require 'set' module Sass module SCSS # The parser for SCSS. # It parses a string of code into a tree of {Sass::Tree::Node}s. class Parser # @param str [String, StringScanner] The source document to parse. # Note that `Parser` *won't* raise a nice error message if this isn't properly parsed; # for that, you should use the higher-level {Sass::Engine} or {Sass::CSS}. # @param filename [String] The name of the file being parsed. Used for warnings. # @param line [Fixnum] The line on which the source string appeared, # if it's part of another document. def initialize(str, filename, line = 1) @template = str @filename = filename @line = line @strs = [] end # Parses an SCSS document. # # @return [Sass::Tree::RootNode] The root node of the document tree # @raise [Sass::SyntaxError] if there's a syntax error in the document def parse init_scanner! root = stylesheet expected("selector or at-rule") unless @scanner.eos? root end # Parses an identifier with interpolation. # Note that this won't assert that the identifier takes up the entire input string; # it's meant to be used with `StringScanner`s as part of other parsers. # # @return [Array, nil] # The interpolated identifier, or nil if none could be parsed def parse_interp_ident init_scanner! interp_ident end private include Sass::SCSS::RX def init_scanner! @scanner = if @template.is_a?(StringScanner) @template else"\r", "")) end end def stylesheet node = node( block_contents(node, :stylesheet) {s(node)} end def s(node) while tok(S) || tok(CDC) || tok(CDO) || (c = tok(SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT)) || (c = tok(COMMENT)) next unless c process_comment c, node c = nil end true end def ss nil while tok(S) || tok(SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT) || tok(COMMENT) true end def ss_comments(node) while tok(S) || (c = tok(SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT)) || (c = tok(COMMENT)) next unless c process_comment c, node c = nil end true end def whitespace return unless tok(S) || tok(SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT) || tok(COMMENT) ss end def process_comment(text, node) silent = text =~ /^\/\// line = @line - text.count("\n") if loud = text =~ %r{^/[/*]!} value = Sass::Engine.parse_interp(text, line, @scanner.pos - text.size, :filename => @filename) value[0].slice!(2) # get rid of the "!" else value = [text] end if silent value = Sass::Util.with_extracted_values(value) do |str| str.sub(/^\s*\/\//, '/*').gsub(/^\s*\/\//, ' *') + ' */' end else value.unshift(@scanner. string[0...@scanner.pos]. reverse[/.*?\*\/(.*?)($|\Z)/, 1]. reverse.gsub(/[^\s]/, ' ')) end comment =, silent, loud) comment.line = line node << comment end DIRECTIVES = Set[:mixin, :include, :function, :return, :debug, :warn, :for, :each, :while, :if, :else, :extend, :import, :media, :charset, :_moz_document] PREFIXED_DIRECTIVES = Set[:supports] def directive return unless tok(/@/) name = tok!(IDENT) ss if dir = special_directive(name) return dir elsif dir = prefixed_directive(name) return dir end # Most at-rules take expressions (e.g. @import), # but some (e.g. @page) take selector-like arguments val = str {break unless expr} val ||=, @line).parse_selector_string directive_body("@#{name} #{val}") end def directive_body(value) node = node( if tok(/\{/) node.has_children = true block_contents(node, :directive) tok!(/\}/) end node end def special_directive(name) sym = name.gsub('-', '_').to_sym DIRECTIVES.include?(sym) && send("#{sym}_directive") end def prefixed_directive(name) sym = name.gsub(/^-[a-z0-9]+-/i, '').gsub('-', '_').to_sym PREFIXED_DIRECTIVES.include?(sym) && send("#{sym}_directive", name) end def mixin_directive name = tok! IDENT args = sass_script(:parse_mixin_definition_arglist) ss block(node(, args)), :directive) end def include_directive name = tok! IDENT args, keywords = sass_script(:parse_mixin_include_arglist) ss node(, args, keywords)) end def function_directive name = tok! IDENT args = sass_script(:parse_function_definition_arglist) ss block(node(, args)), :function) end def return_directive node( end def debug_directive node( end def warn_directive node( end def for_directive tok!