--- en: activemodel: attributes: config: additional_proposal_sortings: Enabled additional sorting options allow_images_in_full_editor: Allow images in the full HTML editor allow_images_in_markdown_editor: Allow images in the markdown editor allow_images_in_proposals: Allow images in the proposals editor allow_images_in_small_editor: Allow images in the minimal HTML editor auto_save_forms: Auto save forms in local storage intergram_auto_no_response: A message that is sent one minute after the user sends its first message and no response was received intergram_auto_response: A message that is sent immediately after the user sends its first message intergram_chat_id: Chat ID intergram_color: Color of the widget intergram_for_admins: Enable Intergram Chat in the admin backend intergram_intro_message: First message when the user opens the chat for the first time intergram_require_login: Only for logged users intergram_title_closed: Closed chat title intergram_title_open: Opened chat title intergram_use_floating_button: If checked, the closed chat is always a button instead of a text proposal_custom_fields: Custom fields %{id} scoped_admins: Scoped admins group %{id} scoped_styles: Custom styles %{id} use_markdown_editor: Use a Markdown editor instead of the HTML editor validate_body_max_caps_percent: Maximum allowed percentage of capital letters for the body validate_body_max_marks_together: Maximum consecutive marks symbols allowed in the body validate_body_min_length: Minimum required characters for the body validate_body_start_with_caps: Force the body to start with a capital letter validate_title_max_caps_percent: Maximum allowed percentage of capital letters for the title validate_title_max_marks_together: Maximum consecutive marks symbols allowed in the title validate_title_min_length: Minimum required characters for the title validate_title_start_with_caps: Force the title to start with a capital letter constraint: component_id: or specifically in component_manifest: Only in components of type participatory_space_manifest: Apply to participatory spaces of type participatory_space_slug: Only in custom_redirect: active: Active destination: Destination origin: Origin pass_query: Pass the query string to the destination status: Status menu: position: Position raw_label: Label target: Opens in url: URL visibility: Visibility proposal: proposal_custom_fields: Custom fields decidim: admin: filters: admin_accountability: admin_role_type: label: Role type participatory_space_type_eq: label: Participatory space type role: label: Role role_type_eq: label: Role type label: search_field_end_date: 'To date:' search_field_start_date: 'From date:' search_placeholder: user_name_or_user_email_cont: Search by user name, email menu: admin_accountability: Admin accountability decidim_awesome: Decidim awesome components: awesome_iframe: name: Fullscreen Iframe settings: global: announcement: Announcement iframe: Iframe code iframe_help: 'Put your code as html: <iframe width="100%" height="700" frameBorder="0" allowFullscreen src="..."></iframe>. Content will be sanitized from other HTML tags. Ensure to use 100% as width to fill the screen.' no_margins: No margins between the iframe and the rest of the page viewport_width: Limit maximum width to the application viewport step: announcement: Announcement iframe: Iframe code awesome_map: name: Awesome Map settings: global: announcement: Announcement collapse: Start with collapsed menu map_center: Map center (Latitude, Longitude) map_center_help: 'Use decimal points (ie: 41.38879, 2.15899). Leave it empty to automatically fit all the markers' map_height: Map height (px) map_zoom: Zoom (any number betwen 0 and 18) map_zoom_help: Only applies if a map center is defined menu_amendments: Show amendments menu_categories: Show Category search menu menu_hashtags: Show Hashtag search menu menu_meetings: Show meetings menu_merge_components: Merge all components of the same type in the menu truncate: Maximum characters for popup descriptions step: announcement: Announcement show_accepted: Show accepted proposals show_evaluating: Show evaluating proposals show_not_answered: Show not answered proposals show_rejected: Show rejected proposals show_withdrawn: Show withdrawn proposals proposals: settings: global: awesome_voting_manifest: Support type awesome_voting_manifest_help_html: <strong class="text-alert">Be aware that changing this setting in the middle of a votation period can result in innacurate or unexpected results.</strong><br>Note also that this setting can only be edited if the component has no supports yet. awesome_voting_manifest_options: default: Simple vote (default) voting_cards: Voting using coloured cards default_sort_order_options: az: A-Z (Alphabetical) supported_first: Supported first supported_last: Supported last za: Z-A (Reverse alphabetical) sort_orders_enabled: Enabled sorting types voting_cards_box_title: Title for the voting box voting_cards_box_title_help: Default is "Vote on this proposal". Use "-" to hide it. voting_cards_instructions: Support instructions/help (dissmissable modal window) voting_cards_instructions_help: Default is "Please read the election rules carefully to understand how your vote will be used by %{organization}"" voting_cards_show_abstain: Add an abstention option voting_cards_show_modal_help: Show instructions/help modal when support is