require 'lrucache' module ShadowsocksRuby module Protocols # TLS 1.2 Obfuscation Protocol # # Specification: # * # * # # TLS 1.2 Reference: # * # * # * # * class TlsTicketProtocol include DummyHelper include BufferHelper VERSION_SSL_3_0 = [3, 0] VERSION_TLS_1_0 = [3, 1] VERSION_TLS_1_1 = [3, 2] VERSION_TLS_1_2 = [3, 3] #Content types CTYPE_ChangeCipherSpec = 0x14 CTYPE_Alert = 0x15 CTYPE_Handshake = 0x16 CTYPE_Application = 0x17 CTYPE_Heartbeat = 0x18 #Message types MTYPE_HelloRequest = 0 MTYPE_ClientHello = 1 MTYPE_ServerHello = 2 MTYPE_NewSessionTicket = 4 MTYPE_Certificate = 11 MTYPE_ServerKeyExchange = 12 MTYPE_CertificateRequest = 13 MTYPE_ServerHelloDone = 14 MTYPE_CertificateVerify = 15 MTYPE_ClientKeyExchange = 16 MTYPE_Finished = 20 attr_accessor :next_protocol # @param [Hash] configuration parameters # @option params [String] :host shadowsocks server address, required by remoteserver protocol # @option params [String] :key key, required by both remoteserver and localbackend protocol # @option params [Boolean] :compatible compatibility with origin mode, default _true_ # @option params [String] :obfs_param obfs param, optional # @option params [LRUCache] :lrucache lrucache, optional, it intened to be a lrucache Proxy if provided def initialize params = {} @params = {:compatible => true}.merge(params) @buffer = '' @client_id = @max_time_dif = 60 * 60 * 24 # time dif (second) setting @startup_time = - 60 * 30 @client_data = @params[:lrucache] || => 60 * 5) end def tcp_send_to_remoteserver_first_packet data send_client_change_cipherspec_and_finish data class << self alias tcp_send_to_remoteserver tcp_send_to_remoteserver_other_packet end end alias tcp_send_to_remoteserver tcp_send_to_remoteserver_first_packet # TLS 1.2 Application Pharse def tcp_send_to_remoteserver_other_packet data send_data_application_pharse data end def tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_first_packet n send_client_hello recv_server_hello class << self alias tcp_receive_from_remoteserver tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_other_packet end tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_other_packet n end alias tcp_receive_from_remoteserver tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_first_packet # TLS 1.2 Application Pharse def tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_other_packet n head = async_recv 3 if head != [CTYPE_Application, *VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C3") raise PharseError, "client_decode appdata error" end size = async_recv(2).unpack("n")[0] @buffer << async_recv(size) tcp_receive_from_remoteserver_other_packet_helper n end def tcp_receive_from_localbackend_first_packet n class << self alias tcp_receive_from_localbackend tcp_receive_from_localbackend_other_packet end recv_client_hello @no_effect ||= nil if !@no_effect send_server_hello recv_client_change_cipherspec_and_finish tcp_receive_from_localbackend_other_packet n else tcp_receive_from_localbackend_other_packet_helper n end end alias tcp_receive_from_localbackend tcp_receive_from_localbackend_first_packet # TLS 1.2 Application Pharse def tcp_receive_from_localbackend_other_packet n @no_effect ||= nil if !@no_effect head = async_recv 3 if head != [CTYPE_Application, *VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C3") raise PharseError, "server_decode appdata error" end size = async_recv(2).unpack("n")[0] @buffer << async_recv(size) end tcp_receive_from_localbackend_other_packet_helper n end def tcp_send_to_localbackend data @no_effect ||= nil if !@no_effect send_data_application_pharse data else send_data data end end # helpers def get_random verifyid = [].pack("N") << hello = "" hello << verifyid # Random part 1 hello << ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher.hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + @client_id, verifyid) # Random part 2 end def send_client_hello client_hello = "" client_hello << [*VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C2") # ProtocolVersion client_hello << get_random # Random len 32 client_hello << [32].pack("C") << @client_id # SessionID client_hello << Util.hex2bin("001cc02bc02fcca9cca8cc14cc13c00ac014c009c013009c0035002f000a") # CipherSuite client_hello << Util.hex2bin("0100") # CompressionMethod ext = Util.hex2bin("ff01000100") # Extension 1 (type ff01 + len 0001 + data 00 ) hosts = @params[:obfs_param] || @params[:host] if (hosts == nil or hosts == "") raise PharseError, "No :host or :obfs_param parameters" end if (("0".."9").include? hosts[-1]) hosts = "" end hosts = hosts.split(",") if hosts.length != 0 host = hosts[Random.rand(hosts.length)] else host = "" end ext << make_ext_sni(host) # Extension 2 ext << Util.hex2bin("00170000") # Extension 3 (type 0017 + len 0000) ext << Util.hex2bin("002300d0") << # ticket, Extension 4 (type 0023 + len 00d0 + data) ext << Util.hex2bin("000d001600140601060305010503040104030301030302010203") # Extension 5 (type 000d + len 0016 + data) ext << Util.hex2bin("000500050100000000") # Extension 6 (type 0005 + len 0005 + data) ext << Util.hex2bin("00120000") # Extension 7 (type 0012 + len 0000) ext << Util.hex2bin("75500000") # Extension 8 (type 7550 + len 0000) ext << Util.hex2bin("000b00020100") # Extension 9 (type 000b + len 0002 + data) ext << Util.hex2bin("000a0006000400170018") # Extension 10 (type 000a + len 0006 + data) client_hello << [ext.length].pack("n") << ext # Extension List client_handshake_message = [MTYPE_ClientHello, 0, client_hello.length].pack("CCn") << client_hello