module FriendlyId =begin == History: Avoiding 404's When Slugs Change FriendlyId's {FriendlyId::History History} module adds the ability to store a log of a model's slugs, so that when its friendly id changes, it's still possible to perform finds by the old id. The primary use case for this is avoiding broken URLs. === Setup In order to use this module, you must add a table to your database schema to store the slug records. FriendlyId provides a generator for this purpose: rails generate friendly_id rake db:migrate This will add a table named +friendly_id_slugs+, used by the {FriendlyId::Slug} model. === Considerations This module is incompatible with the +:scoped+ module. Because recording slug history requires creating additional database records, this module has an impact on the performance of the associated model's +create+ method. === Example class Post < ActiveRecord::Base extend FriendlyId friendly_id :title, :use => :history end class PostsController < ApplicationController before_filter :find_post ... def find_post @post = Post.find params[:id] # If an old id or a numeric id was used to find the record, then # the request path will not match the post_path, and we should do # a 301 redirect that uses the current friendly id. if request.path != post_path(@post) return redirect_to @post, :status => :moved_permanently end end end =end module History # Configures the model instance to use the History add-on. def self.included(model_class) model_class.instance_eval do raise "FriendlyId::History is incompatible with FriendlyId::Scoped" if self < Scoped @friendly_id_config.use :slugged has_many :slugs, :as => :sluggable, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => Slug.to_s, :order => "#{Slug.quoted_table_name}.id DESC" after_save :create_slug relation_class.send :include, FinderMethods friendly_id_config.slug_generator_class.send :include, SlugGenerator end end private def create_slug return unless friendly_id return if slugs.first.try(:slug) == friendly_id # Allow reversion back to a previously used slug relation = slugs.where(:slug => friendly_id) result ="id").lock(true).all relation.delete_all unless result.empty? slugs.create! do |record| record.slug = friendly_id end end # Adds a finder that explictly uses slugs from the slug table. module FinderMethods # Search for a record in the slugs table using the specified slug. def find_one(id) return super(id) if id.unfriendly_id? where(@klass.friendly_id_config.query_field => id).first or with_old_friendly_id(id) {|x| find_one_without_friendly_id(x)} or find_one_without_friendly_id(id) end # Search for a record in the slugs table using the specified slug. def exists?(id = false) return super if id.unfriendly_id? exists_without_friendly_id?(@klass.friendly_id_config.query_field => id) or with_old_friendly_id(id) {|x| exists_without_friendly_id?(x)} or exists_without_friendly_id?(id) end private # Accepts a slug, and yields a corresponding sluggable_id into the block. def with_old_friendly_id(slug, &block) sql = "SELECT sluggable_id FROM #{Slug.quoted_table_name} WHERE sluggable_type = %s AND slug = %s" sql = sql % [@klass.base_class.to_s, slug].map {|x| connection.quote(x)} sluggable_id = connection.select_values(sql).first yield sluggable_id if sluggable_id end end # This module overrides {FriendlyId::SlugGenerator#conflicts} to consider # all historic slugs for that model. module SlugGenerator private def conflicts sluggable_class = friendly_id_config.model_class.base_class pkey = sluggable_class.primary_key value = sluggable.send pkey scope = Slug.with_deleted.where("slug = ? OR slug LIKE ?", normalized, wildcard) scope = scope.where(:sluggable_type => sluggable_class.to_s) scope = scope.where("sluggable_id <> ?", value) unless sluggable.new_record? scope.order("LENGTH(slug) DESC, slug DESC") end end end end