clicked step: default_sort_order_options: az: A-Z (Alphabetical) supported_first: Supported first supported_last: Supported last za: Z-A (Reverse alphabetical) decidim_awesome: admin: admin_accountability: admin_roles: admin: Super admin user_manager: User manager created_at: Role created at currently_active: Currently active deleted_user: Deleted user email: Email exports: button: Export this search export_as: Export as %{export_format} export_format: csv: CSV json: JSON xlsx: XLSX notice: Export job has been enqueued. You will receive an email when it's ready. index: description: Listed here you'll find all users that have had some role in the administration of a participatory space. Normal admins are not listed. global_description: Listed here you'll find all users that have had some global role in administrating this organization. Participatory space admins are not listed. missing_users: 'NOTE: This list might not include users created/removed before %{date}. This is because "user traceability" was introduced in Decidim v0.24 and this installation is probably older.' see_global: List global admins see_spaces: List participatory space admins title: Admin accountability last_login: Last sign in date missing_info: "(missing information)" missing_user: User not in the database name: Name never_logged: Never logged yet participatory_space: Participatory space removal_date: Role removed at role: Role roles: admin: Administrator collaborator: Collaborator moderator: Moderator valuator: Valuator checks: index: admin_head_tags: Awesome tags included in the admin application header decidim-admin: From Admin module decidim-core: From Core module decidim-proposals: From Proposals module decidim_version: Decidim version %{version} errors: CSS: Head does not contain the required <link> stylesheet entries. To solve it, you can manually add it to your custom _head.html.erb JavaScript: Head does not contain the required <script> Javascript entries. To solve it, you can manually add it to your custom admin/_header.html.erb head_tags: Awesome tags included in the application header image_migrations_started: Images migration process has been started successfully images_migrated: Images migrated to ActiveStorage pending_image_migrations: | Since version 0.25, Decidim uses a new technology to upload files.<br> It looks that this installation needs to migrate <strong>%{total}</strong> of the old images to the new system.<br> You can start the process now and it will be performed in the background. start_image_migrations: "\U0001F449 Start the migration process now" title: System compatibility checks config: caution: 'NOTE: This feature heavily modifies some default behaviours that might lead to unexpected results. Use it with caution!' constraints: add_condition: Add case always: Always cannot_be_destroyed: Sorry, this cannot be deleted. This configuration needs at least one constraint. delete: Delete edit: Edit title: 'Applicable only in these cases:' create_proposal_custom_field: error: Error creating a new "custom field" box! %{error} success: '"custom field" box %{key} created successfully' create_scoped_admin: error: Error creating a new Admin group! %{error} success: Admin group %{key} created successfully create_scoped_style: error: Error creating a new CSS box! %{error} success: CSS box %{key} created successfully destroy_proposal_custom_field: error: Error removing "custom field" box! %{error} success: '"custom field" box %{key} removed successfully' destroy_scoped_admin: error: Error removing Admin group! %{error} success: Admin group %{key} removed successfully destroy_scoped_style: error: Error removing CSS box! %{error} success: CSS box %{key} removed successfully form: additional_proposal_sortings: enable_all: Enable all additional sorting options help: These sorting options are additional to the default ones. Also, remember that you can choose the default order in the proposals component settings. title: Customize sorting options for the proposals list edit_label: Rename label errors: incorrect_css: 'CSS in box #%{key} is invalid' incorrect_json: 'JSON definition in box #%{key} is invalid' help: allow_images_in_full_editor: This will add an image uploader icon in all the editors WYSIWYG with the full toolbar enabled. allow_images_in_markdown_editor: This will allow markdown editor to upload images by copy & paste or drag & drop. allow_images_in_proposals: This will allow to upload images in the proposals editor, available to any user allow_images_in_small_editor: This will add an image uploader icon in all the editors WYSIWYG with minimal options in the toolbar enabled. auto_save_forms: This will use LocalStorage to automatically save data introduced by users in surveys and other forms while they are filling it. Data will be restored in a future visit with the same browser in case the form is not submitted. If the form is submitted, data will be removed. If users remove their LocalStorage data, data won't be restored either. drag_and_drop_supported: When uploading images, Drag & Drop is supported. Images will be uploaded to the server and inserted as external resources (it doesn't use base64 inline encoding). intergram_about: Intergram uses Telegram messenger to handle a live support chat widget embedded in the bottom of the page. intergram_config: Invite the <a