module XamplExample require "xamplr" module ThingsAsChild attr_accessor :things_child def init_things_as_child @things_child = [] end def add_things(things) @children << things @things_child << things things.add_parent(self) changed return things end def new_things things = yield(things) if block_given? return add_things(things) end def remove_things(things) @things_child.delete(things) @children.delete(things) end end module ThingAsChild attr_accessor :thing_child, :thing_map def init_thing_as_child @thing_child = [] @thing_map = {} end def add_thing(thing) index = thing.get_the_index if (nil == index) then throw "no index thing defined in : " << thing.to_xml end existing = @thing_map[index] remove_thing(existing) if existing @children << thing @thing_child << thing @thing_map[index] = thing thing.add_parent(self) changed return thing end def new_thing(index) thing = thing.set_the_index(index) yield(thing) if block_given? return add_thing(thing) end def remove_thing(thing) index = thing.get_the_index if (nil == index) then throw "no index thing defined in : " << thing.to_xml end existing = @thing_map[index] if existing != thing then throw "will only remove the thing if it is already in the thing map" end @thing_map.delete(index) @thing_child.delete(thing) @children.delete(thing) end end module DescriptionAsChild attr_accessor :description_child def init_description_as_child @description_child = [] end def add_description(description) @children << description @description_child << description description.add_parent(self) changed return description end def new_description description = yield(description) if block_given? return add_description(description) end def remove_description(description) @description_child.delete(description) @children.delete(description) end end module EmphAsChild attr_accessor :emph_child def init_emph_as_child @emph_child = [] end def add_emph(emph) @children << emph @emph_child << emph emph.add_parent(self) changed return emph end def new_emph emph = yield(emph) if block_given? return add_emph(emph) end def remove_emph(emph) @emph_child.delete(emph) @children.delete(emph) end end module KeyValueAsChild attr_accessor :key_value_child, :key_value_map def init_key_value_as_child @key_value_child = [] @key_value_map = {} end def add_key_value(key_value) index = key_value.get_the_index if (nil == index) then throw "no index key_value defined in : " << key_value.to_xml end existing = @key_value_map[index] remove_key_value(existing) if existing @children << key_value @key_value_child << key_value @key_value_map[index] = key_value key_value.add_parent(self) changed return key_value end def new_key_value(index) key_value = key_value.set_the_index(index) yield(key_value) if block_given? return add_key_value(key_value) end def remove_key_value(key_value) index = key_value.get_the_index if (nil == index) then throw "no index key_value defined in : " << key_value.to_xml end existing = @key_value_map[index] if existing != key_value then throw "will only remove the key_value if it is already in the key_value map" end @key_value_map.delete(index) @key_value_child.delete(key_value) @children.delete(key_value) end end module StuffAsChild attr_accessor :stuff_child def init_stuff_as_child @stuff_child = [] end def add_stuff(stuff) @children << stuff @stuff_child << stuff stuff.add_parent(self) changed return stuff end def new_stuff stuff = yield(stuff) if block_given? return add_stuff(stuff) end def remove_stuff(stuff) @stuff_child.delete(stuff) @children.delete(stuff) end end class Things include Xampl::XamplPersistedObject include Xampl::XamplWithDataContent @@tag = "things" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}things" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ ] include ThingAsChild @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@children", "@content" ] def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def Things.tag @@tag end def Things.ns @@ns end def Things.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def Things.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(Things::tag, Things::ns_tag, Things) def initialize super init_xampl_object init_data_content init_thing_as_child yield(self) if block_given? changed end def append_to(other) other.add_things(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end end class Thing include Xampl::XamplPersistedObject include Xampl::XamplWithDataContent @@tag = "thing" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}thing" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ [ :@pid, "pid" ], ] include DescriptionAsChild include KeyValueAsChild include StuffAsChild include ThingAsChild include ThingsAsChild @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@pid", "@children", "@content" ] attr_reader :pid def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def Thing.tag @@tag end def Thing.ns @@ns end def Thing.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def Thing.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(Thing::tag, Thing::ns_tag, Thing) def pid=(v) changed @pid = v end def initialize super init_xampl_object @pid = nil if not defined? @pid init_data_content init_description_as_child init_key_value_as_child init_stuff_as_child init_thing_as_child init_things_as_child yield(self) if block_given? changed end def append_to(other) other.add_thing(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end def get_the_index @pid end def set_the_index(index) @pid = index end end class Description include Xampl::XamplObject include Xampl::XamplWithMixedContent @@tag = "description" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}description" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ [ :@kind, "kind" ], ] include EmphAsChild @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@kind", "@children" ] attr_reader :kind def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def Description.tag @@tag end def Description.ns @@ns end def Description.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def Description.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(Description::tag, Description::ns_tag, Description) def kind=(v) changed @kind = v end def initialize super init_xampl_object @kind = nil if not defined? @kind init_mixed_content init_emph_as_child yield(self) if block_given? changed end def append_to(other) other.add_description(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end end class Emph include Xampl::XamplObject include Xampl::XamplWithSimpleContent @@tag = "emph" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}emph" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ ] @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@content" ] @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@content" ] def Emph.tag @@tag end def Emph.ns @@ns end def Emph.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def Emph.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(Emph::tag, Emph::ns_tag, Emph) def initialize super init_xampl_object yield(self) if block_given? changed end def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def append_to(other) other.add_emph(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end end class KeyValue include Xampl::XamplObject include Xampl::XamplWithoutContent @@tag = "keyValue" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}keyValue" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ [ :@id, "id" ], [ :@value, "value" ], ] @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@id", "@value", ] attr_reader :id attr_reader :value def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def KeyValue.tag @@tag end def KeyValue.ns @@ns end def KeyValue.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def KeyValue.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(KeyValue::tag, KeyValue::ns_tag, KeyValue) def id=(v) changed @id = v end def value=(v) changed @value = v end def initialize super init_xampl_object @id = nil if not defined? @id @value = nil if not defined? @value yield(self) if block_given? changed end def append_to(other) other.add_key_value(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end def get_the_index @id end def set_the_index(index) @id = index end end class Stuff include Xampl::XamplObject include Xampl::XamplWithoutContent @@tag = "stuff" @@ns = "" @@ns_tag = "{}stuff" @@module_name = "XamplExample" @@attributes = [ [ :@kind, "kind" ], [ :@special, "special", "" ], ] @@to_yaml_properties = [ "@kind", "@special", ] attr_reader :kind attr_reader :special def to_yaml_properties @@to_yaml_properties end def Stuff.tag @@tag end def Stuff.ns @@ns end def Stuff.ns_tag @@ns_tag end def Stuff.module_name @@module_name end Xampl::FromXML::register(Stuff::tag, Stuff::ns_tag, Stuff) def kind=(v) changed @kind = v end def special=(v) changed @special = v end def initialize super init_xampl_object @kind = nil if not defined? @kind @special = nil if not defined? @special yield(self) if block_given? changed end def append_to(other) other.add_stuff(self) end def tag @@tag end def ns @@ns end def ns_tag @@ns_tag end def module_name @@module_name end def attributes @@attributes end end end