# Frenetic [![Gem Version][version_badge]][version] [![Build Status][travis_status]][travis]
[version_badge]: https://badge.fury.io/rb/frenetic.png
[version]: http://badge.fury.io/rb/frenetic
[travis_status]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/dlindahl/frenetic.png
[travis]: http://travis-ci.org/dlindahl/frenetic
An opinionated Ruby-based Hypermedia API (HAL+JSON) client.
## About
fre•net•ic |frəˈnetik|
fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way : *a frenetic pace of activity.*
So basically, this is a crazy way to interact with your Hypermedia HAL+JSON API.
Get it? *Hypermedia*?
If you have not implemented a HAL+JSON API, then this will not work very well for you.
## Opinions
Like I said, it is opinionated. It is so opinionated, it is probably the biggest
a-hole you've ever met.
Maybe in time, if you teach it, it will become more open-minded.
### HAL+JSON Content Type
Frenetic expects all responses to be in [HAL+JSON][hal_json]. It chose that
standard because it is trying to make JSON API's respond in a predictable
manner, which it thinks is an awesome idea.
### Authentication
Frenetic is going to try and use Basic Auth whether you like it or not. If
that is not required, nothing will probably happen. But its going to send the
header anyway.
### API Description
The API's root URL must respond with a description, much like the
[Spire.io][spire.io] API. This is crucial in order for Frenetic to work. If
Frenetic doesn't know what the API contains, it can't parse any resource
It is expected that any subclasses of `Frenetic::Resource` will adhere to the
schema defined here.
"description":"A widget order",
This response will be requested by Frenetic whenever a call to
`YourAPI.description` is made. The response is memoized so any future calls
will not trigger another API request.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'frenetic'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install frenetic
## Usage
### Client Initialization
MyAPI = Frenetic.new(
# 'adapter' => :net_http # Or some other Faraday-compatible Adapter. Defaults to `:patron`
'url' => 'https://api.yoursite.com',
'username' => 'yourname',
'password' => 'yourpassword',
'headers' => {
'accept' => 'application/vnd.yoursite-v1.hal+json'
# Optional
'user-agent' => 'Your Site's API Client', # Optional custom User Agent, just 'cuz
Symbol- or string-based keys work equally well.
#### Sending API Keys
If the API you are consuming requires an API Key, you can provide that in the
config hash:
Frenetic.new( url:'https://example.org', api_key:'abcde12345' )
The value will be sent as the `:username` portion of the HTTP
Basic Authentication header.
#### Sending API Keys with an App ID
If the API requires both an App ID or access token in addition to an API Key,
you can provide that in the config hash as well:
Frenetic.new( url:'https://example.org', app_id:'abcde12345', api_key:'mysecret' )
The App ID will be sent as the `:username` and the API Key will be sent as the
password portion of the HTTP Basic Authentication header.
### Response Caching
If configured to do so, Frenetic will autotmatically cache appropriate responses
through [Rack::Cache][rack_cache]. Only on-disk stores are supported right now.
Add the following `Rack::Cache` configuration options when initializing Frenetic:
MyAPI = Frenetic.new(
'cache' => {
'metastore' => 'file:/path/to/where/you/want/to/store/files/meta',
'entitystore' => 'file:/path/to/where/you/want/to/store/files/meta'
The `cache` options are passed directly to `Rack::Cache`, so anything it
supports can be added to the Hash.
# Middleware
Frenetic supports anything that Faraday does. You may specify additional
middleware with the `use` method:
Frenetic.new( url:'http://example.org' ) do |config|
config.use :instrumentation
config.use MyMiddleware, { foo:123 }
### Making Requests
Once you have created a client instance, you are free to use it however you'd
A Frenetic instance supports any HTTP verb that [Faraday][faraday] has
impletented. This includes GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
#### Frenetic::Resource
An easier way to make requests for a resource is to have your model inherit from
`Frenetic::Resource`. This makes it a bit easier to encapsulate all of your
resource's API requests into one place.
class Order < Frenetic::Resource
api_client { MyAPI }
class << self
def find( id )
if response = api.get( api.description.links.order.href.gsub('{id}', id.to_s) ) and response.success?
self.new( response.body )
raise OrderNotFound, "No Order found for #{id}"
The `api_client` class method merely tells `Frenetic::Resource` which API Client
instance to use. If you lazily instantiate your client, then you should pass a
block as demonstrated above.
Otherwise, you may pass by reference:
class Order < Frenetic::Resource
api_client MyAPI
When your model is initialized, it will contain attribute readers for every
property defined in your API's schema or description. In theory, this allows an
API to add, remove, or change properties without the need to directly update
your model.
### Interpretting Responses
Any response body returned by a Frenetic generated API call will be returned as
an OpenStruct-like object. This object responds to dot-notation as well as Hash
keys and is enumerable.
For your convenience, certain HAL+JSON keys have been aliased by methods to
make your code a bit more readable:
* `_embedded` can be referenced as `resources`
* `_links` can be referenced as `links`
* `href` can be referenced as `url`
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
[hal_json]: http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html
[spire.io]: http://api.spire.io/
[roar]: https://github.com/apotonick/roar
[faraday]: https://github.com/technoweenie/faraday
[rack_cache]: https://github.com/rtomayko/rack-cache