= 0.7 === 17th March, 2009 * Rewritten parser routine, much lighter on memory, quite a bit faster. * Friendlier with Ruby 1.9. * Fixes to nth-child and text() selectors. = 0.6 === 15th June, 2007 * Hpricot for JRuby -- nice work Ola Bini! * Inline Markaby for Hpricot documents. * XML tags and attributes are no longer downcased like HTML is. * new syntax for grabbing everything between two elements using a Range in the search method: (doc/("font".."font/br")) or in nodes_at like so: (doc/"font").nodes_at("*".."br"). Only works with either a pair of siblings or a set of a parent and a sibling. * Ignore self-closing endings on tags (such as form) which are containers. Treat them like open parent tags. Reported by Jonathan Nichols on the hpricot list. * Escaping of attributes, yanked from Jim Weirich and Sam Ruby's work in Builder. * Element#raw_attributes gives unescaped data. Element#attributes gives escaped. * Added: Elements#attr, Elements#remove_attr, Elements#remove_class. * Added: Traverse#preceding, Traverse#following, Traverse#previous, Traverse#next. = 0.5 === 31rd January, 2007 * support for a[text()="Click Me!"] and h3[text()*="space"] and the like. * Hpricot.buffer_size accessor for increasing Hpricot's buffer if you're encountering huge ASP.NET viewstate attribs. * some support for colons in tag names (not full namespace support yet.) * Element.to_original_html will attempt to preserve the original HTML while merging your changes. * Element.to_plain_text converts an element's contents to a simple text format. * Element.inner_text removes all tags and returns text nodes concatenated into a single string. * no @raw_string variable kept for comments, text, and cdata -- as it's redundant. * xpath-style indices (//p/a[1]) but keep in mind that they aren't zero-based. * node_position is the index among all sibling nodes, while position is the position among children of identical type. * comment() and text() search criteria, like: //p/text(), which selects all text inside paragraph tags. * every element has css_path and xpath methods which return respective absolute paths. * more flexibility all around: in parsing attributes, tags, comments and cdata. = 0.4 === 11th August, 2006 * The :fixup_tags option will try to sort out the hierarchy so elements end up with the right parents. * Elements such as *script* and *style* (identified as having CDATA contents) receive a single text node as their children now. Previously, Hpricot was parsing out tags found in scripts. * Better scanning of partially quoted attributes (found by Brent Beardsly on http://uswebgen.com/) * Better scanning of unquoted attributes -- thanks to Aaron Patterson for the test cases! * Some tags were being output in the empty tag style, although browsers hated that. FIXED! * Added Elements#at for finding single elements. * Added Elem::Trav#[] and Elem::Trav#[]= for reading and writing attributes. = 0.3 === 7th July, 2006 * Fixed negative string size error on empty tokens. (news.bbc.co.uk) * Allow the parser to accept just text nodes. (such as: Hpricot.parse('TEXT')) * from JQuery to Hpricot::Elements: remove, empty, append, prepend, before, after, wrap, set, html(...), to_html, to_s. * on containers: to_html, replace_child, insert_before, insert_after, innerHTML=. * Hpricot(...) is an alias for parse. * open up all properties to setters, let people do as they may. * use to_html for the full html of a node or set of elements. * doctypes were messed. = 0.2 === 4th July, 2006 * Rewrote the HTree parser to be simpler, more adequate for the common man. Will add encoding back in later. = 0.1 === 3rd July, 2006 * For whatever reason, wrote this HTML parser in C. I guess Ragel is addictive and I want to improve HTree.