require 'optparse' require 'optparse/time' require 'ostruct' require 'pp' require 'multi_json' require_relative '../lib/datasift' def to_output(r) MultiJson.dump( { :status => r[:http][:status], :headers => r[:http][:headers], :body => r[:data] }, :pretty => true ) end def opt(val, default) val ? val : default end def err(m) puts MultiJson.dump(:error => m) end def parse(args) options = options.auth = nil options.endpoint = 'core' options.command = nil options.params = {} options.api = '' opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: cli.rb [-c] [--api] -a -e [-p*]' opts.separator 'Specific options:' opts.on('-a', '--auth AUTH', 'DataSift username and API key (formatted as "username api_key")') do |username| api_key = ARGV.length > 0 && ARGV[0].index('-') == 0 ? '' : ARGV[0] if username.nil? || api_key.nil? || username.empty? || api_key.empty? err 'Unable to parse username and API key, they must be in the format username api_key' err parse(%w(-h)) exit end options.auth = { :username => username, :api_key => api_key } end opts.on('-e', '--endpoint ENDPOINT', 'Defaults to core, must be one of core, push, historics, preview, sources, pylon') do |e| options.endpoint = e end opts.on('-c', '--command COMMAND', 'DataSift endpoint, depends on the endpoint') do |e| options.command = e || 'core' end opts.on('-p', '--param PARAM', 'Command specific parameters e.g. -p name value') do |k| # value is ARGV[0] unless ARGV[0] starts with a hyphen options.params[k] = ARGV.length > 0 && ARGV[0].index('-') == 0 ? '' : ARGV[0] end opts.on('-u', '--url API_HOSTNAME', 'Override the API URL') do |e| options.api = e end opts.on('--no-ssl', 'Do not use SSL for API requests') do options.enable_ssl = false end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end opts.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'DataSift client library version') do puts DataSift::VERSION exit end end opt_parser.parse!(args) options end def run_core_command(c, command, p) case command when 'validate' c.valid?(p['csdl'], false) when 'compile' c.compile(p['csdl']) when 'usage' c.usage(p['period'] ? p['period'].to_sym : :hour) when 'balance' c.balance when 'dpu' c.dpu(opt(p['hash'], ''), opt(p['historics_id'], '')) else err 'Unknown command for the core endpoint' exit end end def run_historics_command(c, command, p) case command when 'prepare' c.historics.prepare(p['hash'], p['start'], p['end'], p['name'], opt(p['sources'], 'tumblr'), opt(p['sample'], 10)) when 'start' c.historics.start(p['id']) when 'stop' c.historics.stop(p['id'], opt(p['reason'], '')) when 'status' c.historics.status(p['start'], p['end'], opt(p['sources'], 'tumblr')) when 'update' c.historics.update(p['id'], p['name']) when 'delete' c.historics.delete(p['id']) when 'get' c.historics.get(opt(p['max'], 20), opt(p['page'], 1), opt(p['with_estimate'], 1)) else err 'Unknown command for the historics endpoint' exit end end def run_preview_command(c, command, p) case command when 'create' c.historics_preview.create(p['hash'], p['parameters'], p['start'], opt(p['end'], nil)) when 'get' c.historics_preview.get(p['id']) else err 'Unknown command for the historics preview endpoint' exit end end def run_sources_command(c, command, p) case command when 'create' c.managed_source.create(p['source_type'],p['name'], opt(p['parameters'], {}), opt(p['resources'], []), opt(p['auth'], [])) when 'update' c.managed_source.update(p['id'], p['source_type'], p['name'], opt(p['parameters'], {}), opt(p['resources'], []), opt(p['auth'], [])) when 'delete' c.managed_source.delete(p['id']) when 'stop' c.managed_source.stop(p['id']) when 'start' c.managed_source.start(p['id']) when 'log' c.managed_source.log(p['id'], opt(p['page'], 1), opt(p['per_page'], 20)) when 'get' c.managed_source.get(opt(p['id'], nil), opt(p['source_type'], nil), opt(p['page'], 1), opt(p['per_page'], 20)) else err 'Unknown command for the historics preview endpoint' exit end end def run_push_command(c, command, p) case command when 'validate' c.push.valid? p, false when 'create' c.push.create p when 'pause' c.push.pause p['id'] when 'resume' c.push.resume p['id'] when 'update' c.push.update p when 'stop' c.push.stop p['id'] when 'delete' c.push.delete p['id'] when 'log' p['id'] ? c.push.logs_for(p['id'], opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc)) : c.push.logs(opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc)) when 'get' if p['id'] c.push.get_by_subscription(p['id'], opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time)) elsif p['hash'] c.push.get_by_hash(p['hash'], opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc), opt(p['include_finished'], 0), opt(p['all'], false)) elsif p['historics_id'] c.push.get_by_historics_id(p['historics_id'], opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc), opt(p['include_finished'], 0), opt(p['all'], false)) else c.push.get(opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :request_time), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc), opt(p['include_finished'], 0), opt(p['all'], false)) end when 'pull' c.push.pull(p['id'], opt(p['size'], 20_971_520), opt(p['cursor'], '')) else err 'Unknown command for the core endpoint' exit end end def run_pylon_command(c, command, p) case command when 'validate' c.pylon.valid?