require 'cat' require 'ostruct' require 'table_print' Given /^a class named (.*)$/ do |klass| Sandbox.add_class(klass) end Given /^(.*) has attributes (.*)$/ do |klass, attributes| attrs = attributes.split(",").map { |attr| attr.strip } Sandbox.add_attributes(klass, *attrs) end Given /^(.*) has a class method named (.*) with (.*)$/ do |klass, method_name, blk| Sandbox.add_class_method(klass, method_name, &eval(blk)) end Given /^(.*) has a method named (\w*) with (.*)$/ do |klass, method_name, blk| Sandbox.add_method(klass, method_name, &eval(blk)) end Given /^a variable named (.*) with$/ do |variable, table| @objs ||= @objs.send("#{variable.downcase}=", table.hashes) end Given /^an array of structs named (.*) with$/ do |variable, table| @objs ||= struct =*(table.column_names.collect(&:to_sym))) data = table.hashes.collect do |hsh| obj = hsh.each {|k,v| obj.send "#{k}=", v} obj end @objs.send("#{variable.downcase}=", data) end When /^I instantiate a (.*) with (\{.*\})$/ do |klass, args| @objs ||= @objs.send("#{klass.downcase}=", Sandbox.const_get_from_string(klass).new(eval(args))) end When /^I instantiate a (.*) with (\{.*\}) and (add it|assign it) to (.*)$/ do |klass, args, assignment_method, target| # the thing we're instantiating child = Sandbox.const_get_from_string(klass).new(eval(args)) # the place we're going to add it method_chain = target.split(".") target_method = method_chain.pop target_object = method_chain.inject(@objs) { |obj, method_name| obj.send(method_name) } # how we're going to add it if assignment_method == "assign it" target_object.send("#{target_method}=", child) else target_object.send("#{target_method}") << child end end When /^I configure multibyte with (.*)$/ do |value| TablePrint::Config.set(:multibyte, [value == "true"]) end When /^I configure capitalize_headers with (.*)$/ do |value| TablePrint::Config.set(:capitalize_headers, [value == "true"]) end When /^configure (.*) with (.*)$/ do |klass, config| klass = Sandbox.const_get_from_string(klass) TablePrint::Config.set(klass, eval(config)) end When /table_print ([\w:]*), (.*)$/ do |klass, options| tp(@objs.send(klass.downcase), eval(options)) end When /table_print ([\w\.:]*)$/ do |klass| obj = @objs.send(klass.split(".").first.downcase) obj = obj.send(klass.split(".").last) if klass.include? "." # hack - we're assuming only two levels. use inject to find the target. tp(obj) end Then /^the output should contain$/ do |string| output = @r.lines.to_a"\n")).each do |actual, expected| actual.gsub(/\s/m, "").split(//).sort.join.should == expected.gsub(" ", "").split(//).sort.join end end def tp(data, options={}) @r, w = IO.pipe w.puts TablePrint::Printer.table_print(data, options) w.close end