(/\$/) var = tok! IDENT ss tok!(/from/) from = sass_script(:parse_until, Set["to", "through"]) ss @expected = '"to" or "through"' exclusive = (tok(/to/) || tok!(/through/)) == 'to' to = sass_script(:parse) ss block(node(, from, to, exclusive)), :directive) end def each_directive tok!(/\$/) var = tok! IDENT ss tok!(/in/) list = sass_script(:parse) ss block(node(, list)), :directive) end def while_directive expr = sass_script(:parse) ss block(node(, :directive) end def if_directive expr = sass_script(:parse) ss node = block(node(, :directive) pos = @scanner.pos line = @line ss else_block(node) || begin # Backtrack in case there are any comments we want to parse @scanner.pos = pos @line = line node end end def else_block(node) return unless tok(/@else/) ss else_node = block( if tok(/if/))), :directive) node.add_else(else_node) pos = @scanner.pos line = @line ss else_block(node) || begin # Backtrack in case there are any comments we want to parse @scanner.pos = pos @line = line node end end def else_directive err("Invalid CSS: @else must come after @if") end def extend_directive node(!(:selector_sequence))) end def import_directive values = [] loop do values << expr!(:import_arg) break if use_css_import? || !tok(/,\s*/) end return values end def import_arg return unless arg = tok(STRING) || (uri = tok!(URI)) path = @scanner[1] || @scanner[2] || @scanner[3] ss media = str {media_query_list}.strip if uri || path =~ /^http:\/\// || !media.strip.empty? || use_css_import? return node("@import #{arg} #{media}".strip)) end node( end def use_css_import?; false; end def media_directive block(node(, :directive) end # def media_query_list has_q = false q = str {has_q = media_query} return unless has_q queries = [q.strip] ss while tok(/,/) ss; queries << str {expr!(:media_query)}.strip; ss end queries end def media_query if tok(/only|not/i) ss @expected = "media type (e.g. print, screen)" tok!(IDENT) ss elsif !tok(IDENT) && !media_expr return end ss while tok(/and/i) ss; expr!(:media_expr); ss end true end def media_expr return unless tok(/\(/) ss @expected = "media feature (e.g. min-device-width, color)" tok!(IDENT) ss if tok(/:/) ss; expr!(:expr) end tok!(/\)/) ss true end def charset_directive tok! STRING name = @scanner[1] || @scanner[2] ss node( end # The document directive is specified in #, but Gecko allows the # `url-prefix` and `domain` functions to omit quotation marks, contrary to # the standard. # # We could parse all document directives according to Mozilla's syntax, # but if someone's using e.g. @-webkit-document we don't want them to # think WebKit works sans quotes. def _moz_document_directive value = str do begin ss expr!(:moz_document_function) end while tok(/,/) end directive_body("@-moz-document #{value}") end def moz_document_function return unless tok(URI) || tok(URL_PREFIX) || tok(DOMAIN) || function ss end # def supports_directive(name) value = str {expr!(:supports_condition)} directive_body("@#{name} #{value}") end def supports_condition supports_negation || supports_operator || supports_declaration_condition end def supports_negation return unless tok(/not/i) ss expr!(:supports_condition_in_parens) end def supports_operator return unless supports_condition_in_parens tok!(/and|or/i) begin ss expr!(:supports_condition_in_parens) end while tok(/and|or/i) true end def supports_condition_in_parens return unless tok(/\(/); ss if supports_condition tok!(/\)/); ss else supports_declaration_body end end def supports_declaration_condition return unless tok(/\(/); ss supports_declaration_body end def supports_declaration_body tok!(IDENT); ss tok!(/:/); ss expr!(:expr); ss tok!(/\)/); ss end def variable return unless tok(/\$/) name = tok!(IDENT) ss; tok!(/:/); ss expr = sass_script(:parse) guarded = tok(DEFAULT) node(, expr, guarded)) end def operator # Many of these operators (all except / and ,) # are disallowed by the CSS spec, # but they're included here for compatibility # with some proprietary MS properties str {ss if tok(/[\/,:.