module Clickhouse class CLI < Thor module Client HISTORY_FILE = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.clickhouse_history" def self.included(base) extended(base) end def self.extended(base) Clickhouse.logger = self load_history end def self.debug(message = nil) @log = message.split("\n").detect{|line| line.include?("36m")} end def self.log @log end def self.load_history File.readlines(HISTORY_FILE).each do |line| Readline::HISTORY.push line.gsub(";;", "\n").strip end if File.exists?(HISTORY_FILE) end def alter_history(sql, current = true) (Readline::HISTORY.to_a.count{|line| line[-1] != ";"} + (current ? 1 : 0)).times do Readline::HISTORY.pop end unless Readline::HISTORY.to_a[-1] == sql Readline::HISTORY.push(sql) end end def dump_history, "w+") do |file| Readline::HISTORY.each do |line| file.puts line.strip.gsub("\n", ";;") end end end def prettify(sql) sql, replaced = numerize_patterns(sql) preserved_words = %w( USE SHOW DATABASES TABLES PROCESSLIST INSERT INTO FORMAT SELECT COUNT DISTINCT SAMPLE AS FROM JOIN UNION ALL PREWHERE WHERE AND OR NOT IN GROUP BY HAVING ORDER LIMIT CREATE DESCRIBE ALTER RENAME DROP DETACH ATTACH TABLE VIEW PARTITION EXISTS SET OPTIMIZE WITH TOTALS ).sort{|a, b| [b.size, a] <=> [a.size, b]} sql.gsub!(/(\b)(#{preserved_words.join("|")})(\b)/i) do "#{$1}#{$2.upcase}#{$3}" end interpolate_patterns(sql, replaced) end def numerize_patterns(sql, replaced = []) sql = sql.gsub(/(["'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1/) do |match| replaced << match "${#{replaced.size - 1}}" end parenthesized = false sql = sql.gsub(/\([^\(\)]*?\)/) do |match| parenthesized = true replaced << match "%{#{replaced.size - 1}}" end parenthesized ? numerize_patterns(sql, replaced) : [sql, replaced] end def interpolate_patterns(sql, replaced) matched = false sql = sql.gsub(/(\$|%)\{(\d+)\}/) do |match| matched = true replaced[$2.to_i] end matched ? interpolate_patterns(sql, replaced) : sql end def execute(sql, &block) if sql[-1] == ";" dump_history method = sql.match(/^(SELECT|SHOW|DESCRIBE)/i) ? :query : :execute result = Clickhouse.connection.send(method, sql[0..-2]) if block_given?, Client.log) else process_result(result, Client.log) end else sql end end end end end