# Versions ## 6.3.1 * Deal with question_pipe quotes ## 6.3.0 * Deprecate `retry_attempts` and `retry_interval` configuration options * Add ability to set the entire `Retriable` hash directly by configuring `retriable_params` ## 6.2.13 * max_elapsed_time of 1 hour for `Retriable` ## 6.2.12 * Bugfix: Don't allow option_ids of 0 ## 6.2.11 * Bugfix: Mask CGI escaped (percent encoded) api tokens in logs ## 6.2.10 * Fix question pipe parsing when there's an integer without quotes instead of a quoted string (#87) ## Major Changes in 6.x * **BREAKING CHANGE**: SurveyGizmo changed the authentication so you need to configure `api_token` and `api_token_secret` instead of user and password. * **BREAKING CHANGE**: Pester has been removed as the retry source in favor of `Retriable`. * FEATURE: `Configuration#region` will configure the region to use the corresponding api and time zone. (#74) * Bugfix: fix escaping to resolve duplicate option issue (#75) * Bugfix: fix manual pagination (#82) ## Major Changes in 5.x * **BREAKING CHANGE**: `.all` returns an `Enumerator`, not an `Array`. This will break your code if you are using the return value of `.all` without iterating over it. * **BREAKING CHANGE**: `SurveyCampaign` has been renamed `Campaign` to be in line with the other model names. * FEATURE: `.all` will automatically paginate responses for you with the `:all_pages` option. There are also some built in methods like `Survey#responses` that will auto paginate. * FEATURE: Built in retries. 1 retry with a 60 second backoff is the default but can be configured. * FEATURE: `Response#parsed_answers` returns an array of `Answers` (new class) that are sane, stable Ruby objects instead of the sort of wild and wooly way SurveyGizmo has chosen to represent survey responses. ## Major Changes in 4.x * **BREAKING CHANGE**: There is no more error tracking. If the API gives an error or bad response, an exception will be raised. * **BREAKING CHANGE**: There is no more ```copy``` method ## Major Changes in 3.x * **BREAKING CHANGE**: Configuration is completely different * Important Change: Defaults to using the v4 SurveyGizmo API endpoint to take advantage of various API bug fixes (notably team ownership is broken in v3) ## Old versions [Version 2.0.1 for the v3 API is here](https://github.com/RipTheJacker/survey-gizmo-ruby/releases/tag/v2.0.1) [Version 1.0.5 for the v2 API is here](https://github.com/RipTheJacker/survey-gizmo-ruby/releases/tag/v1.0.5) [Version 0.7.0 for the v1 API is here](https://github.com/RipTheJacker/survey-gizmo-ruby/releases/tag/v0.7.0)