require 'spree_core' require 'spree_suppliers_hooks' require 'gmaps4rails' require 'dragonfly' require 'rack-cache' module SpreeSuppliers class Engine < Rails::Engine config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib) def self.activate Ability.register_ability(AbilityDecorator) #### Modify the controllers with changes that are only associated with the Suppliers extension # Append the checkout controller # CheckoutController.class_eval do def edit @order_products = @order.products @suppliers = @order_products.collect{|item| item.supplier_id}.uniq @delivery = end # Updates the order and advances to the next state (when possible.) def update @order_products = @order.products @suppliers = @order_products.collect{|item| item.supplier_id}.uniq if @order.update_attributes(object_params) if state_callback(:after) else flash[:error] = I18n.t(:payment_processing_failed) respond_with(@order, :location => checkout_state_path(@order.state)) return end if @order.state == "payment" @suppliers.each do |s| delivery = @order.deliveries.find_or_create_by_supplier_id(s) if delivery if !params["shipping_method"].nil? delivery.update_attributes(:pick_up => params["deliveries"][s.to_s], :pickup_id => params["pickups"][s.to_s], :shipping_method_id => params["shipping_method"][s.to_s]) else delivery.update_attributes(:pick_up => params["deliveries"][s.to_s], :pickup_id => params["pickups"][s.to_s]) end end end end if @order.state == "complete" || @order.completed? # This is where the SupplierInvoices are generated # Back to the normal checkout process flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:order_processed_successfully) flash[:commerce_tracking] = "nothing special" respond_with(@order, :location => completion_route) else respond_with(@order, :location => checkout_state_path(@order.state)) end else respond_with(@order) { |format| format.html { render :edit } } end end end # Append the admin orders controller # Admin::OrdersController.class_eval do def show load_order @fee = "0.86".to_d if current_user.has_role?("vendor") @invoices = @order.supplier_invoices! {|s| s.supplier_id ==} else @invoices = @order.supplier_invoices end respond_with(@order) end def index params[:search] ||= {} params[:search][:completed_at_is_not_null] ||= '1' if Spree::Config[:show_only_complete_orders_by_default] @show_only_completed = params[:search][:completed_at_is_not_null].present? params[:search][:meta_sort] ||= @show_only_completed ? 'completed_at.desc' : 'created_at.desc' @search = Order.metasearch(params[:search]) if !params[:search][:created_at_greater_than].blank? params[:search][:created_at_greater_than] =[:search][:created_at_greater_than]).beginning_of_day rescue "" end if !params[:search][:created_at_less_than].blank? params[:search][:created_at_less_than] =[:search][:created_at_less_than]).end_of_day rescue "" end if @show_only_completed params[:search][:completed_at_greater_than] = params[:search].delete(:created_at_greater_than) params[:search][:completed_at_less_than] = params[:search].delete(:created_at_less_than) end @orders = Order.metasearch(params[:search]).paginate( :include => [:user, :shipments, :payments], :per_page => Spree::Config[:orders_per_page], :page => params[:page]) if current_user.has_role?("vendor")! {|o| {|s| s.supplier_id ==}.size > 0} end respond_with(@orders) end end # Append the admin products controller # Admin::ProductsController.class_eval do before_filter :load before_filter :load_index, :only => [:index] before_filter :edit_before, :only => [:edit] create.before :create_before create.fails :reset update.before :update_taxons def load @suppliers = Supplier.find(:all, :order => "name") if !Taxon.find_by_name("Products").nil? @options = Taxon.all end end def load_index if current_user.roles.member?(Role.find_by_name("vendor"))! {|c| c.supplier_id ==} end end #indicate that we want to create a new product def new @object = @status = true end def edit_before @status = false end def taxon_push object object.taxons = [] {|m| object.taxons.push(Taxon.find_by_id(params[])) if params.member?(} return object end def reset @status = true end def update_taxons @object = taxon_push(@object) end def create_before if current_user.has_role?("vendor") @object =[:product]) else @object =[:product]) end @object = taxon_push(@object) end def publish p = Product.find_by_name(params[:id]) p.available_on = redirect_to edit_admin_product_path(p) end def unpublish p = Product.find_by_name(params[:id]) p.available_on = nil redirect_to edit_admin_product_path(p) end end UserSessionsController.class_eval do def create authenticate_user! if user_signed_in? if current_user.has_role?