# FFaker reference * [FFaker::AWS](#ffakeraws) * [FFaker::Address](#ffakeraddress) * [FFaker::AddressAU](#ffakeraddressau) * [FFaker::AddressBR](#ffakeraddressbr) * [FFaker::AddressCA](#ffakeraddressca) * [FFaker::AddressCH](#ffakeraddressch) * [FFaker::AddressCHDE](#ffakeraddresschde) * [FFaker::AddressCHFR](#ffakeraddresschfr) * [FFaker::AddressCHIT](#ffakeraddresschit) * [FFaker::AddressDA](#ffakeraddressda) * [FFaker::AddressDE](#ffakeraddressde) * [FFaker::AddressFI](#ffakeraddressfi) * [FFaker::AddressFR](#ffakeraddressfr) * [FFaker::AddressGR](#ffakeraddressgr) * [FFaker::AddressID](#ffakeraddressid) * [FFaker::AddressIN](#ffakeraddressin) * [FFaker::AddressJA](#ffakeraddressja) * [FFaker::AddressKR](#ffakeraddresskr) * [FFaker::AddressMX](#ffakeraddressmx) * [FFaker::AddressNL](#ffakeraddressnl) * [FFaker::AddressPL](#ffakeraddresspl) * [FFaker::AddressRU](#ffakeraddressru) * [FFaker::AddressSE](#ffakeraddressse) * [FFaker::AddressSN](#ffakeraddresssn) * [FFaker::AddressUA](#ffakeraddressua) * [FFaker::AddressUK](#ffakeraddressuk) * [FFaker::AddressUS](#ffakeraddressus) * [FFaker::Airline](#ffakerairline) * [FFaker::Animal](#ffakeranimal) * [FFaker::AnimalCN](#ffakeranimalcn) * [FFaker::AnimalES](#ffakeranimales) * [FFaker::AnimalPL](#ffakeranimalpl) * [FFaker::AnimalUS](#ffakeranimalus) * [FFaker::Avatar](#ffakeravatar) * [FFaker::BaconIpsum](#ffakerbaconipsum) * [FFaker::Bank](#ffakerbank) * [FFaker::Book](#ffakerbook) * [FFaker::Boolean](#ffakerboolean) * [FFaker::CheesyLingo](#ffakercheesylingo) * [FFaker::Code](#ffakercode) * [FFaker::Color](#ffakercolor) * [FFaker::ColorPL](#ffakercolorpl) * [FFaker::ColorUA](#ffakercolorua) * [FFaker::Company](#ffakercompany) * [FFaker::CompanyCN](#ffakercompanycn) * [FFaker::CompanyIT](#ffakercompanyit) * [FFaker::CompanyJA](#ffakercompanyja) * [FFaker::CompanySE](#ffakercompanyse) * [FFaker::Conference](#ffakerconference) * [FFaker::CoursesFR](#ffakercoursesfr) * [FFaker::Currency](#ffakercurrency) * [FFaker::DizzleIpsum](#ffakerdizzleipsum) * [FFaker::Education](#ffakereducation) * [FFaker::EducationCN](#ffakereducationcn) * [FFaker::Filesystem](#ffakerfilesystem) * [FFaker::Food](#ffakerfood) * [FFaker::Gender](#ffakergender) * [FFaker::GenderBR](#ffakergenderbr) * [FFaker::GenderCN](#ffakergendercn) * [FFaker::GenderID](#ffakergenderid) * [FFaker::GenderJA](#ffakergenderja) * [FFaker::GenderJP](#ffakergenderjp) * [FFaker::GenderKR](#ffakergenderkr) * [FFaker::GenderPL](#ffakergenderpl) * [FFaker::Geolocation](#ffakergeolocation) * [FFaker::Guid](#ffakerguid) * [FFaker::HTMLIpsum](#ffakerhtmlipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareIpsum](#ffakerhealthcareipsum) * [FFaker::HealthcareRU](#ffakerhealthcareru) * [FFaker::HipsterIpsum](#ffakerhipsteripsum) * [FFaker::Identification](#ffakeridentification) * [FFaker::IdentificationBR](#ffakeridentificationbr) * [FFaker::IdentificationES](#ffakeridentificationes) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCL](#ffakeridentificationescl) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCO](#ffakeridentificationesco) * [FFaker::IdentificationIN](#ffakeridentificationin) * [FFaker::IdentificationKr](#ffakeridentificationkr) * [FFaker::IdentificationMX](#ffakeridentificationmx) * [FFaker::IdentificationPL](#ffakeridentificationpl) * [FFaker::IdentificationTW](#ffakeridentificationtw) * [FFaker::Image](#ffakerimage) * [FFaker::Internet](#ffakerinternet) * [FFaker::InternetSE](#ffakerinternetse) * [FFaker::Job](#ffakerjob) * [FFaker::JobBR](#ffakerjobbr) * [FFaker::JobCN](#ffakerjobcn) * [FFaker::JobFR](#ffakerjobfr) * [FFaker::JobJA](#ffakerjobja) * [FFaker::JobKR](#ffakerjobkr) * [FFaker::JobVN](#ffakerjobvn) * [FFaker::Locale](#ffakerlocale) * [FFaker::Lorem](#ffakerlorem) * [FFaker::LoremAR](#ffakerloremar) * [FFaker::LoremCN](#ffakerloremcn) * [FFaker::LoremFR](#ffakerloremfr) * [FFaker::LoremIE](#ffakerloremie) * [FFaker::LoremJA](#ffakerloremja) * [FFaker::LoremKR](#ffakerloremkr) * [FFaker::LoremPL](#ffakerlorempl) * [FFaker::LoremRU](#ffakerloremru) * [FFaker::LoremUA](#ffakerloremua) * [FFaker::Movie](#ffakermovie) * [FFaker::Music](#ffakermusic) * [FFaker::Name](#ffakername) * [FFaker::NameAR](#ffakernamear) * [FFaker::NameBR](#ffakernamebr) * [FFaker::NameCN](#ffakernamecn) * [FFaker::NameCS](#ffakernamecs) * [FFaker::NameDA](#ffakernameda) * [FFaker::NameDE](#ffakernamede) * [FFaker::NameES](#ffakernamees) * [FFaker::NameFR](#ffakernamefr) * [FFaker::NameGA](#ffakernamega) * [FFaker::NameGR](#ffakernamegr) * [FFaker::NameID](#ffakernameid) * [FFaker::NameIN](#ffakernamein) * [FFaker::NameIT](#ffakernameit) * [FFaker::NameJA](#ffakernameja) * [FFaker::NameKH](#ffakernamekh) * [FFaker::NameKR](#ffakernamekr) * [FFaker::NameMX](#ffakernamemx) * [FFaker::NameNB](#ffakernamenb) * [FFaker::NameNL](#ffakernamenl) * [FFaker::NamePH](#ffakernameph) * [FFaker::NamePL](#ffakernamepl) * [FFaker::NameRU](#ffakernameru) * [FFaker::NameSE](#ffakernamese) * [FFaker::NameSN](#ffakernamesn) * [FFaker::NameTH](#ffakernameth) * [FFaker::NameTHEN](#ffakernamethen) * [FFaker::NameTW](#ffakernametw) * [FFaker::NameUA](#ffakernameua) * [FFaker::NameVN](#ffakernamevn) * [FFaker::NatoAlphabet](#ffakernatoalphabet) * [FFaker::PhoneNumber](#ffakerphonenumber) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberAU](#ffakerphonenumberau) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberBR](#ffakerphonenumberbr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCH](#ffakerphonenumberch) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCU](#ffakerphonenumbercu) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDA](#ffakerphonenumberda) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDE](#ffakerphonenumberde) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberFR](#ffakerphonenumberfr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberID](#ffakerphonenumberid) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberIT](#ffakerphonenumberit) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberKR](#ffakerphonenumberkr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberMX](#ffakerphonenumbermx) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberNL](#ffakerphonenumbernl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberPL](#ffakerphonenumberpl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberRU](#ffakerphonenumberru) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSE](#ffakerphonenumberse) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSG](#ffakerphonenumbersg) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSN](#ffakerphonenumbersn) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberTW](#ffakerphonenumbertw) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberUA](#ffakerphonenumberua) * [FFaker::Product](#ffakerproduct) * [FFaker::SSN](#ffakerssn) * [FFaker::SSNMX](#ffakerssnmx) * [FFaker::SSNSE](#ffakerssnse) * [FFaker::SemVer](#ffakersemver) * [FFaker::Skill](#ffakerskill) * [FFaker::Sport](#ffakersport) * [FFaker::SportPL](#ffakersportpl) * [FFaker::SportUS](#ffakersportus) * [FFaker::String](#ffakerstring) * [FFaker::Time](#ffakertime) * [FFaker::Tweet](#ffakertweet) * [FFaker::UniqueUtils](#ffakeruniqueutils) * [FFaker::Unit](#ffakerunit) * [FFaker::UnitEnglish](#ffakerunitenglish) * [FFaker::UnitMetric](#ffakerunitmetric) * [FFaker::Vehicle](#ffakervehicle) * [FFaker::Venue](#ffakervenue) * [FFaker::Youtube](#ffakeryoutube) ## FFaker::AWS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `instance_tenancy` | host, host, dedicated | | `instance_type` | t2.micro, c4.2xlarge, c1.xlarge | | `offering_type` | All Upfront, Partial Upfront, Heavy Utilization | | `product_description` | Windows with SQL Server Web (Amazon VPC), Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC), Windows | ## FFaker::Address | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 5700, 6287, 883 | | `city` | Port Setsuko, New Lavinia, Sophiaside | | `city_prefix` | West, West, South | | `city_suffix` | view, town, haven | | `country` | Puerto Rico, Nepal, Mongolia | | `country_code` | WF, LV, SK | | `neighborhood` | East Renton, Bronxdale, Murray Hill | | `secondary_address` | Suite 015, Suite 932, Suite 975 | | `street_address` | 6548 Jimmie Islands, 03285 Champlin Lodge, 2400 Kimiko Fords | | `street_name` | Morissette Burgs, Shavonne Park, Sade Ridge | | `street_suffix` | Fords, Plain, Wall | | `time_zone` | Asia/Colombo, Asia/Almaty, Asia/Ulaanbaatar | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 3088, 606, 545 | | `city` | Beemouth, Lowetown, North Leviville | | `city_prefix` | West, East, East | | `city_suffix` | mouth, borough, land | | `country` | Bouvet Island, Congo, Afghanistan | | `country_code` | LY, BD, LK | | `full_address` | 39709 Tremblay Cliff, Port Augusta SA 3337, 3948 Eleanore Shore, Shepparton VIC 7250, 6959 Grimes Branch, Fremantle WA 2320 | | `neighborhood` | Florissant West, Babylon Bayside, Murray Hill | | `postcode` | 4810, 7250, 2600 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 434, Apt. 328, Apt. 417 | | `state` | South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland | | `state_abbr` | SA, WA, VIC | | `street_address` | 39949 Littel Valley, 088 Desmond Expressway, 531 Karmen Fields | | `street_name` | Reynaldo Springs, Ashly Light, Wolf Flat | | `street_suffix` | Greens, Forest, Fort | | `suburb` | Port Lincoln, Palmerston, Ararat | | `time_zone` | Australia/Perth, Australia/Perth, Australia/Adelaide | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 0618, 596, 277 | | `city` | Ponta Grossa, Ribeirão das Neves, Parauapebas | | `city_prefix` | New, West, North | | `city_suffix` | chester, town, stad | | `country` | Syrian Arab Republic, Uruguay, Guyana | | `country_code` | AT, LR, SS | | `full_address` | Travessa Brenda Reis Franco, 857, Águas Lindas de Goiás, Sergipe, Brazil, Rua Neci Pereira, 5728, Ipatinga, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, Rua Amavilde Albuquerque, 80476, Juiz de Fora, Mato Grosso, Brazil | | `neighborhood` | Sunshine-Gardens, South of Bell Road, Mount Kisco West | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 563, Apt. 595, Apt. 024 | | `state` | Espírito Santo, Pernambuco, Piauí | | `state_abbr` | MS, RS, SP | | `street` | Travessa Victória Moura, Travessa Valéria Macedo Rezende, Avenida Stephanie da Rocha Moura | | `street_address` | 6932 Rigoberto Fields, 33567 Lloyd Ports, 61139 Elwood Pine | | `street_name` | Cartwright Manor, Gottlieb Falls, Gleichner Centers | | `street_prefix` | Rua, Rua, Travessa | | `street_suffix` | Key, Junctions, Court | | `time_zone` | Atlantic/Azores, Europe/Sarajevo, Africa/Casablanca | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 08836-066, 17430-385, 34355-336 | ## FFaker::AddressCA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 026, 962, 653 | | `city` | Greater Sudbury, London, Langley | | `city_prefix` | North, Port, New | | `city_suffix` | town, borough, stad | | `country` | Réunion, Indonesia, Bolivia, Plurinational State of | | `country_code` | DK, CO, CX | | `neighborhood` | Cleveland Park, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, Seven Hills Area | | `postal_code` | J1S 1R1, K6C 6Y1, E9A 7J5 | | `province` | Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan | | `province_abbr` | NL, NB, YT | | `secondary_address` | Suite 084, Suite 522, Suite 811 | | `street_address` | 66560 Rau Mall, 3321 Tesha Extension, 19549 Tierra Hollow | | `street_name` | Zoila Terrace, Padberg Drive, Berneice Skyway | | `street_suffix` | Track, Pine, Ville | | `time_zone` | Africa/Cairo, Europe/Vienna, Europe/Madrid | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 465, 67854, 13472 | | `canton_abbr` | ZG, ZH, AG | | `city` | South Jeanine, East Janae, Schambergerport | | `city_prefix` | East, North, Port | | `city_suffix` | view, mouth, side | | `country` | Niue, Guinea, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha | | `country_code` | SH, TV, IM | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Babylon Bayside, Cipriani | | `postal_code` | 2797, 6523, 2314 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 079, Suite 730, Apt. 914 | | `street_address` | 1709 Smith Shores, 97412 Lorena Plains, 1083 Grant Parks | | `street_name` | Alba Land, Karren Ranch, Rau Hollow | | `street_suffix` | Meadow, Via, Squares | | `time_zone` | America/Mexico_City, Africa/Casablanca, America/Tijuana | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 94694, 10578, 083 | | `canton` | Genf, Solothurn, Appenzell Ausserrhoden | | `canton_abbr` | BL, SO, BL | | `city` | Port France, Gitaborough, Sunniside | | `city_prefix` | West, East, West | | `city_suffix` | shire, haven, town | | `country` | Bangladesh, Palestine, State of, Barbados | | `country_code` | US, NE, LA | | `neighborhood` | South of Lake Shore Blvd, Seven Hills Area, Northwoods West | | `postal_code` | 9310, 4999, 4494 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 678, Suite 157, Apt. 789 | | `street_address` | 922 Pfeffer Cliff, 0613 Mikel Spur, 74471 Lourdes Flat | | `street_name` | Charlott Cliff, Yesenia Ridges, Daphine Ford | | `street_suffix` | Unions, Lodge, Trafficway | | `time_zone` | Asia/Hong_Kong, Asia/Almaty, Australia/Adelaide | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 215, 65978, 9020 | | `canton` | Zurich, Saint-Gall, Soleure | | `canton_abbr` | GE, AR, VD | | `city` | Muimouth, South Kerrie, Melitafurt | | `city_prefix` | South, Lake, West | | `city_suffix` | furt, fort, borough | | `country` | Nicaragua, Kyrgyzstan, Guyana | | `country_code` | VE, MG, ZM | | `neighborhood` | Kingsbridge Heights, Cipriani, Cleveland Park | | `postal_code` | 9794, 5046, 8854 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 932, Apt. 278, Suite 683 | | `street_address` | 7698 Coleman Spurs, 35402 Jonna Burgs, 41277 Casper Bypass | | `street_name` | Ladawn Path, Mendy Estate, Lubowitz Manors | | `street_suffix` | Circles, Valley, Bypass | | `time_zone` | Asia/Almaty, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires, Asia/Tehran | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 548, 35196, 07402 | | `canton` | Appenzello Esterno, Uri, San Gallo | | `canton_abbr` | VS, GL, OW | | `city` | South Moon, Leonahaven, Stromanberg | | `city_prefix` | Lake, Lake, Lake | | `city_suffix` | burgh, burgh, side | | `country` | Micronesia, Federated States of, Jordan, Chile | | `country_code` | EE, GU, GS | | `neighborhood` | River Heights, East of Telegraph Road, Central Chandler | | `postal_code` | 1339, 3453, 9396 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 493, Apt. 428, Suite 225 | | `street_address` | 4658 Freida Knoll, 0510 Fahey Shore, 2344 Albertine Estates | | `street_name` | Goodwin Square, Ankunding Via, Bartoletti Heights | | `street_suffix` | Greens, Lane, Club | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, America/Chicago, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 7643, 4511, 28561 | | `city` | Haderup, Smørum, Hårlev | | `city_prefix` | North, West, New | | `city_suffix` | town, chester, stad | | `country` | Lesotho, Andorra, Rwanda | | `country_code` | BM, PW, BJ | | `full_address` | Lyngevej 98 0382 Hvalsø Midtjylland DANMARK, Solbakken 47 3251 Gedved Syddanmark DANMARK, Truelsvang 94 6383 Gandrup Syddanmark DANMARK | | `kommune` | Læsø, Herning, Ikast-Brande | | `neighborhood` | South of Bell Road, West Covina East, Babylon Bayside | | `post_nr` | 9085, 1938, 1422 | | `region` | Sjælland, Syddanmark, Midtjylland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 437, Suite 875, Apt. 328 | | `state` | Bornholm, Haderslev, Langeland | | `street_address` | Bolandsvej 14, Havremarken 35, Niverød 28 | | `street_name` | Dybkærvænget, Enghavegårdsvej, Eigtveds Alle | | `street_suffix` | Drives, Shore, View | | `time_zone` | Europe/Vienna, Australia/Darwin, Europe/Brussels | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 7538, 8891, 0892 | ## FFaker::AddressDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 784, 1274, 108 | | `city` | Pulheim, Ortenberg, Hoerstel | | `city_prefix` | Lake, North, West | | `city_suffix` | stad, land, view | | `country` | Tunisia, Canada, Bermuda | | `country_code` | DJ, SO, NG | | `neighborhood` | North East Irwindale, Olmsted Falls Central, White Plains Central | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 992, Apt. 926, Apt. 072 | | `state` | Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | | `street_address` | Georganngasse 97, Mantestr. 37, Collierstr. 17 | | `street_name` | Nubiastr., Donitahain, Olastr. | | `street_suffix` | Station, Meadows, Street | | `time_zone` | America/Chicago, America/Caracas, Asia/Colombo | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 10750, 22164, 17799 | ## FFaker::AddressFI | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 8034, 9661, 01301 | | `city` | Haapavesi, Heinola, Kurikka | | `city_prefix` | South, Port, North | | `city_suffix` | stad, view, fort | | `country` | Samoa, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Lebanon | | `country_code` | KW, DK, TH | | `full_address` | Aallontie 9, 54352 Somero, SUOMI, Siittolanmäentie 3 a, 83942 Paimio, SUOMI, Forssantie 2 a 1, 02335 Ylivieska, SUOMI | | `neighborhood` | Summerlin North, Greater Las Vegas National, West Covina East | | `random_country` | Kanada, Venezuela, Kamerun | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 178, Apt. 307, Suite 364 | | `street_address` | Porrasmäentie 4 b 4, Kurjenmäentie 7 a, Papalintie 6 a 3 | | `street_name` | Päivöläntie, Hevosraitti, Papalintie | | `street_nbr` | 3 b 9, 6 a 4, 8 a | | `street_suffix` | Mills, Row, Meadow | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kuwait, America/St_Johns, Asia/Rangoon | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 06190, 45549, 16393 | ## FFaker::AddressFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 79433, 09623, 370 | | `city` | Cagnes-sur-Mer, La Rochelle, Alfortville | | `city_prefix` | North, North, West | | `city_suffix` | fort, ville, chester | | `country` | Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Kenya, Belize | | `country_code` | SD, VU, RW | | `full_address` | 7751 TER, avenue Thierry Loiseau 11726 Saint-Martin, 318 TER rue Suzanne Allard, 71783 Montreuil, 551 impasse Laetitia Godard, 24736 Clamart | | `neighborhood` | Sunshine-Gardens, River Heights, Sea Ranch Lakes | | `postal_code` | 97367, 97490, 97800 | | `region` | Martinique, Bretagne, Auvergne | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 106, Suite 392, Suite 582 | | `street_address` | 734 TER avenue Christine Weiss, 39 Q, impasse Victoire Peltier, 428 TER, impasse Stéphane le Da | | `street_name` | Lakesha Ways, Bailey Place, Olson Springs | | `street_suffix` | Common, Lakes, Square | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Tongatapu, Pacific/Fiji, Asia/Tokyo | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 10315, 19831, 31744 | | `city` | Μυτιλήνη, Τρίπολη, Κάλυμνος | | `city_prefix` | West, New, West | | `city_suffix` | ton, town, mouth | | `country` | Bhutan, Mongolia, Kuwait | | `country_code` | EG, ET, VN | | `neighborhood` | East of Telegraph Road, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, Babylon Bayside | | `region` | Δυτική Μακεδονία, Ανατολική Μακεδονία και Θράκη, Νότιο Αιγαίο | | `secondary_address` | Suite 728, Apt. 917, Suite 350 | | `street_address` | ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Μυστρά, 3, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Δύμης, 20, ["Οδός", "Πάροδος"] Αδριανουπόλεως, 48 | | `street_name` | Δελφών, Αμισού, Καππαδοκίας | | `street_nbr` | 80, 3, 069 | | `street_suffix` | Knoll, Forge, Passage | | `time_zone` | Asia/Muscat, Africa/Nairobi, Europe/Skopje | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 18761, 50546, 91597 | ## FFaker::AddressID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 580, 9200, 094 | | `city` | Subulussalam, Tidore, Tegal | | `city_prefix` | New, Lake, North | | `city_suffix` | town, berg, mouth | | `country` | Indonesia, Djibouti, Georgia | | `country_code` | DE, MP, GG | | `neighborhood` | Bushwick South, Kingsbridge Heights, Sunshine-Gardens | | `secondary_address` | Suite 208, Suite 911, Apt. 584 | | `state` | Jawa Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan | | `state_abbr` | KS, SS, AC | | `street` | Jl. Lambertus Nicodemus Palar, No. 71, Jln. Mahmud Badaruddin II, No. 94, Jl. Bernard Wilhelm Lapian, No. 92 | | `street_address` | 2680 Vernia Crossroad, 821 Heide Haven, 616 West Grove | | `street_name` | Mraz Radial, Chadwick Points, Veum Green | | `street_prefix` | Jln, Jln, Jl | | `street_suffix` | Gateway, Fords, Via | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kathmandu, Asia/Chongqing, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 62261, 58085, 29932 | ## FFaker::AddressIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 4880, 00377, 162 | | `city` | Pune, Kanpur, Ghaziabad | | `city_prefix` | East, North, East | | `city_suffix` | borough, town, burgh | | `country` | India, India, India | | `country_code` | IN, IN, IN | | `neighborhood` | Kingsbridge Heights, Brentwood Central, Florissant West | | `pincode` | 907344, 408362, 908726 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 570, Suite 773, Suite 506 | | `state` | Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Bihar | | `state_abbr` | BR, JH, KL | | `state_and_union_territory` | Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Tripura | | `state_and_union_territory_abbr` | CH, MH, AP | | `street_address` | 2880 McLaughlin Flats, 4540 Romaguera Shoal, 4042 Adams Curve | | `street_name` | Schuster Court, Carli Wells, Reita Bridge | | `street_suffix` | Estate, Vista, Stream | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `union_territory` | Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu | | `union_territory_abbr` | DD, DD, CH | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 939014, 713922, 793873 | ## FFaker::AddressJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address` | 032-6583 千葉県安芸郡観音寺市5丁目0番2号, 922-8737 宮城県松本市坂戸市1丁目4番8号, 722-1291 東京都江東区北茨城市927 | | `building_number` | 1920, 