/** * gollum.editor.js * A jQuery plugin that creates the Gollum Editor. * * Usage: * $.GollumEditor(); on DOM ready. */ (function($) { // Editor options var DefaultOptions = { MarkupType: 'markdown', EditorMode: 'code', NewFile: false, HasFunctionBar: true, Debug: false, NoDefinitionsFor: [] }; var ActiveOptions = {}; /** * $.GollumEditor * * You don't need to do anything. Just run this on DOM ready. */ $.GollumEditor = function( IncomingOptions ) { ActiveOptions = $.extend( DefaultOptions, IncomingOptions ); debug('GollumEditor loading'); if ( EditorHas.baseEditorMarkup() ) { if ( EditorHas.titleDisplayed() ) { $('#gollum-editor-title-field').addClass('active'); } if ( EditorHas.editSummaryMarkup() ) { $.GollumEditor.Placeholder.add($('#gollum-editor-edit-summary input')); $('#gollum-editor form[name="gollum-editor"]').submit(function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $.GollumEditor.Placeholder.clearAll(); debug('submitting'); $(this).unbind('submit'); $(this).submit(); }); } if ( EditorHas.collapsibleInputs() ) { $('#gollum-editor .collapsed a.button, ' + '#gollum-editor .expanded a.button').click(function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent().toggleClass('expanded'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('collapsed'); }); } if ( EditorHas.previewButton() ) { var formAction = $('#gollum-editor #gollum-editor-preview').click(function() { // make a dummy form, submit to new target window // get form fields var oldAction = $('#gollum-editor form').attr('action'); var $form = $($('#gollum-editor form').get(0)); $form.attr('action', this.href || '/preview'); $form.attr('target', '_blank'); var paths = window.location.pathname.split('/'); $form.attr('page', paths[ paths.length - 1 ] || '') $form.submit(); $form.attr('action', oldAction); $form.removeAttr('target'); return false; }); } // Initialize the function bar by loading proper definitions if ( EditorHas.functionBar() ) { var htmlSetMarkupLang = $('#gollum-editor-body').attr('data-markup-lang'); if ( htmlSetMarkupLang ) { ActiveOptions.MarkupType = htmlSetMarkupLang; } // load language definition LanguageDefinition.setActiveLanguage( ActiveOptions.MarkupType ); if ( EditorHas.formatSelector() ) { FormatSelector.init( $('#gollum-editor-format-selector select') ); } if ( EditorHas.help() ) { $('#gollum-editor-help').hide(); $('#gollum-editor-help').removeClass('jaws'); } } // EditorHas.functionBar } // EditorHas.baseEditorMarkup }; /** * $.GollumEditor.defineLanguage * Defines a set of language actions that Gollum can use. * Used by the definitions in langs/ to register language definitions. */ $.GollumEditor.defineLanguage = function( language_name, languageObject ) { if ( typeof languageObject == 'object' ) { LanguageDefinition.define( language_name, languageObject ); } else { debug('GollumEditor.defineLanguage: definition for ' + language_name + ' is not an object'); } }; /** * debug * Prints debug information to console.log if debug output is enabled. * * @param mixed Whatever you want to dump to console.log * @return void */ var debug = function(m) { if ( ActiveOptions.Debug && typeof console != 'undefined' ) { console.log( m ); } }; /** * LanguageDefinition * Language definition file handler * Loads language definition files as necessary. */ var LanguageDefinition = { _ACTIVE_LANG: '', _LOADED_LANGS: [], _LANG: {}, /** * Defines a language * * @param name string The name of the language * @param name object The definition object */ define: function( name, definitionObject ) { LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG = name; LanguageDefinition._LOADED_LANGS.push( name ); if ( typeof $.GollumEditor.WikiLanguage == 'object' ) { var definition = {}; $.extend(definition, $.GollumEditor.WikiLanguage, definitionObject); LanguageDefinition._LANG[name] = definition; } else { LanguageDefinition._LANG[name] = definitionObject; } }, getActiveLanguage: function() { return LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG; }, setActiveLanguage: function( name ) { // On first load _ACTIVE_LANG.length is 0 and evtChangeFormat isn't called. if ( LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG.length <= 0 ) { FormatSelector.updateCommitMessage( name ); } if(LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("deactivate")) { LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("deactivate")(); } if ( !LanguageDefinition.isLoadedFor(name) ) { LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG = null; LanguageDefinition.loadFor( name, function(x, t) { if ( t != 'success' ) { debug('Failed to load language definition for ' + name); // well, fake it and turn everything off for this one LanguageDefinition.define( name, {} ); } // update features that rely on the language definition if ( EditorHas.functionBar() ) { FunctionBar.refresh(); } if ( LanguageDefinition.isValid() && EditorHas.formatSelector() ) { FormatSelector.updateSelected(); } if(LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("activate")) { LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("activate")(); } function hotkey( cmd ) { var def = LanguageDefinition.getDefinitionFor( cmd ); if ( typeof def == 'object' ) { FunctionBar.executeAction( def ); } // Prevent bubbling of hotkey. return false; } Mousetrap.bind(['command+b', 'ctrl+b'], function(){ hotkey('function-bold'); }); Mousetrap.bind(['command+i', 