module Kuppayam module ActionView # This module creates Bootstrap wrappers around basic View Tags module FormHelper # Example 1 # # theme_form_group("Student Name") do # text_field_tag(:student, :name) # end # # is equivalent to: # #
# #
# <%= text_field_tag(:student, :name) %> #
# # --------------------------- # # Example 2 # # theme_form_group("Please select a Movie", required: false) do # collection_select(@movie_ticket, :movie_id, movies_list, :id, name, {:prompt=>true}, {:class => 'form-control'}) # end # # is equivalent to: # #
# #
# <%= collection_select(@movie_ticket, :movie_id, movies_list, :id, name, {:prompt=>true}, {:class => 'form-control'}) %> #
# Example 3 # if you want to change the label div column width which is by default set to "col-md-4" # and field div column width which is by default set to "col-md-8" by passing label_col_class and field_col_class # # theme_form_group("Please select a Movie", label_col_class: "col-md-6", field_col_class: "col-md-6") do # .... # end # # Example 4 # If you want to add error_class to form-group div tag you can pass it through options # # theme_form_group("Please select a Movie", error_class: "error-class") do # .... # end # def theme_form_group(label, **options) options.reverse_merge!( error_class: "", param_name: label.gsub(" ", "_").underscore, required: true, form_style: "left-right" ) if options[:form_style] == "left-right" options.reverse_merge!( error_class: "", param_name: label.gsub(" ", "_").underscore, required: true, form_group_div_class: "form-group", label_col_class: "col-md-4", field_col_class: "col-md-8" ) elsif options[:form_style] == "top-down" || options[:form_style] == "top-bottom" options.reverse_merge!( error_class: "", param_name: label.gsub(" ", "_").underscore, required: true, form_group_div_class: "form-group", label_col_class: "col-md-12 text-align-left pb-2", field_col_class: "col-md-12" ) elsif options[:form_style] == "materialize" options.reverse_merge!( error_class: " filled", param_name: label.gsub(" ", "_").underscore, required: true, form_group_div_class: "form-group filled mt-15", label_col_class: "", field_col_class: "pt-10" ) end content_tag(:div, class: "#{options[:form_group_div_class]} #{options[:error_class]}") do content_tag(:label, class: "#{options[:label_col_class]} control-label kuppayam-label") do star_content = options[:required] ? "*" : raw("  ") raw(label + content_tag(:span, star_content, class: "text-color-red ml-10 mr-5")) end + content_tag(:div, class: options[:field_col_class]) do if block_given? yield else "No Block Passed" end end end end # Creates the form group with label, and text field # Supports the following input type: "text", "email", "search", "password", "date", "time", "tel", "url", "month" # Example # theme_form_field(@project, :name) # #
# #
# #
def theme_form_field(object, field_name, **options) options.symbolize_keys! options.reverse_merge!( object_name:, label: field_name.to_s.gsub("_", " ").titleize, required: true, error_class: "has-error", html_options: { readonly: false }, form_style: "left-right" ) options.reverse_merge!( param_name: "#{options[:object_name]}[#{field_name}]" ) if object.errors[field_name.to_s].any? error_class = options[:error_class] error_message = content_tag(:span, object.errors[field_name].first, class: "help-block") else error_class = "" error_message = "" end theme_form_group(options[:label], required: options[:required], error_class: error_class, form_style: options[:form_style]) do options[:html_options].reverse_merge!( type: "text", id: "inp_#{options[:label].to_s.gsub(" ", "_").downcase}", class: "text input form-control", place_holder: "" ) case options[:html_options][:type].to_sym when :text, :email, :search, :password, :time, :tel, :url, :month, :number text_field_tag(options[:param_name], object.send(field_name.to_s), **options[:html_options]) when :decimal precision = options[:html_options][:precision] || 2 text_field_tag(options[:param_name], number_with_precision(object.send(field_name), precision: precision), **options[:html_options]) when :date begin date_value = object.send(field_name.to_s).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") rescue date_value ="%Y-%m-%d") end options[:html_options].reverse_merge!(value: date_value) text_field_tag(options[:param_name], object.send(field_name.to_s), **options[:html_options]) when :textarea options[:html_options].reverse_merge!(style: "height: 100px;") text_area_tag(options[:param_name], object.send(field_name.to_s), **options[:html_options]) when :file file_field_tag(options[:param_name], **options[:html_options]) when :checkbox options[:html_options][:class] = "iswitch iswitch-secondary checkbox mt-10" current_value = object.send(field_name.to_s) options[:html_options][:checked] = current_value check_box_tag(options[:param_name], "1", current_value, **options[:html_options]) else text_field_tag(options[:param_name], object.send(field_name.to_s), **options[:html_options]) end + error_message end end # Example # assoc_collection ="id, name").order("name ASC").all # options = {assoc_object: customer, assoc_display_method: :name, assoc_collection:"id, name").order("name ASC").all, label: "Customer", required: true} # theme_form_assoc_group(project, :customer_id, **options) # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # <% Choose Customer - Drop Down %> #