( opt(p['csdl'], ''), opt(p['boolResponse'], true) ) when 'compile' c.pylon.compile(opt(p['csdl'], '')) when 'start' c.pylon.start( opt(p['hash'], ''), opt(p['name'], '') ) when 'stop' c.pylon.stop(opt(p['hash'], '')) when 'get' c.pylon.get(opt(p['id'], '')) when 'list' c.pylon.list( opt(p['page'], 0), opt(p['per_page'], 20), opt(p['order_by'], :created_at), opt(p['order_dir'], :desc) ) when 'analyze' params = nil if p['parameters'] params = MultiJson.load(p['parameters']) end c.pylon.analyze( opt(p['hash'], ''), params, opt(p['filter'], ''), opt(p['start'], ''), opt(p['end'], '') ) when 'tags' c.pylon.tags(p['hash']) else err 'Unknown command for the pylon endpoint' exit end end def run_account_identity_command(c, command, p) case command when 'create' c.account_identity.create( opt(p['label'], ''), opt(p['status'], ''), to_bool(opt(p['master'], '')) ) when 'get' c.account_identity.get(opt(p['id'], '')) when 'list' c.account_identity.list( opt(p['label'], ''), opt(p['per_page'], ''), opt(p['page'], '') ) when 'update' c.account_identity.update( opt(p['id'], ''), opt(p['label'], ''), opt(p['status'], ''), to_bool(opt(p['master'], '')) ) when 'delete' c.account_identity.delete(opt(p['id'], '')) else err 'Unknown command for the account/identity endpoint' exit end end def run_account_token_command(c, command, p) case command when 'create' c.account_identity_token.create( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], ''), opt(p['token'], '') ) when 'get' c.account_identity_token.get( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], '') ) when 'list' c.account_identity_token.list( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['per_page'], ''), opt(p['page'], '') ) when 'update' c.account_identity_token.update( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], ''), opt(p['token'], '') ) when 'delete' c.account_identity_token.delete( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], '') ) else err 'Unknown command for the account/identity/token endpoint' exit end end def run_account_limit_command(c, command, p) case command when 'create' c.account_identity_limit.create( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], ''), opt(p['total_allowance'], nil) ) when 'get' c.account_identity_limit.get( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], '') ) when 'list' c.account_identity_limit.list( opt(p['service'], ''), opt(p['per_page'], ''), opt(p['page'], '') ) when 'update' c.account_identity_limit.update( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], ''), opt(p['total_allowance'], nil) ) when 'delete' c.account_identity_limit.delete( opt(p['identity_id'], ''), opt(p['service'], '') ) else err 'Unknown command for the account/identity/limit endpoint' exit end end def to_bool(str) if ['true', 'false', '1', '0'].include?(str.to_s.downcase) bool = true if ['true', '1'].include?str.to_s.downcase bool = false if ['false', '0'].include?str.to_s.downcase return bool end end begin options = parse(ARGV) req = [:auth, :command] missing = { |param| options.send(param).nil? } unless missing.empty? err "The following options are required : #{missing.join(', ')}" err parse(%w(-h)) exit end config = { username: options.auth[:username], api_key: options.auth[:api_key], api_host: options.api } config.merge!(enable_ssl: options.enable_ssl) unless options.enable_ssl.nil? datasift = res = case options.endpoint when 'core' run_core_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'historics' run_historics_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'push' run_push_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'preview' run_preview_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'managed_sources' run_sources_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'pylon' run_pylon_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'identity' run_account_identity_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'token' run_account_token_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) when 'limit' run_account_limit_command(datasift, options.command, options.params) else err 'Unsupported/Unknown endpoint' exit end puts to_output(res) rescue DataSiftError => e err e.message rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::MissingArgument err $ERROR_INFO.to_s err parse(%w(-h)) exit end