=]/)} end def unary_operator tok(/[+-]/) end def ruleset return unless rules = selector_sequence block(node(, :ruleset) end def block(node, context) node.has_children = true tok!(/\{/) block_contents(node, context) tok!(/\}/) node end # A block may contain declarations and/or rulesets def block_contents(node, context) block_given? ? yield : ss_comments(node) node << (child = block_child(context)) while tok(/;/) || has_children?(child) block_given? ? yield : ss_comments(node) node << (child = block_child(context)) end node end def block_child(context) return variable || directive if context == :function return variable || directive || ruleset if context == :stylesheet variable || directive || declaration_or_ruleset end def has_children?(child_or_array) return false unless child_or_array return child_or_array.last.has_children if child_or_array.is_a?(Array) return child_or_array.has_children end # This is a nasty hack, and the only place in the parser # that requires backtracking. # The reason is that we can't figure out if certain strings # are declarations or rulesets with fixed finite lookahead. # For example, "foo:bar baz baz baz..." could be either a property # or a selector. # # To handle this, we simply check if it works as a property # (which is the most common case) # and, if it doesn't, try it as a ruleset. # # We could eke some more efficiency out of this # by handling some easy cases (first token isn't an identifier, # no colon after the identifier, whitespace after the colon), # but I'm not sure the gains would be worth the added complexity. def declaration_or_ruleset old_use_property_exception, @use_property_exception = @use_property_exception, false decl_err = catch_error do decl = declaration unless decl && decl.has_children # We want an exception if it's not there, # but we don't want to consume if it is tok!(/[;}]/) unless tok?(/[;}]/) end return decl end ruleset_err = catch_error {return ruleset} rethrow(@use_property_exception ? decl_err : ruleset_err) ensure @use_property_exception = old_use_property_exception end def selector_sequence if sel = tok(STATIC_SELECTOR, true) return [sel] end rules = [] return unless v = selector rules.concat v ws = '' while tok(/,/) ws << str {ss} if v = selector rules << ',' << ws rules.concat v ws = '' end end rules end def selector return unless sel = _selector sel.to_a end def selector_comma_sequence return unless sel = _selector selectors = [sel] ws = '' while tok(/,/) ws << str{ss} if sel = _selector selectors << sel selectors[-1] =["\n"] + selectors.last.members) if ws.include?("\n") ws = '' end end end def _selector # The combinator here allows the "> E" hack return unless val = combinator || simple_selector_sequence nl = str{ss}.include?("\n") res = [] res << val res << "\n" if nl while val = combinator || simple_selector_sequence res << val res << "\n" if str{ss}.include?("\n") end end def combinator tok(PLUS) || tok(GREATER) || tok(TILDE) end def simple_selector_sequence # This allows for stuff like return expr unless e = element_name || id_selector || class_selector || attrib || negation || pseudo || parent_selector || interpolation_selector res = [e] # The tok(/\*/) allows the "E*" hack while v = id_selector || class_selector || attrib || negation || pseudo || interpolation_selector || (tok(/\*/) && res << v end pos = @scanner.pos line = @line if sel = str? {simple_selector_sequence} @scanner.pos = pos @line = line if sel =~ /^&/ begin throw_error {expected('"{"')} rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.message << "\n\n\"#{sel}\" may only be used at the beginning of a selector." raise e end else Sass::Util.sass_warn(< e @scanner.pos = pos @line = line nil ensure @strs.pop end def node(node) node.line = @line node end @sass_script_parser = @sass_script_parser.send(:include, ScriptParser) # @private def self.sass_script_parser; @sass_script_parser; end def sass_script(*args) parser =, @line, @scanner.pos - (@scanner.string[0...