# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Frozen-string-literal: true # Copyright: 2012 - 2016 - MIT License # Encoding: utf-8 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- require_relative "proxies" require "forwardable" module Jekyll module Assets module Liquid # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Examples: # - {% tag value argument:value %} # - {% tag value "argument:value" %} # - {% tag value argument:"I have spaces" %} # - {% tag value argument:value\:with\:colon %} # - {% tag value argument:"I can even escape \\: here too!" %} # - {% tag value proxy:key:value %} # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class Tag class Parser attr_reader :args, :raw_args extend Forwardable def_delegator :@args, :each def_delegator :@args, :key? def_delegator :@args, :fetch def_delegator :@args, :store def_delegator :@args, :to_h def_delegator :@args, :[]= def_delegator :@args, :[] # ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACCEPT = { "css" => "text/css", "js" => "application/javascript" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class UnescapedColonError < StandardError def initialize super "Unescaped double colon argument." end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class UnknownProxyError < StandardError def initialize super "Unknown proxy argument." end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def initialize(args, tag, processed: false, raw_args: nil) if processed && raw_args @args = args @raw_args = raw_args @tag = tag elsif processed && !raw_args raise ArgumentError, "You must provide raw_args if you pre-process." \ "Please provide the raw args." else @tag = tag @raw_args = args parse_raw set_accept end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def parse_liquid(context) return self unless context.is_a?(Object::Liquid::Context) liquid = context.registers[:site].liquid_renderer.file("(jekyll:assets)") out = parse_hash_liquid(to_h, liquid, context) self.class.new(out, @tag, { :raw_args => @raw_args, :processed => true }) end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def to_html (self[:html] || {}).map do |key, val| val == true || val == "true" ? key.to_s : %( #{key}="#{val}") end.join end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def proxies keys = (args.keys - Proxies.base_keys - [:file, :html]) args.select do |key, _| keys.include?(key) end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def proxies? proxies.any? end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ private def parse_hash_liquid(hash_, liquid, context) hash_.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), hash| val = liquid.parse(val).render(context) if val.is_a?(String) val = parse_hash_liquid(val, liquid, context) if val.is_a?(Hash) hash[key] = val end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------ private def parse_raw @args = from_shellwords.each_with_index.each_with_object({}) do |(key, index), hash| if index == 0 then hash.store(:file, key) elsif key =~ /:/ && (key = key.split(/(?