href="https://web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@IntergramBot">@Intergram bot</a> to your group or start a chat with it directly. <a href="https://github.com/idoco/intergram#embed-intergram-in-your-website-with-these-2-simple-steps">+ info</a> original_editor_override: Since version 0.26, it is possible (for admins only) to upload images into the editors. Therefore, image settings in here only affect the public editors (admin will always have it available). proposal_custom_fields: Create custom proposal fields that applies only in certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that) proposal_custom_fields_example: Data is stored in a XML object using compatible HTML attributes (dl,dt,dd elements) replacing the "body" in a normal proposal. proposal_custom_fields_translations: "Labels, help text, placeholders and default values can use your application custom translations. \nFor that, instead of using a string literal, use the i18n key (it must contain at least one dot).\nFor instance:\n- \"activemodel.attributes.proposal.title\" instead of \"Title\"\n- \"activemodel.attributes.proposal.address\" instead of \"Address\"\nOr use your own keys in combination with other tools to define translations (eg: using the module Term Customizer):\n - \"myapp.custom_fields.bio\" instead of \"Biography\"" scoped_admins: Promote regular user to admins that can only administrate certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that). Note that users who already have regular admin permissions will be ignored. scoped_styles: Create custom CSS that applies only in certain parts of the public web (use the restrictions editor for that) scoped_styles_variables: 'You can use the following CSS variables for organization customized colors:' use_markdown_editor: This will substitute the Quill WYSIWYG editor, to use a Markdown editor instead. Text will be converted and saved as HTML in the database. validate_body_max_caps_percent: Zero won't allow any capital letter, 100 will force to write everything in capital letters validate_body_max_marks_together: 'Limit the number of question and exclamation marks that can be written together. Ie: if it is 2, then ''!!!'' won''t be allowed in the text' validate_body_min_length: This number can be zero, this will effectively make this field non-mandatory validate_title_max_caps_percent: Zero won't allow any capital letter, 100 will force to write everything in capital letters validate_title_max_marks_together: 'Limit the number of question and exclamation marks that can be written together. Ie: if it is 2, then ''!!!'' won''t be allowed in the text' validate_title_min_length: Title is always mandatory and this number cannot be zero validators: body: User input validations for the "body" field title: User input validations for the "title" field form_proposal_custom_fields: new: Add a new "custom fields" box remove: Remove this "custom fields" box sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this fields box? form_scoped_admins: new: Add a new "Scoped Admins" group remove: Remove this "Scoped Admins" group sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this "Scoped Admins" group? form_scoped_styles: new: Add a new CSS box remove: Remove this CSS box sure_to_remove: Are you sure you want to destroy this CSS box? none: "⛔ Never! - Deactivate any other constraint" process_groups: Process groups rich_text_editor_in_public_views: 'NOTE: "Rich text editor for participants" is enabled, this option won''t apply. Use the editors hacks instead to enable images in proposals.' show: title: Tweaks for %{setting} update: Update configuration system: Everywhere except participatory spaces update: error: Error updating configuration! %{error} success: Configuration updated successfully constraints: create: error: Error creating condition case success: Condition case created successfully destroy: error: Error removing condition case success: Condition case removed successfully errors: not_unique: Same condition already exists new: cancel: Cancel constraint: New condition case save: Save show: cancel: Cancel constraint: Edit condition case save: Save update: error: Error updating condition case success: Condition case updated successfully custom_redirects: create: error: Error creating redirection! %{error} success: Redirection created successfully destroy: error: Error removing redirection! %{error} success: Redirection removed successfully edit: save: Save title: Edit redirection form: destination_help: Absolute routes (start with "/") or external URLs (http://..) origin_help: Only absolute routes, start with "/" pass_query_help: | Activate this option if you want that the query string to be copied to the destination.<br> For instance, if having configured /my-origin => /my-destination, a request to /my-origin?locale=ca will be redirected to "/my-destination?locale=ca". index: check_redirections: "✔ Check redirections" confirm_destroy: Are you sure to remove this redirection? description: | You can define any route (starting with <code>/</code>) to redirect any visitor to a destination URL.<br> Destination can be an absolute path (ie: <code>/processes/some-process</code>) or start with <code>https://</code> (ie: <code>http://decidim.org</code>)<br><br> Take into account that a redirection only works if none other route matches. It is not possible to override original routes (this is by design).