namespace :config do target_os = nil %x{ sherlock }.split($\).each do |line| next unless line =~ /^FAMILY=/ l,target_os = line.chomp.split '=' target_os = target_os.chomp.strip.to_sym end namespace :test do desc "Test Nagira production config: Nagios files in proper locations and parseable" task :prod do ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'production' Rake::Task['config:test:test'].invoke end desc "Test Nagira installation: test Nagios files and parse" task :install do ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test' Rake::Task['config:test:test'].invoke end task :test do p "Starting test in #{ENV['RACK_ENV']} environment" sh "rspec --format doc --color spec/00_configuration_spec.rb" end end desc "Create Nagira configuration, allow start on boot and start it" task :all => [:config, :chkconfig, :start] def test? ENV['RAKE_ENV'] == 'test' end etc = test? ? 'tmp/etc' : "/etc" init_d = File.join etc, 'init.d' directory etc directory init_d desc "Create configuration for Nagira in /etc" task :config => [:init_d, :defaults] #desc "Install /etc/init.d startup file for Nagira" task :init_d => init_d do src = File.join(Nagira.cfg_dir, 'nagira.init_d') dst = "#{init_d}/nagira" FileUtils.copy src, dst FileUtils.chown 0, 0, dst unless test? FileUtils.chmod 0755, dst log_user "Installed startup file at #{dst}" end #desc "Install defaults file for Nagira service in /etc" task :defaults do src = File.join(Nagira.cfg_dir, 'nagira.defaults') dst = case target_os when :rh '/etc/sysconfig/nagira' when :debian '/etc/default/nagira' else log_user "Unknown or unsupported target OS: #{target_os}" log_user " >>> Skipped defaults file installation" next end unless File.exists? dst FileUtils.copy src, dst FileUtils.chown 0, 0, dst unless test? FileUtils.chmod 0644, dst log_user "Installed new defaults file for Nagira in #{dst}." log_user " >>> You might want to tune some of the variables." end end desc "Start Nagira API service" task :start => [:init_d, :defaults] do log_user "Starting Nagira for the first time" sh "/etc/init.d/nagira start" end desc "Configure Nagira to start on system boot" task :chkconfig => [:init_d, :defaults] do log_user "Configuring Nagira to start at boot" case target_os when :rh sh "/sbin/chkconfig --add nagira" sh "/sbin/chkconfig nagira on" when :debian sh "/usr/sbin/update-rc.d nagira defaults" else abort "Unknown or unsupported target OS: #{target_os}" end log_user "[OK]" end end