# rubocop:disable Style/TrailingWhitespace include GitTrend RSpec.describe GitTrend::CLI do shared_examples "since daily ranking" do |since| it "display daily ranking" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout end end shared_examples "since weekly ranking" do |since| it "display weekly ranking" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_weekly_result).to_stdout end end shared_examples "since monthly ranking" do |since| it "display monthly ranking" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_monthly_result).to_stdout end end describe "#list" do let(:cli) { CLI.new } describe "with -n option" do context "with 3" do before { stub_request_get("trending") } let(:number) { 3 } it "display top 3 daily ranking" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111 | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665 | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end context "with over 25" do before { stub_request_get("trending") } let(:number) { 26 } it "display daily ranking" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout end end end describe "with -l option" do context "with ruby" do before { stub_request_get("trending/#{language}") } let(:language) { "ruby" } it "display daily ranking by language" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ | 1 rails/activestorage Ruby 25 | 2 jondot/awesome-react-native Ruby 21 | 3 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 18 | 4 athityakumar/colorls Ruby 16 | 5 rails/rails Ruby 10 | 6 discourse/discourse Ruby 12 | 7 openjournals/jose Ruby 11 | 8 Homebrew/brew Ruby 10 | 9 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 9 | 10 pinterest/it-cpe-cookbooks Ruby 10 | 11 elastic/logstash Ruby 9 | 12 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 9 | 13 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 5 | 14 rails/webpacker Ruby 8 | 15 jcs/lobsters Ruby 8 | 16 tootsuite/mastodon Ruby 6 | 17 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 7 | 18 learnetto/calreact Ruby 7 | 19 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 5 | 20 sass/sass Ruby 6 | 21 thoughtbot/administrate Ruby 6 | 22 CocoaPods/CocoaPods Ruby 5 | 23 huginn/huginn Ruby 5 | 24 airblade/paper_trail Ruby 5 | 25 rmosolgo/graphql-ruby Ruby 5 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end end describe "with -s option" do context "with no option" do before { stub_request_get("trending?since=") } include_examples "since daily ranking", "" end describe "since daily" do before { stub_request_get("trending?since=daily") } context "with d" do include_examples "since daily ranking", "d" end context "with day" do include_examples "since daily ranking", "day" end context "with daily" do include_examples "since daily ranking", "daily" end end describe "since weekly" do before { stub_request_get("trending?since=weekly") } context "with w" do include_examples "since weekly ranking", "w" end context "with week" do include_examples "since weekly ranking", "week" end context "with weekly" do include_examples "since weekly ranking", "weekly" end end describe "since monthly" do before { stub_request_get("trending?since=monthly") } context "with m" do include_examples "since monthly ranking", "m" end context "with month" do include_examples "since monthly ranking", "month" end context "with monthly" do include_examples "since monthly ranking", "monthly" end end end describe "with -d option (or with no option)" do after do ENV["COLUMNS"] = nil ENV["LINES"] = nil end before do stub_request_get("trending") ENV["COLUMNS"] = "140" ENV["LINES"] = "40" end context "with no option" do it "display daily ranking" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, []) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout end end context "terminal width is enough" do it "display daily ranking with description" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout end end context "terminal width is tiny" do before do ENV["COLUMNS"] = "83" # it is not enough for description. ENV["LINES"] = "40" end it "display daily ranking about the same as no option" do expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout end end end describe "with -l and -s option" do context "with ruby and weekly" do before { stub_request_get("trending/#{language}?since=#{since}") } let(:language) { "ruby" } let(:since) { "weekly" } it "display weekly ranking by language" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ | 1 athityakumar/colorls Ruby 442 | 2 rails/activestorage Ruby 185 | 3 jondot/awesome-react-native Ruby 143 | 4 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 117 | 5 rails/rails Ruby 98 | 6 Homebrew/brew Ruby 101 | 7 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 92 | 8 discourse/discourse Ruby 78 | 9 tootsuite/mastodon Ruby 63 | 10 openebs/openebs Ruby 66 | 11 lewagon/setup Ruby 61 | 12 DeathKing/Learning-SICP Ruby 51 | 13 huginn/huginn Ruby 50 | 14 sass/sass Ruby 48 | 15 atech/postal Ruby 46 | 16 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 46 | 17 exercism/exercism.io Ruby 46 | 18 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 32 | 19 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 35 | 20 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 37 | 21 elastic/logstash Ruby 36 | 22 stympy/faker Ruby 32 | 23 Homebrew/homebrew-core Ruby 22 | 24 ruby/ruby Ruby 34 | 25 rails/webpacker Ruby 34 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end end end describe "#languages" do before { stub_request_get("trending") } let(:cli) { CLI.new } context "with no option" do it "display languages" do expect { cli.languages }.to output(dummy_languages).to_stdout end end end private def stub_request_get(stub_url_path, stub_file_name = nil) url = Scraper::BASE_HOST.dup url << "/#{stub_url_path}" if stub_url_path uri = URI.parse(url) stub_file = stub_file_name || stub_url_path stub_request(:get, uri) .to_return( status: 200, headers: { content_type: "text/html" }, body: load_http_stub(stub_file)) end def dummy_result_without_description <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111 | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665 | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440 | 4 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 427 | 5 d4l3k/go-pry Go 419 | 6 Kristories/awesome-guidelines 382 | 7 iogf/sukhoi Python 302 | 8 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 254 | 9 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 260 | 10 geekplux/markvis JavaScript 230 | 11 tensorflow/nmt Python 212 | 12 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 212 | 13 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 199 | 14 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 198 | 15 zeit/now JavaScript 197 | 16 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 174 | 17 cdflynn/turn-layout-manager Java 165 | 18 vuejs/vue JavaScript 157 | 19 sdras/intro-to-vue Vue 153 | 20 moinism/botui JavaScript 150 | 21 Tanibox/tania CSS 153 | 22 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 116 | 23 tarek360/RichPath Java 150 | 24 woxingxiao/SlidingUpPanelLayout Java 143 | 25 kristian-lange/net-glimpse JavaScript 141 EOS end def dummy_result_no_options <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star Description |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111 A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665 📝 the simplest and smallest (1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with... | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440 Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress] | 4 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 427 Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when design... | 5 d4l3k/go-pry Go 419 An interactive REPL for Go that allows you to drop into your code at... | 6 Kristories/awesome-guidelines 382 A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards. | 7 iogf/sukhoi Python 302 Minimalist and powerful Web Crawler. | 8 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 254 A set of best practices for JavaScript projects | 9 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 260 GPU Accelerated JavaScript | 10 geekplux/markvis JavaScript 230 make visualization in markdown. 