# encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' module FakeRedis describe "StringsMethods" do before(:each) do @client = Redis.new end it "should append a value to key" do @client.set("key1", "Hello") @client.append("key1", " World") @client.get("key1").should be == "Hello World" end it "should decrement the integer value of a key by one" do @client.set("counter", "1") @client.decr("counter") @client.get("counter").should be == "0" end it "should decrement the integer value of a key by the given number" do @client.set("counter", "10") @client.decrby("counter", "5") @client.get("counter").should be == "5" end it "should get the value of a key" do @client.get("key2").should be == nil end it "should returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key" do @client.set("key1", "a") @client.getbit("key1", 1).should be == 1 @client.getbit("key1", 2).should be == 1 @client.getbit("key1", 3).should be == 0 @client.getbit("key1", 4).should be == 0 @client.getbit("key1", 5).should be == 0 @client.getbit("key1", 6).should be == 0 @client.getbit("key1", 7).should be == 1 end it "should allow direct bit manipulation even if the string isn't set" do @client.setbit("key1", 10, 1) @client.getbit("key1", 10).should be == 1 end context 'when a bit is previously set to 0' do before { @client.setbit("key1", 10, 0) } it 'setting it to 1 returns 0' do expect(@client.setbit("key1", 10, 1)).to eql 0 end it 'setting it to 0 returns 0' do expect(@client.setbit("key1", 10, 0)).to eql 0 end end context 'when a bit is previously set to 1' do before { @client.setbit("key1", 10, 1) } it 'setting it to 0 returns 1' do expect(@client.setbit("key1", 10, 0)).to eql 1 end it 'setting it to 1 returns 1' do expect(@client.setbit("key1", 10, 1)).to eql 1 end end it "should get a substring of the string stored at a key" do @client.set("key1", "This a message") @client.getrange("key1", 0, 3).should be == "This" @client.substr("key1", 0, 3).should be == "This" end it "should set the string value of a key and return its old value" do @client.set("key1","value1") @client.getset("key1", "value2").should be == "value1" @client.get("key1").should be == "value2" end it "should return nil for #getset if the key does not exist when setting" do @client.getset("key1", "value1").should be == nil @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" end it "should increment the integer value of a key by one" do @client.set("counter", "1") @client.incr("counter").should be == 2 @client.get("counter").should be == "2" end it "should not change the expire value of the key during incr" do @client.set("counter", "1") @client.expire("counter", 600).should be true @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 @client.incr("counter").should be == 2 @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 end it "should decrement the integer value of a key by one" do @client.set("counter", "1") @client.decr("counter").should be == 0 @client.get("counter").should be == "0" end it "should not change the expire value of the key during decr" do @client.set("counter", "2") @client.expire("counter", 600).should be true @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 @client.decr("counter").should be == 1 @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 end it "should increment the integer value of a key by the given number" do @client.set("counter", "10") @client.incrby("counter", "5").should be == 15 @client.incrby("counter", 2).should be == 17 @client.get("counter").should be == "17" end it "should not change the expire value of the key during incrby" do @client.set("counter", "1") @client.expire("counter", 600).should be true @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 @client.incrby("counter", "5").should be == 6 @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 end it "should decrement the integer value of a key by the given number" do @client.set("counter", "10") @client.decrby("counter", "5").should be == 5 @client.decrby("counter", 2).should be == 3 @client.get("counter").should be == "3" end it "should not change the expire value of the key during decrby" do @client.set("counter", "8") @client.expire("counter", 600).should be true @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 @client.decrby("counter", "3").should be == 5 @client.ttl("counter").should be == 600 end it "should get the values of all the given keys" do @client.set("key1", "value1") @client.set("key2", "value2") @client.set("key3", "value3") @client.mget("key1", "key2", "key3").should be == ["value1", "value2", "value3"] @client.mget(["key1", "key2", "key3"]).should be == ["value1", "value2", "value3"] end it "returns nil for non existent keys" do @client.set("key1", "value1") @client.set("key3", "value3") @client.mget("key1", "key2", "key3", "key4").should be == ["value1", nil, "value3", nil] @client.mget(["key1", "key2", "key3", "key4"]).should be == ["value1", nil, "value3", nil] end it 'raises an argument error when not passed any fields' do @client.set("key3", "value3") lambda { @client.mget }.should raise_error(Redis::CommandError) end it "should set multiple keys to multiple values" do @client.mset(:key1, "value1", :key2, "value2") @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" @client.get("key2").should be == "value2" end it "should raise error if command arguments count is wrong" do expect { @client.mset }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'mset' command") expect { @client.mset(:key1) }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'mset' command") expect { @client.mset(:key1, "value", :key2) }.to raise_error(Redis::CommandError, "ERR wrong number of arguments for MSET") @client.get("key1").should be_nil @client.get("key2").should be_nil end it "should set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist" do @client.msetnx(:key1, "value1", :key2, "value2").should be == true @client.msetnx(:key1, "value3", :key2, "value4").should be == false @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" @client.get("key2").should be == "value2" end it "should set multiple keys to multiple values with a hash" do @client.mapped_mset(:key1 => "value1", :key2 => "value2") @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" @client.get("key2").should be == "value2" end it "should set multiple keys to multiple values with a hash, only if none of the keys exist" do @client.mapped_msetnx(:key1 => "value1", :key2 => "value2").should be == true @client.mapped_msetnx(:key1 => "value3", :key2 => "value4").should be == false @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" @client.get("key2").should be == "value2" end it "should set the string value of a key" do @client.set("key1", "1") @client.get("key1").should be == "1" end it "should sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key" do @client.set("key1", "abc") @client.setbit("key1", 11, 1) @client.get("key1").should be == "arc" end it "should set the value and expiration of a key" do @client.setex("key1", 30, "value1") @client.get("key1").should be == "value1" @client.ttl("key1").should be == 30 end it "should set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist" do @client.set("key1", "test value") @client.setnx("key1", "new value") @client.setnx("key2", "another value") @client.get("key1").should be == "test value" @client.get("key2").should be == "another value" end it "should overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset" do @client.set("key1", "Hello World") @client.setrange("key1", 6, "Redis") @client.get("key1").should be == "Hello Redis" end it "should get the length of the value stored in a key" do @client.set("key1", "abc") @client.strlen("key1").should be == 3 end it "should return 0 bits when there's no key" do @client.bitcount("key1").should be == 0 end it "should count the number of bits of a string" do @client.set("key1", "foobar") @client.bitcount("key1").should be == 26 end it "should count correctly with UTF-8 strings" do @client.set("key1", '判') @client.bitcount("key1").should be == 10 end it "should count the number of bits of a string given a range" do @client.set("key1", "foobar") @client.bitcount("key1", 0, 0).should be == 4 @client.bitcount("key1", 1, 1).should be == 6 @client.bitcount("key1", 0, 1).should be == 10 end end end