#-- # Wmap # # A pure Ruby library for Internet web application discovery and tracking. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Yang Li #++ require "net/http" require "uri" require "open-uri" require "open_uri_redirections" require "nokogiri" require "parallel" # Web site crawler class class Wmap::UrlCrawler include Wmap::Utils attr_accessor :http_timeout, :crawl_page_limit, :crawl_depth, :max_parallel, :verbose, :data_dir attr_reader :discovered_urls_by_crawler, :visited_urls_by_crawler, :crawl_start, :crawl_done # Global variable used to store the combined result of all the forked child processes. Note that class variable # would not be able to pass the result due the limitation of IO Pipe communication mechanism used by 'parallel' fork manager # $discovered_urls=Hash.new # set hard stop limit of http time-out to 8 seconds, in order to avoid severe performance penalty for certain 'weird' site(s) Max_http_timeout=8000 # set hard stop limit of crawler time-out to 1200 seconds or 20 minutes Crawl_timeout=1200000 # Crawler instance default variables def initialize (params = {}) @verbose=params.fetch(:verbose, false) @data_dir=params.fetch(:data_dir, File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../../data/') @http_timeout=params.fetch(:http_timeout, 5000) @crawl_depth=params.fetch(:crawl_depth, 4) @crawl_page_limit=params.fetch(:crawl_page_limit, 1000) @max_parallel=params.fetch(:max_parallel, 40) # Discovered data store @discovered_urls_by_crawler=Hash.new @visited_urls_by_crawler=Hash.new @crawl_start=Hash.new @crawl_done=Hash.new Dir.mkdir(@data_dir) unless Dir.exist?(@data_dir) @log_file=@data_dir + "crawler.log" end # Pre-crawl profiler, to be used for network profiling to maximum the crawler performance. def pre_crawl(url) puts "Perform network profiling works on the web server before the web crawling: #{url}" if @verbose begin host=url_2_host(url) # Use the following formula to 'guess' the right http time-out threshold for the scanner nwk_to=Wmap::NetworkProfiler.new.profile(host).to_i if (1500 + Wmap::NetworkProfiler.new.profile(host)*2).to_i > Max_http_timeout @http_timeout = Max_http_timeout else @http_timeout = 1500 + nwk_to*2 end puts "Done with the pre-scan works: reset @http_timeout to: #{@http_timeout} ms" if @verbose rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{host}: #{ee}" if @verbose @http_timeout = Max_http_timeout end end # A web crawler to crawl a known website and search for html links within the same root domain. For example, # by crawling 'http://www.yahoo.com/' it could discover 'http://login.yahoo.com/' def crawl(url) puts "Start web crawling on #{url}" #begin result=Array.new url=url.chomp.strip result.push(url_2_site(url)) raise "Error! Invalid url format: #{urls}" unless is_url?(url) # Add logic to profile the web server before crawling; this is used to optimize the crawling speed pre_crawl(url) status = Timeout::timeout(Crawl_timeout/1000) { result+=crawl_worker(url).keys } puts "Web crawling time-out on #{url}: #{status}" if @verbose return result #rescue => ee #puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for URL #{url}: #{ee}" #return result #end end alias_method :query, :crawl # The worker instance of crawler who perform the labour work def crawl_worker(url0) puts "Please be aware that it may take a while to crawl #{url0}, depending on the site's responsiveness and the amount of contents." #begin # Input URL sanity check first if is_url?(url0) host=url_2_host(url0) ip=host_2_ip(host).to_s raise "Invalid IP address: #{url0}" if ip.nil? port=url_2_port(url0).to_s raise "Invalid port number: #{url0}" if port.nil? else raise "Invalid URL: #{url0}. Please check it out with your browser again." end log_info=Hash.new log_info[1]="Start working on #{url0}" url_stores=Hash.new url_stores[url0]=true unless url_stores.key?(url0) @discovered_urls_by_crawler[url0]=true unless @discovered_urls_by_crawler.key?(url0) @crawl_start[url0]=true unless @crawl_start.key?(url0) # $discovered_urls[url0]=true unless $discovered_urls.key?