require 'spec_helper' describe Hash do it 'is convertible to a Hashie::Mash' do mash = Hashie::Hash[some: 'hash'].to_mash expect(mash.is_a?(Hashie::Mash)).to be_truthy expect(mash.some).to eq 'hash' end it '#stringify_keys! turns all keys into strings' do hash = Hashie::Hash[:a => 'hey', 123 => 'bob'] hash.stringify_keys! expect(hash).to eq Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', '123' => 'bob'] end it '#stringify_keys! turns all keys into strings recursively' do hash = Hashie::Hash[:a => 'hey', 123 => { 345 => 'hey' }] hash.stringify_keys! expect(hash).to eq Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', '123' => { '345' => 'hey' }] end it '#stringify_keys returns a hash with stringified keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash[:a => 'hey', 123 => 'bob'] stringified_hash = hash.stringify_keys expect(hash).to eq Hashie::Hash[:a => 'hey', 123 => 'bob'] expect(stringified_hash).to eq Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', '123' => 'bob'] end it '#to_hash returns a hash with same keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]] stringified_hash = hash.to_hash expect(stringified_hash).to eq('a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]) end it '#to_hash with stringify_keys set to true returns a hash with stringified_keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]] symbolized_hash = hash.to_hash(stringify_keys: true) expect(symbolized_hash).to eq('a' => 'hey', '123' => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]) end it '#to_hash with symbolize_keys set to true returns a hash with symbolized keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]] symbolized_hash = hash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true) expect(symbolized_hash).to eq(:a => 'hey', :"123" => 'bob', :array => [1, 2, 3]) end it "#to_hash should not blow up when #to_hash doesn't accept arguments" do class BareCustomMash < Hashie::Mash def to_hash {} end end h = h[:key] = expect { h.to_hash }.not_to raise_error end describe 'when the value is an object that respond_to to_hash' do class ClassRespondsToHash def to_hash(options = {}) Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', b: 'bar', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3]].to_hash(options) end end it '#to_hash returns a hash with same keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3], subhash:] stringified_hash = hash.to_hash expect(stringified_hash).to eq('a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3], subhash: { 'a' => 'hey', b: 'bar', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3] }) end it '#to_hash with stringify_keys set to true returns a hash with stringified_keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3], subhash:] symbolized_hash = hash.to_hash(stringify_keys: true) expect(symbolized_hash).to eq('a' => 'hey', '123' => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3], 'subhash' => { 'a' => 'hey', 'b' => 'bar', '123' => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3] }) end it '#to_hash with symbolize_keys set to true returns a hash with symbolized keys' do hash = Hashie::Hash['a' => 'hey', 123 => 'bob', 'array' => [1, 2, 3], subhash:] symbolized_hash = hash.to_hash(symbolize_keys: true) expect(symbolized_hash).to eq(:a => 'hey', :"123" => 'bob', :array => [1, 2, 3], subhash: { :a => 'hey', :b => 'bar', :'123' => 'bob', :array => [1, 2, 3] }) end end end