442, 376 | | `city` | 川口市, 桜川市, 羽島市 | | `city_prefix` | South, West, New | | `city_suffix` | haven, stad, ton | | `country` | Suriname, Mayotte, Saint Kitts and Nevis | | `country_code` | MQ, MF, LV | | `county` | 苫前郡, 勇払郡, 西伯郡 | | `designated_city` | 京田辺市, 村山市, 加古川市 | | `designated_city_address` | 884-6595 千葉県室戸市金沢区飯田市620, 928-5699 宮城県塩尻市南区鎌ケ谷市330, 231-0371 東京都総社市東区つがる市846 | | `land_number` | 821, 723, 354 | | `neighborhood` | Rockville East of Hungerford Dr, Kingsbridge Heights, Florissant West | | `other_address` | 837-7566 山口県中川郡奥州市148, 150-2146 長崎県喜多方市岩見沢市9丁目8番5号, 574-2117 福井県笛吹市臼杵市094 | | `postal_code` | 347-7614, 921-0042, 147-3532 | | `prefecture` | 大分県, 千葉県, 静岡県 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 749, Apt. 519, Suite 614 | | `street` | 寝屋川市, かすみがうら市, 貝塚市 | | `street_address` | 51730 Classie Trail, 7761 Jarred Squares, 457 Dare Centers | | `street_name` | Broderick Rest, Parker Glens, Stehr Causeway | | `street_suffix` | Shores, Camp, Ridges | | `time_zone` | Europe/Skopje, America/Los_Angeles, Asia/Rangoon | | `tokyo_ward` | 江東区, 千代田区, 目黒区 | | `tokyo_ward_address` | 766-6821 東京都杉並区養父市2丁目7番9号, 010-7484 東京都台東区相生市913, 038-1955 東京都墨田区裾野市7丁目0番6号 | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `village` | 三島村, 川内村, 多良間村 | | `ward` | 中区, 鶴見区, 瀬谷区 | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address_detail` | 정철타워 다 323호, 청윤타운 바 716호, 연수타워 | | `borough` | 은평구, 강북구, 광진구 | | `building_name` | 경균타워, 현성마을, 조서타운 | | `city` | 화성시, 남양주시, 시흥시 | | `land_address` | 충청남도 건모동 9935, 경상남도 추호마을 8262, 대전광역시 동작구 병채리 7872 | | `land_number` | 351, 9766-2, 555-0 | | `metropolitan_city` | 대전광역시, 부산광역시, 부산광역시 | | `old_postal_code` | 965-492, 619-226, 281-919 | | `postal_code` | 34287, 19895, 51105 | | `province` | 전라북도, 충청북도, 경상북도 | | `road_addess` | 대구광역시 남구 보길가, 충청남도 임우동 연호0가, 충청북도 제빈리 제우길 (지연마을) | | `street` | 희우로, 다호가, 후원로 | | `town` | 해인리, 민배리, 윤형리 | ## FFaker::AddressMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `municipality` | Coquimatlán, Uayma, Morelos | | `postal_code` | 91540, 96589, 31374 | | `state` | Guerrero, Aguascalientes, Chihuahua | | `state_abbr` | DF, TAMPS, TAB | | `zip_code` | 21580, 18542, 49783 | ## FFaker::AddressNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 309, 39117, 91732 | | `city` | Oostwoud, Nieuw-Dijk, Diepenveen | | `city_prefix` | New, West, North | | `city_suffix` | chester, ton, ville | | `country` | Belarus, Congo, The Democratic Republic of The, Morocco | | `country_code` | MG, AL, EE | | `neighborhood` | Central Chandler, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green | | `postal_code` | 2817 AV, 2518 HH, 3886 GK | | `province` | Noord-Brabant, Utrecht, Noord-Holland | | `secondary_address` | Suite 867, Suite 912, Suite 936 | | `street_address` | 4121 Feeneystraat, 65341 Yundtstraat, 1176 Schimmelstraat | | `street_name` | Hahnstraat, Ahmad-Stevestraat, Angelynstraat | | `street_suffix` | Ranch, Drive, Canyon | | `time_zone` | Asia/Vladivostok, Australia/Hobart, Asia/Muscat | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 2024 WN, 9608 NV, 8913 ZZ | ## FFaker::AddressPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 99, 112, 157 | | `city` | Annopol, Drawsko Pomorskie, Sieradz | | `full_address` | al. Balonowa 159 40-763 Przedbórz, zaułek Tadeusza Czackiego 118 08-222 Margonin, plac Gdański 127 90-897 Sierpc | | `postal_code` | 96-318, 52-692, 41-490 | | `province` | wielkopolskie, zachodniopomorskie, mazowieckie | | `secondary_number` | m. 151, /11, m. 60 | | `square` | plac Krakowski, plac św. Krzysztofa, skwer Cieszyński | | `square_prefix` | pasaż, skwer, skwer | | `state` | dolnośląskie, podkarpackie, śląskie | | `street` | al. Tadeusza Kościuszki, ul. Baśniowa, al. Dębowa | | `street_address` | al. św. Anny 1, pasaż Drzewny 112, al. Rubinowa 72 | | `street_name` | skwer św. Jakuba, skwer Odrodzenia, pasaż Mazurski | | `street_prefix` | ul., al., al. | | `voivodeship` | kujawsko-pomorskie, pomorskie, podkarpackie | | `voivodeship_abbr` | PK, OP, SK | | `voivodeship_capital_city` | Kraków, Łódź, Białystok | | `zip_code` | 14-337, 89-831, 23-593 | ## FFaker::AddressRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 1766, 21570, 2897 | | `city` | Магнитогорск, Магнитогорск, Астрахань | | `city_prefix` | New, South, West | | `city_suffix` | stad, town, haven | | `country` | Oman, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Mauritius | | `country_code` | BM, SL, RE | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Candlewood Country Club, Sunshine-Gardens | | `province` | Ненецкий автономный округ, Карачаево-Черкесия, Татарстан | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 290, Apt. 933, Suite 013 | | `street_address` | ул. Красноармейская, д. 2, ул. Горького, д. 993, ул. Новая, д. 93 | | `street_name` | ул. Пионерская, ул. Красноармейская, ул. Солнечная | | `street_number` | 7, 22, 5 | | `street_suffix` | Dam, Parks, Inlet | | `time_zone` | Asia/Tehran, America/Chicago, America/Regina | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 354797, 824677, 195076 | ## FFaker::AddressSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 23876, 307, 707 | | `city` | Falkenberg, Bollnäs, Hässleholm | | `city_prefix` | East, East, South | | `city_suffix` | haven, town, shire | | `country` | Canada, Brazil, Macao | | `country_code` | MQ, PY, UZ | | `full_address` | Apelvägen 445, 25 644 Hjo, SVERIGE, Forsbackagatan 9b, 99144 Piteå, SVERIGE, Hunnebergsvägen 5, 59306 Södertälje, SVERIGE | | `neighborhood` | North Norridge, North East Irwindale, South of Bell Road | | `random_country` | Wallis- och Futunaöarna, Tchad, Kuwait | | `secondary_address` | Suite 797, Apt. 910, Suite 210 | | `street_address` | Ormängsgatan 717, Rosengatan 7, Pastellvägen 3a | | `street_name` | Hertigvägen, Östhammarsgatan, Spannvägen | | `street_nbr` | 2a, 0b, 4b | | `street_suffix` | Creek, Street, Ridges | | `time_zone` | Africa/Cairo, Asia/Ulaanbaatar, America/Halifax | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 33871, 33 988, 90712 | ## FFaker::AddressSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `arrondissement` | Pikine Est, Mermoz-Sacré-Cœur, HLM | | `building_number` | 0753, 094, 7641 | | `city` | West Elnoramouth, O'Connermouth, Stiedemannside | | `city_prefix` | West, Lake, East | | `city_suffix` | mouth, mouth, shire | | `country` | Syrian Arab Republic, Samoa, Malaysia | | `country_code` | NF, KZ, TH | | `departement` | Louga, gossas, Linguere | | `neighborhood` | Sunshine-Gardens, Cleveland Park, Jupiter South/Abacoa | | `region` | fatick, thies, louga | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 179, Suite 215, Apt. 526 | | `street_address` | 663 Runte Mountains, 158 Hee Route, 7620 Malcom Oval | | `street_name` | Laila Meadow, Enid Villages, Bailey Orchard | | `street_suffix` | Wells, Burg, Land | | `time_zone` | Australia/Darwin, Asia/Seoul, Europe/Lisbon | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `appartment_number` | 74, 62, 28 | | `building_number` | 5, 572, 75 | | `city` | Сімферополь, Луцьк, Запоріжжя | | `country` | Кабо-Верде, Східний Тимор, Канада | | `province` | Рівненська область, Полтавська область, Севастополь | | `street_address` | вул. Стрийська, 2, вул. Вузька, 732, вул. Городоцька, 61 | | `street_name` | вул. Брюховичів, вул. Ліста, вул. Рудного | | `zip_code` | 85743, 67684, 16924 | ## FFaker::AddressUK | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 031, 9197, 3367 | | `city` | North Byronshire, Rutherfordtown, Mikkimouth | | `city_prefix` | West, West, New | | `city_suffix` | haven, land, ville | | `country` | England, Wales, England | | `country_code` | IE, EE, TR | | `county` | Central, Cleveland, Isle of Wight | | `neighborhood` | Jupiter South/Abacoa, Ocean Parkway South, Dyker Heights | | `postcode` | KR99 4ED, UR3 1AO, CC5 3EM | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 892, Apt. 442, Apt. 856 | | `street_address` | 519 Scarlet Ville, 615 Jamika Spur, 17838 Herman Pike | | `street_name` | Ryan Lake, Kilback Viaduct, Kerluke Cliff | | `street_suffix` | Mount, Skyway, Fort | | `time_zone` | America/La_Paz, Atlantic/South_Georgia, America/Caracas | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 21668, 40093, 3931 | | `city` | West Isiahport, Hartmannville, Lake Chu | | `city_prefix` | New, Port, North | | `city_suffix` | chester, land, fort | | `continental_state` | Arkansas, Oregon, Washington | | `continental_state_abbr` | TN, KS, CT | | `country` | Wallis and Futuna, Jamaica, Romania | | `country_code` | FK, BE, BB | | `neighborhood` | phoenix, Olmsted Falls Central, Auburn North | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 556, Apt. 303, Suite 398 | | `state` | Louisiana, Delaware, Hawaii | | `state_abbr` | VA, UT, WY | | `state_and_territories_abbr` | DE, AP, DE | | `street_address` | 02733 Simonis Stravenue, 82902 Stefan Parks, 272 Durgan Point | | `street_name` | Sally Mills, Greenfelder Crescent, Mohr Row | | `street_suffix` | Court, Lane, Route | | `time_zone` | Africa/Johannesburg, Europe/Vilnius, Australia/Canberra | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 67007-3984, 14655, 86885-0764 | ## FFaker::Airline | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `flight_number` | TO 3074, 8P 3387, ML 2369 | | `name` | Gain Jet Aviation S.a., Israir Airlines, Avion Express | ## FFaker::Animal | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | ❗ *[common_name] is deprecated. For animal name in english please use the AnimalsUS module* | ## FFaker::AnimalCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | 章鱼, 猪, 豪猪 | ## FFaker::AnimalES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Alpaca, Llama, Mariposa | ## FFaker::AnimalPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Sęp, Lis, Słoń | ## FFaker::AnimalUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `common_name` | Mouse, Mammoth, Newt | ## FFaker::Avatar | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `image` | https://robohash.org/voluptatemiureaut.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/sedetdolorem.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/repellatconsequatureum.png?size=300x300 | ## FFaker::BaconIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 0i1zesx2ourbd4g6vwbwql19j8a37qc547v9h2fl9ak5wolg8yon8x13q671v9n8t2grsamcf2h5ofsto3qyues5kplg4uxclpp8zureybaazaqsf2u1v7rgeuvasytoh88gv64yu5jkknt5hsg2946tik5x0kptmgl91bp495mpgab0xmx2sc58kajemntlkao0go0fi7vl085gq1tol7ovrvv545eb8d4tgmssiv8ak81hlf315r9s9ojyq55, wiq8axzerik5droz0bpyr708ngl3pal9o2h2sv5aj1evrb9wmmfipuvt0lmeiwveycxcafhpri7kipfhmwezssqbw6nosmhhsuj6ti8eig2zt1quh0guff8zxs8bi3emj33jjjyy62lk6jw7t6s9rp0td37g4fzj862g8fp0ycd9j4bi6mirmw85y2gmljb769tpghciojf39v9qey93iamhe72ge9jp2j5uqy89hlh7bihfru7y8te6jcmbo6h, l2v8d9m6qh779zv2jnwla0udfinmlccpeq6mzz40aojhhsbwxaa0y1lo72r38gmzv65rol24jja4ohscsiksd8r4f81501ojwspcni0h7eqdmevjk1554bli8eocfxhy9aiymkff3qu7i58ipqdst54v8x8l8cm5w17dorkmqhlsfh0iwvk9fpg34knnuff0ieepqkacvnfdokc5drp1ulxb0iy3192ygwl8lu8ci029l0qk4odm6f7uvqgdldt | | `paragraph` | Biltong spare ribs drumstick sirloin capicola pig kielbasa landjaeger. Short loin drumstick jowl leberkas venison meatloaf strip steak beef. Landjaeger brisket boudin cow leberkas shoulder spare ribs., Shank pancetta tenderloin corned beef salami t-bone frankfurter pastrami pork. Frankfurter ham pork loin boudin Kevin sirloin jowl prosciutto shank. Corned beef fatback ball tip beef ribs flank turkey doner ham hock pig. Beef ribs ham ham hock bresaola jerky porchetta tri-tip tenderloin filet mignon., Swine doner meatloaf cow tongue jowl. Chuck tongue t-bone meatball fatback landjaeger. Jerky meatloaf ham swine chuck flank kielbasa. Pork loin shoulder ball tip porchetta kielbasa. | | `paragraphs` | Pig biltong tail tongue boudin leberkas salami pancetta. Ham t-bone rump landjaeger brisket short ribs short loin sirloin. Beef jerky ribeye cow andouille doner shankle., Biltong jerky pork meatball bresaola tail bacon. Leberkas corned beef pork loin filet mignon flank. Fatback meatball rump short ribs pancetta shankle. Tail swine shankle doner drumstick ball tip., Sirloin shank capicola bacon rump strip steak. Porchetta boudin landjaeger capicola bacon shoulder tail. Beef porchetta rump leberkas meatloaf. Kielbasa shank capicola turducken strip steak shankle pork chop. Kielbasa leberkas bacon tail spare ribs sausage venison., Boudin pig landjaeger fatback ham bacon venison. Sausage swine salami beef bresaola pork belly tongue. Spare ribs ham hock pork belly landjaeger beef leberkas., Ham prosciutto beef chicken pork loin bacon ham hock venison. Shoulder tongue pastrami tri-tip short loin flank jowl turkey. Doner tri-tip corned beef filet mignon kielbasa chuck. Filet mignon jowl ribeye meatloaf pastrami chuck meatball., Short loin beef ribs boudin ham short ribs. Capicola spare ribs prosciutto drumstick landjaeger shank tail jerky. Frankfurter pork Kevin short ribs andouille pastrami., Meatball pig ham pork loin boudin landjaeger shoulder. Boudin corned beef flank andouille meatball. Turkey jowl short loin pork belly salami filet mignon bacon. Leberkas corned beef chicken bresaola Kevin turkey swine bacon drumstick., Boudin doner short ribs shank turducken ball tip beef filet mignon sausage. Meatball doner pork chop cow chuck. Doner ground round frankfurter boudin sirloin beef kielbasa., Venison beef ribs drumstick pig ribeye. Ground round venison ball tip andouille shank beef ribs ham. Porchetta rump turkey sirloin tail andouille chicken pig ham hock. Andouille filet mignon meatloaf beef ribs short loin. | | `phrase` | Shankle bresaola filet mignon prosciutto rump., Biltong shankle tenderloin salami chuck tongue., Tri-tip spare ribs rump beef venison ham turducken boudin. | | `phrases` | Doner strip steak venison leberkas brisket tail ribeye., Sirloin Kevin ham rump swine frankfurter porchetta ham hock., Jerky andouille short ribs drumstick shank pork loin corned beef frankfurter., Beef salami turducken pork chop fatback frankfurter leberkas., Flank pork ball tip pork chop biltong shoulder sausage., Swine shank prosciutto doner boudin drumstick strip steak Kevin chuck., Tongue hamburger fatback pork biltong beef ribs tail boudin., Pork loin fatback spare ribs tongue meatloaf., Spare ribs filet mignon sirloin tri-tip shoulder short ribs t-bone bresaola swine. | | `sentence` | Sausage shoulder corned beef tenderloin jerky pork loin chuck., Bresaola biltong venison pork ham shank., Capicola t-bone ball tip pancetta chuck porchetta meatball cow pork. | | `sentences` | Pork chop fatback venison corned beef filet mignon., Beef ribs frankfurter bacon ham ball tip salami pork bresaola ground round., Rump tongue tenderloin bacon biltong chuck pork belly leberkas., Ribeye venison cow leberkas tongue pig landjaeger jowl., Turducken turkey pork loin pig strip steak pork belly shoulder., Strip steak sirloin ribeye shoulder ground round spare ribs filet mignon., Brisket shoulder doner shankle ham hock tail drumstick leberkas., Pork loin frankfurter spare ribs fatback shoulder short loin venison., Pork chop meatloaf short ribs brisket swine pork turkey pastrami kielbasa. | | `word` | pancetta, pastrami, kielbasa | | `words` | shankle, beef, swine, frankfurter, cow, turkey, ribeye, rump, beef ribs | ## FFaker::Bank | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `card_expiry_date` | 11/22, 06/24, 06/21 | | `card_number` | 8753 6952 2451 8506, 0456 9100 8010 1388, 4417 7124 2421 5790 | | `card_type` | dankort, visa, maestro | | `iban` | RO41PIKV4410861709128501, DO09IWIC61161902594628295599, SV30SDXP25621389781422585893 | ## FFaker::Book | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `author` | Jaunita Kris, Valda Hand, Freida Moen | | `cover` | https://robohash.org/abvitaeet.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/voluptatibusatsaepe.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/cumnemoveritatis.png?size=300x300 | | `description` | Soluta debitis et ut cupiditate. Aut officia deleniti quis minima. Provident odit beatae et rerum nihil dolor. Omnis dignissimos non tempore est vero officiis odio., Voluptatem hic ipsum dolorem at laudantium ea vel officia. Voluptatibus expedita distinctio et nobis. Fugiat nesciunt occaecati non vel illum est quisquam sed. Harum debitis et sunt tempora qui. Quasi sit amet necessitatibus eos repellat autem., Voluptas temporibus sit est quas. Accusantium laboriosam quo molestiae consequuntur et placeat doloremque temporibus. Aut rerum velit autem inventore quis mollitia et ea. | | `genre` | Speculative cross-genre fiction, Autobiographical novel, Jewish literature | | `isbn` | 24965010069, 17219650131, 5492168487 | | `orly_cover` | https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=A+Fistful+of+Hungry+Ninja&top_text=Picaresque+novel&author=Chery+Quigley&image_code=28&theme=16, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Day+of+the+Fake+Witch&top_text=Erotic+fiction&author=Edelmira+Veum&image_code=26&theme=7, https://orly-appstore.herokuapp.com/generate?title=Green+Brains&top_text=Textual+criticism&author=Roma+Sporer&image_code=36&theme=13 | | `title` | I Married a Blue Monster, Tokyo Woman, Rise of the Action Ninjas | ## FFaker::Boolean | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | true, false, false | | `random` | false, false, false | | `sample` | false, false, true | ## FFaker::CheesyLingo | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | It is blue sky thinking cheeseparing wash, rinse, repeat harmful secondary metabolites so cute but cheesy dutch sandwich blessed are the cheesemakers of the Friesian herd they were so cheesed off they were so cheesed off., Separate the curds from the wey bergkäse from the Alps Penicillium roqueforti the whiter and fresher the cheese, the crisper and fruitier the wine should be he old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site and wrap blue cheeses all over as mould spores spread readily taste and texture in all colours raw milk is unpasteurized the milky way of Sheridans Cheesemongers., - tongue in cheek 10 grilled cheese sandwiches you should try immediately with What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho Cheese; but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake say cheese raw milk is unpasteurized but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake dutch sandwich say cheese washed curd cheese. | | `sentence` | Processed cheese has several technical advantages over traditional cheeseraw milk is unpasteurizedthey were so cheesed off., The moon is made of green cheese andthe slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat pattysoft ripening cheese for., Washed curd cheesetaste and texture in all coloursthe milky way of. | | `title` | Soft Gouda, Sharp Brie, Dutch Alpine | | `word` | toast!, fat, springy | | `words` | soft, fluffy, cream, salty, cheesecake, DOC, stinky, Gouda, artisan, fluffy, Brie, fat, buttery, cheese, springy | ## FFaker::Code | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ean` | 3923285316895, 6958728887462, 3698205365528 | | `npi` | 2354030290, 9457728738, 8561811034 | ## FFaker::Color | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `hex_code` | ec5a46, 3f117d, a979cd | | `hsl_array` | 223, 28%, 59%, 139, 98%, 10%, 163, 92%, 51% | | `hsl_list` | 85,90%,3%, 221,58%,96%, 226,54%,51% | | `hsla_array` | 335, 4%, 85%, 0.99, 71, 30%, 51%, 0.42, 219, 82%, 60%, 0.68 | | `hsla_list` | 85,38%,89%,0.12, 292,71%,5%,0.53, 310,60%,39%,0.81 | | `name` | lightgray, ivory, slateblue | | `rgb_array` | 232, 201, 15, 125, 164, 47, 196, 11, 227 | | `rgb_list` | 21,242,172, 231,166,123, 17,119,162 | | `rgba_array` | 251, 248, 235, 0.72, 153, 197, 214, 0.9, 28, 123, 147, 0.44 | | `rgba_list` | 200,5,199,0.56, 74,74,239,0.98, 242,202,238,0.85 | ## FFaker::ColorPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | biały, różowy, brązowy | ## FFaker::ColorUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | нефритовий, червоний, салатовий | ## FFaker::Company | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `bs` | incubate plug-and-play bandwidth, synthesize integrated initiatives, benchmark end-to-end synergies | | `catch_phrase` | Reduced responsive migration, Universal optimal flexibility, Intuitive system-worthy concept | | `name` | Weber LLC, Toy LLC, Boehm-Keeling | | `position` | General Secretary, Executive Information Manager, IT Secretary | | `suffix` | Inc, Inc, LLC | ## FFaker::CompanyCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 忠妤科技公司, 容城咨询公司, 韵麟电器有限公司 | | `suffix` | 公司, 有限公司, 有限公司 | | `type` | 网络, 食品, 电器 | ## FFaker::CompanyIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Rizzo e Persichetti s.n.c., Cantalamessa e Lonzi Ingegneri, Manzari e Martini Architetti | | `partita_iva` | 87416690094, 09431110791, 54841430504 | | `prefix` | Studio Legale, Studio Tecnico, Laboratorio | | `suffix` | Architetti, Ingegneri, S.p.a. | ## FFaker::CompanyJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 工藤有限会社, 有限会社阪本, 末次商業 | | `position` | インターン, 部長, 課長 | ## FFaker::CompanySE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Connelly-Schaden Aktiebolag, Jones-Shanahan AB, Kuhn Aktiebolag | | `suffix` | AB, Aktiebolag, Ab | ## FFaker::Conference | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Platts 16th annual Mexican Energy conference, 2nd International Caribbean Symposium in Arts Education The Practice Prospects of Arts Education, Dealing With Harassment in the Workplace - HR Webinar By ComplianceOnline | ## FFaker::CoursesFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | ## FFaker::Currency | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | GBP, CNY, KYD | | `name` | US Dollar, New Zealand Dollar, Cuban Peso Peso Convertible | | `symbol` | ₺, ₺, ¥ | ## FFaker::DizzleIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 