module Plurky module API module Timeline # Returns a status # # @see # @return [Hashie::Mash] The requested status. # @param id [Integer] A status ID. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @example Return the status with the ID 1001647781 # Plurky.status(1001647781) def status(id, options = {}) get("/APP/Timeline/getPlurk", options.merge(:plurk_id => id)) end # Updates the authenticating user's status # # @see # @return [Hashie::Mash] The created status. # @param content [String] The content of the status update, up to 140 characters. # @param qualifier [String] The qualifier of the status update. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @example Update the authenticating user's status # Plurky.update("I'm plurking with Plurky!", "says") def update(content, qualifier, options = {}) post("/APP/Timeline/plurkAdd", options.merge(:content => content, :qualifier => qualifier)) end end end end