@scanner.pos].rindex("\n") || 0)) result = parser.send(*args) @line = parser.line result rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e throw(:_sass_parser_error, true) if @throw_error raise e end def merge(arr) arr && Sass::Util.merge_adjacent_strings([arr].flatten) end EXPR_NAMES = { :media_query => "media query (e.g. print, screen, print and screen)", :media_expr => "media expression (e.g. (min-device-width: 800px)))", :pseudo_expr => "expression (e.g. fr, 2n+1)", :interp_ident => "identifier", :interp_name => "identifier", :expr => "expression (e.g. 1px, bold)", :_selector => "selector", :selector_comma_sequence => "selector", :simple_selector_sequence => "selector", :import_arg => "file to import (string or url())", :moz_document_function => "matching function (e.g. url-prefix(), domain())", :supports_condition => "@supports condition (e.g. (display: flexbox))", :supports_condition_in_parens => "@supports condition (e.g. (display: flexbox))", } TOK_NAMES = Sass::Util.to_hash( {|c| [Sass::SCSS::RX.const_get(c), c.downcase]}). merge(IDENT => "identifier", /[;}]/ => '";"') def tok?(rx) @scanner.match?(rx) end def expr!(name) (e = send(name)) && (return e) expected(EXPR_NAMES[name] || name.to_s) end def tok!(rx) (t = tok(rx)) && (return t) name = TOK_NAMES[rx] unless name # Display basic regexps as plain old strings string = rx.source.gsub(/\\(.)/, '\1') name = rx.source == Regexp.escape(string) ? string.inspect : rx.inspect end expected(name) end def expected(name) throw(:_sass_parser_error, true) if @throw_error self.class.expected(@scanner, @expected || name, @line) end def err(msg) throw(:_sass_parser_error, true) if @throw_error raise, :line => @line) end def throw_error old_throw_error, @throw_error = @throw_error, false yield ensure @throw_error = old_throw_error end def catch_error(&block) old_throw_error, @throw_error = @throw_error, true pos = @scanner.pos line = @line expected = @expected if catch(:_sass_parser_error, &block) @scanner.pos = pos @line = line @expected = expected {:pos => pos, :line => line, :expected => @expected, :block => block} end ensure @throw_error = old_throw_error end def rethrow(err) if @throw_err throw :_sass_parser_error, err else @scanner = @scanner.pos = err[:pos] @line = err[:line] @expected = err[:expected] err[:block].call end end # @private def self.expected(scanner, expected, line) was = # Get rid of whitespace between pos and the next token, # but only if there's a newline in there was.gsub!(/^\s*\n\s*/, '') # Also get rid of stuff after the next newline was.gsub!(/\n.*/, '') was = was[0...15] + "..." if was.size > 18 raise "Invalid CSS after \"#{prior_snippet(scanner)}\": expected #{expected}, was \"#{was}\"", :line => line) end # @private def self.prior_snippet(scanner) pos = scanner.pos after = scanner.string[0...pos] # Get rid of whitespace between pos and the last token, # but only if there's a newline in there after.gsub!(/\s*\n\s*$/, '') # Also get rid of stuff before the last newline after.gsub!(/.*\n/, '') after = "..." + after[-15..-1] if after.size > 18 after end # Avoid allocating lots of new strings for `#tok`. # This is important because `#tok` is called all the time. NEWLINE = "\n" def tok(rx, last_group_lookahead = false) res = @scanner.scan(rx) if res # This fixes, which affects # Ruby 1.8.7 and REE. This fix is to replace the ?= zero-width # positive lookahead operator in the Regexp (which matches without # consuming the matched group), with a match that does consume the # group, but then rewinds the scanner and removes the group from the # end of the matched string. This fix makes the assumption that the # matched group will always occur at the end of the match. if last_group_lookahead && @scanner[-1] @scanner.pos -= @scanner[-1].length res.slice!(-@scanner[-1].length..-1) end @line += res.count(NEWLINE) @expected = nil if !@strs.empty? && rx != COMMENT && rx != SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT @strs.each {|s| s << res} end res end end end end end