989k64tvlk5jt18lqygd7tduvukh5hi2fr22zl78re0ewtvo69hx09uqh1x3vvkx1i5c3n53tobmqf8uxxicon9rpg4ordi9juiid4u0zqjp2ytu3tyu1bx0si216sgf0tjf1e5zn7b8qicovkpjqrus4zl1bfh36s3v6n73y2b9r71a95lpetar5w42vg6mr9j39gn2qg3o96u9y373ai6x9phobyj31yjnmpcxk6n6wqkmxohpdhcmr8ms9la, f0ypr94u2d7yzxl9fglyptzq53ttbo4lv2blv7jpj7y7ia7orplrba7yjy45cjf65ztc1htdzc0qqabttx3jx4cqzqhwribl95hil24uxqg4a7479tx8uzbkd2v6o7ge967pc857wl9y71ze2u47hgpw4ml9qd73wrk998ll9l069rmxcg43olb9jyt3zkt9x3cstk642bw9cvazjj0nod83dvdmv79h8wlh58n3p3ut3zv7zi5dj8ed28n0s5q, ykume0a2g9y70e0zrdo85673s931vj0ug2i83qzmgyhk5rlz5w8hg6isxoipwy4w9xuuyz1dcjuaa6foxdrxf7a8plkotahxyzkmbd70z0jryleq7r4aqizaby7t23o5eo4esn0r5omsw7ftsq1v842p0kn9oygnr7t40gldp3z6g9qqi8wrorwhik2bipr2qygvdr61sjc89zqmjy7q4u7p4lyum8vfhjh1618lxd1jde2n90662dnihyb5a53 | | `paragraph` | Plizzay it's 1993 the S oh yes bionic realer the Dogg Pound. Make a few ends the Dogg Pound fo rizzle rolling down the street for the hustlers hizzouse Mr. Buckwort. The magic johnson of rap recognize rizzoad with my mind on my money hizzouse the Dogg Pound., Recognize fo rizzle why is you put ya choppers up real deal Holyfield. Fo rizzle fo shizzle like every single day with my mind on my money sippin' on gin and juice gizzo eighty degrees used to sell loot tha shiznit. And my money on my mind the Magic Johnson of rap for the Gs roll with hizzouse. The magic johnson of rap used to sell loot drizzle realness tha shiznit you talk too much Snoop the dopest waddup. Nasty guess what? with my mind on my money tha shiznit for the hustlers the Magic Johnson of rap gizzo like every single day the Dogg Pound., Televizzle rizzoad now I'm on parole Snoopy for the hustlers through all the drama every single one Mr. Buckwort. In tha hizzle make a few ends used to sell loot laid back put ya choppers up the Dogg Pound. Used to sell loot drop it like it's hot for the hustlers guess what? make a few ends. Realness why is you zig zag smoke Snoop may I. | | `paragraphs` | Tha shiznit the LBC used to sell loot hizzouse eighty degrees everybody got they cups. Rizzide why is you the diggy Coupe de Ville Long Beach nasty televizzle drop it like it's hot everybody got they cups. Drop it like it's hot through all the drama eighty degrees may I it's 1993 the S oh yes gizzo laid back. Realness if the ride is more fly, then you must buy the Magic Johnson of rap plizzay guess what? the dopest., You talk too much your chrome and my money on my mind the diggy smokin' indo zig zag smoke. Pizzle and my money on my mind feel the breeze Snoop rizzide the LBC recognize nasty. Used to sell loot pizzle how we do it like every single day everybody got they cups fo shizzle. Rolling down the street real deal Holyfield Doggfada eighty degrees tha shiznit., Long beach used to sell loot fizzle the dopest in tha hizzle realer. Drop it like it's hot fizzle may I why is you your chrome if the ride is more fly, then you must buy pizzle put ya choppers up. Waddup the S oh yes tha shiznit drizzle hizzouse feel the breeze laid back. The diggy for the Gs plizzay Doggfada for the hustlers the dopest bionic feel the breeze. Used to sell loot everybody got they cups now I'm on parole the LBC fo rizzle the S oh yes why is you if you was me and I was you smokin' indo., The diggy drizzle through all the drama rolling down the street realer smokin' indo sippin' on gin and juice. I love my momma it's 1993 Coupe de Ville bionic for the Gs rizzide real deal Holyfield recognize may I. With my mind on my money every single one I love my momma now I'm on parole Snoopy Mr. Buckwort the LBC zig zag smoke. It's 1993 feel the breeze realness smokin' weed smokin' indo realer for the Gs every single one bubbles in the tub. Recognize fo shizzle smokin' weed nasty real deal Holyfield rolling down the street for the Gs., For the hustlers plizzay with my mind on my money realer like every single day the diggy. Laid back in tha hizzle if you was me and I was you the diggy may I the S oh yes feel the breeze. In tha hizzle eighty degrees everybody got they cups waddup it's 1993 put ya choppers up Mr. Buckwort. For the hustlers every single one sippin' on gin and juice your chrome bubbles in the tub real deal Holyfield the LBC televizzle. Used to sell loot tha shiznit the Magic Johnson of rap roll with every single one Coupe de Ville., Long beach Snoopy gizzo for the Gs smokin' weed drizzle. Your chrome nothing can save ya waddup if the ride is more fly, then you must buy with my mind on my money. Used to sell loot realer roll with your chrome feel the breeze it's 1993 zig zag smoke smokin' weed smokin' indo., Through all the drama Doggfada it's 1993 Long Beach waddup. May i Mr. Buckwort Snoopy Coupe de Ville laid back. Tha shiznit roll with for the Gs laid back gizzo may I., Tha shiznit you talk too much real deal Holyfield make a few ends for the Gs waddup eighty degrees bionic. Fo rizzle for the Gs used to sell loot the diggy televizzle for the hustlers. In tha hizzle guess what? feel the breeze now I'm on parole every single one the S oh yes Snoop Coupe de Ville. Real deal holyfield drop it like it's hot Snoop nothing can save ya why is you. Realer it's 1993 sippin' on gin and juice now I'm on parole pizzle if you was me and I was you drizzle., Snoop real deal Holyfield feel the breeze gold chain everybody got they cups like every single day smokin' indo if the ride is more fly, then you must buy. Waddup nasty Long Beach Snoop real deal Holyfield for the Gs smokin' indo. Drop it like it's hot nasty if you was me and I was you roll with for the Gs I love my momma. | | `phrase` | Rizzoad nasty for the hustlers the Dogg Pound bionic drop it like it's hot., Guess what? feel the breeze drop it like it's hot fo rizzle hizzouse Mr. Buckwort gold chain you talk too much., Doggfada smokin' weed your chrome sippin' on gin and juice bubbles in the tub and my money on my mind. | | `phrases` | Real deal holyfield everybody got they cups nothing can save ya rizzoad feel the breeze make a few ends realer rolling down the street it's 1993., Smokin' indo in tha hizzle nasty everybody got they cups like every single day fo shizzle rizzide., Doggfada fizzle your chrome guess what? realness it's 1993 through all the drama zig zag smoke now I'm on parole., Tha shiznit your chrome put ya choppers up laid back drizzle Snoopy make a few ends roll with the Dogg Pound., Pizzle used to sell loot guess what? the LBC Coupe de Ville hizzouse smokin' weed bubbles in the tub., For the hustlers for the Gs and my money on my mind in tha hizzle fo rizzle you talk too much every single one Snoop., Gold chain realness Mr. Buckwort roll with like every single day Long Beach., Mr. buckwort Snoop the S oh yes I love my momma rizzoad Snoopy if you was me and I was you., Fo rizzle with my mind on my money smokin' weed smokin' indo guess what? your chrome now I'm on parole I love my momma. | | `sentence` | Drop it like it's hot the diggy your chrome the Magic Johnson of rap why is you rizzide Mr. Buckwort., Fo shizzle the diggy Snoopy if you was me and I was you the Magic Johnson of rap eighty degrees drizzle Mr. Buckwort rizzoad., How we do it why is you Snoop drop it like it's hot televizzle hizzouse I love my momma. | | `sentences` | Waddup laid back Snoopy guess what? smokin' weed tha shiznit., Doggfada eighty degrees rizzide drizzle sippin' on gin and juice for the Gs., For the gs waddup nasty laid back you talk too much Coupe de Ville bionic televizzle., Pizzle zig zag smoke guess what? realness Doggfada bionic it's 1993., Your chrome Long Beach and my money on my mind at ease drop it like it's hot roll with., Roll with bionic every single one rizzoad smokin' indo laid back used to sell loot Doggfada., Realness eighty degrees the S oh yes Long Beach in tha hizzle gizzo plizzay rizzoad laid back., Plizzay put ya choppers up for the Gs if the ride is more fly, then you must buy may I the diggy Doggfada Snoop., Drizzle it's 1993 for the Gs Mr. Buckwort tha shiznit the dopest I love my momma televizzle. | | `word` | I love my momma, pizzle, rizzide | | `words` | feel the breeze, why is you, fizzle, may I, laid back, rolling down the street, at ease, tha dizzle, nasty | ## FFaker::Education | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | Master of Studies in Human Resource Engineering, Master of Public Service in Social Economics, Master of Psychology in Social Engineering | | `degree_short` | MD in Medical Arts, BCA in Human Resource Engineering, BE in Marketing Accountancy | | `major` | Industrial Architecture, Business Development, Social Management | | `school` | Southcrest College, Lakefield School, Riverville University | | `school_generic_name` | Southspur, Virginia, Whitecoast | | `school_name` | Rivercoast, Southdale, Northfield | ## FFaker::EducationCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | 经济学学士, 工学硕士, 哲学学士 | | `location` | 中国, 安徽, 福建 | | `major` | 植物保护, 农学, 纳米材料与技术 | | `school` | 四川学院, 红河大学, 满洲里交通大学 | ## FFaker::Filesystem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `directory` | quis/et/cum, et/placeat/dolorum, iure/quis/necessitatibus | | `extension` | key, pdf, ods | | `file_name` | dolorem/quia/aut/hic.json, eaque/ea/et/nesciunt.html, rerum/porro/optio/perferendis.css | | `mime_type` | audio/vnd.wave, video/webm, application/soap+xml | ## FFaker::Food | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `fruit` | Blackcurrant, Pomegranate, Nectarine | | `herb_or_spice` | Fennel, Onion, Oriental Stir Fry Spice | | `ingredient` | Coriander, Water chestnut, Bone soup from allowable meats | | `meat` | Chicken Liver, Ostrich, Ostrich | | `vegetable` | Radish, Drumstick, Runner bean | ## FFaker::Gender | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `binary` | female, female, male | | `maybe` | pan-gender, agender, non-binary | | `random` | female, bi-gender, agender | | `sample` | agender, female, bi-gender | ## FFaker::GenderBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | masculino, feminino, masculino | | `random` | masculino, masculino, feminino | | `sample` | feminino, masculino, masculino | ## FFaker::GenderCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 男, 女, 男 | | `random` | 男, 男, 男 | | `sample` | 女, 女, 男 | ## FFaker::GenderID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | perempuan, laki-laki, laki-laki | | `random` | laki-laki, perempuan, laki-laki | | `sample` | laki-laki, laki-laki, laki-laki | ## FFaker::GenderJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 男, 男 | | `random` | 女, 女, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 男, 男 | ## FFaker::GenderJP | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 女, 女 | | `random` | 女, 男, 女 | | `sample` | 女, 女, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 남, 녀, 남 | | `random` | 남, 녀, 남 | | `sample` | 남, 남, 남 | ## FFaker::GenderPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | mężczyzna, mężczyzna, mężczyzna | | `random` | mężczyzna, kobieta, mężczyzna | | `sample` | kobieta, mężczyzna, kobieta | ## FFaker::Geolocation | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `boxed_coords`(..., ...) | | | `lat` | 40.7143394939935, 40.78595, 40.7451545655034 | | `lng` | -73.8454648940358, -73.196244, -81.611008 | ## FFaker::Guid | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `guid` | 6BF9184E-F7A6-08EF-3F29-34C83E3E6A86, 3B3878DC-D6C0-C003-932E-2E3F5B841A89, 9E6E3A29-843F-99E0-908E-0AE50C46ACAC | ## FFaker::HTMLIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `a` | <a href="#rerum" title="Quibusdam quia">Id quia</a>, <a href="#amet" title="Et quaerat">Beatae consectetur</a>, <a href="#repudiandae" title="Atque alias">Dolorum blanditiis</a> | | `body` | <h1>Dolore deleniti</h1><p><em>Hic consequuntur rerum eum cum iusto voluptatibus in a. Provident laboriosam labore adipisci dolorem sequi et modi nemo. Excepturi quam incidunt facere repudiandae rem molestiae est omnis. Officia delectus itaque iste non voluptatem dolor qui quo. Dicta cum saepe dolores pariatur et veritatis.</em> <code>eos iste</code> <strong>Labore accusamus</strong></p><p><code>sed illo</code> <strong>Voluptate dolor</strong> <a href="#quibusdam" title="Deserunt dolore">Neque eum</a></p><p><code>dolore autem</code> <em>Magnam ut est harum saepe. Et fuga sit labore aliquam maiores nulla dolor. Vel mollitia rem consequatur sunt deserunt nihil fugiat. Magni similique sit tempora est odit officiis.</em> <strong>Eveniet veniam</strong></p><table><thead><tr><th>Velit</th><th>Cum</th><th>Pariatur</th><th>Quia</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Et</td><td>Eum</td><td>Asperiores</td><td><a href="#aliquam" title="Alias enim">Necessitatibus tenetur</a></td></tr><tr><td>Quas</td><td>A</td><td>Consequatur</td><td><a href="#et" title="Unde placeat">Neque quia</a></td></tr><tr><td>Necessitatibus</td><td>Cumque</td><td>Maxime</td><td><a href="#id" title="Eos omnis">Velit aliquid</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Sed natus</h2><ol><li>Voluptatem dolorum quia asperiores reprehenderit necessitatibus animi sit. Fugiat reiciendis est non libero. Ut deleniti tenetur quasi qui quibusdam esse.</li><li>Recusandae possimus perspiciatis ullam aspernatur quisquam. Et porro nesciunt exercitationem officia dolorem repellat omnis est.</li><li>Vitae repudiandae voluptatem voluptate a delectus tenetur.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Facilis debitis quo illum dolores similique iste. Voluptatem sapiente sunt illum est non alias voluptatem et. Quod corrupti nihil omnis aut voluptas. In non quo vel perspiciatis repudiandae odio aut atque.<br>Consequatur officiis illo dolorem soluta. Reprehenderit iure provident deleniti harum quas eaque enim. Quod et doloremque inventore consequatur praesentium perferendis tempore. Doloribus at animi reprehenderit hic qui. Quia in omnis ut dolores est minus odit.<br>Dolores voluptate ea necessitatibus dolorem sapiente perferendis quod suscipit. Tempora qui reprehenderit doloremque fugiat excepturi aut numquam beatae. Impedit labore et eos rerum.</p></blockquote><h3>Aut corporis</h3><ul><li>Quidem et esse dolorem totam qui rerum ullam alias.</li></ul><pre><code> #vel h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Aperiam rerum</h1><p><a href="#dolore" title="Repellat explicabo">Asperiores natus</a> Recusandae numquam iure id atque eaque qui ducimus. Sit cupiditate commodi molestiae rerum sed quae quas. Id quia praesentium voluptatem dolorem exercitationem. Placeat debitis aut beatae enim id omnis et doloribus. Aliquam veritatis delectus dolorem sed et doloribus et. <strong>Sunt saepe</strong></p><p><em>Eaque ut dolores iste officiis. Laborum accusamus consequatur omnis similique ut porro eos. Aut sit voluptatibus suscipit voluptatem quod explicabo qui id. Nulla debitis non et et earum. Pariatur dolores quia suscipit recusandae hic perspiciatis ad.</em> <code>dolore architecto</code> Tenetur dicta est iste est. Rem optio eos dolorum omnis qui. Magni quae porro dolorum facere soluta nemo quia. Error expedita eos aspernatur magni et id. Odit et omnis voluptas itaque dolore consequatur delectus.</p><p><strong>Illum qui</strong> Quis illo maiores excepturi aspernatur omnis voluptas harum. Consequatur nisi odio et omnis beatae dolore ullam. Quos dolores omnis iusto aut ab. <code>provident temporibus</code></p><table><thead><tr><th>Magnam</th><th>Expedita</th><th>Distinctio</th><th>Commodi</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Rerum</td><td>Blanditiis</td><td>Fugit</td><td><a href="#asperiores" title="Qui molestiae">Quia nulla</a></td></tr><tr><td>Iusto</td><td>Sunt</td><td>Et</td><td><a href="#impedit" title="Excepturi est">Magni atque</a></td></tr><tr><td>Et</td><td>Ex</td><td>Et</td><td><a href="#cum" title="Debitis voluptatem">Ea quis</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Voluptatem sit</h2><ol><li>Ipsam quam minus tempore sit possimus doloribus distinctio dolorem.</li><li>Fuga non cumque et nihil voluptatem itaque. Quis soluta ipsam nobis tempore corrupti est.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Non cumque sed quia similique error omnis. Velit dolores dignissimos iure ipsam praesentium omnis maiores. Voluptas odio dolores ipsa optio id qui. Facilis repudiandae accusantium minus recusandae iusto.<br>Minima id ut nulla aut aut et vel possimus. Quas omnis recusandae et vitae. Velit quia distinctio occaecati veniam repellendus nihil molestiae voluptas. Eveniet esse illo facere temporibus. Enim veniam neque deleniti accusantium aut.<br>Debitis quidem enim suscipit voluptatem eum. Eos fugit eveniet laborum dolorem at fugiat consequatur. Laborum blanditiis modi facilis omnis voluptatum perspiciatis. Ut enim consequatur porro exercitationem eum. Minima est quia quo aperiam repellat optio ullam natus.</p></blockquote><h3>Sapiente aperiam</h3><ul><li>Omnis magni in veritatis et. Distinctio nam vel porro soluta.</li><li>Ut quaerat nobis in commodi non et. Amet aliquid repellat sunt provident et vero.</li><li>Nobis adipisci rerum officiis consequatur.</li></ul><pre><code> #voluptas h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Non sit</h1><p><em>Necessitatibus accusantium omnis voluptas dignissimos sit. Possimus nobis tempore ea porro sint quidem. Tempora id eius et fugiat. Ut vel et iusto non doloremque modi enim optio. Voluptatibus dolorum est in ut a facilis.</em> <a href="#aut" title="Sed impedit">Sit facilis</a> <strong>Ut pariatur</strong></p><p><strong>Enim sapiente</strong> Ratione molestias dolorum beatae et aut pariatur. Id facere sint cupiditate officia molestias repellendus dolores quaerat. Officia molestiae atque ipsa consectetur. Consequatur earum ipsam aperiam vero facere quia. <a href="#illum" title="Aut quia">Harum fugiat</a></p><table><thead><tr><th>Eum</th><th>Ratione</th><th>Est</th><th>Qui</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Ut</td><td>Delectus</td><td>Laborum</td><td><a href="#dolores" title="Rerum et">Dicta repellat</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Autem expedita</h2><ol><li>Velit aut esse qui id necessitatibus totam. Commodi iste dolores omnis consectetur saepe suscipit porro. In nesciunt error ipsam quidem dolorum.</li><li>Odio earum recusandae sed cumque. Culpa aut et hic labore ea officiis alias. Consequuntur modi vel natus autem ab temporibus ut deserunt.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Architecto tempora inventore quia sequi incidunt alias consequatur. Eos eveniet laudantium cum sequi enim ratione. Non perferendis aut pariatur quo veritatis doloribus. Et vero mollitia omnis neque quae qui occaecati autem.<br>Dignissimos qui pariatur quod consequuntur dicta consectetur et. Est reiciendis dolorem laborum quos. Nesciunt repellat et error praesentium.<br>Dolorum sunt corporis eaque id facere. Atque est illo dolorem dolorum sequi. Quod accusantium ut repellat soluta. Distinctio ut dolores quo laudantium.</p></blockquote><h3>Maiores architecto</h3><ul></ul><pre><code> #illo h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> | | `dl` | <dl><dt>Soluta</dt><dd>Occaecati eos dolorem rerum ducimus saepe quibusdam non neque. Et repellat velit ipsam ipsa. Debitis sint in aut impedit qui est. Omnis ullam perferendis ut laboriosam.</dd><dt>Et</dt><dd>Aut repudiandae quis alias quasi. Dolorem nostrum excepturi omnis enim aliquid deserunt. Nulla rerum voluptatem animi eos.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Et</dt><dd>Consequatur quia vero odio natus ut dolores alias accusantium. Dolorem culpa consequuntur est eaque repellendus in quam. Tempore velit nulla aliquam illum est maiores quo eum.</dd><dt>Eos</dt><dd>Non quam omnis ea corrupti et ipsum minus. At fuga saepe facere numquam ut sed vitae. Dolores facere libero ut deserunt. Ut eligendi deleniti ducimus officiis vero corrupti.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Optio</dt><dd>Ut adipisci quod quae velit totam omnis assumenda tempore. Dolor voluptatem assumenda aut et deleniti facere at.</dd><dt>Sit</dt><dd>Ratione quasi quo dicta rerum odit. Quis similique qui rem in quia quod. Sint officia tempora consequatur quia animi cumque. Nobis pariatur laborum ea voluptatem quis.</dd></dl> | | `fancy_string` | <code>aperiam modi</code> <strong>Sunt voluptas</strong> <em>Ad explicabo exercitationem facilis similique totam veniam illo. Voluptatem dolores in eos deserunt qui adipisci ipsam. Eius inventore non explicabo libero est odit aut. Qui quia esse vel doloremque. Aliquam consectetur quibusdam autem ea laborum mollitia.</em>, <em>Sit et cupiditate facere aspernatur qui in. Voluptatem neque modi ea explicabo recusandae adipisci sint. Qui delectus repudiandae corporis beatae. Perspiciatis quia et expedita qui. Autem omnis quae iure explicabo.</em> <code>modi corrupti</code> <a href="#iure" title="Vitae distinctio">Atque ex</a>, Quam voluptates iure voluptatibus id. Mollitia laboriosam tempora quod aliquid. Veritatis fugiat qui voluptas voluptatem assumenda architecto et. Autem repellendus facilis recusandae eos libero. <strong>Necessitatibus veniam</strong> <code>voluptatum alias</code> | | `ol_long` | <ol><li>Est consequatur architecto labore at. Delectus maxime quia voluptas dolores ut deserunt. Non voluptates qui beatae fugiat.</li><li>Necessitatibus et delectus quis velit atque. Magni sunt aut aut quibusdam reprehenderit modi. Sunt repellendus consequatur vel cum voluptates saepe est rerum. Dignissimos quia dolor quisquam ut eos nihil error.</li><li>Vitae asperiores voluptas voluptatibus est. Aut doloremque quia explicabo omnis praesentium voluptatem.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Voluptas et aut rerum itaque sit laborum consequatur. Enim tenetur ad magnam iusto ratione quia deserunt nam. Aut voluptatem eveniet reprehenderit eius ut beatae animi. Quo rerum ut minus aperiam et similique.</li><li>Aut non nobis officia quam aspernatur. Voluptatibus aut eveniet sapiente commodi et culpa. Ut veritatis unde repellendus et molestias.</li><li>Ut sint cumque quas optio ex consequatur eum. Esse veniam non et placeat corrupti alias ipsam omnis. Debitis consequuntur nesciunt facilis sapiente ad.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Numquam consequatur temporibus aut dignissimos. Omnis ea rerum eos corporis deleniti.</li><li>Id vero dicta voluptatibus sunt dolorum non ipsa aperiam. Laboriosam maxime deleniti ut minima rem fugiat quasi autem.</li><li>Commodi soluta ea nisi et. Enim harum recusandae sequi rerum nostrum excepturi.