(url0) @crawl_depth.times do url_stores.keys.each do |url| # 10/01/2013 add logic to avoid unnecessary crawling within the same child instance next if @visited_urls_by_crawler.key?(url) url_object = open_url(url) next if url_object == nil url = update_url_if_redirected(url, url_object) url_body = read_url(url) # Protection code - to avoid parsing failure on the empty or nil object next if url_body.nil? or url_body.empty? url_stores[url]=true unless url_stores.key?(url) @discovered_urls_by_crawler[url]=true unless @discovered_urls_by_crawler.key?(url) # $discovered_urls[url]=true unless $discovered_urls.key?(url) doc = parse_html(url_body) next if doc == nil if url_stores.size >= @crawl_page_limit #@visited_urls_by_crawler.merge!(url_stores) @discovered_urls_by_crawler.merge!(url_stores) # $discovered_urls.merge!(url_stores) puts "Finish web crawling the url: #{url0}" return url_stores end page_urls = find_urls_on_page(doc, url) page_urls.uniq! page_urls.map do |y| y=normalize_url(y) url_stores[y]=true unless url_stores.key?(y) @discovered_urls_by_crawler[y]=true unless @discovered_urls_by_crawler.key?(y) # $discovered_urls[y]=true unless $discovered_urls.key?(y) end end end puts "Finish web crawling on: #{url0}" log_info[2]="Finish working on: #{url0}" wlog(log_info, "UrlCrawler", @log_file) @crawl_done[url0]=true unless @crawl_done.key?(url0) return url_stores #rescue => ee #puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for URL #{url0}: #{ee}" if @verbose #log_info[3]="Exception on #{url0}" #wlog(log_info,"UrlCrawler",@log_file) #return url_stores #end end # Fast crawling by utilizing fork manager parallel to spawn numbers of child processes at the same time # each child process will continuously work on the target pool until all the works are done def crawl_workers (targets,num=@max_parallel) begin raise "Input error - expecting targets in an array format: #{targets}" unless targets.kind_of? Array puts "Sanitize the URL seeds to eliminate the unnecessary duplication(s) ..." if @verbose #puts "This could be awhile depending on the list size. Please be patient ..." # 09/30/2013 Add additional logic to eliminate the duplicate target site(s) before the crawlers are invoked. targets -= ["", nil] uniq_sites=Hash.new targets.dup.map do |target| if is_url?(target) host=url_2_host(target) ip=host_2_ip(host).to_s next if ip.nil? port=url_2_port(target).to_s next if port.nil? site_key=ip+":"+port unless uniq_sites.key?(site_key) uniq_sites[site_key]=target end end end puts "Sanitization done! " if @verbose puts "Start the parallel engine on the normalized crawling list:\n #{targets} " puts "Maximum number of web crawling sessions allowed: #{num}" #if @verbose raise "Error: target list is empty!" if targets.size < 1 Parallel.map(uniq_sites.values, :in_processes => num) { |target| puts "Working on #{target} ..." if @verbose crawl(target) }.dup.each do |process| puts "process.inspect: #{process}" if @verbose urls=process urls-=["",nil] unless urls.nil? if urls.nil? next elsif urls.empty? next #do nothing else urls.map do |url| url.strip! @discovered_urls_by_crawler[url]=true unless @discovered_urls_by_crawler.key?(url) #$discovered_urls[url]=true unless $discovered_urls.key?(url) end end end #return sites return @discovered_urls_by_crawler.keys rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end alias_method :crawls, :crawl_workers # Fast crawling method - build the target pool from the input file def crawl_workers_on_file (file) puts "Web crawl the list of targets from file: #{file}" begin targets=file_2_list(file) sites=crawl_workers(targets,num=@max_parallel) return sites rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end alias_method :query_file, :crawl_workers_on_file alias_method :crawl_file, :crawl_workers_on_file # Wrapper for the OpenURI open method - create an open_uri object and return the reference upon success def open_url(url) #url_object = nil begin puts "Open url #{url} by creating an open_uri object. Return the reference upon success." if @verbose if url =~ /http\:/i # patch for allow the 'un-safe' URL