("vendor") redirect_to admin_orders_path else respond_to do |format| format.html { flash[:notice] = I18n.t("logged_in_succesfully") redirect_back_or_default(products_path) } format.js { user = resource.record render :json => {:ship_address => user.ship_address, :bill_address => user.bill_address}.to_json } end end else flash[:error] = I18n.t("devise.failure.invalid") render :new end end end #### Modify the Models with changes that are only associated with the Suppliers extension # Append the product model # Product.class_eval do belongs_to :supplier has_one :item end # Append the order model # LineItem.class_eval do has_many :items end Image.class_eval do attachment_definitions[:attachment][:styles] = { :mini => '48x48>', # thumbs under image :small => '100x100>', # images on category view :product => '240x240>', # full product image :large => '600x600>' # light box image } end # Append the order model # Order.class_eval do has_many :supplier_invoices has_many :deliveries def generate_invoices(order) @order = order @order_products = @order.line_items @suppliers = @order_products.collect{|item| item.product.supplier_id}.uniq @invoices = @suppliers.count for i in 0..@invoices - 1 @supplier_products ={|x| x.product.supplier_id == @suppliers[i]} @product_count = @supplier_products.count invoice = SupplierInvoice.create(:order_id =>, :supplier_id => @suppliers[i], :item_count => @product_count) @supplier_products.each do |item| invoice.items.create(:product_id =>, :quantity => item.quantity, :line_item_id => end item_total = "0.00".to_d invoice.items.each do |i| item_total = (i.line_item.variant.price * i.quantity) + item_total end invoice.update_attributes(:invoice_total => item_total) @invoice = invoice #SupplierMailer.invoice_email(@invoice).deliver end end def finalize! update_attribute(:completed_at, self.out_of_stock_items = InventoryUnit.assign_opening_inventory(self) # lock any optional adjustments (coupon promotions, etc.) adjustments.optional.each { |adjustment| adjustment.update_attribute("locked", true) } # generate the invoices for each supplier generate_invoices(self) #OrderMailer.confirm_email(self).deliver self.state_events.create({ :previous_state => "cart", :next_state => "complete", :name => "order" , :user_id => (User.respond_to?(:current) && User.current.try(:id)) || self.user_id }) end end # Append the state model # State.class_eval do has_many :suppliers end # Append the user model # User.class_eval do belongs_to :supplier def user_address "#{self.bill_address.address1}, #{}, #{}" end def vendor? self.roles.member?(Role.find_by_name("vendor")) end end Taxon.class_eval do has_and_belongs_to_many :suppliers end Admin::UsersController.class_eval do def new @user = end def create @user.create(params[:user]) if @user.supplier_id = params[:user][:supplier_id] flash[:notice] = "User updated successfully." redirect_to :back else flash[:error] = "There was an error updating the user." redirect_to :back end end def edit @user = User.find(params[:id]) end def update @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) if @user.supplier_id = params[:user][:supplier_id] flash[:notice] = "User updated successfully." redirect_to :back else flash[:error] = "There was an error updating the user." redirect_to :back end end end ### UGLY HACK Admin::ProductsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Product authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Product end end Admin::PromotionsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Promotion authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Promotion end end Admin::VariantsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Variant authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Variant end end Admin::OptionTypesController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, OptionType authorize! params[:action].to_sym, OptionType end end Admin::PropertiesController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin , Property authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Property end end Admin::PrototypesController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Prototype authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Prototype end end Admin::ProductGroupsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, ProductGroup authorize! params[:action].to_sym, ProductGroup end end Admin::ProductPropertiesController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Product authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Product end end Admin::TaxonsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Taxon authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Taxon end end Admin::PickupsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Pickup authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Pickup end end Admin::PickupLocationsController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, PickupLocation authorize! params[:action].to_sym, PickupLocation end end Admin::OrdersController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Order authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Order end end Admin::SuppliersController.class_eval do def authorize_admin authorize! :admin, Supplier authorize! params[:action].to_sym, Supplier end end ### END UGLY HACK end config.to_prepare &method(:activate).to_proc end end