</li></ol> | | `ol_short` | <ol><li>Eum sequi voluptatibus.</li><li>Nihil quibusdam sunt.</li><li>Molestiae numquam dignissimos rerum eos.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Pariatur nulla sint vitae.</li><li>Ea quam voluptates voluptatem reprehenderit.</li><li>Id voluptas nihil tenetur unde aut quisquam.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Soluta ipsam doloremque ut.</li><li>Mollitia sequi sunt maxime culpa nostrum.</li><li>Magni porro suscipit voluptatem.</li></ol> | | `p` | <p>Voluptatem dicta amet quis adipisci dolorum. Sapiente minus quia debitis ut. Aut nisi et a saepe minus possimus et iusto.</p>, <p>Dignissimos dolorum aut et quam. Eum saepe consequatur voluptas est neque vel. Tempore vitae eaque quia repellat explicabo non quidem veritatis. Temporibus atque nam est qui et corporis voluptas. Iste eligendi pariatur sit modi.</p>, <p>Harum odit quisquam mollitia molestiae reiciendis. Deleniti placeat non voluptas ea et earum. Assumenda vel qui eveniet alias est aut. Aliquam fugiat numquam et deserunt harum minima non. Et ut labore voluptas nulla odio temporibus quis fugiat.</p> | | `table` | <table><thead><tr><th>Est</th><th>Labore</th><th>Non</th><th>Animi</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Dolores</td><td>Iusto</td><td>Nulla</td><td><a href="#et" title="Voluptatum perferendis">Qui omnis</a></td></tr><tr><td>Libero</td><td>Sequi</td><td>Non</td><td><a href="#praesentium" title="Atque id">Harum corporis</a></td></tr><tr><td>Nemo</td><td>At</td><td>Corrupti</td><td><a href="#corrupti" title="Et doloribus">Aut eaque</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Harum</th><th>Modi</th><th>Corrupti</th><th>Illum</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Est</td><td>Vero</td><td>Voluptatibus</td><td><a href="#vitae" title="Officia doloremque">Dicta velit</a></td></tr><tr><td>Sunt</td><td>Et</td><td>Expedita</td><td><a href="#quod" title="Necessitatibus nostrum">Corporis fuga</a></td></tr><tr><td>Qui</td><td>Repudiandae</td><td>Dolorem</td><td><a href="#omnis" title="Est nesciunt">Commodi reiciendis</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Iusto</th><th>Voluptatem</th><th>Tempore</th><th>Delectus</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Non</td><td>Blanditiis</td><td>Tenetur</td><td><a href="#sunt" title="Ipsum quasi">Corrupti autem</a></td></tr><tr><td>In</td><td>Perferendis</td><td>Omnis</td><td><a href="#totam" title="Delectus aut">Officia non</a></td></tr><tr><td>Tempore</td><td>Officiis</td><td>Quo</td><td><a href="#et" title="Nemo illum">Soluta est</a></td></tr></tbody></table> | | `ul_links` | <ul><li><a href="#aut" title="Dignissimos">Non</a></li><li><a href="#voluptate" title="Quasi">Labore</a></li><li><a href="#vel" title="Tempore">Beatae</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#in" title="Illo">Soluta</a></li><li><a href="#rerum" title="Cumque">Consequuntur</a></li><li><a href="#et" title="Provident">Vel</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#iusto" title="Consequatur">Et</a></li><li><a href="#vel" title="Temporibus">Voluptatem</a></li><li><a href="#impedit" title="Eos">Maiores</a></li></ul> | | `ul_long` | <ul><li>Consequatur debitis magni voluptates odio dolore quas. Eum sint vel sint voluptates fugit iusto ipsam rerum.</li><li>Ipsa atque distinctio consequatur soluta dolore. Iure omnis voluptatum veniam ea harum. Sed officia ipsum unde quod modi. Ut saepe suscipit dolorum quo dolores corporis.</li><li>Dicta voluptatibus ut eum possimus dolores aliquam. Itaque modi pariatur magnam quaerat ullam.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Natus sit et nulla suscipit atque. In quaerat laborum fugiat et officiis unde. Dolorem totam voluptatibus labore ipsum porro.</li><li>Qui error sint iure aut. Consequatur quis porro ipsam voluptas sapiente ut esse. Vel autem aut adipisci consequatur ipsam magnam. Ipsa similique enim voluptatem labore.</li><li>Ex autem cupiditate voluptatibus excepturi quo. Enim commodi deserunt dicta qui dignissimos architecto temporibus modi. Rerum unde optio et tempore in sequi.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Nostrum esse in nam id ipsam at doloremque. Maiores nam ut iure voluptatum et nemo voluptate qui. Dignissimos quis sunt qui qui.</li><li>Facere assumenda numquam beatae inventore earum magni alias. At aperiam quos quis optio praesentium. Dolores suscipit ut qui ullam optio.</li><li>Sint magni possimus qui omnis aliquid. Illum est pariatur reprehenderit est modi. Eos molestiae illo voluptatem sed praesentium. Perferendis asperiores quam modi aut fuga temporibus atque.</li></ul> | | `ul_short` | <ul><li>Quis et modi neque.</li><li>Distinctio quo sed blanditiis nam et laborum.</li><li>Est nesciunt vitae blanditiis ipsa ut.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Aliquid non in.</li><li>Non id saepe consectetur dolorem.</li><li>Neque illo ducimus praesentium reiciendis modi.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Culpa nihil voluptatibus autem totam expedita velit.</li><li>Voluptates minus rerum.</li><li>Modi est illum voluptatem eius.</li></ul> | ## FFaker::HealthcareIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | ydqg6c8w3dl8dkbj321v0u37f2ejtajmoweu5j19sd9a3enyk60k5r6i90aay4wyn4vrb6p6c6omky1o1n03hn2ftwv29rb62r8e1nvelsa938oq9xoaw5o49gmmwqnp0m28ukft98qo5wdzat47ps5n0dwv0uuxluw7kurcxlob117hl9sjbz0cbfd9v98wtncbj0uq4w9my4cr8qm9djgmi7gwe3l4bzhee2ik9bbk5pygwhlnwfbrju8xprm, 4yc3v2rst0uxy3nepmxqmmlgqr14emf0ecxotkoyu22da9ss0bbgfpzkd413q5c2m8q9dnoox1a2x64ujcwniljewq909p7x28kgk2q426ivophew8rpl0bqfnvr9pmn5to9nih5jur4hl2krm3xt2ymjsnsuknlq9g5dbieql0gf4kxzi27779chrwcpko89n24p09f0d2bd3jqeatb0t1bb5ye58xlu7soqhryzar2our2m39gftcqchoeitd, 5zxgt1llu4jquii1h7bl8cdqwvxf3gcilwbg780byw0b1th35isdeathlo0l4tjmt08hirqlgp1lkw42gzru211z4cjambhkzujsi502643ec4pyvku7ueu8abzptux0bnh8ofrxzz8piyu45nrg4bmlcsfyjhh3ujbnhd20op5krhfl2uhhp3d4e98bzmtl6ffuqlx36c3qm7kgad0nwyhyn1y7h91gy4jrau935k8lg9q0ji5hntrmd07nplp | | `paragraph` | Coordination of benefits health insurance portability &amp; accountability act staff model usual and customary charge noncancellable policy eligible dependent health care provider out-of-network managed care. Discharge planning current procedural terminology rider major medical coordination of benefits centers of excellence. Custodial care flexible benefit plan permanent insurance EOB out-of-pocket costs covered charges/expenses medigap., Pre-admission testing hospice care qualifying event impaired risk workers compensation deductible carry over credit. Deductible carry over credit well-baby care independent practice associations health care provider benefit. Designated facility ambulatory care board certified state insurance department concurrent review. Limited policy enrollee NAIC national association of insurance commissioners health savings account major medical. Out-of-network renewal accredited deductible carry over credit episode of care pre-admission review HEDIS after care., Current procedural terminology usual and customary charge diagnostic related group hospice care schedule of benefits and exclusions policy cost sharing stop-loss provisions. Hospital-surgical coverage permanent insurance HCPCS pre-existing condition primary care physician HEDIS. Co-insurance reasonable and customary independent practice associations service area SIC EAPs. Preventive care rider NCQA incurral date credentialing skilled nursing facility morbidity. Staff model health insurance portability &amp; accountability act accumulation period HIPAA limited policy covered person managed care national association of insurance commissioners. | | `paragraphs` | Pcp HDHP master policy service area pre-admission testing. Network provider waiting period health insurance portability &amp; accountability act premium consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act independent practice associations staff model. Noncancellable policy provider waiting period co-pay preferred provider organization incurral date open enrollment. Gatekeeper discharge planning HCPCS PPO benefit general agent out-of-network referral short-term medical insurance. Incurral date critical access hospital standard industrial classification insured preventive care., Hmo hospital care master policy PCP impaired risk agent of record skilled nursing facility broker policyholder. Hsa EAPs FSA attachment insured pregnancy care. Hcpcs administrative services only impaired risk home health care self administered health savings account cost sharing waiting period. Hospital-surgical coverage explanation of benefits covered person service area ancillary services., Dependent accreditation nonrenewable master policy broker co-insurance high deductible health plan discharge planning. Network provider HIPAA inpatient care EAPs enrollee hospice care noncancellable policy. Staff model co-payment health care provider hospital-surgical coverage PCP deductible carry over credit open enrollment ASO qualifying event., Disenroll MSA preventive care HEDIS lifetime maximum ASO current procedural terminology. Self administered national committee for quality assurance COBRA usual and customary charge independent practice associations. Primary care physician EOB dependent admitting privileges deductible carry over credit HSA. Noncancellable policy medigap coordinated care medicare state-mandated benefits fee schedule. Grievance COB health maintenance organization pre-admission testing ambulatory care co-pay any willing provider laws insured., Broker network provider after care second surgical opinion wellness office visit primary care physician eligible expenses short-term medical insurance. Incurral date usual and customary charge diagnostic related group noncancellable policy health insurance portability &amp; accountability act medical savings account high deductible health plan. Managed care gag rule laws limited policy CPT ambulatory care., International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm policy benefit cap discharge planning health care provider denial of claim episode of care coordinated care inpatient care. Naic concurrent review HRA independent practice associations appeal home health care second surgical opinion denial of claim health care provider. Limited policy provider medigap reasonable and customary COB network HCPCS state-mandated benefits., Explanation of benefits coordinated care employee assistance programs second surgical opinion COBRA formulary reasonable and customary coordination of benefits denial of claim. Co-pay indemnity health plan eligible dependent accreditation general agent referral. Pre-existing condition HDHP pregnancy care fee-for-service eligible dependent inpatient care pre-admission testing EAPs. Co-pay case manager open enrollment grievance third-party payer HCPCS. General agent qualifying event designated facility indemnity health plan prior authorization benefit cap HCFA Common Procedure Coding System., Accreditation centers of excellence risk qualifying event ASO insured general agent. Network provider misrepresentation portability pre-certification medicare special benefit networks insured hospital care. Pre-admission review special benefit networks pre-authorization PPO service area., Sic third-party payer agent of record out-of-network coordinated care international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm. Hedis CPT NAIC medigap fee-for-service policyholder FSA medical savings account benefit. Hmo grievance co-payment hospital-surgical coverage clinical practice guidelines skilled nursing facility impaired risk out-of-network misrepresentation. Administrative services only noncancellable policy renewal home health care broker ambulatory care current procedural terminology formulary referral. | | `phrase` | Eligible dependent second surgical opinion morbidity current procedural terminology short-term medical insurance centers of excellence., Pre-existing condition pre-certification agent of record R&C charge nonrenewable., Ambulatory care current procedural terminology group health plan fee schedule consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act insured. | | `phrases` | International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm service area eligible dependent preferred provider organization HCPCS HRA second surgical opinion., Hra home health care noncancellable policy out-of-network general agent wellness office visit staff model special benefit networks., Premium urgent care NCQA managed care accreditation first dollar coverage independent practice associations nonrenewable., Renewal HCFA Common Procedure Coding System misrepresentation group health plan NCQA preferred provider organization covered benefit disenroll., Short-term medical insurance permanent insurance wellness office visit FSA portability national association of insurance commissioners IPA., Eligible expenses self-insured PCP critical access hospital waiting period network provider., Board certified benefit accumulation period major medical HCFA Common Procedure Coding System skilled nursing facility coordinated care participating provider., Medically necessary after care effective date EAPs formulary., Insured guaranteed issue usual and customary charge permanent insurance episode of care. | | `sentence` | Hcfa common procedure coding system agent of record preferred provider organization benefit cap current procedural terminology national committee for quality assurance lifetime maximum., Deductible carry over credit flexible benefit plan managed care HSA staff model medical savings account EAPs covered benefit independent practice associations., Preventive care network NAIC lapse appeal policy network provider. | | `sentences` | Independent practice associations health care provider benefit health savings account open enrollment current procedural terminology evidence of insurability portability credentialing., Major medical enrollee national committee for quality assurance policy usual and customary charge medicaid COBRA., Full-time student R&C charge underwriting renewal incurral date pregnancy care., Eaps special benefit networks certificate of coverage accreditation schedule of benefits and exclusions HCFA Common Procedure Coding System network provider accredited., Admitting privileges accumulation period covered charges/expenses covered person case management., State-mandated benefits admitting physician attachment free-look period policy employee assistance programs episode of care exclusions and limitations., Pre-certification explanation of benefits health maintenance organization medigap current procedural terminology employee assistance programs., Co-payment workers compensation defensive medicine standard industrial classification appeal utilization review., Benefit cap service area preventive care pre-admission review ambulatory care state insurance department. | | `word` | out-of-pocket costs, full-time student, flexible spending account | | `words` | medicaid, nonrenewable, health employer data and information set, COBRA, gag rule laws, NCQA, misrepresentation, permanent insurance, service area | ## FFaker::HealthcareRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `doctor_specialization` | Акушер-гинеколог, Неонатолог, ЛФК-врач | ## FFaker::HipsterIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | 9w7cyyaixl7uxmmpooroufqu71384xepykdv36n5zvjyh3ewujc4mar2rgro38xsvhsyyd2lc5o4usiqf2mn07s6uosxlecbx0awnhauxdgejwk3ner7orv1kpdtnsjmj9eb77n3kzcnu5slalrg9lo7t1dkh90jr9me1qlr4dzb5q8rjcaqtlwuuc7n3grdjm2qgod9h7uhajcnstq4tpm3jn2fx7oi1v5u4jtsqrfwdqqnyaa7fagdlz1tqnt, dy46zc7w0ur0xgp904diy7ntrhnx6nm00dvwfokrdoxcjh1abheuha0uqykqp8xl3dbd9ztkyibfjy1h46hknkxbt7n7ur1kmdql07z39fsy7jgg70ntw2wmpng890bkphuwulljvzr2xakey1h6s5yepswjj9ewmq11qsb6cnz8v2z4atspinqbmdqoq6faerioknsagss5mf25hytpvron4q72gub6emyeh269aqm969hgd59pxe2etgonai3, sio7sflskiu6dwu3vhdy65qbq7he36o7k593g8ud9f1aww4fi1ve34p6wr9ubhzjgq6pzeqlpo6p7hgcala89c7zhbyv8vvrsqdunxjaosccjehxlqn3cvfg6jnf2orbp1qf2eekb2qsuxxt6g53ysn6u55dluv72otsntc9hug48pxzfusxc4099zd71bw2ws8i5c981wm61zoii2sx9sixqbbn2fk8mlg8xddbdwk9csiu0al7xsplnonwuah | | `paragraph` | Gentrify Wes Anderson organic before they sold out moon twee Brooklyn freegan +1. Locavore VHS hoodie mlkshk Carles vinyl tattooed stumptown. Pitchfork readymade mustache high life 8-bit stumptown. Hoodie vinyl fanny pack Shoreditch single-origin coffee mlkshk echo park thundercats wolf. Raw denim Shoreditch Portland lo-fi art keffiyeh seitan PBR Cosby Sweater., Vinyl yr raw denim viral fixie photo booth Marfa. Synth seitan letterpress Austin tattooed vice Four Loko salvia lo-fi. Bicycle rights PBR synth put a bird on it keffiyeh skateboard vegan letterpress art. Pitchfork chambray Austin tofu Brooklyn. Mcsweeney's leggings gluten-free vinyl cardigan keytar iPhone beard Cosby Sweater., Artisan McSweeney's cliche dreamcatcher locavore farm-to-table. Letterpress cred messenger bag party organic. Squid fanny pack skateboard Austin whatever. Bicycle rights Shoreditch sustainable fap cliche Cosby Sweater lomo. | | `paragraphs` | Art jean shorts PBR fixie vinyl cardigan gentrify seitan Cosby Sweater. Whatever blog +1 lo-fi letterpress Shoreditch next level echo park farm-to-table. Locavore cliche readymade synth tumblr., Single-origin coffee twee synth letterpress art. Lo-fi quinoa PBR single-origin coffee echo park. Keffiyeh salvia Williamsburg Pitchfork next level beard Marfa., Diy ethical Wayfarers salvia vegan readymade artisan VHS etsy. Bicycle rights banh mi thundercats next level Shoreditch keytar. Pbr brunch wolf ethical freegan before they sold out stumptown lomo Pitchfork. Etsy Pitchfork yr before they sold out sustainable moon single-origin coffee Portland. Whatever yr American Apparel fixie food truck McSweeney's etsy locavore trust fund., Sartorial mlkshk you probably haven't heard of them echo park salvia squid hoodie tattooed. Mlkshk fanny pack Cosby Sweater organic 8-bit keytar Portland high life. Pitchfork thundercats Carles you probably haven't heard of them banh mi synth., Pitchfork seitan skateboard banh mi fap. Before they sold out photo booth master cleanse tofu hoodie blog banh mi dreamcatcher. Artisan chambray next level raw denim synth +1 letterpress Carles freegan. Scenester squid Shoreditch tattooed tofu vegan Pitchfork. Banh mi Wes Anderson beard salvia tumblr mlkshk trust fund twee., Scenester fanny pack Cosby Sweater banh mi Rerry Richardson ethical thundercats retro. Twee VHS brunch cred photo booth. Blog aesthetic whatever photo booth seitan Shoreditch. Gluten-free Shoreditch seitan cliche Brooklyn fap squid chambray stumptown. Fap put a bird on it Cosby Sweater cardigan fanny pack American Apparel seitan., Vegan brunch fixie 8-bit food truck tofu. Leggings squid +1 next level retro fanny pack biodiesel. Tattooed echo park whatever high life Brooklyn lomo., Squid chambray seitan Cosby Sweater jean shorts readymade etsy helvetica. Synth you probably haven't heard of them American Apparel jean shorts craft beer food truck 8-bit. Carles cardigan twee raw denim gluten-free., Next level aesthetic Shoreditch viral Portland you probably haven't heard of them stumptown. You probably haven't heard of them keffiyeh master cleanse organic yr farm-to-table. Freegan photo booth Williamsburg cred mustache skateboard chambray before they sold out artisan. Shoreditch master cleanse PBR lo-fi synth iPhone. Master cleanse thundercats trust fund freegan put a bird on it lo-fi tattooed Four Loko mixtape. | | `phrase` | Tattooed PBR etsy twee readymade., Jean shorts Rerry Richardson high life seitan blog keytar Banksy Carles., Farm-to-table sartorial +1 keffiyeh stumptown American Apparel before they sold out tumblr master cleanse. | | `phrases` | Twee echo park single-origin coffee banh mi leggings blog., Tattooed raw denim irony Shoreditch mustache fanny pack leggings., Marfa sartorial Austin aesthetic stumptown., 8-bit seitan Wayfarers Portland jean shorts., Diy brunch mlkshk mustache Shoreditch echo park., Salvia echo park VHS gluten-free lo-fi., Art scenester blog ethical sartorial butcher yr locavore., Etsy DIY brunch fap whatever McSweeney's stumptown next level., Master cleanse retro Williamsburg Shoreditch hoodie squid fixie next level party. | | `sentence` | Mustache mlkshk PBR fixie hoodie Portland., Shoreditch banh mi wolf locavore mustache food truck., Blog letterpress leggings art yr gluten-free. | | `sentences` | Carles Williamsburg PBR tattooed vinyl butcher single-origin coffee jean shorts whatever., Organic American Apparel gluten-free moon helvetica mustache., Messenger bag single-origin coffee Williamsburg McSweeney's party brunch., Salvia Marfa keffiyeh butcher vinyl Wes Anderson helvetica skateboard sustainable., Keytar McSweeney's Cosby Sweater cardigan blog chambray., Fanny pack wolf blog chambray sustainable seitan farm-to-table., Vhs yr sartorial freegan cliche tofu retro readymade lomo., Cardigan Shoreditch seitan skateboard whatever art tattooed., Tattooed bicycle rights jean shorts fixie seitan. | | `word` | vegan, wolf, seitan | | `words` | Four Loko, aesthetic, thundercats, raw denim, scenester, synth, keytar, Rerry Richardson, artisan | ## FFaker::Identification | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | G598-962-35-114-0, I788-907-39-565-5, R176-402-71-591-9 | | `ethnicity` | Multiracial, Native American, Other | | `gender` | Male, Female, Male | | `ssn` | 263-50-5042, 163-56-4407, 139-24-6800 | ## FFaker::IdentificationBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `cnpj` | 00654926860116, 94938141624067, 41782187342760 | | `cnpj_verification_digits`(...) | | | `cpf` | 69230347280, 89670691206, 17727855200 | | `cpf_verification_digits`(...) | | | `gender` | Masculino, Feminino, Masculino | | `pretty_cnpj` | 96.619.423/8565-80, 94.704.988/7341-84, 12.819.149/3325-02 | | `pretty_cpf` | 895.095.677-28, 546.664.342-40, 782.398.564-03 | | `pretty_rg` | 912.338.495, 833.068.504, 986.284.681 | | `rg` | 017774913, 192030439, 917417666 | ## FFaker::IdentificationES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Hombre, Mujer, Hombre | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Mujer, Hombre, Mujer | | `rut` | 16930902-7, 21803514-0, 17486104-8 | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCO | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `blood_type` | B-, AB-, O- | | `driver_license_category` | A2, B1, C3 | | `drivers_license` | 58309637, 961559921673, 57429654643 | | `expedition_date` | 2017-01-30, 2017-12-25, 2017-05-01 | | `gender` | Mujer, Mujer, Mujer | | `id` | 56334303, 25088214418, 671768232308 | ## FFaker::IdentificationIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `aadhaar` | 837491150321, 564724628724, 029351696135 | ## FFaker::IdentificationKr | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rrn` | 970309-2843995, 982206-2920881, 832703-1195761 | ## FFaker::IdentificationMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `curp` | TEFQ900323HQRTLHH5, XIHK200124HPLHZF76, DEPJ970214MDFXKYQ8 | | `rfc` | LERJ840206I41, ZOÑC09082079B, KPB151031P41 | | `rfc_persona_fisica` | XIEP8604021ZT, QAOM110129WH8, YUPÑ940211CGK | | `rfc_persona_moral` | VDJ8006189IH, UYM120916L6K, PNB741006EDX | ## FFaker::IdentificationPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | 77335/76/0610, 18180/08/8364, 30277/86/1410 | | `id` | QFD709077, GJB121008, JDP978380 | | `identity_card` | JNS277808, DKE019801, FMJ561077 | | `pesel` | 30060487453, 43061403188, 33873134266 | ## FFaker::IdentificationTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `id` | E291145600, I107086047, D133859197 | ## FFaker::Image | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `file` | #<File:0x00007fa0a7056000>, #<File:0x00007fa0c71519d0>, #<File:0x00007fa107111390> | | `url` | https://via.placeholder.com/300x300/63d2a2/49fd54.png?text=, https://via.placeholder.com/300x300/5bf9eb/febfbd.png?text=, https://via.placeholder.com/300x300/3ca1ab/16de41.png?text= | ## FFaker::Internet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `disposable_email` | jacquelyn@suremail.info, lura@safetymail.info, natalia@safetymail.info | | `domain_name` | weissnat.info, hudson.biz, hoppehane.info | | `domain_suffix` | co.uk, biz, us | | `domain_word` | thompson, gorczany, ortiz | | `email` | katelin@raynorjenkins.com, melony.russel@macejkovicmaggio.us, maryjane.ratke@hahn.info | | `free_email` | nita@gmail.com, angila@hotmail.com, sonya@gmail.com | | `http_url` | http://hessel.info, http://gutmann.com, http://lubowitz.us | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `mac` | ee:61:44:8a:fb:c5, f4:aa:eb:3c:11:8c, ac:15:b1:a2:36:36 | | `password` | sJcwP0WmTH, S8OWIJGnoxCk, Eu_GQ38SLEqAyZ | | `safe_email` | chauncey.schamberger@example.net, ermelinda_johnson@example.org, carry@example.org | | `slug` | cupiditate_aperiam, laudantium_et, iste_dolore | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | valeri, geraldine, regena | ## FFaker::InternetSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `company_name_single_word` | Kessler-Wolf, Bailey, Runolfsdottir-Murazik | | `disposable_email` | elroydarron@safetymail.info, julieann.hamill@binkmail.com, darla@mailinator.com | | `domain_name` | greenholthuels.com, sipesmorar.nu, collins.se | | `domain_suffix` | com, nu, se | | `domain_word` | wiegandprohaska, wiegand, flatley | | `email` | kelley.koss@bogisich.nu, king_turcotte@hilllgoyette.nu, jarrod@raynorschuster.com | | `free_email` | velva@hotmail.com, emery_towne@gmail.com, reuben@yahoo.com | | `http_url` | http://farrellhoeger.se, http://eichmannjohns.se, http://fay.se | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `join_to_user_name`(...) | | | `login_user_name` | regeniapacocha, tashinaschamberger, nathannathaniel_abshire | | `mac` | 76:13:0c:41:5a:c5, 8a:26:50:9b:fa:95, ce:d7:d1:0a:eb:21 | | `password` | RhgLC_P7LByR2Q, efFLzBCt, l89k8oKqxd | | `safe_email` | hong@example.com, beatris.block@example.com, dario@example.net | | `slug` | a_in, animi_totam, quae.magni | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | barrie.oberbrunner, hong, leslie | | `user_name_from_name`(...) | | | `user_name_random` | mariann, lavonna, louvenia | | `user_name_variant_long` | birdiemarilyn_huels, roland_luettgen, chas_bruen | | `user_name_variant_short` | teshatori, neomianissa, bell | ## FFaker::Job | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Lead Implementation Director, Dynamic Program Orchestrator, National Operations Liason | ## FFaker::JobBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Engenheiro Mecânico, Turismólogo, Arquiteto | ## FFaker::JobCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 硬件工程师, 招聘专员, 运营总监 | ## FFaker::JobFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | intendant du service commercial, responsable associé du service commercial, consultant des ressources humaines | ## FFaker::JobJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 航空管制官, 電車運転士, ダンサー | ## FFaker::JobKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 감독 및 연출가, 농학 연구원, 인문과학 연구원 | ## FFaker::JobVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | nhân viên xã hội Tâm thần, giáo viên trung học cơ sở, cảnh sát viên | ## FFaker::Locale | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | TA, HI, AR | | `language` | Byelorussian, Polish, Aymara | ## FFaker::Lorem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | r3thb934c0t5keondwwstk8vwx3g3khkhrrolc24d77vp8t1sjb57jfwgxdyoj71urqzd2203v3hku0hc5tz9j84pus2es6ufqvnbnag6u0qy9lnoidtbnwtst74izvlywt1rth721hdcs7tb5baltc2o75v76qyth0scnjoko146vdmr4akz4u6hcy01zay4pmv7ucixzckzqcvbpfilbxb173qpdfnxiai4l6cavba5jvje2c70gofz7yqk6u, qbq4d9wq5di6g953p4mv88ro4ohk4wy79s3h910117tekme5vs6b59s572ythi1ub5d5txcski7qvcd02iho2rxkxi275nqbtvzql9t871q2l38dhlgjv5byi2szggl9554cpc3xknghdjzd1ibqvi6y43t2gi5l24lc5sywasrp3bx98ren5cu6zyk3ivrcx91oiu63777zn3ew2mmtj0zk51mlrqmryzvm7mooba2et9nplev96pcl7vahw50, nmsn3ugb7fmvz2rg7vcxt4g9fhj1vi7ueo7kgwpt4fc8b7k0f1nt87ufp7r4isawdkj8b1zfbd62na2s5jc0lx06f83vcv3um6aca48k0yufewi4aejbmajvlolies59mk331sratk87qf9ty1zrpi65ahgjslgtpmpy76rlhovc80tiyi2odmeu444mk4zqfnrnwasw4cliege0oi4nxqykvdqd6h7mhe4aj2gdtvcvtlmsj6asft7fxvsd1cp | | `paragraph` | Voluptas placeat a ipsum velit quasi labore. Numquam explicabo tempore aut ut quaerat. Molestiae cum quas nobis minus. Quia sit accusantium occaecati corporis enim quam sit quas., Culpa vel qui aut temporibus sed error. Reprehenderit qui dolorum et dicta. Ab eum expedita quia velit quis., Esse et libero iste nobis dolorem voluptas. Occaecati rerum et et quas excepturi aliquid rem aperiam. Eius illo molestiae omnis sapiente est. | | `paragraphs` | Repellendus recusandae enim rerum voluptas molestiae. Itaque perspiciatis quis quia incidunt consequatur. In quo explicabo beatae rerum earum omnis. Cupiditate soluta itaque ducimus quaerat ut vitae sunt., Ex natus dolorem eius non est ipsum. Doloribus ratione nesciunt dolorem rerum ut. Asperiores veritatis sed eveniet illum nobis. Aut quibusdam omnis exercitationem ea qui., Nostrum est fugiat qui illum ea accusantium dolores. Quo et laudantium enim dolor dolorem vero. Tempora et et soluta animi iste sit aut., Sequi ipsa qui quam quia. Sint sed hic porro praesentium odio ut rem. Esse assumenda sint cupiditate ipsam consequuntur commodi rerum. Quia esse quis ut minima magnam. Rerum dolore et ipsam cupiditate voluptas reprehenderit in., Enim ut maxime quia dolorem non saepe repellendus. Vel natus ducimus reprehenderit optio et commodi numquam. Corporis soluta quibusdam quis eos., Eveniet odit nesciunt nostrum ex in consequatur. Numquam sint ipsam accusantium vel neque. Earum voluptas corporis ipsam harum. Quidem reiciendis sunt cum temporibus., Aliquam odit dolor ut ea est eum. Et quia maiores provident dolor dolor vel ut. Et iusto reprehenderit saepe aut quaerat. Quos soluta eos non necessitatibus repellendus officiis labore exercitationem., Velit aliquam quasi et occaecati adipisci omnis quo. Voluptatem earum nobis nemo dolor. Et mollitia totam quo dolore fugiat ea nulla. Fuga provident ipsa dolorem sint ex. Doloremque modi laborum velit sequi dolorem dignissimos autem amet., Cumque rem inventore dolorum corporis ipsa ut omnis. Dolore voluptatem ex accusantium quis optio corrupti dolorum. Laboriosam odit pariatur omnis dolorem eveniet rerum impedit. Nostrum nihil ut cum aliquam. | | `phrase` | Est et nemo exercitationem mollitia., Sequi pariatur doloribus possimus quo consequatur ad dolore., Eum aspernatur tempore aut sit quisquam qui. | | `phrases` | Sit qui sed nostrum exercitationem ut ipsam nihil., Rerum quo explicabo est eligendi., Minima consectetur voluptate est ipsam qui modi exercitationem mollitia., In adipisci eos et vero tempora., Ut eius est natus magnam., Quibusdam enim sit vero est ut ex., Nihil ut provident eos eius veniam iure et., Molestias id hic nam est in voluptatem quia., Qui quisquam consequatur unde et maxime repudiandae neque quia. | | `sentence` | Optio maiores quo laboriosam quia provident illum libero., Eum voluptatem assumenda velit facilis a ipsum maiores., In ducimus quam asperiores soluta. | | `sentences` | A assumenda aut ut delectus vero in sunt., Autem provident sed optio nobis., Nostrum iste adipisci eligendi voluptatem delectus atque at., Laboriosam quasi voluptatibus libero eaque quia., Perferendis est velit enim quidem vitae rerum qui., Sequi dicta quas laudantium sunt., Ut quia distinctio omnis nesciunt., Sed alias et totam placeat., Similique iure illo accusantium quos nihil sit quis saepe. | | `word` | non, et, vero | | `words` | sed, velit, distinctio, atque, sint, consequatur, harum, ipsum, accusamus | ## FFaker::LoremAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | الأخذ ومن بالعمل وإعلان الإنذار،. الإستسلام أما انه, مدن لم اسبوعين روسية. إذ شيء, و الله. كلّ ماذا الأمم أي المعاهدات حتى, الامم تسبب., تحرّك الامم ان, كل استسلام أن. بـ, بداية بلا كان ضرب. بريطانيا، إختار ثم كان., معقل المقاومة وصل, بل,. تونس والروسية أفاق عن. حول أساسي أما الطريق الامم مع, انه. الأرض دول التكاليف بـ, مكن جهة بل, من. لبولندا، منشوريا أكثر المدنيين بين عدم الكونجرس بها. | | `paragraphs` | اسبوعين موالية موسوليني دول لم نورماندي. هو الأمم المضي تم. عرض للحكومة, ماشاء لبولندا،. يعبأ وعزّزت أن ان دنو , والروسية جسيمة موسوليني. باستسلام لها الياباني الصفحات بتطويق هو والفرنسي., الثالث أضف, المزيفة دنو. قبل تعديل ما يذكر منشوريا أي مدن,. والحلفاء, لعدم فبعد كل تم. يبق, التحالف وضم لبولندا،., مما الربيع، المبرمة الأمم وعزّزت وحرمان تم. دنو تسبب أسر, يعادل إستمات. أواخر استمرار مارد قِبل يتم., لغات المتّبعة حربية واقتصار. مليون لم مع الأجل أخر وحلفاؤها بل. خصوصا واقتصار اوروبا كل, هو بال استدعى السيء. هيروشيما لم وقامت هذه بـ هو. تزامناً مما لم بحث أحدث عصبة عام يتسنّى., و حالية كل كل. باستسلام الامم عدم دفّة أسر قصف المضي. كل, استسلام زهاء هناك ومدني، باستحداث قوات ثم. سقط الدمج كلا ستالينجراد عن الحلفاء قائمة., حيث وضم قد السفن ما, تلك بل. عرض, الأوضاع مارد غضون. الحرب وبغطاء ليتسنّى ولكسمبورغ المقاومة السيء. إذ قد المدنيين إستيلاء., عل, الأوروبية،, حشد هو علاقة. الحلفاء الأرض يتمكن عام الجديدة، بريطانيا، أن, ما,. التجارية وفرنسا لألمانيا كنقطة إذ اسبوعين. الأمم مليون مشقّة أوكيناوا., الله عل, غريمه ما السفن مارد المعاهدات المعاهدات يتم. قد تم إخضاع قبل. عرض, فصل إستسلاماً, بـ الأرض فاتّبع و بحث ثم. شيء, مساعدة الشهيرة تسبب., الإستسلام قام, منشوريا حول المسرح بالجانب. و مدن أضف دخول وتم, استسلام إحتلال خصوصا. ذلك عدد ثانية الياباني بـ, موالية وبحلول. كلّ إذ, بقسوة بالمحور الجو للحكومة الشمل. | | `phrase` | فعل الإستسلام اعتداء يعبأ لفشل., يتسنّى تم بتطويق أي بـ., حتى, الصعداء بـ, الأرض اليابان بل و قصف الأيديولوجية،. | | `phrases` | عصبة الأجل حول جوي., يتم استولت كلا من., وانتهاءً موالية عن من الشطر العسكري,., لإنعدام الدولارات مهانة بها, عدد الهادي كل, الامم يعبأ., وعزّزت تكتيكاً أسر وعلى هو وحرمان جُل, للحكومة أي., زهاء و تُصب مليون., التحالف أن ألمانيا, تكاليف مارد القنابل,., بريطانيا، بـ أي إيو ذلك ان., إذ التكاليف وتنصيب المتحدة, هذا. | | `sentence` | أخر شعار والجنود سلاح للحكومة عدم هاربر., كل تلك أن وانتهاءً التكاليف بلديهما منشوريا., تم مع بشكل وتنصيب الواقعة قوات أكثر لم. | | `sentences` | لبولندا، الإثنان الإمتعاض بتطويق بقسوة., وبعد الى حول تم قد و والروسية., أن فاتّبع بالرّغم تعداد و جُل, مكن., تلك وصل عصبة وعزّزت ثم فقد دول لإنعدام., جُل, عدم دفّة ستالينجراد إستمات., كلا, هزيمة يتم, الأجل ثمّة., تم والبريطاني, مما منتصف عام الخنادق., واتّجه يذكر مكّن الدولارات ثم., يتم لم بـ, دفّة لم قد. | | `word` | و, الياباني, الحلفاء | | `words` | وتم, من, ثمّة, وتتحمّل,, عرض, تزامناً, كل,, حالية, الإتفاقية | ## FFaker::LoremCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 八仙过海,各显神通亭亭玉立轰轰隆隆弹孔累累, 看望叮当朝霞辉映果实累累黑白分明声名狼籍悠然自得激动人心交头接耳, 嗖嗖狗急跳墙泪如泉涌七上八下行云流水叹为观止对牛弹琴闷闷不乐, 红艳艳头重脚轻气势恢弘自说自话胆小如鼠九霄云外。, 一诺千金怒气冲冲万众一心星转斗移无牵无挂四面楚歌大同小异, 争分夺秒管中窥豹无穷无尽千钧一发一贫如洗视死如归车水马龙大同小异, 不伦不类震耳欲聋牛鬼蛇神怒目而视。, 绿阴如盖黑压压嚎冉冉一瞬间秋实累累, 环视牺牲落叶沙沙白茫茫叫嚷左顾右盼观察声名狼籍尸骨累累, 提心吊胆名列前茅泣不成声泪眼汪汪。 | | `paragraphs` | 嚎叫五体投地惊天动地心灵手巧, 漆黑一团可憎可恶怒气冲冲一日三秋震天动地象牙白红日东升张灯结彩, 无精打采气势恢弘一瞬间牛头马面两面三刀小试牛刀, 吱呀聚精会神有始无终讲泣不成声七零八落烈日灼灼旭日东升, 拳打脚踢三更半夜轰轰隆隆变化多端有始无终柠檬黄鸡飞蛋打。, 形态不一精益求精微微一笑挥汗如雨舍近求远月白风清议论纷纷, 白雪皑皑若即若离争论不休形态多样喜出望外白骨累累满山遍野秋高气爽嫣然一笑, 前倨后恭叽叽喳喳金灿灿红通通注视。, 十拿九稳灯红酒绿俯视青黄不接当午日明一字千金, 五彩缤纷丧失人性瞄形态不一欲哭无泪泪流满面, 半信半疑白骨累累白璧无瑕白雪皑皑首屈一指喜出望外可憎可恶, 烈日当空指鹿为马无影无踪茫雾似轻废寝忘食不计其数前呼后拥眺望咕咚。, 八面玲珑有备无患买空卖空象牙白, 心灵手巧万家灯火火红气势恢弘前赴后继春暖花开白骨累累千山万水七嘴八舌, 争论不休嘶激动不已绵绵细雨叮叮咚咚嚎面红耳赤和风拂面, 六亲不认嚷秋高气爽五花八门。, 波浪滚滚心明眼亮不理不睬雪花飞舞曰雪花飞舞怒目而视高山峻岭时上时下, 投桃报李炊烟袅袅火红喜笑颜开凝视, 怒气冲冲首先千奇百怪火眼金睛齐心协力, 风狂雨猛看望不干不净牛头马面面红耳赤两情相悦招兵买马舍近求远远望。, 咕噜日月如梭扫视眼高手低绿浪滚滚深入浅出冰雪消融水帘悬挂, 喜出望外十指连心讲交流古色古香水平如镜驾崩, 火红心灰意冷承上启下感慨万分山河壮丽心旷神怡。, 震天动地秋雨绵绵淅淅沥沥两败俱伤, 亭亭玉立云开日出灯火通明狗尾续貂, 北风呼啸星光熠熠时上时下人声鼎沸一本万利云浪滚滚千方百计高枕无忧绞尽脑汁。, 雷厉风行震耳欲聋仰望提心吊胆, 杀鸡取卵子时而灰心丧气观察, 枝繁叶茂寒冬腊月瞄叽叽喳喳指鹿为马震耳欲聋白雪皑皑。, 激动不已高山峻岭气势恢弘元波涛汹涌, 绞尽脑汁首屈一指五大三粗日月如梭四平八稳字正腔圆三长两短慢慢, 时高时低吉祥如意前呼后拥漫漫长夜闻名天下鸦雀无声云浪滚滚三长两短万众一心, 十指连心眉开眼笑百感交集赤日炎炎惊惶失措汹涌澎湃怒发冲冠七嘴八舌。 | | `sentence` | 天老地荒健步如飞眉开眼笑轰轰隆隆秋高气爽丧失人性人山人海火眼金睛有始有终,, 心直口快水滴石穿五湖四海半梦半醒前思后想讨论,, 蹑手蹑脚云浪滚滚叮当一文不值有备无患信守诺言, | | `sentences` | 雪花飞舞三更半夜生离死别开怀大笑天经地义,, 心直口快风平浪静目瞪口呆深入浅出与世长辞银妆素裹暮色苍茫,, 惊慌失措四海为家火红指鹿为马空前绝后白纸黑字,, 高枕无忧望子成龙天寒地冻瞥一目十行嚷红彤彤激动人心月圆花好,, 急急忙忙一文不值元东奔西走水滴石穿一见如故,, 毫无希望生气勃勃众志成城时而徐徐,, 秋月似钩危峰兀立绝无仅有汹涌澎湃,, 生龙活虎瞄暴雨如注理直气壮环视,, 狗尾续貂中午时分争论不休四通八达一目十行元潸然泪下百感交集, | | `word` | 孔雀蓝, 吱呀, 湖蓝 | | `words` | 大公无私, 急急忙忙, 绚丽多彩, 九死一生, 象牙白, 七上八下, 眺望, 绿阴如盖, 雷厉风行 | ## FFaker::LoremFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Nom un mit peut vous et cette demeurent ligne. Réecrite nostalgique chaîne sournois prévint son lui bien gravi. Paragraphe subline sournois sauf sain virgulos attendraient puis langues. Paradisiagmatique saoule vodkale déjà fourbes bien. Nom le mit route., Delà aventurer mot monts lieues bourg-en-lettres skyline. Pourtant chemin prémâchées créas. Question à tas tout pourtant., Interpelle on ressaisi encoreloin. Lorem en ses ferait. Copy lettrines retourner origines on voulut regard réecrite lieu. | | `paragraphs` | Petit ville mots vous fois bouche point. Mot ne aux leurs laissa lequel lettrines. Nom bolo encore sur histoire dernier. Sain l lettrines une sans consonnia., Désormais prémâchées laissa chemin fins pour. Très bercail grammaire vers oreille cette petite panse larousse. Paroles headline océan litéralement. L ponctuation leur bolo chaîne delà ces. Été vers cette paragraphe puis dernier ce., Pans ruisseau glissa sournois lui traîner longtemps c panse. Paradisiagmatique prochain propre leurs projets. Jour voulut alphanatale jeta pas sa. Bonnes côtes lequel preuve litéralement firent écho. Coule lieu décida fois., Jeta il orthodoxographique un ne ruisseau le pointdexclamators. Ils des sauf firent leur dernier encore c. Exploitent bonnes déconcerter oxymore des fins puis moins., Tout firent là origines. Mot été headline dissuader phrases. Sans remit sûr son le pointdexclamators nom retourner. Voyellie de petite toutes vivent. Il lorem en son propre sa sain qui., Oreille et l créas monts coula pans il. Ville les dans sémantique prévint ce règlalades. Panse vodkale approvisionne ce. Prévint pays pour retourner grand ils mot., Du vivent loin moins côtes agence coula fourbes les. Bolo écho volent tout nécessaires voulut langues. Désormais encoreloin retourner leur. Paradisiagmatique sans coula tout rue monts laissa prevenant traîner., Interpelle tas instrumentalisèrent vous. Bonnes alphanatale chemin encoreloin pacqua phrases regard prévint. Du alors déjà exploitent sournois mésusèrent origines fallut nom. Très genre avait motus sûr qu ils venait dans. Ferait voulut mots dans puissante écho jeta pans., Bouche coeur au est. Copy tas fois ils encore histoire interpelle. À désormais bouche grammaire origines instrumentalisèrent aux pacqua. | | `phrase` | Tout ferait vers gravi sain., Voyellie du instrumentalisèrent purent il coula ipsum., Ligne pas peut est toutes. | | `phrases` | Rue pour headline que sans approvisionne par été vodkale., Ses vils alors vodkale delà bolos interpelle skyline mit., De prévint italiques ses paradisiagmatique petit demeurent il ferait., Subline ipsum un dissuader ferait vodkale bourg-en-lettres., Motus ruisseau histoire se en mésusèrent., Vers leur retrait leurs maintes là-bas prémâchées mit., Projets aventurer larousse instrumentalisèrent lieues mot lourd loin., Pointdexclamators sournois origines son petite du., Fourbes pour c pourtant vivent ponctuation il grand moins. | | `sentence` | Du instrumentalisèrent sûr aventurer leurs mille volent., Ces gravi sauf leur langues vie mots convaincre déconcerter., Maintes peut toutes le loin petit subline fins pointdexclamators. | | `sentences` | Mots son preuve initiale remit consonnia bonnes headline monts., Bercail d litéralement les vaste petite l paragraphe., Long maintes chemin voulut ils et instrumentalisèrent grand ville., Projets saoule et c encoreloin subline jour., Lieu purent fins toute sauf prévint., Coule purent même entiers vie où le rebrousser., Nécessaires sûr là-bas mais entiers bonnes aventurer fût grammaire., Glissa demeurent sans paroles coule mais histoire., Retourner là lourd exploitent purent sémantique très un leurs. | | `word` | Un, Grammaire, fût | | `words` | puissante, Semicolons, premiers, grand, histoire, aguets, Bolo, Le, Voyellie | ## FFaker::LoremIE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!" | | `paragraphs` | An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An madra: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú dom codladh istigh mar a bhfuil sé tirim. Slíocann tú mo cheann ó am go ham. Caithfidh gur dia thú!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!", An cat: "Tugann tú bia dom. Ligeann tú isteach is amach mé. Codlaím i d'ucht, nó ar an leaba, nó os comhair an tine, mar is mian liom. Caithfidh gur dia mé!" | | `phrase` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `phrases` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `question` | Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu?, Cén dáta atá ann inniu? | | `sentence` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `sentences` | Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid!, Is fearr liom seacláid! | | `word` | fear, reithe, cág | | `words` | gabhlán, préachán, gráinneog, lacha, lúnadán, saidhbhéar, dobharchú, dreoilín, cuach | ## FFaker::LoremJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | 0, け, 9 | | `characters` | ぶ?ならぢかいせむきぎほ8ぐちさ@わぬの, む・ぐきるぱごにべ<ぬとわてぷ5&。なひ, へふ&たんねざぞ。<~なまろし!あ4の1 | | `paragraph` | その雑誌を読むと、そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが、それから四、五人手をあげました。, そう考えるとたまらないほど、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、その雑誌を読むと、まもなくみんなはきちんと立って礼をすると教室を出ました。, 学校に出てももうみんなともはきはき遊ばず、上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、自分で星図を指しました。 | | `paragraphs` | すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、急いでそのままやめました。, ぎんがというところをひろげ、眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、ジョバンニを見てくすっとわらいました。, 本を読むひまも読む本もないので、そう考えるとたまらないほど、ザネリが前の席からふりかえって、まっ黒な頁《ページ》いっぱいに白に点々のある美しい写真を二人でいつまでも見たのでした。, それどこでなくカムパネルラは、すぐに返事をしなかったのは、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、それから四、五人手をあげました。, 眼をカムパネルラの方へ向けて、そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、ジョバンニを見てくすっとわらいました。, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく、その雑誌を読むと、と言いながら、先生はまた言いました。, 朝にも午後にも仕事がつらく、そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、それはいつかカムパネルラのお父さんの博士のうちでカムパネルラといっしょに読んだ雑誌のなかにあったのだ。, すぐに返事をしなかったのは、そう考えるとたまらないほど、黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、なんだかどんなこともよくわからないという気持ちがするのでした。, すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、まもなくみんなはきちんと立って礼をすると教室を出ました。 | | `sentence` | カムパネルラともあんまり物を言わないようになったので, そう考えるとたまらないほど, もちろんカムパネルラも知っている | | `sentences` | すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて, このごろぼくが, 本を読むひまも読む本もないので, たしかにあれがみんな星だと, ジョバンニも手をあげようとして, このごろはジョバンニはまるで毎日教室でもねむく, ジョバンニは勢いよく立ちあがりましたが, もちろんカムパネルラも知っている, 先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが | | `word` | まん中, 脂油, 流れ | | `words` | 凸レンズ, 一つ一つ, 銀河帯, ひま, 次, レンズ, 次, 返事, 星座 | ## FFaker::LoremKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 즐거우나 맘으로 나라 없이 기상일세 다하여 바람서리 하늘 보전하세. 밝은 하느님이 공활한데 남산 철갑을. 이 사람 위에 하늘 다하여 기상일세 삼천리 화려강산. 가을 기상일세 화려강산 맘으로 위에. 저 위에 동해 소나무 없이 가을 대한., 가슴 저 사랑하세 철갑을 맘으로 이 공활한데 닳도록 마르고. 없이 다하여 높고 하느님이 사랑하세 일편단심일세. 가을 삼천리 이 바람서리 가슴 불변함은 기상일세 화려강산. 바람서리 백두산이 기상과 불변함은 나라 대한 이 밝은. 저 사람 구름 바람서리 대한으로 맘으로 보전하세., 불변함은 듯 보우하사 즐거우나 화려강산 하느님이 우리나라 삼천리 가을. 공활한데 철갑을 높고 기상과 대한 하느님이 괴로우나 물과 듯. 즐거우나 가을 위에 하느님이 두른 보우하사. 구름 가슴 닳도록 다하여 우리나라 사랑하세 기상일세 물과. 길이 하느님이 기상일세 밝은 충성을 불변함은. | | `paragraphs` | 위에 가을 나라 달은 이. 화려강산 소나무 없이 무궁화 철갑을. 충성을 무궁화 남산 즐거우나 우리 높고 우리나라. 다하여 무궁화 마르고 밝은 기상일세 두른. 우리나라 물과 보전하세 이 구름 다하여 닳도록., 이 다하여 대한 화려강산 나라 보우하사 하느님이 공활한데. 위에 기상과 구름 백두산이 닳도록 나라. 구름 높고 하느님이 보전하세 즐거우나 저 만세 화려강산 기상과., 높고 두른 무궁화 괴로우나 밝은 다하여 소나무. 일편단심일세 이 두른 불변함은 바람서리. 이 맘으로 보전하세 만세 밝은 하늘 대한으로 소나무 괴로우나. 괴로우나 불변함은 사람 하늘 무궁화 화려강산 달은., 삼천리 가슴 하느님이 밝은 괴로우나 소나무 기상과 보우하사. 대한으로 괴로우나 맘으로 보전하세 화려강산 백두산이 무궁화 하느님이. 하느님이 닳도록 우리나라 듯 백두산이 괴로우나. 대한 우리 위에 불변함은 기상일세 소나무 기상과 구름. 하느님이 기상과 길이 사람 우리 마르고., 가슴 철갑을 높고 보전하세 소나무 일편단심일세 공활한데 삼천리 우리나라. 일편단심일세 듯 사람 보우하사 만세 가을 이. 만세 공활한데 사람 남산 위에 닳도록. 하느님이 대한 이 만세 기상과., 동해 없이 높고 괴로우나 충성을. 위에 만세 저 이 기상일세 두른. 다하여 즐거우나 우리나라 가슴 없이 우리., 없이 다하여 이 닳도록 괴로우나 보전하세 가슴 마르고. 저 닳도록 바람서리 화려강산 보우하사 마르고 구름 달은 백두산이. 삼천리 일편단심일세 두른 보우하사 백두산이. 가을 보전하세 닳도록 달은 위에 하늘 화려강산., 대한으로 듯 남산 저 달은 길이 다하여 즐거우나 충성을. 우리나라 구름 이 기상일세 우리 남산. 화려강산 삼천리 높고 나라 불변함은 가을 하느님이 공활한데 우리. 기상일세 나라 다하여 보우하사 백두산이., 구름 만세 이 삼천리 보우하사 사람. 이 구름 화려강산 가을 기상과. 맘으로 대한으로 달은 충성을 나라 불변함은 하늘 삼천리. 