📊📈 | 11 tensorflow/nmt Python 212 TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial | 12 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 212 ⚡️ GitHub for iOS. Built with React Native. | 13 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 199 100 days of algorithms | 14 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 198 Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Fo... | 15 zeit/now JavaScript 197 Universal, serverless, single-command deployment | 16 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 174 Generate musical patterns with JavaScript and export as MIDI files u... | 17 cdflynn/turn-layout-manager Java 165 A carousel layout manager for RecyclerView | 18 vuejs/vue JavaScript 157 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for buil... | 19 sdras/intro-to-vue Vue 153 Workshop Materials for my Introduction to Vue.js Workshop | 20 moinism/botui JavaScript 150 🤖 A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs | 21 Tanibox/tania CSS 153 A PHP based, free, and open source farming management system. | 22 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 116 Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning | 23 tarek360/RichPath Java 150 💪 Rich Android Path. 🤡 Draw as you want. 🎉 Animate much as you can. | 24 woxingxiao/SlidingUpPanelLayout Java 143 A vertical-handled and multi-panel support SlidingPanelLayout. 一个... | 25 kristian-lange/net-glimpse JavaScript 141 1) Real-time visualization of network traffic (Ethernet and Internet... EOS end def dummy_weekly_result <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ | 1 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 5990 | 2 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 3977 | 3 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 3623 | 4 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 3263 | 5 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 2186 | 6 vadimdemedes/ink JavaScript 1686 | 7 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 1326 | 8 ApolloAuto/apollo C++ 1193 | 9 samccone/bundle-buddy JavaScript 1225 | 10 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1126 | 11 gatsbyjs/gatsby JavaScript 1114 | 12 d4l3k/go-pry Go 1108 | 13 vuejs/vue JavaScript 979 | 14 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 790 | 15 sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 931 | 16 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 958 | 17 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 909 | 18 nitin42/terminal-in-react JavaScript 822 | 19 tensorflow/nmt Python 781 | 20 AnthonyCalandra/modern-cpp-features 797 | 21 howtographql/howtographql TypeScript 773 | 22 mmcloughlin/globe Go 735 | 23 Yoctol/messaging-apis JavaScript 653 | 24 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 638 | 25 evilsocket/xray Go 619 EOS end def dummy_monthly_result <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ | 1 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 5990 | 2 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 3977 | 3 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 3623 | 4 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 3263 | 5 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 2186 | 6 vadimdemedes/ink JavaScript 1686 | 7 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 1326 | 8 ApolloAuto/apollo C++ 1193 | 9 samccone/bundle-buddy JavaScript 1225 | 10 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1126 | 11 gatsbyjs/gatsby JavaScript 1114 | 12 d4l3k/go-pry Go 1108 | 13 vuejs/vue JavaScript 979 | 14 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 790 | 15 sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 931 | 16 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 958 | 17 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 909 | 18 nitin42/terminal-in-react JavaScript 822 | 19 tensorflow/nmt Python 781 | 20 AnthonyCalandra/modern-cpp-features 797 | 21 howtographql/howtographql TypeScript 773 | 22 mmcloughlin/globe Go 735 | 23 Yoctol/messaging-apis JavaScript 653 | 24 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 638 | 25 evilsocket/xray Go 619 EOS end def dummy_languages <<-'EOS'.unindent |1C Enterprise |ABAP |ABNF |ActionScript |Ada |Agda |AGS Script |Alloy |Alpine Abuild |AMPL |Ant Build System |ANTLR |ApacheConf |Apex |API Blueprint |APL |Apollo Guidance Computer |AppleScript |Arc |Arduino |AsciiDoc |ASN.1 |ASP |AspectJ |Assembly |ATS |Augeas |AutoHotkey |AutoIt |Awk |Batchfile |Befunge |Bison |BitBake |Blade |BlitzBasic |BlitzMax |Bluespec |Boo |Brainfuck |Brightscript |Bro |C |C# |C++ |C-ObjDump |C2hs Haskell |Cap'n Proto |CartoCSS |Ceylon |Chapel |Charity |ChucK |Cirru |Clarion |Clean |Click |CLIPS |Clojure |Closure Templates |CMake |COBOL |CoffeeScript |ColdFusion |ColdFusion CFC |COLLADA |Common Lisp |Component Pascal |Cool |Coq |Cpp-ObjDump |Creole |Crystal |CSON |Csound |Csound Document |Csound Score |CSS |CSV |Gherkin |Cuda |CWeb |Cycript |Cython |D |D-ObjDump |Darcs Patch |Dart |desktop |Diff |DIGITAL Command Language |DM |DNS Zone |Dockerfile |Dogescript |DTrace |Dylan |E |Eagle |EBNF |eC |Ecere Projects |ECL |ECLiPSe |edn |Eiffel |EJS |Elixir |Elm |Emacs Lisp |EmberScript |EQ |Erlang |F# |Factor |Fancy |Fantom |Filebench WML |Filterscript |fish |FLUX |Formatted |Forth |Fortran |FreeMarker |Frege |G-code |Game Maker Language |GAMS |GAP |GCC Machine Description |GDB |GDScript |Genie |Genshi |Gentoo Ebuild |Gentoo Eclass |Gettext Catalog |Gherkin |GLSL |Glyph |GN |Gnuplot |Go |Golo |Gosu |Grace |Gradle |Grammatical Framework |Graph Modeling Language |GraphQL |Graphviz (DOT) |Groovy |Groovy Server Pages |Hack |Haml |Handlebars |Harbour |Haskell |Haxe |HCL |HLSL |HTML |HTML+Django |HTML+ECR |HTML+EEX |HTML+ERB |HTML+PHP |HTTP |Hy |HyPhy |IDL |Idris |IGOR Pro |Inform 7 |INI |Inno Setup |Io |Ioke |IRC log |Isabelle |Isabelle ROOT |J |Jasmin |Java |Java Server Pages |JavaScript |JFlex |Jison |Jison Lex |Jolie |JSON |JSON5 |JSONiq |JSONLD |JSX |Julia |Jupyter Notebook |KiCad |Kit |Kotlin |KRL |LabVIEW |Lasso |Latte |Lean |Less |Lex |LFE |LilyPond |Limbo |Linker Script |Linux Kernel Module |Liquid |Literate Agda |Literate CoffeeScript |Literate Haskell |LiveScript |LLVM |Logos |Logtalk |LOLCODE |LookML |LoomScript |LSL |Lua |M |M4 |M4Sugar |Makefile |Mako |Markdown |Marko |Mask |Mathematica |Matlab |Maven POM |Max |MAXScript |MediaWiki |Mercury |Meson |Metal |MiniD |Mirah |Modelica |Modula-2 |Module Management System |Monkey |Moocode |MoonScript |MQL4 |MQL5 |MTML |MUF |mupad |Myghty |NCL |Nemerle |nesC |NetLinx |NetLinx+ERB |NetLogo |NewLisp |Nginx |Nim |Ninja |Nit |Nix |NL |NSIS |Nu |NumPy |ObjDump |Objective-C |Objective-C++ |Objective-J |OCaml |Omgrofl |ooc |Opa |Opal |OpenCL |OpenEdge ABL |OpenRC runscript |OpenSCAD |OpenType Feature File |Org |Ox |Oxygene |Oz |P4 |Pan |Papyrus |Parrot |Parrot Assembly |Parrot Internal Representation |Pascal |PAWN |Pep8 |Perl |Perl6 |PHP |Pic |Pickle |PicoLisp |PigLatin |Pike |PLpgSQL |PLSQL |Pod |PogoScript |Pony |PostScript |POV-Ray SDL |PowerBuilder |PowerShell |Processing |Prolog |Propeller Spin |Protocol Buffer |Public Key |Pug |Puppet |Pure Data |PureBasic |PureScript |Python |Python console |Python traceback |QMake |QML |R |Racket |Ragel |RAML |Rascal |Raw token data |RDoc |REALbasic |Reason |Rebol |Red |Redcode |Regular Expression |Ren'Py |RenderScript |reStructuredText |REXX |RHTML |RMarkdown |RobotFramework |Roff |Rouge |RPM Spec |Ruby |RUNOFF |Rust |Sage |SaltStack |SAS |Sass |Scala |Scaml |Scheme |Scilab |SCSS |Self |ShaderLab |Shell |ShellSession |Shen |Slash |Slim |Smali |Smalltalk |Smarty |SMT |SourcePawn |SPARQL |Spline Font Database |SQF |SQL |SQLPL |Squirrel |SRecode Template |Stan |Standard ML |Stata |STON |Stylus |Sublime Text Config |SubRip Text |SuperCollider |SVG |Swift |SystemVerilog |Tcl |Tcsh |Tea |Terra |TeX |Text |Textile |Thrift |TI Program |TLA |TOML |Turing |Turtle |Twig |TXL |TypeScript |Unified Parallel C |Unity3D Asset |Unix Assembly |Uno |UnrealScript |UrWeb |Vala |VCL |Verilog |VHDL |Vim script |Vim script |Visual Basic |Volt |Vue |Wavefront Material |Wavefront Object |Web Ontology Language |WebIDL |wisp |World of Warcraft Addon Data |X10 |xBase |XC |XCompose |XML |Xojo |XPages |XProc |XQuery |XS |XSLT |Xtend |Yacc |YAML |YANG |Zephir |Zimpl | |451 languages |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option. |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'. | EOS end end