# encoding: utf-8 module Appium::Ios =begin name, names, text, text should match substring and case insensitive. iOS .name() is the accessibility attribute. If not defined, then .label() is used instead. This differs from Android where name (the content description) is empty when not set. name defaults to label when undefined. value is never a default so that must be included in a new search. Find - search everything. The search order is: 1. name 2. label (implied by name) 3. value Android name = iOS name & label Android text = iOS value =end def ios_js_loaded? method_name @ios_js.include? method_name end def ios_js_load method_name @ios_js.push method_name end def name_contains_js # execute_script 'au.mainApp.getNameContains("sign")' # execute_script 'au.mainApp.getNameContains("zzz")' # must check .isVisible or a hidden element may be returned. # .tap() will error on invisible elements. <<-JS UIAElement.prototype.getNameContains = function(targetName) { var target = UIATarget.localTarget(); target.pushTimeout(0); var search = "(name contains[c] '" + targetName + "' || label contains[c] '" + targetName + "') && visible == 1"; var searchElements = function(element) { var children = element.elements(); var result = children.firstWithPredicate(search); if (result.type() !== 'UIAElementNil' && result.isVisible() === 1) { return result; } for ( var a = 0, len = children.length; a < len; a++) { result = searchElements(children[a]); if (result.type() !== 'UIAElementNil') { return result; } } return result; }; var result = searchElements(this); target.popTimeout(); if (result.type() === 'UIAElementNil') { return { status: 7, value: {'message': 'An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.'} }; } return { status: 0, value: {ELEMENT: au.getId(result)} }; }; JS end # returnElems requires a wrapped $(element). # set to empty array when length is zero to prevent hang. # # UIAElementNil when not matched # # 1. secureTextFields # 2. textFields # 3. buttons # 4. elements # # search takes the window to search. # start searching webview first. # window 0 is the main window. # window 1 is the 1st webview (if it exists) # must break instead of return because it's not a function. # # single element length is undefined when found and 0 when not found. def first_ele_js predicate <<-JS function isNil( a ) { return a.type() === 'UIAElementNil'; } function search( w ) { var search = "#{predicate}"; var a = w.secureTextFields().firstWithPredicate(search); if ( isNil(a) ) { a = w.textFields().firstWithPredicate(search); if ( isNil(a) ) { a = w.buttons().firstWithPredicate(search); if ( isNil(a) ) { a = w.elements().firstWithPredicate(search); } } } return a; } function search_web( windowIndex ) { var a = undefined; try { a = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[windowIndex].scrollViews()[0].webViews()[0].elements().firstWithPredicate("#{predicate}"); } catch(e) {} return a; } function run() { var windows = au.mainApp.windows(); for (var i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++) { var result = search_web( i ); if ( isNil( result ) ) { result = search( windows[ i ] ); } if ( ! isNil( result ) ) { return au._returnElems( $( [ result ] ) ); } } return au._returnElems( $( [] ) ); } run(); JS end def all_ele_js predicate <<-JS var w = au.mainWindow; var search = "#{predicate}"; var a = w.elements().withPredicate(search).toArray(); if ( a.length === 0 ) { a = []; } au._returnElems($(a)); JS end # Return the first element matching text. # @param text [String] the text to search for # @return [Element] the first matching element def find text js = first_ele_js "name contains[c] '#{text}' || label contains[c] '#{text}' || value contains[c] '#{text}'" ele = execute_script(js).first raise Selenium::WebDriver::Error::NoSuchElementError, '' if ele.nil? ele end # Return all elements matching text. # @param text [String] the text to search for # @return [Array] all matching elements def finds text # returnElems requires a wrapped $(element). # must call toArray when using withPredicate instead of firstWithPredicate. js = all_ele_js "name contains[c] '#{text}' || label contains[c] '#{text}' || value contains[c] '#{text}'" execute_script js end # Return the first element matching text. # @param text [String] the text to search for # @return [Element] the first matching element def text text js = first_ele_js "value contains[c] '#{text}'" execute_script(js).first end # Return all elements matching text. # @param text [String] the text to search for # @return [Array] all matching elements def texts text # XPath //* is not implemented on iOS # https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/430 js = all_ele_js "value contains[c] '#{text}'" execute_script js end # Return the first element matching name. # on Android name is content description # on iOS name is the accessibility label or the text. # @param name [String] the name to search for # @return [Element] the first matching element def name name unless ios_js_loaded? 'name_contains_js' execute_script name_contains_js ios_js_load 'name_contains_js' end execute_script %(au.mainApp.getNameContains("#{name}")) end # Return all elements matching name. # on Android name is content description # on iOS name is the accessibility label or the text. # @param name [String] the name to search for # @return [Array] all matching elements def names name # find_elements :name is not the same as on Android. # it's case sensitive and exact on iOS and not on Android. # https://github.com/appium/appium/issues/379 js = all_ele_js "name contains[c] '#{name}' || label contains[c] '#{name}''" execute_script js end end # module Appium::Ios