물과 나라 충성을 마르고 소나무 사랑하세 즐거우나 철갑을 저. | | `phrase` | 보우하사 맘으로 구름 하느님이 물과., 일편단심일세 높고 닳도록 철갑을 이 듯., 듯 철갑을 불변함은 가슴 우리. | | `phrases` | 사랑하세 저 닳도록 위에 가슴., 화려강산 맘으로 없이 우리 두른 바람서리 즐거우나 소나무 나라., 남산 없이 길이 보우하사 사람 가슴 하느님이 밝은., 충성을 하느님이 불변함은 철갑을 기상과., 밝은 보전하세 보우하사 가을 충성을 남산 기상일세., 높고 대한으로 위에 맘으로 불변함은 하늘 듯 가슴 삼천리., 대한 위에 백두산이 나라 이 보전하세 하느님이 보우하사., 달은 하느님이 삼천리 보우하사 물과., 일편단심일세 대한으로 닳도록 구름 기상일세. | | `sentence` | 일편단심일세 사랑하세 우리 위에 하느님이 대한으로 괴로우나 철갑을., 하느님이 대한으로 공활한데 삼천리 가슴 구름., 길이 기상일세 위에 바람서리 달은 밝은 불변함은 구름 가슴. | | `sentences` | 바람서리 물과 화려강산 사람 보우하사 일편단심일세 가슴., 우리나라 위에 괴로우나 바람서리 다하여 듯 닳도록 백두산이 보전하세., 이 밝은 대한으로 만세 보우하사 듯 물과., 무궁화 남산 철갑을 길이 맘으로 대한으로 듯 높고 소나무., 남산 소나무 백두산이 일편단심일세 삼천리 닳도록 사랑하세., 가슴 소나무 보전하세 마르고 이 하느님이 일편단심일세., 불변함은 사람 하느님이 달은 하늘 보전하세 저 대한 가슴., 가을 남산 만세 공활한데 동해 철갑을 대한으로 보우하사., 듯 괴로우나 충성을 물과 하느님이 이 없이 무궁화. | | `word` | 사람, 보전하세, 위에 | | `words` | 백두산이, 우리, 무궁화, 마르고, 다하여, 가슴, 길이, 우리, 공활한데 | ## FFaker::LoremPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | ł, b, n | | `characters` | ztgśbksnoą, fuaćńezydź, nzsyfrźiął | | `paragraph` | Skrypt park milicjant gródź toto miednica przerost. Rozprawa próg anulować pływacz rdza obojętny dania. Substytucja toto buchta galeria połowa wznieść płomyk jordania hydraulik adept. Pępek runda jądro biceps placówka kamerun platyna jaguar element tumanienie. Adept suwak topos walor meduza drogi proporcja paleta gródź?, Kudu agent dyktator bark zmywarka frekwencja weto element pełnia. Podściółka plater rosja lis benin płomyk dania fala donica trap! Inteligentny detektor liban angażować, dualizm piston bruzda wolant odwiedzenie żakiet proces podbijak., Napletek zapalarka wznieść maniera detektor platyna szoferka hydraulik plater. Kubeł złom czajka trap jaguar lada opuszka. Platyna znaczek sędzia nosorożec sadz proces frekwencja dodatek błyszczeć. Jądro kamerun zarzutka przywilej kudu alimentacja połowa debiut? | | `paragraphs` | Robinsonada dziobak delikwent tygrys wolant milicjant pazur. Bełkotać napletek biceps cieciorka byczek lot podbicie, uwaga robinsonada suma jądro. Abażur zdecydowany pogotowie pokolenie żak park biceps armenia rotacja hydraulik. Czajka as połowa walor robinsonada mech lędźwie anulować? Absolutorium maniera japonia jaguar damka armenia przebiegły pochwa., Pływacz suma wodnik drewno wycieczka maniera bark detektor. Jądro proporcja adept obojętny kufer północ balot japonia. Sielanka frekwencja wyrzut zdecydowany pętla, orgia wycieczka odwiedzenie obojnactwo burta tężenie grenada., Anulować kufer wieniec balsa mech złom przebiegły żakiet pętla, rak pływacz. Twarzoczaszka mech drewno pogotowie ściana tokelau graba wykop uwaga absolutorium. Salwador buchta abdykowanie stuknąć lada pokolenie wodnik żak. Kostur napletek piston szoferka aplikacja wolno, wzór metka obręcz packa weto pogotowie?, Pazur mech złoty pacierz sceptycyzm agent proces alimentacja. Lada czajka watykan angażować namibia sielanka alimentacja agent abażur. Hipopotam zszywka namibia znaczek kubeł, podściółka jęczmień gibraltar pogłębiacz watykan dania. Weto wznieść wykop katedra graba tytan pełnia aplikacja, donica glon władza?, Orgia nagłówek tytan pasterka zebra wyrocznia krętarz detektor anulować. Buchta bruzda aktywować wolant upaść pogotowie płomyk meduza gibraltar. Kostur poler walor katedra kamerun hałas zarzutka żakiet pióro, trap sylabowiec. Sceptycyzm adopcja sklepikarz robinsonada pasiak gibraltar doświadczenie walor. Detektor watykan miednica grenada lubo proporcja wieniec wznieść!, Meduza prawica podściółka pogłębiacz panda demiurg suma przebiegły! Tumanienie odwiedzenie rak lędźwie suwak krętarz klaps paleta gibraltar. Proporcja ława dyscyplina pazur, cieciorka rekwizyt stuknąć krętarz wręga salwador ściana tokelau. Kowal jarzmo cieszynianka aktywować buchta robinsonada weto płomyk dodatek fizjoterapeuta. Detektor rozprawa aplikacja lis park fala pływacz fizjoterapeuta dualizm., Dyscyplina dziobak kostur pasiak pole ustnik, pekińczyk lada północ platyna iglica podbijak. Park szyk suma kubeł, wręga salwador trop wznieść ściana rotunda spałowanie. Pogotowie sylabowiec rześki dania kufer, repryza grenada salwador wzór miednica hala żak?, Lędźwie paleta maniera wstrząśnięty drewno angażować japonia adept inteligentny obojętny. Graba pogłębiacz rekwizyt pętla autarkia pekińczyk miednica. Infuła japonia przebiegły kostur ekscentryczność glon kowal bliza stanowisko sok. Wyrocznia balsa klaps ekscentryczność opuszka as bariera infuła. Cieciorka panda proporcja spanikowany przelot nosorożec atonia toto tygrys przebiegły!, Zimowisko rdza nosorożec tytan obojętny przebiegły lędźwie. Wznieść liban pogłębiacz fala park dualizm trap. Bezpiecznik debiut watykan spałowanie pływacz wyrocznia forma pasterka. Wstrząśnięty wyrzut lada obojętny proporcja kubeł bariera kamerun. | | `phrase` | Placówka pogłębiacz kubeł alimentacja suma błyszczeć prawica podbicie absolutorium., Ferment balerina glon rotunda zmaza dualizm przebiegły północ, rozprawa lada pasterka., Tokelau wręga sceptycyzm watykan kamera damka udar mech samotnik rosja. | | `phrases` | Ściana tarantula trap dania napletek twarzoczaszka frekwencja hydraulik., Nosorożec absolutorium gacica podbicie pazur, konkret jaguar brechtać wolno gródź kubeł rak., Damka as hipopotam sok zmaza północ złom sklepikarz., Meduza bark dualizm plater zarzutka ekscentryczność, pływacz damka pochwa jordania lędźwie miednica., Orgia dyscyplina sadz damka rdza kamera stuknąć, dania twarzoczaszka pogłębiacz jaguar cieszynianka., Suwak packa tarantula błyszczeć tytan utarczka, sok tumanienie przebiegły galeria mech., Nagłówek damka sędzia forma złoty trąba adopcja kostur, pole bruzda wznieść., Graba fala pełnia pasiak hydraulik bełkotać, ściana rosja wycieczka sok wzór., Zdecydowany kamerun spałowanie podściółka katedra lis przerost plater abażur, meduza rozprawa. | | `sentence` | Połowa drewno dyscyplina wodnik fizjoterapeuta salwador platyna żak anulować wykop., Podbicie senegal donica hałas kowal błyszczeć jarzmo inteligentny kubeł, przebiegły katedra., Delikwent wieniec tytan zapalarka suwak miednica tygrys, infuła walor cieszynianka utarczka ściana. | | `sentences` | Rozprawa wolno mech prawica metka element gródź zimowisko dania., Gródź pełnia płomyk kufer prącie zebra pazur stanowisko fizjoterapeuta tężenie, szyk repryza!, Grenada bełkotać metka stuknąć utarczka samotnik czajka donica frekwencja cieszynianka?, Wolant donica sędzia rotacja milicjant władza, delikwent uwaga kowal wycieczka konkret kostur., Pogotowie kamera nagłówek rotacja delikwent autarkia dyktator, kufer wyrocznia pasiak substytucja?, Utarczka pekińczyk wolno topos packa ściana złoty balerina burta biceps!, Atonia benin nagłówek rozprawa nadgarstek forma, weto kowal sielanka kocher pole., Sklepikarz obręcz balerina inteligentny infuła autarkia nokturn!, Poler płomyk pazur złoty pole brechtać dania hazuka metka rotunda? | | `word` | skrypt, konkret, agent | | `words` | błyszczeć, dyscyplina, kudu, baba, lew, rotunda, wyrocznia, uwaga, bariera | ## FFaker::LoremRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Гипотеза новых видим астрономии многочисленная ёж между выводу лишь входящими. Никак было точечные других на, того больше даёт видимости дата площадках. Более узкой объектов вспышек материи источников видимости оказались мы? Больше точечные при галактик, без объект зелёный пылевая этом звёзд ищет видим тех этой материи состав. Тогда большая налёт стороны пылевая подъём яркие?, Группы десятки ярких между этом лёгкость больше газовой неба была. Из начиная никакой источники немногочисленных объекты стороны бы вызывалась как! Никак гипотеза будет новых равен объекты время межзвёздная каждая, спектра менее поскольку! Например связи площадке, звёзд угловое силу это большая концентраций этом которого вина не. Минут немногочисленных очень тёмный десятки больше том радиоволнах что., Из полосе блеск понятно надеяться лист больших. Быть после время каждая, точки узкой без неба поскольку угловое многочисленная начиная. Отождествляя группы оптических источников искать определяется трудность входящими ёлка. Удалось так можно сила лишь подъём сильное или. Дата состоит ярких оптических вопросе такая небу менее действующие, газовой большинство зелёный точно всё. Понятно лист от между, распределённых собой даже нужно являлась могли о слабых десятки второй наблюдениях. | | `paragraphs` | Объект оказались площадках тёмный выше, точки из выводу сверхновых целой распределённых звёздами. Содержащей налёт основная второй лист выдвинута тех, существование слились яркие зелёный сила этой нас том того. Будет тогда ближе минут состав из силу входящими целой, тех равномерно остатками достаточно блеск точки. Оказались понятно других того небу, выдвинута содержащей точно основная вызывалась налёт тем. Это между образом этой случайным являлась площадках целой начиная., Низкие температуры новых невелика надеяться многочисленная отождествляя, объекты где по больше больше пылевой же лимб. Полосе астрономии начиная это ищет можно сильное больше наблюдениях? Было связи являются содержащей даже видимости на таким разъём действующие. Низкие том ноны объектов, этих было таким или невелика тема то так после сильное надеяться близкими. Источники подъём источником без по ноны оказались отождествляя, содержащей площадках состоит видимости всё. Точно источниками площадках существование точечные менее точечные, состоит указывали яркие никак угловое ноны таким гипотеза., После тема яркие отсутствие пылевая оказались распределённых слабым. После трудность действующие то такая низкие выше большая состоит, галактик лёгкость ёж? Тёмный остатками источником оказались будет что время точечные. От межзвёздная нас входящими лёгкость сильное можно температуры облаками распределённых? Оптических указывали было объекты больших лёгкость спектра около нужно астрономии слабым без этой, оптическое большинство отождествляя., По существование будет объектами действующие можно второй источником материи. Небу точечные вне от могли бы астрономии сверхновых видимости нулевой. Гипотеза мы выше распределённых выводу астрономии являлась, удалось видим аэросъёмка связи ёлка облаками. Вспышек было разъём, даёт типа этой тем низкие блеск менее того. Лёгкость так равномерно при состоит сильное не? Более подъём существование неба ближе была основная многочисленная нас показывала. Что вопросе тоже расстояниях являются отождествляя оптически никакой, спектра типа равномерно., Выше лишь больше было удалось вызывалась такая небу группы объектов большинство, основная мы второй состоит этих. Астрономии без окнах даже дата слились из тема лимб каждая. Между входящими полосе по бы более например том не сила ищет, вспышек объектов выше. Узкой мы звёздами большая ищет тогда ёлка было, том многочисленная больших образом так. Этих действующие нужно галактик других площадке равномерно например доля. Объекты распределённых площадках ёж могли небу тем ноны. Спектра новых радиоволнах от нулевой, ёлка низкие достаточно что как тема десятки содержащей нас., Случайным как являлась узкой площадках галактик угловое? Тогда объект отсутствие бы оказались сильное, источником между звёздами входящими тёмный. Удалось квадратных объект зелёный тогда кроме пылевая, достаточно оптическое этом больше целой оказались видимости. Материи из силу которого мы угловое то ближе как ищет остатками показывала, стороны этой второй. Которого тех иней яркие межзвёздная при вне., Слились определяется близкими большая существование указывали тёмный наблюдениях. Дата дёрн квадратных оптических всё расстояний даёт твёрдой. Угловое выводу целой искать основная около типа ярких, межзвёздная было галактик вопросе. Что определяется мы будет дата поскольку остатками. Иней равен бы других оптически сила, например основная тех распределённых дата., Объектами видимости минут же, налёт тоже радиоволнах больше распределённых содержащей вызывалась десятки около вне. Остатками площадке от источники ближе выдвинута будет блеск после, нас звёзд силу которого. Лёгкость что объект бы ёлка которого пылевой экватора, площадках расстояниях десятки доля около. Блеск нас лист, объекты так действующие большинство расстояний без от наблюдениях дата. Этой собой целой от других где точно лимб, никакой вызывалась кроме. Остатками более же трудность расстояниях узкой тех ноны., Концентраций вызывалась где ноны нулевой была вина немногочисленных, могли после то! Без группы температуры источников окнах лимб слились доля больших на. Выводу галактик слабых каждая связи полосе содержащей лист, этих состоит близкими так низкие около площадках. Являлась слабым никак, пылевой лимб или например ярких отождествляя как подъём около. Ярких вызывалась облаками бы оптически близкими аэросъёмка пылевая большая. Целой звёздами около образом будет от вина никак мы, угловое где нас после площадках тоже. | | `phrase` | Квадратных межзвёздная равен больше лист, начиная астрономии материи зелёный от сила., Экватора без даже о можно того таким минут., Вспышек сила концентраций слабым пылевой о видимости это могли. | | `phrases` | Объекты точечные случайным указывали близкими оптически, угловое что состоит галактик этой тёмный., Звёздами этом ноны этой источником угловое налёт стороны тема, гипотеза равен собой бы состав астрономии., Так невелика группы этом материи от указывали распределённых, объектами расстояниях сверхновых тоже было например тогда?, Стороны расстояниях лист пылевая где достаточно была нужно определяется неба., Объектов равномерно ярких, можно была между кроме при дёрн о гипотеза., Дата группы оказались немногочисленных равномерно, оптическое облаками трудность лист том лишь экватора связи менее?, Налёт что концентраций источников надеяться невелика определяется., Каждая около звёзд определяется целой налёт больше достаточно., Надеяться точки радиоволнах источники из, силу между большинство оптических вызывалась сильное например угловое. | | `sentence` | Других угловое астрономии около начиная точечные слились нужно вне объект, звёздами что основная тоже вина., Сила других зелёный целой связи больше пылевая температуры второй., Что облаками второй блеск распределённых яркие звёздами источниками оптическое дата! | | `sentences` | Слились радиоволнах источников так из всё такая., Низкие лёгкость гипотеза неба источником налёт дата., Пылевой тех была наблюдениях источников которого, на сильное надеяться так зелёный?, Небу пылевой из никакой тогда всё твёрдой тех дискретных, радиоволнах доля дата того же более даёт., Немногочисленных достаточно надеяться зелёный десятки бы радиоволнах., Стороны спектра наблюдениях подъём где звёзд большая, показывала никак блеск являются расстояниях радиоволнах астрономии равен., Второй этом например десятки после, объектами выдвинута газовой можно оказались невелика точки межзвёздная выше такая быть., Оказались после никакой или том, наблюдениях определяется твёрдой выводу немногочисленных показывала являются много вспышек!, Много равномерно остатками так ёлка вина, являлась сильное была лишь нулевой о же! | | `word` | основная, это, точечные | | `words` | очень, облаками, нужно, астрономии, слабых, где, надеяться, точно, объект | ## FFaker::LoremUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Сивоок співі належних будовано електрон на над у не, розтирав стало своїми вони коли від. З з йому міді тільки те, славу туди бо на сіль саме доглядав. У уже обмеженнями, молитвах про затірку честь золотої тонюсінькі варили багато. Поля саме не що довго, або смальти вони туди й про а монастир? Тим сплав працював до ж по на, її жорстокого Софії й молитвах нестатками. Тобто божу антропоси вони церква тим, все і потім вони багато десятьох їхньому все?, Міщило пиху бачив кубика золотий що снісарі тобто. Бралися нестатками жорстокого голодніше, хліб золотий красками ж і та то та про співі? Про старіші затірку перепробував помічників, свого й шапок але на уже великих. Учив чаклував князя Сивоок, у міг заснували Сивоок ставав старіші що як нього. Своїх буде спокійніше ще а й мозаїк, яка великих іноді честь великим у коло на голодніше. Зі що більше мозаїк яка поневірявся молитвах по, міді саме розтирав як ж нагодує з києві., Уже смальти поневірявся то біднішим тільки красками похмурих! Й кубика життя і саме Сивоок ліпші і уже. Честь страждав варили клопотах вдоволень і скляного те охочі святого видінь красками, розповідали плечах життя за. Те без жив страждав тільки біднішим не смальти щонайдрібніших, ліпші кольорів святого та а буде. Сіль платівок вони і власне жорстокого самої тому золота й. Тонюсінькі бралися кинули він було припадала жив ріденьку. У поміж поневірявся розкішніше люди по нагодувавши сам ось нужду. | | `paragraphs` | Жорстокого вдоволень у славу охочі, золотої золото кубика бачили ж стало заснували просто а. А у Візантії біле втулився у м’ясо чернецький в смальти, золота над смальту припадала. Клали снісарі в нині ставав стосував Сивоок на, бачили працював Сивоок великих місці над бідні. В і Сивоок нестатками не, жив розповідали що про і свого! Тільки до тоншої, поневірявся клали розумів і бралися ділі божу те тим довго бідні як., Більше що Сивоок й більше винести ділом ось, життя ділив золото князя. У ріденьку радощів відтіння заростають на буде літ тільки але. Викладати належність ними він навіть часи, проварював припадала по до ліпші Візантії красками. Золотий ними чернецький вдоволень в урозмаїтити, своїми Ярослава листочки свого у з. Золото тепер маючи скла сам смальти од давала. Але відчаю босі Візантії радощів що людей, постриг хижі про мав життя сріблом Ісси?, Було смальти стосував від тут не своїх бачив хліб і? Доглядав на за не прилютовувався виковували належних вдоволень, свого Георгія Сивоок ту лизали та що. Нагодувавши щонайдрібніших грудку тим смальти їх туди визнати у до! Затірку не сріблом смальту з розкошами, шапок міг й все споду давала. Й належність власне заснували на біднішим то ставав. Сіль її або щоб ділі не що листочок прилютовувався, ігуменом постриг ділом бачили тільки було., Вдоволень що до ігуменом поля замилування варив не. Пиху не спокійніше ділі на сплав більше доглядав поля, поглинає але для страву учив коли міг. Софії заростають учив, борті більше те сподівань часом варили ділив свого від Сивоок закладалося поглинає. Скляного ігуменом і було та що споду страву, над обіді кинули. То до більшу скляного честь замилування десь великих. Жив своїми листочки смальти життя двох радощів у своїми і. Великим сіль ділі тільки, поміж приймали багато працював ціле святого щодень сподівань., Будування ліпші києві ними страву мав м’ясо й. Все тим великим що а, воно ділі сріблом міді нужді виковували. Тільки золото бур’яном місці а навіть золотої навіть зостався. Воно рятувалися нагодує тут постриг нужду не стосував кинули з до, що на м’ясо? Бур’яном молитвах до до вживано люди виковували! Тому без в ділив проварював а босі уже ось? Честь обідрані золота повторювалося біднішим тут славу хліб стало в він поневірявся, й все нагодувавши., Платівок мозаїк життя мав Візантії проварював нужді а? Красками що стало як щодень навічно Ярослава, з ось про двох бачив закладалося. Смальти життя щонайдрібніших великих Сивоок багато варили поглинає їхні несміливі все голодніше, охочі розкошами в. Вони як нужду ще Сивоок більше в а. Похмурих поневірявся що тому те саме нужду урозмаїтити вони? У будовано в скляного тепер, страждав своїми монастир платівок на нагодує життя кольорів. Просто люди приймали в києві ріпу на, було золото у й що!, Своїх від у літ буде жив не не, Сивоок клали них у. До і у, те тим князя монастир йшли багато обдертішим треба припадала ціле. Барвах часи прилютовувався й в десь хліб треба розкошами. Кольорів Ісси йому Ярослава божу для та до які молитвах. Валяться їхні Сивоок те золотий згадувано хліб заростають, для голодніше закладалося не викладати. Споду часи а довго багато чаклував плечах ділив! Замилування Сивоок радощів не скла однаково золотий, міді золота десятьох і жив працював у туди!, Пиху монастир Сивоок що, саме від мав втратив йшли закладалося буде. На він не Сивоок й те йому людей князя, борті від було але чернецький і. Закладалося перепробував поміж він жив належність загибелі їхньому її нині, без відтіння красками Сивоок. Мозаїк та мав не саме радощів визнати, сподівань молитвах князя смальти самої! Свого й ділі платівок то стосував снісарі золотої все та., Не то щодень босі, поглинає чернецький або ними жив буде людей. І страждав біле, й маючи старіші і Ярослава з і смальту честь. Вони народ жив саме обмеженнями про на десь. Але те більше великих коло, ліпші припадала нужді у втулився тут тим їх поглинає. Не й довколишній кольорів скляного Сивоок та що. Й навічно чим іноді він йшли люди. | | `phrase` | Цього більше смальта їхньому однаково бур’яном працею., Ділі бачив і голодно ділив золото листочки., Їх ту якого, бідні тонюсінькі то князя церква монастир йшли вони. | | `phrases` | Листочок тобто розкошами але сподівань яка князя більшу, все для нагодувавши ще й тільки потім несміливі?, Києві всіх божу міг довго працею сяйво людей клопотах., Як не великих золото самої, щодень більше платівок ставав буде втратив буде тільки тим приймали., Бур’яном потім спокійніше обідрані похмурих поля проварював бідні заснували голодно листочок, ж перепробував з було?, Бога помічників тим мав повторювалося, на похмурих своїми замилування з від не уже тисяч і., Бралися вживано але сріблом й Сивоок відтіння у валяться людьми., Припадала монастир часи скла антропоси цього ріпу власне сіль з?, Зостався нагодувавши що смальти, жорстокого й пішли ціле закладалося охочі барвах розтирав приймали до у своєю?, У ще все ріденьку, варили буде тільки сам однаково цього будування борті і шапок кольорів. | | `sentence` | Жорстокого заплатити церква в повторювалося у золота, листочок що тим втулився тільки але!, Свого міді своїх обмеженнями не охочі золото тим., Вони на нього а мозаїк, місці страву добирав у бідні листочки народ хліб Візантії! | | `sentences` | Її життя Ярослава сам клали не не сплав!, Поселення постриг валяться життя варив мав зостався міг, більшу йшли що жорстокого ріденьку розкішніше., На за тільки й нагодує розповідали споду мозаїк, славу золота тобто., Про валяться не тільки грудку належних Сивоок, нагодувавши варили церква на., Великим києві вони тепер заснували листочок колись відтіння все світінні, великих розумів бачили., Місці як уже літ, грудку на бо жив до проварював нужді чим все?, Великим та їхньому до, божу не од разом чернецький ще і барвах славу., Про їхні над поглинає од голодніше іноді, листочки честь ту мозаїк сіль й., Тільки уже більше на у просто варив валяться воно, стало свого й ними відтіння не довколишній. | | `word` | колись, ріденьку, втулився | | `words` | було, поля, бо, Сивоок, від, поля, до, від, з | ## FFaker::Movie | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rating` | PG, PG-13, NC-17 | | `title` | When Ava Met Lakisha, Dr. Fly, Nuclear Beast | ## FFaker::Music | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `album` | EP II, LIMBO, III | | `artist` | ZHU, Cole Swindell, Angie Stone | | `genre` | Electronic, Easy Listening, Country | | `song` | Pure Brown Noise, Back Up, Galileo | ## FFaker::Name | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Lekisha Morissette, Miss. Robin Reilly, Mrs. Wilma Turner | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Deirdre Frami DDS, Miss. Karol Langosh DDS, Mrs. Ila Hyatt III | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Trena Kuphal I, Alona Ledner V, Genesis Dach PhD | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Dayna, Kristina, Krissy | | `first_name_female` | Eladia, Miriam, Monika | | `first_name_male` | Mohammad, Donn, Jan | | `html_safe_last_name` | Rice, Bahringer, Ratke | | `html_safe_name` | Nathanael Stiedemann, Jill Hoeger, Eboni Johnson | | `last_name` | Aufderhar, Mayert, Yost | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Odell Willms, Mr. Roderick Torphy, Mr. Jimmie Ebert | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Emil Lehner PhD, Mr. Oren Bradtke PhD, Mr. Dalton Howe I | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Herb Purdy II, Ronald Willms PhD, Armand Stehr PhD | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Chanel Renner, Chester Ondricka, Blythe Graham | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Doug Bosco, Mr. Tommie Fay, Mr. Ahmed Reichert | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Elliot Doyle DDS, Mrs. Marvella Murazik PhD, Mr. Martin Schuppe Sr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Rea Heaney Jr., Scott Conn I, Antoinette Hagenes Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Dr. | | `prefix` | Mrs., Mr., Mr. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, He/Him, She/Her | | `suffix` | IV, V, Jr. | ## FFaker::NameAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | أميرة, لوسي, بتلاء | | `first_name_male` | عزت, سيف النصر, ضرغام | | `last_name` | ياسين الصباغ, كنج, الطباع | | `name_female` | أفراح المنجد, رنيم شيخ الأرض, مرام دركشلي | | `name_male` | مروان العظم, مهيب الرهونجي, أغيد العظمة | ## FFaker::NameBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Lua Porto, Srta. Marileide Cardoso, Srta. Yolanda Sales | | `female_prefix` | Sra., Sra., Sra. | | `first_name` | Marisol, Araci, Agenor | | `first_name_female` | Mariza, Raquel, Alcina | | `first_name_male` | Francisco, Arturo, Kevin | | `last_name` | Pinto, da Conceição, Reis | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Edgar Carvalho, Sr. Wellington Monteiro, Sr. Teodoro Duarte | | `male_prefix` | Sr., Sr., Sr. | | `name` | Alma Oliveira, Apolo Xavier, Adélia da Cunha | | `name_with_prefix` | Srta. Delfina Ribeiro, Sra. Geralda Saraiva, Sr. Tobias Silveira | | `prefix` | Sr., Srta., Sr. | ## FFaker::NameCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 玟俊, 致年, 月伶 | | `last_first` | 桑延龙, 仉伟乐, 庹迪光 | | `last_name` | 黎, 时, 闾 | | `name` | 宥辉邶, 皓娥东门, 爱恬项 | ## FFaker::NameCS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Danelle Daněk, Miss. Charis Dudová, Miss. Margeret Burda | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Jacquelyne Dušková Ph.D., Miss. Ara Bureš DSc., Miss. Jinny Bárta Th.D. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Kimi Dudová Th.D., Kam Bednář Th.D., Suzi Brož DSc. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Eliška, Marian, Dušan | | `first_name_female` | Lorriane, Latricia, Tawna | | `first_name_male` | Rhett, Ahmad, Darrick | | `html_safe_last_name` | Koelpin, Balistreri, Dietrich | | `html_safe_name` | Martina Collier, Marie McKenzie, Jiřina Reilly | | `last_name` | Černá, Doleželová, Brož | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Cory Benešová, Mr. Vaughn Burešová, Mr. Domingo Dufek | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Everette Bendová DSc., Mr. Fredric Bartoš DSc., Mr. Ahmad Čížková Th.D. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Rosendo Burešová Ph.D., Andre Červený DSc., Josiah Červenková DSc. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Mr. Denis Dohnal Th.D., Irena Bartošová, Eduard Beránek | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Debbi Dudová, Mrs. Londa Dvořáková, Mrs. France Adamec | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Leopoldo Berková Th.D., Mr. Lester Bureš Ph.D., Mr. Donnie Boháč Th.D. | | `name_with_suffix` | Merlin Beránková Ph.D., Rhiannon Baláž Th.D., Bernardo Beránková DSc. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Dr. | | `prefix` | Mrs., Ms., Ms. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, She/Her, Xe/Xer | | `suffix` | Ph.D., DSc., Ph.D. | | `with_same_sex` | ‼️ LocalJumpError: no block given (yield) | ## FFaker::NameDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `any_name` | Dr. Gert Nicolas, Hr. Sanne Lockman, Hjalmar Schoen VonRueden | | `female_name` | Winnie Stamm, Henny Gerlach, Fr. Diana Spinka | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Chandra Volkman, Mrs. Latashia Auer, Mrs. Mandie Lang | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Caroyln Zboncak DDS, Mrs. Rochell Emard Jr., Mrs. Guillermina Mayer III | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Catina Kub III, Sheron Ullrich Jr., Zella Tillman MD | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Elise, Jimmy, Frederikke | | `first_name_female` | Sasha, Isabel, Assunta | | `first_name_male` | Freeman, Tony, Quincy | | `html_safe_last_name` | Konopelski, Mraz, Sporer | | `html_safe_name` | Victoria Eichmann, Henning Davis, Bernhard Bednar | | `last_name` | Considine, Feeney, Koelpin | | `male_name` | Samuel Heller, Dr. Henning Hessel, Jeppe Mayer Beier | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Frankie Cruickshank, Mr. Virgilio Lesch, Mr. Ken Herman | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Paul Zieme II, Mr. Carmelo Glover II, Mr. Rory Cronin IV | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Eldon Stiedemann DVM, Angelo Rutherford I, Booker Roberts V | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Rigmor Altenwerth, Line Crona, Torben Purdy | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Patrica Trantow, Miss. Dierdre Donnelly, Miss. Athena Conroy | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Jules Mayert DDS, Miss. Charisse Waters Jr., Mr. Rudolph Volkman IV | | `name_with_suffix` | Ettie Crooks PhD, Andrea O'Connell MD, Rhonda Wiegand II | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Hr., Hr., Hr. | | `pronouns` | They/Them, Zie/Zim, They/Them | | `suffix` | MD, Sr., IV | ## FFaker::NameDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Sherril Wolff, Mrs. Margart Emard, Mrs. Caron Douglas | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Maya Baumbach IV, Mrs. Rosetta Nikolaus V, Miss. Charisse Toy PhD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Candie Wolff Jr., Cristi Schmitt Sr., Carlena Harvey MD | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Sherie, Elsa, Jude | | `first_name_female` | Liz, Nada, Lenore | | `first_name_male` | Beau, Mario, Alonzo | | `html_safe_last_name` | Kertzmann, Jaskolski, Kohler | | `html_safe_name` | Trisha Pfannerstill, Sharan Kessler, Elina Wolff | | `last_name` | Langworth, Boyle, Feeney | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Allan Raynor, Mr. Harrison Altenwerth, Mr. Wiley Homenick | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Sheldon Yundt I, Mr. Tod Dietrich MD, Mr. Ahmed Kilback Sr. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Harry Morissette PhD, Hector Hermiston MD, Ricardo Ankunding Sr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Dr. Carolyne Gottlieb, Mose Kovacek, Lashay Nicolas | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Ruth Maggio, Mr. Bryan Erdman, Mr. Walton Altenwerth | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Jamey Veum DDS, Mr. Percy Heidenreich DVM, Mr. Neal Stamm DVM | | `name_with_suffix` | Demarcus Gulgowski DDS, Arline Wilderman Sr., Thaddeus Waters II | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Dr., Herr, Dr. | | `pronouns` | He/Him, She/Her, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | IV, IV, III | ## FFaker::NameES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Dra. Mercedes Delgado Vicente, D.ª Luisa Castaño Martín, Dra. Lourdes Cabrera Izquierdo | | `female_prefix` | D.ª, D.ª, D.ª | | `first_name` | Marcelino, José Miguel, Ana | | `first_name_female` | María Teresa, Laia, Soledad | | `first_name_male` | Víctor, José Francisco, Luis Miguel | | `last_name` | Cabrera, Ibáñez, Zamora | | `male_name_with_prefix` | D. Joel Rueda Esteban, D. Jordi Márquez Márquez, Dr. Juan Miguel Esteban Peña | | `male_prefix` | Dr., Dr., D. | | `name` | María Mercedes Márquez Rivera, Borja Martín Merino, Soledad Contreras Martí | | `name_with_prefix` | Dr. Aitor Serrano Valero, D.ª Gemma Ramírez Sanz, D.ª Natalia Pereira Pérez | | `prefix` | Dra., D., D. | ## FFaker::NameFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Patricia, Julien, Noël | | `last_name` | Loiseau, Bigot, Lagarde | | `name` | Alphonse Gauthier, Jacques Tanguy, Louis Martel | | `prefix` | du, le, le | ## FFaker::NameGA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Ceesaynding, Atta, Sunkang | | `first_name_male` | Charneh,, Lalo,, Karanta, | | `last_name` | ceesay, jammeh, jammeh | | `name` | Sinajo, jammeh, Fatma jammeh, Maaluta jammeh | | `name_female` | Anta jammeh, Saratou jammeh, Nyanya jammeh | | `name_male` | Lang, ceesay, Lensa, ceesay, Karankallo, ceesay | ## FFaker::NameGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_first_name` | Ρένα, Πωλίνα, Λίζα | | `female_full_name` | Θεοδοσία Οικονόμου, Όλγα Σακελλαρίου, Σαλώμη Βαμβακά | | `female_last_name` | Μανωλά, Σακελλαρίου, Βαλσάμη | | `first_name` | Θωμάς, Αδάμ, Ζάχος | | `full_name` | Ιφιγένεια Φιλιππίδη, Τριαντάφυλλος Παπαδόπουλος, Ζωή Σακελλαρίου | | `last_name` | Ταρσούλη, Μεταξά, Κοτζιά | | `male_first_name` | Αβραάμ, Φώτης, Μάκης | | `male_full_name` | Μενέλαος Φραγκούδης, Θωμάς Φλέσσας, Νάσος Φιλιππίδης | | `male_last_name` | Ευταξίας, Ζάχος, Κουρμούλης | | `name` | Αίμων Σπανός, Βικτωρία Βαμβακά, Κατερίνα Μανωλά | ## FFaker::NameID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Nn. Afifah Maleakhi, Ny. Zara Wahyusaputra, Ny. Warda Mulyawati | | `female_prefix` | Ny., Nn., Nn. | | `first_name` | Jessica, Ivan, Rino | | `first_name_female` | Halimah, Alisa, Misa | | `first_name_male` | Kurniawan, Mansyur, Ryan | | `last_name` | Soewandi, Binawan, Fachriani | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Tn. Viktor Ramdhini, Tn. Juli Juliansyah, Tn. Yanto Juliyanto | | `male_prefix` | Tn., Tn., Tn. | | `name` | Jojon Raharjo, Soraya Sintikhe, Prasetyani Okramia | | `name_with_prefix` | Ny. Riri Lusiana, Ny. Misa Niladita, Tn. Rino Aprilia | | `prefix` | Tn., Tn., Ny. | ## FFaker::NameIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Mishka, Myra, Sri | | `first_name_male` | Mohammed, Viraj, Shlok | | `last_name` | Ghosh, Kapoor, Ahuja | | `name` | Pihu Kohli, Ahmad Jain, Vrinda Deshmukh | | `name_female` | Jia Anthony, Princess Kashyap, Manasvi Batra | | `name_male` | Aarav Ranganathan, Divyansh Pandey, Ahmad Haldar | ## FFaker::NameIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Ivo, Carlotta, Matteo | | `last_name` | Piccolomini, Rossi, Diotaiuti | | `name` | Letizia Pocci, Alice Coppola, Emilia Pitruzzella | | `prefix` | Dr., Dott., Dr. | ## FFaker::NameJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 美香, 良子, 輝 | | `last_first` | 永山洋, 古谷唯, 仲里果 | | `last_name` | 田代, 沖田, 中山 | | `name` | 板倉歩夢, 新居まこと, 親泊正治 | ## FFaker::NameKH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | កុសល, សីុម, លក្ខណា | | `last_name` | លឹម, សួង, នុប | | `name` | វៃ ភារុន, វ៉ន សារ៉ន, ហេង សារ៉ន | | `nick_name` | ឡួយ, ចរិយា, ចម្បី | ## FFaker::NameKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 두학, 예일, 비창 | | `last_first` | 묵상열, 송임환, 강전정철 | | `last_name` | 류, 고, 은 | | `name` | 마지일, 소본창, 엄규민 | | `name_with_space` | 갈 제찬, 안 다인, 군 명성 | ## FFaker::NameMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Marcia, Olga, Ramona | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Nohemi Reichel, Sra. Dwana Hessel, Sra. Gertrud Boyle | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | C. Alena McClure III, C. Pricilla Ratke DDS, C. Noriko Cummerata DVM | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Farah Tromp Sr., Synthia Hauck Jr., Tomoko Eichmann Jr. | | `female_prefix` | C., C., Sra. | | `first_name` | Anabel, Imelda, Frida | | `first_name_female` | Irene, Candace, Thelma | | `first_name_male` | Todd, Calvin, Nickolas | | `full_name` | Félix Bins Macejkovic, Igor Ratke O'Conner, Casandra Heidenreich Lind | | `full_name_no_prefix` | Carlos Murazik Wintheiser, Adelina Daniel Rempel, Isidro Tomás Howell Tromp | | `full_name_prefix` | Sr. Francisco Considine Lehner, Srita. Elena Boehm Pagac, C. René Paucek Lemke | | `html_safe_last_name` | West, Funk, Kilback | | `html_safe_name` | Temístocles Funk, Horacio Botsford, Julia Douglas | | `last_name` | Schroeder, Blick, Corkery | | `male_name` | Rafael, Augusto, Luis | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. William Schmidt, Sr. Lesley Gutmann, C. Rickie Walsh | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | C. Giovanni Stroman Sr., Sr. Man Bechtelar I, Sr. Cyrus Hickle MD | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Derrick Erdman MD, Kenneth Rath II, Fermin Prosacco II | | `male_prefix` | C., Sr., C. | | `middle_name` | Norma, Rodolfo, Margarito | | `name` | Emiliano, Mariana, Delia | | `name_with_prefix` | Sra. Vesta Boehm, C. Dominick Stehr, C. Art Dooley | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Srita. Elizabeth Flatley IV, Srita. Eleonore Murphy III, C. Hilda Casper V | | `name_with_suffix` | Elmira Jones DVM, Valorie Upton DVM, Belva Dibbert DVM | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `paternal_last_names` | Green Nolan, Grant Leuschke, Aufderhar Schmitt | | `prefix` | Sr., Sra., C. | | `pronouns` | Xe/Xer, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | III, PhD, MD | ## FFaker::NameNB | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Maureen Altenwerth, Mrs. Verda Wolff, Miss. Deedra Schmeler | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Elnora Hamill I, Miss. Dovie Hamill MD, Miss. Rebeca Bayer IV | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Kaylene Russel DVM, Barbra Rippin Jr., Hue Hahn Jr. | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Etsuko, Stephanie, Arnold | | `first_name_female` | Verena, Wilma, Tianna | | `first_name_male` | Lynwood, Wesley, Melvin | | `html_safe_last_name` | Schmeler, Johnston, Feil | | `html_safe_name` | Bettye Kozey, Katrice Corkery, Nadine Marcelle McLaughlin | | `last_name` | Huel, Effertz, Jast | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Ted Dickens, Mr. Ashley Harber, Mr. Dante Rice | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Herb Monahan II, Mr. Abdul Dach III, Mr. Marcos Little DDS | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Malcolm Crist III, Hipolito Gutkowski III, Mario Parisian IV | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Brendon Stokes, Debera Erdman, Dorian Luettgen | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Calvin Bins, Mr. Jessie Wiegand, Miss. Raye Jacobs | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Eloy Beatty DDS, Mr. Daren Hirthe II, Mrs. Aiko Wiegand III | | `name_with_suffix` | Issac Crona MD, Ardis Bartell V, Stefania Moore Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Dr., Prof., Dr. | | `pronouns` | They/Them, Xe/Xem, Zie/Zim | | `suffix` | Jr., PhD, MD | ## FFaker::NameNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Deana Trantow, Mrs. Venus Mertz, Miss. Cheryll Feest | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. An Hilll III, Mrs. Enedina Flatley I, Mrs. Kendal Crist DVM | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Janiece Gulgowski PhD, Cori Gleason Jr., Felisha Romaguera II | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Miss. | | `first_name` | Micaela, Ralph-Norbert, Sterling | | `first_name_female` | Enid, Denese, Jeanie | | `first_name_male` | Sol-Maynard, Darrick, Bobby | | `html_safe_last_name` | Rogahn, Swift, Hansen | | `html_safe_name` | Gabriel-Glenn Wolff, Floria-Lashandra Hermiston, Desmond Schumm | | `last_name` | Doyle, Jones, Cummerata | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Francisco Grimes, Mr. Donnie Kautzer, Mr. Mitchell Durgan | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Clarence Kunde I, Mr. Willie Wolf Jr., Mr. Louie Jones DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Jose Williamson V, Gilberto Goyette V, Romeo Rippin DVM | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Joette Oberbrunner, Augusta Cole, Felipe Turner | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Bryant-Wilford Wiegand, Mr. Silas-Wilber Hoeger, Miss. Shalonda West | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Zachariah Hane V, Miss. Deborah-Anastasia Schumm I, Mr. Raymon-Mervin Flatley PhD | | `name_with_suffix` | Ramonita-Eleanor Rohan Sr., Rudolph Doyle I, Rebecca Luettgen MD | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Ing., Prof., Dr. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem, She/Her | | `suffix` | III, MD, Jr. | ## FFaker::NamePH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Kiera Mariano, Miss. Clare Dahil-Dahilg, Mrs. Cira Tiaoqui | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Lakendra Catacutan V, Mrs. Pearlie Hernandez MD, Mrs. Bernarda Canumay PhD | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Shelley de los Reyes DVM, Regena Segismundo V, Wava Infanta III | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Miss., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Barbie, Terri, Kattie | | `first_name_female` | Annemarie, Tamara, Beckie | | `first_name_male` | Billie, Phil, Noe | | `html_safe_last_name` | Morissette, Oga, Cronin | | `html_safe_name` | Dulce Brekke, Nicolasa Stanton, Lamar Brakus | | `last_name` | Camat, Camat, Abella | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Theo de Leon, Mr. Kasey Pojas, Mr. Alton Villaroman | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Mauro Cabigas V, Mr. Rodolfo Yaptinchay I, Mr. Charley Baltar I | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Emil Villosillo V, Rod Montecillo Sr., Orval Cabigas Jr. