# Logjam Agent Client side library for logjam. Hooks into Rails, collects log lines, performance metrics, error/exception infomation and Rack environment information and sends this data to [Logjam](https://github.com/skaes/logjam_app). Currently two alternate mechanisms are available for data transport: AMQP or ZeroMQ. ## Usage For AMQP, add ```ruby gem "logjam_agent" gem "bunny" ``` For ZeroMQ, add ```ruby gem "logjam_agent" gem "ffi-rzmq" ``` to your Gemfile. Add an initializer `config/initializers/logjam_agent.rb` to your app and configure class `LogjamAgent`. ```ruby module LogjamAgent # Configure the application name (required). Must not contain dots or hyphens. self.application_name = "myapp" # Configure the environment name (optional). Defaults to Rails.env. # self.environment_name = Rails.env # Configure the application revision (optional). Defaults to (git rev-parse HEAD). # self.application_revision = "f494e11afa0738b279517a2a96101a952052da5d" # Configure request data forwarder for ZeroMQ. add_forwarder(:zmq, :host => "logjam.instance.at.your.org", :port => 9605) # Configure request data forwarder for AMQP. # add_forwarder(:amqp, :host => "message.broker.at.your.org") # Configure ip obfuscation. Defaults to no obfuscation. self.obfuscate_ips = true # Configure cookie obfuscation. Defaults to [/_session\z/]. self.obfuscated_cookies = [/_session\z/] # Configure asset request logging and forwarding. Defaults to ignore # asset requests in development mode. Set this to false if you need # to debug asset request handling. self.ignore_asset_requests = Rails.env.development? # Configure log level for logging on disk: only lines with a log level # greater than or equal to the specified one will be logged to disk. # Defaults to Logger::INFO. Note that logjam_agent extends the standard # logger log levels by the constant NONE, which indicates no logging. # Also, setting the level has no effect on console logging in development. # self.log_device_log_level = Logger::WARN # log warnings, errors, fatals and unknown log messages # self.log_device_log_level = Logger::NONE # log nothing at all # Configure lines which will not be logged locally. # They will still be sent to the logjam server. Defaults to nil. self.log_device_ignored_lines = /^\s*Rendered/ # It is also possible to ovveride this on a per request basis, # for example in a Rails before_action # LogjamAgent.request.log_device_ignored_lines = /^\s*(?:Rendered|REDIS)/ # Configure maximum log line length. Defaults to 2048. # This setting only applies to the lines sent with the request. self.max_line_length = 2048 # Configure max bytes allowed for all log lines. Defaults to 1Mb. # This setting only applies to the lines sent with the request. self.max_bytes_all_lines = 1024 * 1024 # Configure compression method. Defaults to NO_COMPRESSION. Available # compression methods are ZLIB_COMPRESSION and SNAPPY_COMPRESSION. # Snappy is faster and less CPU intensive than ZLIB, ZLIB achieves # higher compression rates. # self.compression_method = ZLIB_COMPRESSION # self.compression_method = SNAPPY_COMPRESSION end ``` ### Generating unique request ids The agent generates unique request ids for all request handled. It will use [uuid4r](https://github.com/skaes/uuid4r) if this is avalaibale in the application. Otherwise it will fall back to use the standard `SecureRandom` class shipped with Ruby. ### Generating JSON The agent will try to use the [Oj](https://github.com/ohler55/oj) to generate JSON. If this is not available in your application, it will fall back to the `to_json` method. ## Troubleshooting If the agent experiences problems when sending data, it will log information to a file named `logjam_agent_error.log` which you can find under `Rails.root/log`. This behavior is customizable via a module level call back method: ```ruby LogjamAgent.error_handler = lambda {|exception| ... } ``` # License The MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Stefan Kaes Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.