module Origen class Application # This class manages deploying an application's website. # # The web pages are compiled in the local application workspace and # deploy consists of copying them to the remote location. # # Two directories are maintained in the remote location, one containing the live # website and another where the new site is copied to during a deploy. # A symlink is used to indicate which one of the two directories is currently being # served. # # Upon a successful copy the symlink is switched over, thereby providing zero-downtime # deploys and guaranteeing that the old site will stay up if an error is encountered # during a deploy. # # An alternative method of deploying is also supported by pushing to a Git repository. class Deployer require 'fileutils' attr_writer :directory, :test # Prepare for deploying, this will raise an error if the current user is found to # have insufficient permissions to deploy to the target directory def prepare!(options = {}) if deploy_to_git? require 'highline/import' @commit_message = options[:message] || ask('Enter a deployment commit message: ') do |q| q.validate = /\w/ q.responses[:not_valid] = "Can't be blank" end "Fetching the website's Git respository..." git_repo begin fail unless git_repo.can_checkin? rescue puts "Sorry, but you don't have permission to write to #{Origen.config.web_directory}!" exit 1 end else begin require_remote_directories test_file = "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/_test_file.txt" FileUtils.rm_f(test_file) if File.exist?(test_file) FileUtils.touch(test_file) FileUtils.rm_f(test_file) rescue puts "Sorry, but you don't have permission to write to #{Origen.config.web_directory}!" exit 1 end end end def git_sub_dir if Origen.config.web_directory =~ /\.git\/(.*)$/ Regexp.last_match(1) end end # Returns a RevisionControl::Git object that points to a local copy of the website repo # which is will build and checkout as required def git_repo @git_repo ||= begin local ="#{}/git/#{Origen.config.web_directory.gsub('/', '-').symbolize}") if git_sub_dir remote = Origen.config.web_directory.sub("\/#{git_sub_dir}", '') else remote = Origen.config.web_directory end git = local, remote: remote) if git.initialized? git.checkout(force: true) else true) end git end end def test_run? @test end def deploy_to_git? !!(Origen.config.web_directory =~ /\.git\/?#{git_sub_dir}$/) end def require_remote_directories %w(remote1 remote2).each do |dir| dir = "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/#{dir}" unless File.exist?(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p dir end end end def latest_symlink "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/latest" end def offline_remote_directory if File.exist?(latest_symlink) if File.readlink(latest_symlink) =~ /remote1/ "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/remote2" else "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/remote1" end else "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/remote1" end end def live_remote_directory if File.exist?(latest_symlink) if File.readlink(latest_symlink) =~ /remote1/ "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/remote1" elsif File.readlink(latest_symlink) =~ /remote2/ "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/remote2" end end end # Deploy a whole web site. # # This copies the entire contents of web/output in the application # directory to the remote server. def deploy_site if deploy_to_git? dir = git_repo.local.to_s dir += "/#{git_sub_dir}" if git_sub_dir # Delete everything so that we don't preserve old files git_repo.delete_all(git_sub_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless File.exist?(dir) `chmod a+w -R #{Origen.root}/web/output` # Ensure world writable, required? FileUtils.cp_r "#{Origen.root}/web/output/.", dir git_repo.checkin git_sub_dir, unmanaged: true, comment: @commit_message else # Empty the contents of the remote dir if File.exist?(offline_remote_directory) FileUtils.remove_dir(offline_remote_directory, true) require_remote_directories end # Copy the new contents across `chmod g+w -R #{Origen.root}/web/output` # Ensure group writable FileUtils.cp_r "#{Origen.root}/web/output/.", offline_remote_directory `chmod g+w -R #{offline_remote_directory}` # Double ensure group writable # Make live create_symlink offline_remote_directory, latest_symlink index = "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/index.html" # This symlink allows the site homepage to be accessed from the web root # directory rather than root directory/latest unless File.exist?(index) create_symlink "#{latest_symlink}/index.html", index end end end def deploy_file(file) if deploy_to_git? fail 'File based deploy has is not support for Git yet :-(' else remote_dir = live_remote_directory if remote_dir file = Origen.file_handler.clean_path_to(file) sub_dir = Origen.file_handler.sub_dir_of(file, "#{Origen.root}/templates/web") .to_s page = file.basename.to_s.sub(/\..*/, '') # Special case for the main index page if page == 'index' && sub_dir == '.' FileUtils.cp "#{Origen.root}/web/output/index.html", remote_dir else FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{remote_dir}/#{sub_dir}/#{page}") FileUtils.cp "#{Origen.root}/web/output/#{sub_dir}/#{page}/index.html", "#{remote_dir}/#{sub_dir}/#{page}" end end end end def generate_api dir = "#{Origen.root}/web/output/api" FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) if File.exist?(dir) # system("cd #{Origen.root} && rdoc --op api --tab-width 4 --main api_doc/README.txt --title 'Origen (#{Origen.version})' api_doc lib/origen") if Origen.root == title = "#{} #{Origen.version}" else title = "#{} #{}" end system("yard doc --output-dir #{Origen.root}/web/output/api --title '#{title}'") # Yard doesn't have an option to ignore github-style READMEs, so force it here to # always present the API index on the API homepage for consistency index = "#{Origen.root}/web/output/api/index.html" _index = "#{Origen.root}/web/output/api/_index.html" FileUtils.rm_f(index) if File.exist?(index) # This removes a prominent link that we are left with to a README file that doesn't work require 'nokogiri' doc = Nokogiri::HTML( doc.xpath('//h2[contains(text(), "File Listing")]').remove doc.css('#files').remove, 'w') { |f| f.write(doc.to_html) } FileUtils.cp(_index, index) end def deploy_archive(id) dir = live_remote_directory if dir id.gsub!('.', '_') archive_dir = "#{Origen.config.web_directory}/#{id}" FileUtils.rm_rf(archive_dir) if File.exist?(archive_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p archive_dir FileUtils.cp_r "#{Origen.root}/web/output/.", archive_dir end end def create_symlink(from, to) `rm -f #{to}` if File.exist?(to) `ln -s #{from} #{to}` if File.exist?(from) end def web_server_dir "#{Origen.root}/web" end def create_web_server_dir if File.exist?("#{Origen.root}/templates/web") dir = web_server_dir FileUtils.rm_rf dir if File.exist?(dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p dir # Copy the web infrastructure FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("#{}/templates/nanoc/*").sort, dir # Compile the dynamic stuff action: :compile, files: "#{}/templates/nanoc_dynamic", output: dir unless Origen.root == # Copy any application overrides if they exist if File.exist?("#{Origen.root}/templates/nanoc") FileUtils.cp_r Dir.glob("#{Origen.root}/templates/nanoc/*").sort, dir, remove_destination: true end end # Remove the .SYNCs system "find #{dir} -name \".SYNC\" | xargs rm -fr" @nanoc_dir = dir end end end end end