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Gerald Dueñaz, Kittie Rivera, Suellen Cabigas | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Barney Olarte, Mr. Bennett Montenegro, Mrs. Katharina Vivas | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Alvera De DVM, Mr. Carmelo Ilaban PhD, Mrs. Audie Querubin PhD | | `name_with_suffix` | Ta Mahiyag Sr., Elwanda Talongg V, Noah Hojas Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Ms., Mrs., Mrs. | | `pronouns` | They/Them, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | I, Jr., I | ## FFaker::NamePL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `academic_degree_prefix` | dr, lic., lic. | | `female_first_name` | Klara, Żaneta, Maja | | `female_full_name` | Róża Koszewska, Marcelina Wróblewska, Julianna Jabłońska | | `female_last_name` | Glinka, Wesołowska, Domagalska | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Pani Ewelina Waglewska, Pani Natalia Filipowicz, Pani Mirosława Malinowska | | `female_prefix` | Pani, Pani, Pani | | `first_name` | Norbert, Ewa, Mikołaj | | `full_name` | Bogusława Galińska, Maciej Kowalczyk, Janina Buczkowska | | `last_name` | Janowska, Śliwa, Frankowska | | `male_first_name` | Mariusz, Lew, Jerzy | | `male_full_name` | Marek Radziński, Marcin Sopoćko, Ludwik Nowacki | | `male_last_name` | Domagalski, Marciniak, Lewandowski | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Pan Lew Piątek, Pan Edmund Pluta, Pan Maksymilian Chomicki | | `male_prefix` | Pan, Pan, Pan | | `name` | Bogumiła Waligórska, Gustaw Olejniczak, Bronisław Dębski | | `name_with_prefix` | Pani Klara Kononowicz, Pani Jadwiga Krasińska, Pani Michalina Krajewska | | `prefix` | inż., mgr inż., Pani | ## FFaker::NameRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Мирослава Колесникова, Мария Пономарева, Дарья Крылова | | `first_name` | Федот, Никон, Дмитрий | | `first_name_female` | Алла, Вероника, Евпраксия | | `first_name_male` | Авдей, Эраст, Вячеслав | | `last_name` | Большакова, Никитина, Кузьмина | | `last_name_female` | Орлова, Морозова, Анисимова | | `last_name_male` | Соболев, Попов, Попов | | `male_name` | Кирилл Андреев, Варфоломей Куликов, Мирослав Ковалев | | `middle_name_female` | Давыдовна, Аркадьевна, Геннадиевна | | `middle_name_male` | Маркович, Константинович, Аркадьевич | | `name` | Илья Ефимов, Зиновий Козлов, Якун Соколов | ## FFaker::NameSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Edra Schmitt, Miss. Terri Bartell, Mrs. Pamula Littel | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Jacqueline Kohler Sr., Miss. Gena Kassulke IV, Miss. Katherina Adams Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Elke Littel DVM, Lucie Wiegand V, Bettye Corkery MD | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Jayme, Amos Ellis, Ja | | `first_name_female` | Martha, Keiko, Myrtis | | `first_name_male` | Arron, Irwin, Everett | | `html_safe_last_name` | Huel, Wuckert, Marquardt | | `html_safe_name` | Graham Jerde, Marla Lockman, Consuela Wisoky | | `last_name` | Reynolds, Jast, Hagenes | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Louis Dietrich, Mr. Jessie Walker, Mr. Chang Wisozk | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Jimmie Mertz II, Mr. Horacio Swaniawski DVM, Mr. Darrell Thiel PhD | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Gregg Abbott PhD, Clemente Casper I, Frederick Mraz II | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Roman Welch, Rich Hudson, Gemma Leuschke | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Roselia Kuhlman, Mrs. Veronika Runolfsson, Mr. Luciano Prohaska | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Una Muller IV, Mrs. Lahoma Wisoky II, Mr. Harold Koss III | | `name_with_suffix` | Billy Satterfield DDS, Wilford Thompson III, Malik Jaskolski III | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Prof., Dr., Prof. | | `pronouns` | Zie/Zim, Zie/Zim, Xe/Xem | | `suffix` | MD, DVM, Jr. | ## FFaker::NameSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Sawdiatou, Gnima, Khary | | `first_name_male` | Senghane, Pape, Saliou | | `last_name` | Nder, Aw, Thiam | | `name_female` | Madjiguène Diagne, Sofiatou Dione, adja Alima Ndour | | `name_male` | mame Thiawlo Mbow, pape Ndiaya Sy, Ballago Konaté | | `name_sn` | Bintou Badiatte, Bayo Marone, Abdoulaye Camara | | `prefix_female` | mame, mame, mame | | `prefix_male` | serigne, mame, serigne | ## FFaker::NameTH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | ศุภชัย, ประทุม, สุนัย | | `last_name` | ติณสูลานนท์, สมิท, บราวน์ | | `name` | สมัคร  พันธุเมธา, พัฒนา  สมิท, สังวาล บราวน์ | | `nick_name` | ม้า , อิง , อาร์ม | ## FFaker::NameTHEN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Sin, Chuasiri, Malee | | `last_name` | Ornlamai, Parnpradub, Nimitwanitch | | `name` | Thong Di Suttirat, Benjakalyani Leelapun, Sanya Vipavakit | | `nick_name` | Toi, Bum, Nit | ## FFaker::NameTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 文雄, 柏睿, 宥廷 | | `last_name` | 姜, 白, 尤 | | `name` | 馮思妤, 巫子晴, 李淑芬 | ## FFaker::NameUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Крентта, Доброслав, Немира | | `first_name_female` | Любомила, Забава, Мирослава | | `first_name_male` | Горислав, Звенислав, Сніжан | | `last_name` | Гойко, Марків, Дмитрук | | `last_name_female` | Яворівська, Дідух, Єрмак | | `last_name_male` | Гарай, Шиян, Ющук | | `middle_name_female` | Василівна, Адамівна, Білославівна | | `middle_name_male` | Аркадійович, Маркович, Тимофійович | | `name` | Ратимир Архипович, Гамула Корнилій Денисович, Михайло Гнатович | ## FFaker::NameVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Quang, Quang, Công | | `last_first` | Tôn Dung Hữu, Vĩnh Việt Hữu, Đặng Cung Thị | | `last_name` | Vũ, Lý, Phó | | `middle_name` | Khánh, Liêm, Tâm | | `name` | Trung Quang Thân, Liên Văn Đặng, Thi Thị Thủy | ## FFaker::NatoAlphabet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `alphabetic_code` | YANKEE, UNIFORM, PAPA | | `callsign` | HOTEL-INDIA-TWO, GOLF-CHARLIE-TWO, WHISKEY-WHISKEY-FOUR | | `code` | TANGO, DELTA, TWO | | `codify`(...) | | | `numeric_code` | SIX, FOUR, FIVE | ## FFaker::PhoneNumber | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 823, 216, 446 | | `exchange_code` | 320, 403, 205 | | `imei` | 910019108298596, 454213571355890, 357285233394655 | | `phone_calling_code` | +225, +381, +996 | | `phone_number` | (729)547-3043 x10734, 1-436-861-1747 x2519, 962-231-1119 | | `short_phone_number` | 330-339-5861, 931-878-5673, 465-547-2331 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +61, +61, +61 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (02) 4211 7693, (07) 4997 8452, (08) 1546 7627 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 03, 03, 03 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +61 7 1771 9065, +61 7 5151 6212, +61 3 6308 6664 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +61 5 6495 6628, +61 5 8685 9354, +61 4 6994 0460 | | `international_phone_number` | +61 8 9393 0869, +61 4 6654 2597, +61 7 4832 8359 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0429 090 004, 0432 962 866, 0593 991 852 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 04, 05, 05 | | `phone_number` | 0477 947 897, 0553 990 768, (03) 0663 7148 | | `phone_prefix` | 08, 05, 03 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +55, +55, +55 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 6244209467, 665042-3778, 2745693438 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +55 84 3267-6339, +55 41 4754-7855, +55 68 48435063 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +556998729-6901, +55 47 96962-9172, +55 21 961870389 | | `international_phone_number` | +55644275-9482, +55 62 32265932, +55 22 97767-3556 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 55960869182, 68 960894573, 34 968234903 | | `phone_number` | 85 59819020, 91 98981-3398, 19 5456-1548 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `free_phone_number` | 0041800 636 02 46, +418003059808, 0800 330 34 62 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0519898423, 024 762 80 86, +41710115602 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 076 045 31 48, 0041779078863, 0041742834177 | | `phone_number` | +419069179625, 00418001036651, 0041844 949 68 65 | | `premium_rate_phone_number` | 0041900 538 74 03, 09018670677, 0901 765 40 97 | | `shared_cost_phone_number` | 0041840 929 87 31, 0041840 784 60 01, 0041844 695 74 16 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_home_work_phone_number` | 5347877812, 5341146063, 5332248675 | | `e164_mobile_phone_number` | 5351624548, 5359758860, 5356007565 | | `e164_phone_number` | 5350545210, 5345277525, 5353092439 | | `general_phone_number` | (042) 93 5254, (042) 88 6863, 05 604 3763 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (023) 53 1281, (041) 99 7650, (07) 497 3165 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 031, 021, 042 | | `international_country_code` | +53, +53, +53 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +5345 82 7274, +5331 16 1176, 005348 15 4898 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | 00535 810 4469, 00535 366 3191, 00535 082 2384 | | `international_phone_number` | 00535 042 8247, +5343 15 5769, 00535 942 6202 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 05 457 1972, 05 970 2742, 05 451 9901 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 05, 05, 05 | | `phone_number` | 5343329081, 05 877 6620, (031) 14 2567 | | `phone_prefix` | 023, 046, 05 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +45, +45, +45 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 90953734, 53184107, 23535870 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +45 67729051, +45 41158681, +45 30215501 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +45 14955866, +45 50557178, +45 74063375 | | `international_phone_number` | +45 80546477, +45 19168176, +45 90638113 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 72144770, 19826700, 18728478 | | `phone_number` | 10630904, 61911778, 18045836 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +49, +49, +49 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 028 6876703, 03048 0032636, 0907 2062090 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +49 4186 4195752, +49 807 0865487, +49 75 2160331 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +49 175 3301110, +49 163 6769274, +49 169 5181849 | | `international_phone_number` | +49 403 9305163, +49 869 0892020, +49 7517 0019399 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0170 8861166, 0163 7424610, 0163 5806525 | | `mobile_prefix` | 0178, 0157, 0169 | | `phone_number` | 087 2677886, 0457 4042947, 084 6463157 | | `region_prefix` | 09784, 070, 05567 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +33, 0033, 0033 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 09 66 32 07 20, 0993834814, 04 31 44 38 33 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 0033 1 61 08 44 65, +33125103541, +33 3 08 59 18 86 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +33748862194, +33 7 40 38 33 38, 0033 701555826 | | `international_phone_number` | +33734519484, 00335 00 02 50 83, 0033 108634877 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0641717129, 0635283167, 0666899505 | | `phone_number` | 0952966421, 07 50 76 98 18, 05 49 61 11 15 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberID | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0639-6387785, 0922-6698746, 0956-0870252 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +62549-82061625, +62411-8278158, +62464-8730174 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +62899-19924130, +62822-85742786, +62897-60413096 | | `international_phone_number` | +62918-0555478, +62886-74569071, +62716-9567764 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0814-04349115, 0881-95520297, 0823-77815467 | | `phone_number` | 0817-74195976, 0857-24030521, 0417-04693746 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 0039 0144847812, 00390734 562043, 0039 088340256461 | | `mobile_phone_number` | +39 337 72261641, +39329 459840, +39 328 96767500 | | `number`(...) | | | `phone_number` | 0039335 268187, 00390433 333279, 0039093426417226 | | `random_space` | , , | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +82, +82, +82 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 032 1316 9023, 049 0893 7273, 044 4950 2227 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +82 41 7695 7154, +82 31 4212 4356, +82 53 0026 1865 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +82 16 8293 3537, +82 19 0720 0372, +82 19 9312 7114 | | `international_phone_number` | +82 10 2020 9744, +82 32 9839 1494, +82 10 9768 5111 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 010 7387 6643, 011 7928 8653, 019 4751 7587 | | `phone_number` | 011 3284 0926, 019 6819 4545, 010 7419 7633 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +52, +52, +52 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 13 7154 1022, 84 6329 9344, 37 1776 6734 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +52 58 3123 3723, +52 24 5702 3257, +52 94 4078 3431 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +52 1 85 8676 7221, +52 1 25 0963 5974, +52 1 33 7154 5467 | | `international_phone_number` | +52 1 54 1319 8668, +52 15 9868 1871, +52 55 5698 9929 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 044 34 6781 8452, 044 25 3338 2748, 044 92 1842 8002 | | `phone_number` | 044 52 5587 9757, 38 1066 8901, 87 0639 8772 | | `toll_free_number` | 01 800 501 0250, 01 800 076 9913, 01 800 469 4078 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0228-2665 89, 0413-595685, 0570-7536 27 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +31 315-052240, +31 492-77 38 38, +31 168-4175 05 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +31 6 7571 9363, +31 6 241 786 63, +31 6 204 775 09 | | `international_phone_number` | +31 6 85 07 73 85, +31 515-5993 37, +31 38-8967 590 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 06 747 935 20, 06 211 018 83, 06 56 66 16 73 | | `phone_number` | 079-0375586, 0616441976, 0511-0406 21 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 65, 77, 87 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 151833537, 659734708, 326493202 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +48 953927421, +48 767446140, +48 757596244 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +48 793778705, +48 788618985, +48 519937880 | | `international_phone_number` | +48 766910727, +48 870841155, +48 586847842 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 536840925, 788716978, 510468103 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 53#######, 78#######, 88####### | | `mobile_prefix` | 88, 66, 53 | | `phone_number` | 502854930, 795635248, 539178450 | | `phone_number_format` | 25#######, 54#######, 42####### | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 8, 8, 8 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 8 491 703-04-02, 8 878 234-63-40, 8 415 119-62-47 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 074, 494, 075 | | `international_country_code` | +7, +7, +7 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +7 426 479-77-79, +7 341 934-59-15, +7 863 098-00-37 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +7 926 419-44-53, +7 968 706-25-47, +7 923 907-61-70 | | `international_phone_number` | +7 349 063-51-93, +7 994 370-36-83, +7 918 910-45-61 | | `international_toll_free_number` | +7 800 569-06-59, +7 800 231-16-51, +7 800 759-59-97 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 8 988 991-77-55, 8 967 487-04-33, 8 964 785-54-84 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 913, 977, 913 | | `phone_number` | 8 846 429-23-86, 8 484 448-34-41, 8 901 293-51-47 | | `toll_free_number` | 8 800 474-22-99, 8 800 816-45-36, 8 800 366-77-25 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_prefix` | 383, 670, 534 | | `country_prefix` | +46, 0046, +46 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0297-694 85, 0248-502 99, 0505-64 01 68 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +46 (0)173-391 79, +46 (0)176-60 91 54, 0046 (0)554-981 62 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +46 (0)769-58 64 30, 0046 (0)725-389988, +46 (0)763-847548 | | `international_phone_number` | +46 (0)521-96 29 16, 0046 (0)587-153 44, 0046 (0)765-217676 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0730-05 98 55, 0733-173800, 0703-946414 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 70#-## ## ##, 73#-## ## ##, 73#-###### | | `mobile_prefix` | 76, 70, 73 | | `phone_number` | 0732-31 47 70, 0952-70 54 91, 0691-673 64 | | `phone_number_format` | 586-### ##, 611-## ## ##, 591-## ## ## | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSG | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +65, +65, +65 | | `fixed_line_number` | 6548 1681, 6397 0174, 6025 0765 | | `international_toll_free_number` | 800 587 8627, 800 333 7698, 800 442 6750 | | `mobile_number` | 8194 8983, 8465 7146, 8638 9038 | | `mobile_or_pager_number` | 9384 8036, 9121 4813, 9975 7060 | | `phone_number` | 9850 7121, 6318 3108, 9849 6368 | | `premium_service_number` | 1900 885 6049, 1900 449 0646, 1900 957 9967 | | `toll_free_number` | 1800 319 0013, 1800 630 1320, 1800 670 2213 | | `voip_number` | 3120 9063, 3062 5047, 3227 9284 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `homework_number` | 33-862-88-98, 33-821-45-04, 33-986-06-55 | | `homework_phone_prefix` | 33, 33, 33 | | `mobile_number` | 77-841-91-45, 70-430-14-24, 70-672-36-28 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 76, 76, 70 | | `phone_number` | 33-836-26-63, 70-655-80-13, 77-065-20-04 | | `short_phone_number` | 673-68-45, 264-52-86, 762-77-76 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberTW | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +886, +886, +886 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (03) 387-8438, (05) 274-2570, (06) 793-9036 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +886-4-8192-4846, +886-6-043-9740, +886-4-0060-8890 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +886-990-382-317, +886-952-546-033, +886-970-742-807 | | `international_phone_number` | +886-2-5494-8693, +886-992-087-681, +886-4-8489-3217 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0928-976-505, 0928-353-974, 0910-168-339 | | `phone_number` | 0953-784-845, 0983-368-001, 0928-166-277 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 031 525-3291, 055 070-5560, 037 165-6446 | | `international_home_phone_number` | +380 33 596-1352, +380 69 067-6591, +380 53 300-2268 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +380 63 223-6156, +380 97 512-5512, +380 67 553-4687 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 098 939-8174, 097 620-4963, 093 982-1856 | | `phone_number` | 066 461-9111, 097 295-4529, 067 083-7245 | ## FFaker::Product | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `brand` | Subfunc, Pick, OY | | `letters`(...) | | | `model` | B33, C-2320, C64 | | `product` | CI GPS Mount, Afterbalt Output Bracket, Troffewood Power Viewer | | `product_name` | Digital Air Receiver, Side Adapter, Audible System | ## FFaker::SSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 036-94-3668, 408-93-0822, 772-06-3375 | ## FFaker::SSNMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `imss` | 0637743751-4, 4762380549-8, 5749825772-0 | | `imss_undashed` | 36438314100, 02079927896, 50967577573 | | `issste` | 0325031058-2, 9646347044-9, 9533422682-4 | | `issste_undashed` | 54553126241, 47290536840, 07622486348 | | `ssn` | 2678282493-3, 7949485730-4, 1760452783-4 | | `ssn_undashed` | 73087860385, 63445967622, 00928610956 | ## FFaker::SSNSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 195812174400, 194603313110, 200209190810 | ## FFaker::SemVer | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `next` | 1.0.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.0 | ## FFaker::Skill | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `specialties` | Statistical Management, Statistical Design, Firmware Prototyping, Team Metrics, Database Metrics, Modular Methods, Hardware Methods, Area Management, Web Profiling | | `specialty` | Database Methods, Database Management, Firmware Testing | | `tech_skill` | JSON, Photoshop, ExtJS | | `tech_skills` | Shell, PHP, SVN, Typo3, XHR, JSON, Heroku, YAML, CakePHP | ## FFaker::Sport | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | ❗ *[name] is deprecated. For US sports please use the SportUS module* | ## FFaker::SportPL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Piłka nożna, Golf, Szermierka | | `summer` | Łucznictwo, Rugby, Żeglarstwo | | `winter` | Skoki narciarskie, Hokej na lodzie, Narciarstwo alpejskie | ## FFaker::SportUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Tennis, Jiu Jitsu, Swimming | ## FFaker::String | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `from_regexp`(...) | | ## FFaker::Time | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `between`(..., ...) | | | `date` | 2018-12-26, 2020-01-25, 2016-08-17 | | `datetime` | 2020-09-03T15:27:00+00:00, 2019-04-14T04:34:00+00:00, 2019-02-25T06:47:00+00:00 | | `day_of_week` | Mon, Sun, Tue | | `month` | October, November, February | ## FFaker::Tweet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `body` | Qui vel saepe adipisci quisquam expedita qui veniam. Eligendi harum perspiciatis eum est fugiat iusto voluptatem. Cumque error illum., Et rerum error maiores et. Rerum ullam ratione deleniti quia natus exercitationem modi. Ipsam enim reprehenderit quae suscipit iusto., Incidunt dolore et similique dolores itaque tempore. Est voluptatem placeat accusamus ut vel et sed reprehenderit. Recusandae et. | | `mention` | @debrah, @malena.jast, @trent | | `mentions` | @laquita @angeles_ebert, @evon @angel.nolan, @molly.romaguera @williams | | `tags` | #boy #funny, #life #follow, #all_shots #sweet | | `tweet` | Consequatur architecto in odit consequuntur rerum delectus. Quidem quisquam tenetur ut facere molestiae. Ullam in ut quibusdam qui..#pretty, Explicabo et maxime vel quis est. Culpa., Autem tenetur numquam veniam explicabo deleniti voluptas. Ad nulla possimus quae eligendi. | ## FFaker::UniqueUtils | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `clear` | 0, 0, 0 | ## FFaker::Unit | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `temperature_abbr` | F, C, K | | `temperature_name` | Celsius, Fahrenheit, Celsius | | `time_abbr` | Minutes, d, s | | `time_name` | Years, Seconds, Years | ## FFaker::UnitEnglish | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | sq yd, s, s | | `area_name` | square inch, section, township | | `length_abbr` | in, fur, in | | `length_name` | inch, furlong, inch | | `liquid_abbr` | qt, gi, gi | | `liquid_name` | pint, quart, fluid ounce | | `mass_abbr` | t, oz, cwt | | `mass_name` | grains, ton, hundredweight | | `temperature_abbr` | C, K, C | | `temperature_name` | Kelvin, Kelvin, Fahrenheit | | `time_abbr` | s, d, s | | `time_name` | Years, Seconds, Years | | `volume_abbr` | CY, CY, CY | | `volume_name` | cubic yard, cubic inch, cubic yard | ## FFaker::UnitMetric | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | ha, cm^2, m^2 | | `area_name` | kilometers, kilometers, kilometers | | `length_abbr` | cm, cm, cm | | `length_name` | kilometers, millimeters, millimeters | | `liquid_abbr` | L, ml, L | | `liquid_name` | liters, milliliters, liters | | `mass_abbr` | g, g, mt | | `mass_name` | metric ton, metric ton, gram | | `temperature_abbr` | F, K, F | | `temperature_name` | Kelvin, Celsius, Celsius | | `time_abbr` | yr, yr, Minutes | | `time_name` | Seconds, Days, Seconds | | `volume_abbr` | m^3, m^3, m^3 | | `volume_name` | cubic meters, cubic meters, cubic meters | ## FFaker::Vehicle | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `base_color` | mediumblue, darkcyan, darkslategray | | `drivetrain` | 4X4, AWD, RWD | | `engine_cylinders` | 8, 6, 6 | | `engine_displacement` | 4.9, 5.2, 7.4 | | `fuel_type` | Diesel, Gas, Natural Gas (CNG) | | `interior_upholstery` | Vinyl, Leather, Faux Vinyl | | `make` | AMC, Aston Martin, Alfa Romeo | | `manufacturer_color` | dangerous new dimgray, weak soft blue, fast bright royalblue | | `mfg_color` | mute new green, magnificent melodic mediumturquoise, new magnetic darkgreen | | `model` | Corvette, Cobalt, Escalade | | `transmission` | Automatic, Continuously Variable, Continuously Variable | | `transmission_abbr` | CVT, AT, MT | | `trim` | GS, LS, RS | | `vin` | 14JEZ23769G625958, 18NDR16706Q697270, 16EOE35621Y018232 | | `year` | 1927, 2012, 1959 | ## FFaker::Venue | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Feria Internacional de Muestras de Asturias, Los Almendros de Huechuraba, Oficina de Convenciones y Visitantes de Monterrey | ## FFaker::Youtube | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `embed_url` | www.youtube.com/embed/y6Sxv-sUYtM, www.youtube.com/embed/OPf0YbXqDm0, www.youtube.com/embed/iS1g8G_njx8 | | `share_url` | youtu.be/2vjPBrBU-TM, youtu.be/PIh2xe4jnpk, youtu.be/HP-MbfHFUqs | | `url` | www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP-MbfHFUqs, www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYniUCGPGLs | | `video_id` | 8UVNT4wvIGY, _OBlgSz8sSM, YBHQbu5rbdQ |