<br> If unsure, use the check redirections button to test for incompatibilities. edit: Edit redirection new: New redirection remove: Remove redirection title: Custom Redirections new: save: Save title: New redirection origin_exists: The same origin is already configured, please edit that instead of creating it again. origin_missing: This origin has not been found in the list update: error: Error updating redirection! %{error} success: Redirection updated successfully menu: admins: Scoped Admins checks: System Compatibility custom_redirects: Custom Redirections editors: Editor Hacks livechat: Live Chat menu_hacks: Menu Tweaks proposal_custom_fields: Proposals Custom Fields proposals: Proposals Hacks styles: Custom Styles surveys: Surveys & Forms menu_hacks: create: error: Error creating menu item! %{error} success: Menu item created successfully destroy: error: Error removing menu item! %{error} success: Menu item removed successfully edit: save: Save title: Edit menu item form: label_help: Translations aren't automatically detected, be sure to fill in all the fields! target: blank: New window self: Same window visibility: default: Visible hidden: Always hidden logged: Only visible for logged users non_logged: Only visible for non-logged users verified_user: Only visible for users with a valid authorization index: confirm_destroy: Are you sure to remove this customization? edit: Edit new: New item remove: Remove addition remove_hack: Remove customization title: Main menu new: save: Save title: New menu item update: error: Error updating menu item! %{error} success: Menu item updated successfully url_exists: The same URL is already configured, please edit that instead of creating it again. config: intergram: auto_no_response: It seems that no one is available to answer right now. Please tell us how we can contact you, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. auto_response: Looking for the first available admin (It might take a minute) intro_message: Hello! How can we help you? title_closed: Click to chat! title_open: Let's chat! content_blocks: map: collapse: Start with collapsed menu map_center: Map center (Latitude, Longitude) map_center_help: 'Use decimal points (ie: 41.38879, 2.15899). Leave it empty to automatically fit all the markers' map_height: Map height (px) map_settings: Map settings map_zoom: Zoom (any number betwen 0 and 18) map_zoom_help: Only applies if a map center is defined menu_amendments: Show amendments menu_meetings: Show meetings menu_merge_components: Merge all components of the same type in the menu name: Awesome Map show_accepted: Show accepted proposals show_evaluating: Show evaluating proposals show_not_answered: Show not answered proposals show_rejected: Show rejected proposals show_withdrawn: Show withdrawn proposals text_settings: Text settings title: Title truncate: Maximum characters for popup descriptions credits: Decidim Awesome %{version} · Maintained with ♥ by %{company} custom_fields: errors: invalid_fields: Content couldn't be parsed but has been assigned to the field '%{field}' invalid_xml: 'Content couldn''t be parsed: DL/DD elements not found in the XML' editor_images: create: error: Error uploading image! success: Image uploaded successfully map_component: map: api_not_ready: | <b>Warning:</b> This Decidim installation has the API configured to a maximum complexity of <b>%{current_complexity}</b>. This component probably won't work under this configuration. We recommend you to set up in a initializer (for instance at the end of the <code>config/initializers/decidim.rb</code>) the following lines:<br> <br> <pre># Api configuration Rails.application.config.to_prepare do Decidim::Api::Schema.max_complexity = 5000 Decidim::Api::Schema.max_depth = 50 end</pre> error: unavailable: The map is unavailable. Please configure geocoding to enable this component. show: view_meeting: View meeting view_proposal: View proposal validators: too_much_caps: Is using too many capital letters (over %{percent}% of the text) voting: voting_cards: abstained: "✔ Abstained" change_vote: Change my vote default_box_title: Vote on this proposal default_instructions_html: <p>Please read the election rules carefully to understand how your vote will be used by %{organization}"</p> modal: cancel: Cancel message: Your vote will be considered final on %{date}. You can change it until then proceed: Proceed skip: Check here to skip this window in the future vote_button: Click to vote voted: Voted voting_for: My vote on "%{proposal}" is "%{type}" weights: weight_0: Abstain weight_0_short: 'A:' weight_1: Red weight_1_short: 'R:' weight_2: Yellow weight_2_short: 'Y:' weight_3: Green weight_3_short: 'G:' proposals: proposals: orders: az: A-Z (Alphabetical) supported_first: Supported first supported_last: Supported last za: Z-A (Reverse alphabetical) layouts: decidim: admin: decidim_awesome: title: Decidim Tweaks decidim_awesome: awesome_config: amendments: Amendments autosaved_error: LocalStorage is not supported in your browser, form cannot be saved automatically. autosaved_retrieved: Data for this form has been recovered from a previous session autosaved_success: Data saved in local storage categories: Categories drag_and_drop_image: Add images by dragging & dropping or pasting them. hashtags: Hashtags items: items meetings: Meetings proposals: Proposals select_deselect_all: Select/deselect all