handshake_message = [CTYPE_Handshake,*VERSION_TLS_1_0, client_handshake_message.length].pack("C3n") << client_handshake_message send_data(handshake_message) end def send_client_change_cipherspec_and_finish data buf = "" buf << [CTYPE_ChangeCipherSpec, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, 0, 1, 1].pack("C*") buf << [CTYPE_Handshake, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, 32].pack("C3n") << buf << ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher::hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + @client_id, buf) buf << [CTYPE_Application, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, data.length].pack("C3n") << data send_data buf end def recv_server_hello data = async_recv(129) # ServerHello 76 + ServerChangeSipherSpec 6 + Finished 37 verify = data[11 ... 33] if ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher.hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + @client_id, verify) != data[33 ... 43] raise PharseError, "client_decode data error" end end def recv_client_hello data = async_recv 3 if data != [CTYPE_Handshake, *VERSION_TLS_1_0].pack("C3") if @params[:compatible] @buffer = data @no_effect = true return else raise PharseError, "decode error" end end len_client_handshake_message = async_recv(2).unpack("n")[0] client_handshake_message = async_recv(len_client_handshake_message) if (client_handshake_message.slice!(0, 2) != [MTYPE_ClientHello, 0].pack("C2")) raise PharseError, "tls_auth not client hello message" end len_client_hello = client_handshake_message.slice!(0, 2).unpack("n")[0] client_hello = client_handshake_message if (len_client_hello != client_hello.length ) raise PharseError, "tls_auth wrong message size" end if (client_hello.slice!(0,2) != [*VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C2")) raise PharseError, "tls_auth wrong tls version" end verifyid = client_hello.slice!(0, 32) len_sessionid = client_hello.slice!(0,1).unpack("C")[0] if (len_sessionid < 32) raise PharseError, "tls_auth wrong sessionid_len" end sessionid = client_hello.slice!(0, len_sessionid) @client_id = sessionid sha1 = ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher::hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + sessionid, verifyid[0, 22]) utc_time =[0, 4].unpack("N")[0]) time_dif = - utc_time.to_i #if @params[:obfs_param] != nil # @max_time_dif = @params[:obfs_param].to_i #end if @max_time_dif > 0 && (time_dif.abs > @max_time_dif or utc_time.to_i - @startup_time < - @max_time_dif / 2) raise PharseError, "tls_auth wrong time" end if sha1 != verifyid[22 .. -1] raise PharseError, "tls_auth wrong sha1" end if @client_data[verifyid[0, 22]] raise PharseError, "replay attack detect, id = #{Util.bin2hex(verifyid)}" end @client_data[verifyid[0, 22]] = sessionid end def send_server_hello data = [*VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C2") data << get_random data << Util.hex2bin("20") # len 32 in decimal data << @client_id data << Util.hex2bin("c02f000005ff01000100") data = Util.hex2bin("0200") << [data.length].pack("n") << data data = Util.hex2bin("160303") << [data.length].pack("n") << data # ServerHello len 86 (11 + 32 + 1 + 32 + 10) data << Util.hex2bin("14") << [*VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C2") << Util.hex2bin("000101") # ChangeCipherSpec len (6) data << Util.hex2bin("16") << [*VERSION_TLS_1_2].pack("C2") << Util.hex2bin("0020") << data << ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher.hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + @client_id, data) # Finished len(37) send_data data # len 129 end def recv_client_change_cipherspec_and_finish data = async_recv 43 if data[0, 6] != [CTYPE_ChangeCipherSpec, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, 0, 1, 1].pack("C*") # ChangeCipherSpec raise PharseError, "server_decode data error" end if data[6, 5] != [CTYPE_Handshake, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, 32].pack("C3n") # Finished raise PharseError, "server_decode data error" end if ShadowsocksRuby::Cipher.hmac_sha1_digest(@params[:key] + @client_id, data[0, 33]) != data[33, 10] raise PharseError, "server_decode data error" end end def send_data_application_pharse data buf = "" while data.length > 2048 size = [Random.rand(65535) % 4096 + 100, data.length].min buf << [CTYPE_Application, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, size].pack("C3n") << data.slice!(0, size) end if data.length > 0 buf << [CTYPE_Application, *VERSION_TLS_1_2, data.length].pack("C3n") << data end send_data buf end def make_ext_sni host name_type = 0 #host_name server_name = [name_type, host.length].pack("Cn") << host server_name_list = [server_name.length].pack("n") << server_name type = Util.hex2bin("0000") data = [server_name_list.length].pack("n") << server_name_list return type << data end alias tcp_receive_from_client raise_me alias tcp_send_to_client raise_me #alias tcp_receive_from_remoteserver raise_me #alias tcp_send_to_remoteserver raise_me #alias tcp_receive_from_localbackend raise_me #alias tcp_send_to_localbackend raise_me alias tcp_receive_from_destination raise_me alias tcp_send_to_destination raise_me alias udp_receive_from_client raise_me alias udp_send_to_client raise_me alias udp_receive_from_remoteserver raise_me alias udp_send_to_remoteserver raise_me alias udp_receive_from_localbackend raise_me alias udp_send_to_localbackend raise_me alias udp_receive_from_destination raise_me alias udp_send_to_destination raise_me end end end