# encoding: utf-8 # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. module Azure::ARM::Web module Models # # Details of a hostname derived from a domain # class HostName include MsRestAzure # @return [String] Name of the hostname attr_accessor :name # @return [Array] List of sites the hostname is assigned to. # This list will have more than one site only if the hostname is # pointing to a Traffic Manager attr_accessor :site_names # @return [String] Name of the Azure resource the hostname is assigned # to. If it is assigned to a traffic manager then it will be the # traffic manager name otherwise it will be the website name attr_accessor :azure_resource_name # @return [AzureResourceType] Type of the Azure resource the hostname is # assigned to. Possible values include: 'Website', 'TrafficManager' attr_accessor :azure_resource_type # @return [CustomHostNameDnsRecordType] Type of the Dns record. Possible # values include: 'CName', 'A' attr_accessor :custom_host_name_dns_record_type # @return [HostNameType] Type of the hostname. Possible values include: # 'Verified', 'Managed' attr_accessor :host_name_type # # Validate the object. Throws ValidationError if validation fails. # def validate @site_names.each{ |e| e.validate if e.respond_to?(:validate) } unless @site_names.nil? end # # Serializes given Model object into Ruby Hash. # @param object Model object to serialize. # @return [Hash] Serialized object in form of Ruby Hash. # def self.serialize_object(object) object.validate output_object = {} serialized_property = object.name output_object['name'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? serialized_property = object.site_names output_object['siteNames'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? serialized_property = object.azure_resource_name output_object['azureResourceName'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? serialized_property = object.azure_resource_type output_object['azureResourceType'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? serialized_property = object.custom_host_name_dns_record_type output_object['customHostNameDnsRecordType'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? serialized_property = object.host_name_type output_object['hostNameType'] = serialized_property unless serialized_property.nil? output_object end # # Deserializes given Ruby Hash into Model object. # @param object [Hash] Ruby Hash object to deserialize. # @return [HostName] Deserialized object. # def self.deserialize_object(object) return if object.nil? output_object = HostName.new deserialized_property = object['name'] output_object.name = deserialized_property deserialized_property = object['siteNames'] output_object.site_names = deserialized_property deserialized_property = object['azureResourceName'] output_object.azure_resource_name = deserialized_property deserialized_property = object['azureResourceType'] if (!deserialized_property.nil? && !deserialized_property.empty?) enum_is_valid = AzureResourceType.constants.any? { |e| AzureResourceType.const_get(e).to_s.downcase == deserialized_property.downcase } warn 'Enum AzureResourceType does not contain ' + deserialized_property.downcase + ', but was received from the server.' unless enum_is_valid end output_object.azure_resource_type = deserialized_property deserialized_property = object['customHostNameDnsRecordType'] if (!deserialized_property.nil? && !deserialized_property.empty?) enum_is_valid = CustomHostNameDnsRecordType.constants.any? { |e| CustomHostNameDnsRecordType.const_get(e).to_s.downcase == deserialized_property.downcase } warn 'Enum CustomHostNameDnsRecordType does not contain ' + deserialized_property.downcase + ', but was received from the server.' unless enum_is_valid end output_object.custom_host_name_dns_record_type = deserialized_property deserialized_property = object['hostNameType'] if (!deserialized_property.nil? && !deserialized_property.empty?) enum_is_valid = HostNameType.constants.any? { |e| HostNameType.const_get(e).to_s.downcase == deserialized_property.downcase } warn 'Enum HostNameType does not contain ' + deserialized_property.downcase + ', but was received from the server.' unless enum_is_valid end output_object.host_name_type = deserialized_property output_object end end end end