# #
# <% if editable && @customer %> # <%= %> # <%= hidden_field_tag "project[customer_id]", %> # <% else %> # <%= collection_select(:project, :customer_id,"id, name").order("name ASC").all, :id, :name, {:prompt=>true}, {:class => 'form-control'}) %> # <% end %> #
def theme_form_assoc_group(object, foreign_key, **options) options.symbolize_keys! assoc_method_name = foreign_key.to_s.chomp("_id") options.reverse_merge!( assoc_object: object.respond_to?(assoc_method_name) ? object.send(assoc_method_name) : nil, assoc_display_method: :name, assoc_collection: [], param_name:, object_name:, required: true, label: foreign_key.to_s.titleize, prompt: "Please Select", editable: true, error_class: "has-error", form_style: "left-right" ) # Populating Errors errors = object.errors[foreign_key.to_s] # if foreign_key is an id, check errors for the association # errors = project.errors[:customer_id] + project.errors[:customer] if object.errors[foreign_key.to_s.gsub("_id", "")] errors += object.errors[foreign_key.to_s.gsub("_id", "")] end error_class = errors.any? ? options[:error_class] : "" if errors.any? error_class = options[:error_class] error_message = content_tag(:span, errors.first, class: "help-block") else error_class = "" error_message = "" end selected_id = object.send(foreign_key) theme_form_group(options[:label], required: options[:required], error_class: error_class, form_style: options[:form_style]) do if !options[:editable] && options[:assoc_object] raw(options[:assoc_object].send(options[:assoc_display_method]) + hidden_field_tag("#{options[:param_name]}[#{foreign_key}]", options[:assoc_object].id)) else collection_select(options[:object_name], foreign_key, options[:assoc_collection], :id, options[:assoc_display_method], {include_blank: options[:include_blank], selected: selected_id}, {:class => 'form-control'}) end + error_message end end # Example # roles = ConfigCenter::Roles::LIST # options_list = Array[*roles.collect {|v,i| [v,v] }].sort # theme_form_select_group(f, @proposal, :plan, options_list, label: "Choose Plan", param_name: "proposal[:plan]", prompt: true) # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- #
# #
# <% options_list = ConfigCenter::Roles::LIST %> # <%="proposal[:plan]", options_for_select(options_list, :selected =>, {:prompt=>true}, {:class => 'form-control'}) %> #
def theme_form_select_group(object, field_name, options_list, **options) options.reverse_merge!( label: field_name.to_s.titleize, param_name: field_name, prompt: "Select", error_class: "has-error", required: false, form_style: "left-right" ) error_class = object.errors[field_name.to_s].any? ? options[:error_class] : "" if object.errors[field_name.to_s].any? error_class = options[:error_class] error_message = content_tag(:span, object.errors[field_name].first, class: "help-block") else error_class = "" error_message = "" end selected = options[:selected] if options[:selected] begin selected = object.send(field_name) if selected.blank? selected = options_list.first.last if selected.blank? rescue selected = nil end theme_form_group(options[:label], required: options[:required], error_class: error_class, form_style: options[:form_style]) do select_tag(options[:param_name], options_for_select(options_list, :selected => selected), {:prompt=>options[:prompt], :class => 'form-control'}) + error_message end end # Creates a submit button with basic styles # Example # submit_tag button_text, "data-reset-text"=>button_text, "data-loading-text"=>"Saving ...", :class=>"btn btn-primary ml-10" # is equivalent to: # --------------------------- # submit_tag button_text, "data-reset-text"=>button_text, "data-loading-text"=>"Saving ...", :class=>"btn btn-primary ml-10" def theme_form_button(object, button_text="", saving_message="Saving ...", classes="btn btn-primary ml-10") button_text = "#{object.new_record? ? "Create" : "Update"}" if button_text.blank? submit_tag(button_text, "data-reset-text"=>button_text, "data-loading-text"=>saving_message, :class=>classes) end # Displays Full errors with basic alert styles # Example # theme_form_errors(@user) def theme_form_errors(object, **options) options.reverse_merge!( row_class: "row mb-10", col_class: "col-md-12", alert_class: "alert alert-danger", ul_class: "", li_class: "" ) if object.errors.any? content_tag(:div, class: options[:row_class]) do content_tag(:div, class: options[:col_class]) do content_tag(:div, class: options[:alert_class]) do content_tag(:ul, class: options[:ul_class]) do li_array = [] object.errors.each do |attr, msg| next unless object.errors[attr].last == msg li_array << content_tag(:li, class: options[:li_class]) do "#{attr.to_s.titleize} #{msg}" end end raw(li_array.join(" ")) end end end end end end end end end