Ruby on Rails ============= In Rails, all uncaught exceptions will be automatically reported. We support Rails 4 and newer. Installation ------------ Install the SDK via Rubygems by adding it to your ``Gemfile``: .. sourcecode:: ruby gem "sentry-raven" Configuration ------------- Open up ``config/application.rb`` and configure the DSN, and any other :doc:`settings <../config>` you need: .. sourcecode:: ruby Raven.configure do |config| config.dsn = '___DSN___' end If you have added items to `Rails' log filtering `_, you can also make sure that those items are not sent to Sentry: .. sourcecode:: ruby # in your application.rb: config.filter_parameters << :password # in an initializer, like sentry.rb Raven.configure do |config| config.sanitize_fields = end Params and sessions ------------------- .. sourcecode:: ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_action :set_raven_context private def set_raven_context Raven.user_context(id: session[:current_user_id]) # or anything else in session Raven.extra_context(params: params.to_unsafe_h, url: request.url) end end Caveats ------- Currently, custom exception applications (`config.exceptions_app`) are not supported. If you are using a custom exception app, you must manually integrate Raven yourself.