module Wukong module Corpus STOPWORDS = %w[ the of and a in to it is was I for that you he be with on by at have are not this but had they his from she which or we an were as do been their has would there what will all if can her said who so up them when some could him into its then out my about did your me other just more these also any see very may well should than how get way our made got after many those go being because down such over must still even too here come own last does oh no where us same might yes put another most again under much why each while off went used without give within am aren't between both can't cannot couldn't didn't doesn't doing don't hadn't hasn't haven't having he'd he'll he's here's hers how's i'd i'll i'm i've isn't it'd it'll it's let's once only ought ours she'd she'll she's shouldn't that's theirs there's they'd they'll they're they've through wasn't we'd we'll we're we've weren't what's where's who's won't wouldn't you'd you'll you're you've yours ].to_set STOPWORDS_3 = STOPWORDS.reject{|w| w.length < 3 }.to_set end end