module MnoEnterprise class Jpi::V1::Admin::OrganizationsController < Jpi::V1::Admin::BaseResourceController # GET /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations def index if params[:terms] # Search mode @organizations = [] JSON.parse(params[:terms]).map { |t| @organizations = @organizations | MnoEnterprise::Organization.where(Hash[*t]) } response.headers['X-Total-Count'] = @organizations.count else # Index mode @organizations = MnoEnterprise::Organization @organizations = @organizations.limit(params[:limit]) if params[:limit] @organizations = @organizations.skip(params[:offset]) if params[:offset] @organizations = @organizations.order_by(params[:order_by]) if params[:order_by] @organizations = @organizations.where(params[:where]) if params[:where] @organizations = @organizations.all.fetch response.headers['X-Total-Count'] = @organizations.metadata[:pagination][:count] end end # GET /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations/1 def show @organization = MnoEnterprise::Organization.find(params[:id]) @organization_active_apps = end # GET /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations/in_arrears def in_arrears @arrears = MnoEnterprise::ArrearsSituation.all end # GET /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations/count def count organizations_count = MnoEnterprise::Tenant.get('tenant').organizations_count render json: {count: organizations_count } end # POST /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations def create # Create new organization @organization = MnoEnterprise::Organization.create(organization_update_params) # OPTIMIZE: move this into a delayed job? update_app_list @organization_active_apps = @organization.app_instances render 'show' end # PATCH /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations/1 def update # get organization @organization = MnoEnterprise::Organization.find(params[:id]) update_app_list @organization_active_apps = render 'show' end # POST /mnoe/jpi/v1/admin/organizations/1/users # Invite a user to the organization (and create it if needed) # This does not send any emails (emails are manually triggered later) def invite_member @organization = MnoEnterprise::Organization.find(params[:id]) # Find or create a new user - We create it in the frontend as MnoHub will send confirmation instructions for newly # created users user = MnoEnterprise::User.find_by(email: user_params[:email]) || create_unconfirmed_user(user_params) # Create the invitation invite = @organization.org_invites.create( user_email:, user_role: params[:user][:role], referrer_id:, status: 'staged' # Will be updated to 'accepted' for unconfirmed users ) @user = user.confirmed? ? invite : user.reload end protected def organization_permitted_update_params [:name] end def organization_update_params params.fetch(:organization, {}).permit(*organization_permitted_update_params) end def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:email, :name, :surname, :phone) end # Create an unconfirmed user and skip the confirmation notification # TODO: monkey patch User#confirmation_required? to simplify this? Use refinements? def create_unconfirmed_user(user_params) user = user.skip_confirmation_notification! # Reset the confirmation field so we can track when the invite is send - #confirmation_sent_at is when the confirmation_token was generated (not sent) # Not ideal as we do 2 saves, and the previous save trigger a call to the backend to validate the token uniqueness user.assign_attributes(confirmation_sent_at: nil, confirmation_token: nil) user end # Update App List to match the list passed in params def update_app_list # Differentiate between a null app_nids params and no app_nids params if params[:organization].key?(:app_nids) && (desired_nids = Array(params[:organization][:app_nids])) existing_apps = existing_apps.each do |app_instance| desired_nids.delete( || app_instance.terminate end desired_nids.each do |nid| begin @organization.app_instances.create(product: nid) rescue => e Rails.logger.error { "#{e.message} #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}" } end end # Force reload existing_apps.reload end end end end