redirection i.e. https://www.example.com -> http://www.example.com url_object = open(url, :allow_redirections=>:safe, :read_timeout=>Max_http_timeout/1000) #url_object = open(url) elsif url =~ /https\:/i url_object = open(url,:ssl_verify_mode => 0, :allow_redirections =>:safe, :read_timeout=>Max_http_timeout/1000) #url_object = open(url,:ssl_verify_mode => 0) else raise "Invalid URL format - please specify the protocol prefix http(s) in the URL: #{url}" end return url_object rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{url}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Wrapper to use OpenURI method 'read' to return url body contents def read_url(url) begin puts "Wrapper to return the OpenURI object for url: #{url}" if @verbose url_object=open_url(url) @visited_urls_by_crawler[url]=true unless @visited_urls_by_crawler.key?(url) body=url_object.read return body rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Return the destination url in case of url re-direct def update_url_if_redirected(url, url_object) #puts "Comparing the original URL with the return object base_uri. Return the one where the true content is found. " if @verbose begin if url != url_object.base_uri.to_s return url_object.base_uri.to_s end return url rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Wrapper for the Nokogiri DOM parser def parse_html(html_body) #puts "Parsing the html content: #{html_body}. Return DOM " if @verbose begin doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_body) #puts "Successfully crawling the url: #{url_object.base_uri.to_s}" if @verbose #puts "doc: #{doc}" if @verbose return doc rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Search 'current_url' and return found URLs under the same domain def find_urls_on_page(doc, current_url) #puts "Search and return URLs within the doc: #{doc}" if @verbose begin urls_list = [] # case 1 - search embedded HTML tag for the url elements links=doc.css('a') links.map do |x| #puts "x: #{x}" new_url = x.attribute('href').to_s unless new_url == nil if new_url.match("http") #if urls_on_same_domain?(new_url,current_url) urls_list.push(new_url) #end else new_url = make_absolute(current_url, new_url) urls_list.push(new_url) end end end # case 2 - search client side redirect - elements=doc.css("meta[http-equiv]") unless elements.size == 0 link=elements.attr("content").value.split(/url\=/i)[1] unless link.nil? new_url = make_absolute(current_url, link) urls_list.push(new_url) unless new_url.nil? end end #puts "Found URLs under page #{current_url}:\n#{urls_list}" if @verbose return urls_list.uniq-["",nil] rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end # Method to print out discovery URL result def print_discovered_urls_by_crawler puts "Print discovered url by the crawler. " if @verbose begin puts "\nSummary Report of Discovered URLs from the Crawler:" @discovered_urls_by_crawler.keys.each do |url| puts url end puts "Total: #{@discovered_urls_by_crawler.keys.size}" puts "End of the summary" rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end alias_method :print, :print_discovered_urls_by_crawler # Method to save URL discovery result def save_discovered_urls (file) puts "Save discovered urls by the crawler to file: #{file} " begin list_2_file(@discovered_urls_by_crawler.keys, file) puts "Done!" rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end alias_method :save, :save_discovered_urls # Method to retrieve discovery site result def get_discovered_sites_by_crawler puts "Print summary report of discovered sites. " if @verbose begin puts "\nSummary Report of Discovered Sites from the Crawler:" sites = Hash.new @discovered_urls_by_crawler.keys.each do |url| site=url_2_site(url) sites[site]=true unless sites.key?(site) end sites.keys.map { |site| puts site } puts "Total: #{sites.size}" puts "End of the summary" return sites.keys rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end end alias_method :get_sites, :get_discovered_sites_by_crawler private :open_url, :read_url, :update_url_if_redirected, :parse_html, :find_urls_on_page end