# frozen_string_literal: true require 'simplecov' SimpleCov.start require 'codecov' SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::Codecov require 'nanoc' require 'nanoc/cli' require 'nanoc/spec' require 'timecop' require 'rspec/its' require 'fuubar' Nanoc::CLI.setup RSpec.configure do |c| c.fuubar_progress_bar_options = { format: '%c/%C |<%b>%i| %p%%', } c.around(:each) do |example| Nanoc::CLI::ErrorHandler.disable example.run Nanoc::CLI::ErrorHandler.enable end c.around(:each) do |example| Dir.mktmpdir('nanoc-test') do |dir| FileUtils.cd(dir) do example.run end end end c.around(:each, chdir: false) do |example| FileUtils.cd(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') do example.run end end c.before(:each) do Nanoc::Int::NotificationCenter.reset end c.around(:each, stdio: true) do |example| orig_stdout = $stdout orig_stderr = $stderr unless ENV['QUIET'] == 'false' $stdout = StringIO.new $stderr = StringIO.new end example.run $stdout = orig_stdout $stderr = orig_stderr end c.before(:each, site: true) do FileUtils.mkdir_p('content') FileUtils.mkdir_p('layouts') FileUtils.mkdir_p('lib') FileUtils.mkdir_p('output') File.write('nanoc.yaml', '{}') File.write('Rules', 'passthrough "/**/*"') end c.include(Nanoc::Spec::HelperHelper, helper: true) # Set focus if any if ENV.fetch('FOCUS', false) $stdout.puts "Focusing spec on '#{ENV['FOCUS']}'" c.filter_run_including ENV['FOCUS'].to_sym => true end end RSpec::Matchers.define_negated_matcher :not_match, :match RSpec::Matchers.define :raise_frozen_error do |_expected| match do |actual| begin actual.call false rescue => e if e.is_a?(RuntimeError) || e.is_a?(TypeError) e.message =~ /(^can't modify frozen |^unable to modify frozen object$)/ else false end end end supports_block_expectations failure_message do |_actual| 'expected that proc would raise a frozen error' end failure_message_when_negated do |_actual| 'expected that proc would not raise a frozen error' end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_humanly_sorted do match do |actual| actual == sort(actual) end description do 'be humanly sorted' end failure_message do |actual| expected_order = [] actual.zip(sort(actual)).each do |a, b| if a != b expected_order << b end end "expected collection to be sorted (incorrect order: #{expected_order.join(' < ')})" end def sort(x) x.sort_by { |n| n.dup.unicode_normalize(:nfd).encode('ASCII', fallback: ->(_) { '' }).downcase } end end RSpec::Matchers.define :finish_in_under do |expected| supports_block_expectations match do |actual| before = Time.now actual.call after = Time.now @actual_duration = after - before @actual_duration < expected end chain :seconds do end failure_message do |_actual| "expected that proc would finish in under #{expected}s, but took #{format '%0.1fs', @actual_duration}" end failure_message_when_negated do |_actual| "expected that proc would not finish in under #{expected}s, but took #{format '%0.1fs', @actual_duration}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :yield_from_fiber do |expected| supports_block_expectations include RSpec::Matchers::Composable match do |actual| @res = Fiber.new { actual.call }.resume values_match?(expected, @res) end description do "yield #{expected.inspect} from fiber" end failure_message do |_actual| "expected that proc would yield #{expected.inspect} from fiber, but was #{@res.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |_actual| "expected that proc would not yield #{expected.inspect} from fiber, but was #{@res.inspect}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :raise_wrapped_error do |expected| supports_block_expectations include RSpec::Matchers::Composable match do |actual| begin actual.call rescue Nanoc::Int::Errors::CompilationError => e values_match?(expected, e.unwrap) end end description do "raise wrapped error #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message do |_actual| "expected that proc would raise wrapped error #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |_actual| "expected that proc would not raise wrapped error #{expected.inspect}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_some_textual_content do |expected| include RSpec::Matchers::Composable match do |actual| actual.is_a?(Nanoc::Int::TextualContent) && values_match?(expected, actual.string) end description do "textual content matching #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message do |actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} to be textual content matching #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} not to be textual content matching #{expected.inspect}" end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_some_binary_content do |expected| include RSpec::Matchers::Composable match do |actual| actual.is_a?(Nanoc::Int::BinaryContent) && values_match?(expected, File.read(actual.filename)) end description do "binary content matching #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message do |actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} to be binary content matching #{expected.inspect}" end failure_message_when_negated do |actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} not to be binary content matching #{expected.inspect}" end end RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :some_textual_content, :be_some_textual_content RSpec::Matchers.alias_matcher :some_binary_content, :be_some_binary_content RSpec::Matchers.define :send_notification do |name, *expected_args| supports_block_expectations include RSpec::Matchers::Composable match do |actual| @actual_notifications = [] Nanoc::Int::NotificationCenter.on(name, self) do |*actual_args| @actual_notifications << actual_args end actual.call @actual_notifications.any? { |c| c == expected_args } end description do "send notification #{name.inspect} with args #{expected_args.inspect}" end failure_message do |_actual| s = "expected that proc would send notification #{name.inspect} with args #{expected_args.inspect}" if @actual_notifications.any? s << " (received #{@actual_notifications.size} times with other arguments: #{@actual_notifications.map(&:inspect).join(', ')})" end s end failure_message_when_negated do |_actual| "expected that proc would not send notification #{name.inspect} with args #{expected_args.inspect}" end end