require "wurfl/command" require "getoptlong" require "wurfl/utils" require "wurfl/loader" class Wurfl::Command::Loader < Wurfl::Command include Wurfl::Utils def usage puts "Usage: wurfltools.rb loader [-p -v -h -e patchfile] -f wurflfile" puts " --file, -f (wurflfile): The master WURFL file to load." puts " --extension, -e (patchfile): A patch file to extend the traits of the master WURLF file." puts " --print, -p : Prints out handsets." puts " --help, -h : Prints this message." puts " --database, -d (databasename): Makes a PStore database for quick loading of data with other tools." puts " --load, -l (databasename): Loads handsets from a PStore database instead of XML file." exit 1 end def execute print = false insert = false wurflfile = nil patchfile = nil pstorefile = nil pstoreload = false begin options = ["-p","--print", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["-h","--help", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ["-f","--file", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ["-e","--extension", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ["-d","--database", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ["-l","--load", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT] ) options.each do |opt,arg| case opt when "-p" print = true when "-h" usage exit 1 when "-f" wurflfile = arg when "-e" patchfile = arg when "-d" pstorefile = arg when "-l" pstorefile = arg pstoreload = true else STDERR.puts "Unknown argument #{opt}" usage exit 1 end end rescue => err STDERR.puts "Error: #{err}" usage exit 1 end wurfll = hands = nil fallbacks = nil if pstorefile && pstoreload begin puts "Loading data from #{pstorefile}" hands = load_wurfl_pstore(pstorefile) puts "Loaded" rescue => err STDERR.puts "Error: Cannot load PStore file." STDERR.puts err.message exit 1 end else if !wurflfile STDERR.puts "You must pass a wurflfile if you want to do more." usage exit 1 end starttime = puts "Loading wurfl file #{wurflfile}" hands = wurfll.load_wurfl(wurflfile) restime = - starttime puts "Done loading wurfl. Load took #{restime} seconds." if patchfile starttime = puts "Loading Patch file #{patchfile}" hands = wurfll.load_wurfl(patchfile) restime = - starttime puts "Done loading patchfile. Load took #{restime} seconds." end end if pstorefile && !pstoreload begin puts "Saving data into #{pstorefile}" save_wurfl_pstore(pstorefile, hands) puts "Saved" rescue => err STDERR.puts "Error: Cannot creat PStore file." STDERR.puts err.message end end if print hands.each do |key,value| puts "********************************************\n\n" puts "#{key}\n" value.each { |key,value| puts "#{key} = #{value}" } end end end end