shared_examples_for 'sortable query' do it 'paginates using default per_page when page not provided' do search connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30) end it 'paginates using default per_page when page provided' do search do paginate :page => 2 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 30, :start => 30) end it 'paginates using provided per_page' do search do paginate :page => 4, :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 45) end it 'defaults to page 1 if no :page argument given' do search do paginate :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 0) end it 'paginates with an offset' do search do paginate :per_page => 15, :offset => 3 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 3) end it 'paginates with an offset as a string' do search do paginate :per_page => 15, :offset => '3' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 3) end it 'paginates from string argument' do search do paginate :page => '3', :per_page => '15' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :start => 30) end it 'paginates with initial cursor' do search do paginate :cursor => '*', :per_page => 15 end connection.should have_last_search_with(:rows => 15, :cursorMark => '*') end it 'paginates with given cursor' do search do paginate :cursor => 'AoIIP4AAACxQcm9maWxlIDEwMTk=' end connection.should have_last_search_with(:cursorMark => 'AoIIP4AAACxQcm9maWxlIDEwMTk=') end it 'orders by a single field' do search do order_by :average_rating, :desc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_ft desc') end it 'orders by multiple fields' do search do order_by :average_rating, :desc order_by :sort_title, :asc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'average_rating_ft desc, sort_title_s asc') end it 'orders by random' do search do order_by :random end connection.searches.last[:sort].should =~ /^random_\d+ asc$/ end it 'orders by random with declared direction' do search do order_by :random, :desc end connection.searches.last[:sort].should =~ /^random_\d+ desc$/ end it 'orders by random with provided seed value' do search do order_by :random, :seed => 9001 end connection.searches.last[:sort].should =~ /^random_9001 asc$/ end it 'orders by random with provided seed value and direction' do search do order_by :random, :seed => 12345, :direction => :desc end connection.searches.last[:sort].should =~ /^random_12345 desc$/ end it 'orders by score' do search do order_by :score, :desc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'score desc') end it 'orders by geodist' do search do order_by_geodist :coordinates_new, 32, -68, :desc end connection.should have_last_search_with(:sort => 'geodist(coordinates_new_ll,32,-68) desc') end it 'throws an ArgumentError if a bogus order direction is given' do lambda do search do order_by :sort_title, :sideways end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'throws an UnrecognizedFieldError if :distance is given for sort' do lambda do search do order_by :distance, :asc end end.should raise_error(Sunspot::UnrecognizedFieldError) end it 'does not allow ordering by multiple-value fields' do lambda do search do order_by :category_ids end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises ArgumentError if bogus argument given to paginate' do lambda do search do paginate :page => 4, :ugly => :puppy end end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end