G #{escape(file)} | grep -- #{escape(regexp)}" end end def check_is_owned_by(file, owner) regexp = "^#{owner}$" if owner.is_a?(Numeric) || (owner =~ /\A\d+\z/ ? true : false) "stat -c %u #{escape(file)} | grep -- #{escape(regexp)}" else "stat -c %U #{escape(file)} | grep -- #{escape(regexp)}" end end def check_has_mode(file, mode) regexp = "^#{mode}$" "stat -c %a #{escape(file)} | grep -- #{escape(regexp)}" end def check_contains_within(file, expected_pattern, from=nil, to=nil) from ||= '1' to ||= '$' sed = "sed -n #{escape(from)},#{escape(to)}p #{escape(file)}" sed += " | sed -n 1,#{escape(to)}p" if from != '1' and to != '$' checker_with_regexp = check_contains_with_regexp("-", expected_pattern) checker_with_fixed = check_contains_with_fixed_strings("-", expected_pattern) "#{sed} | #{checker_with_regexp} || #{sed} | #{checker_with_fixed}" end def check_contains_lines(file, expected_lines, from=nil, to=nil) require 'digest/md5' from ||= '1' to ||= '$' sed = "sed -n #{escape(from)},#{escape(to)}p #{escape(file)}" head_line = expected_lines.first.chomp lines_checksum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("\n") + "\n") afterwards_length = expected_lines.length - 1 "#{sed} | grep -A #{escape(afterwards_length)} -F -- #{escape(head_line)} | md5sum | grep -qiw -- #{escape(lines_checksum)}" end def check_contains_with_regexp(file, expected_pattern) "grep -qs -- #{escape(expected_pattern)} #{escape(file)}" end def check_contains_with_fixed_strings(file, expected_pattern) "grep -qFs -- #{escape(expected_pattern)} #{escape(file)}" end def check_exists(file) "test -e #{escape(file)}" end def get_md5sum(file) "md5sum #{escape(file)} | cut -d ' ' -f 1" end def get_sha256sum(file) "sha256sum #{escape(file)} | cut -d ' ' -f 1" end def get_content(file) "cat #{escape(file)} 2> /dev/null || echo -n" end def check_is_mounted(path) regexp = "on #{path} " "mount | grep -- '#{escape(regexp)}'" end def get_mode(file) "stat -c %a #{escape(file)}" end def get_owner_user(file) "stat -c %U #{escape(file)}" end def get_owner_group(file) "stat -c %G #{escape(file)}" end def check_is_linked_to(link, target) %Q|test x"$(readlink #{escape(link)})" = x"#{escape(target)}"| end def check_is_link(link) "test -L #{escape(link)}" end def get_link_target(link) "readlink #{escape(link)}" end def get_link_realpath(link) "readlink -e #{escape(link)}" end def check_is_dereferenceable(link) %Q|test -n "$(readlink -e #{escape(link)})"| end def get_mtime(file) "stat -c %Y #{escape(file)}" end def get_size(file) "stat -c %s #{escape(file)}" end def change_mode(file, mode, options = {}) option = '-R' if options[:recursive] "chmod #{option} #{mode} #{escape(file)}".squeeze(' ') end def change_owner(file, owner, group=nil, options = {}) option = '-R' if options[:recursive] owner = "#{owner}:#{group}" if group "chown #{option} #{escape(owner)} #{escape(file)}".squeeze(' ') end def change_group(file, group, options = {}) option = '-R' if options[:recursive] "chgrp #{option} #{escape(group)} #{escape(file)}".squeeze(' ') end def create_as_directory(file) "mkdir -p #{escape(file)}" end def copy(src, dest, options = {}) option = '-p' option << 'R' if options[:recursive] "cp #{option} #{escape(src)} #{escape(dest)}" end def move(src, dest) "mv #{escape(src)} #{escape(dest)}" end def link_to(link, target, options = {}) option = '-s' option << 'f' if options[:force] option << 'n' if options[:no_dereference] "ln #{option} #{escape(target)} #{escape(link)}" end def remove(file) "rm -rf #{escape(file)}" end def download(src, dest) "curl -sSL #{escape(src)} -o #{escape(dest)}" end end end