'ctrl+i'], function(){ hotkey('function-italic'); }); } ); } else { LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG = name; FunctionBar.refresh(); if(LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("activate")) { LanguageDefinition.getHookFunctionFor("activate")(); } } }, getHookFunctionFor: function(attr, specified_lang) { if ( !specified_lang ) { specified_lang = LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG; } if ( LanguageDefinition.isLoadedFor(specified_lang) && LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr] && typeof LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr] == 'function' ) { return LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr]; } return null; }, /** * gets a definition object for a specified attribute * * @param string attr The specified attribute. * @param string specified_lang The language to pull a definition for. * @return object if exists, null otherwise */ getDefinitionFor: function( attr, specified_lang ) { if ( !specified_lang ) { specified_lang = LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG; } if ( LanguageDefinition.isLoadedFor(specified_lang) && LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr] && typeof LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr] == 'object' ) { return LanguageDefinition._LANG[specified_lang][attr]; } return null; }, /** * loadFor * Asynchronously loads a definition file for the current markup. * Definition files are necessary to use the code editor. * * @param string markup_name The markup name you want to load * @return void */ loadFor: function( markup_name, on_complete ) { // Keep us from hitting 404s on our site, check the definition blacklist if ( ActiveOptions.NoDefinitionsFor.length ) { for ( var i=0; i < ActiveOptions.NoDefinitionsFor.length; i++ ) { if ( markup_name == ActiveOptions.NoDefinitionsFor[i] ) { // we don't have this. get out. if ( typeof on_complete == 'function' ) { on_complete( null, 'error' ); return; } } } } // attempt to load the definition for this language var script_uri = baseUrl + '/javascript/editor/langs/' + markup_name + '.js'; $.ajax({ url: script_uri, dataType: 'script', complete: function( xhr, textStatus ) { if ( typeof on_complete == 'function' ) { on_complete( xhr, textStatus ); } } }); }, /** * isLoadedFor * Checks to see if a definition file has been loaded for the * specified markup language. * * @param string markup_name The name of the markup. * @return boolean */ isLoadedFor: function( markup_name ) { if ( LanguageDefinition._LOADED_LANGS.length === 0 ) { return false; } for ( var i=0; i < LanguageDefinition._LOADED_LANGS.length; i++ ) { if ( LanguageDefinition._LOADED_LANGS[i] == markup_name ) { return true; } } return false; }, isValid: function() { return ( LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG && typeof LanguageDefinition._LANG[LanguageDefinition._ACTIVE_LANG] == 'object' ); } }; /** * EditorHas * Various conditionals to check what features of the Gollum Editor are * active/operational. */ var EditorHas = { /** * EditorHas.baseEditorMarkup * True if the basic editor form is in place. * * @return boolean */ baseEditorMarkup: function() { return ( $('#gollum-editor').length && $('#gollum-editor-body').length ); }, /** * EditorHas.collapsibleInputs * True if the editor contains collapsible inputs for things like the * sidebar or footer, false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ collapsibleInputs: function() { return $('#gollum-editor .collapsed, #gollum-editor .expanded').length; }, /** * EditorHas.formatSelector * True if the editor has a format selector (for switching between * language types), false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ formatSelector: function() { return $('#gollum-editor-format-selector select').length; }, /** * EditorHas.functionBar * True if the Function Bar markup exists. * * @return boolean */ functionBar: function() { return ( ActiveOptions.HasFunctionBar && $('#gollum-editor-function-bar').length ); }, /** * EditorHas.ff4Environment * True if in a Firefox 4.0 Beta environment. * * @return boolean */ ff4Environment: function() { var ua = new RegExp(/Firefox\/4.0b/); return ( ua.test( navigator.userAgent ) ); }, /** * EditorHas.editSummaryMarkup * True if the editor has a summary field (Gollum's commit message), * false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ editSummaryMarkup: function() { return ( $('input#gollum-editor-message-field').length > 0 ); }, /** * EditorHas.help * True if the editor contains the inline help sector, false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ help: function() { return ( $('#gollum-editor #gollum-editor-help').length && $('#gollum-editor #function-help').length ); }, /** * EditorHas.previewButton * True if the editor has a preview button, false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ previewButton: function() { return ( $('#gollum-editor #gollum-editor-preview').length ); }, /** * EditorHas.titleDisplayed * True if the editor is displaying a title field, false otherwise. * * @return boolean */ titleDisplayed: function() { return ( ActiveOptions.NewFile ); } }; /** * FunctionBar * * Things the function bar does. */ var FunctionBar = { isActive: false, /** * FunctionBar.activate * Activates the function bar, attaching all click events * and displaying the bar. * */ activate: function() { debug('Activating function bar'); // check these out $('#gollum-editor-function-bar a.function-button').each(function() { if ( LanguageDefinition.getDefinitionFor( $(this).attr('id') ) ) { $(this).click( FunctionBar.evtFunctionButtonClick ); $(this).removeClass('disabled'); } else if ( $(this).attr('id') != 'function-help' ) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); } }); // show bar as active $('#gollum-editor-function-bar').addClass( 'active' ); FunctionBar.isActive = true; }, deactivate: function() { $('#gollum-editor-function-bar a.function-button').unbind('click'); $('#gollum-editor-function-bar').removeClass( 'active' ); FunctionBar.isActive = false; }, /** * FunctionBar.evtFunctionButtonClick * Event handler for the function buttons. Traps the click and * executes the proper language action. * * @param jQuery.Event jQuery event object. */ evtFunctionButtonClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var def = LanguageDefinition.getDefinitionFor( $(this).attr('id') ); if ( typeof def == 'object' ) { FunctionBar.executeAction( def ); } }, /** * FunctionBar.executeAction * Executes a language-specific defined action for a function button. * */ executeAction: function( definitionObject ) { // get the selected text from the textarea var txt = $('#gollum-editor-body').val(); // hmm, I'm not sure this will work in a textarea var selPos = FunctionBar .getFieldSelectionPosition( $('#gollum-editor-body') ); var selText = FunctionBar.getFieldSelection( $('#gollum-editor-body') ); var repText = selText; var reselect = true; var cursor = null; // execute a replacement function if one exists if ( definitionObject.exec && typeof definitionObject.exec == 'function' ) { definitionObject.exec( txt, selText, $('#gollum-editor-body') ); return; } // execute a search/replace if they exist var searchExp = /([^\n]+)/gi; if ( definitionObject.search && typeof definitionObject.search == 'object' ) { debug('Replacing search Regex'); searchExp = null; searchExp = new RegExp ( definitionObject.search ); debug( searchExp ); } debug('repText is ' + '"' + repText + '"'); // replace text if ( definitionObject.replace && typeof definitionObject.replace == 'string' ) { debug('Running replacement - using ' + definitionObject.replace); var rt = definitionObject.replace; repText = repText.replace( searchExp, rt ); // remove backreferences repText = repText.replace( /\$[\d]/g, '' ); if ( repText === '' ) { debug('Search string is empty'); // find position of $1 - this is where we will place the cursor cursor = rt.indexOf('$1'); // we have an empty string, so just remove backreferences repText = rt.replace( /\$[\d]/g, '' ); // if the position of $1 doesn't exist, stick the cursor in // the middle if ( cursor == -1 ) { cursor = Math.floor( rt.length / 2 ); } } } // append if necessary if ( definitionObject.append && typeof definitionObject.append == 'string' ) { if ( repText == selText ) { reselect = false; } repText += definitionObject.append; } if ( repText ) { FunctionBar.replaceFieldSelection( $('#gollum-editor-body'), repText, reselect, cursor ); } }, /** * getFieldSelectionPosition * Retrieves the selection range for the textarea. * * @return object the .start and .end offsets in the string */ getFieldSelectionPosition: function( $field ) { if ($field.length) { var start = 0, end = 0; var el = $field.get(0); if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number" && typeof el.selectionEnd == "number") { start = el.selectionStart; end = el.selectionEnd; } else { var range = document.selection.createRange(); var stored_range = range.duplicate(); stored_range.moveToElementText( el ); stored_range.setEndPoint( 'EndToEnd', range ); start = stored_range.text.length - range.text.length; end = start + range.text.length; // so, uh, we're close, but we need to search for line breaks and // adjust the start/end points accordingly since IE counts them as // 2 characters in TextRange. var s = start; var lb = 0; var i; debug('IE: start position is currently ' + s); for ( i=0; i < s; i++ ) { if ( el.value.charAt(i).match(/\r/) ) { ++lb; } } if ( lb ) { debug('IE start: compensating for ' + lb + ' line breaks'); start = start - lb; lb = 0; } var e = end; for ( i=0; i < e; i++ ) { if ( el.value.charAt(i).match(/\r/) ) { ++lb; } } if ( lb ) { debug('IE end: compensating for ' + lb + ' line breaks'); end = end - lb; } } return { start: start, end: end }; } // end if ($field.length) }, /** * getFieldSelection * Returns the currently selected substring of the textarea. * * @param jQuery A jQuery object for the textarea. * @return string Selected string. */ getFieldSelection: function( $field ) { var selStr = ''; var selPos; if ( $field.length ) { selPos = FunctionBar.getFieldSelectionPosition( $field ); selStr = $field.val().substring( selPos.start, selPos.end ); debug('Selected: ' + selStr + ' (' + selPos.start + ', ' + selPos.end + ')'); return selStr; } return false; }, isShown: function() { return ($('#gollum-editor-function-bar').is(':visible')); }, refresh: function() { if ( EditorHas.functionBar() ) { debug('Refreshing function bar'); if ( LanguageDefinition.isValid() ) { $('#gollum-editor-function-bar a.function-button').unbind('click'); FunctionBar.activate(); if ( Help ) { Help.setActiveHelp( LanguageDefinition.getActiveLanguage() ); } } else { debug('Language definition is invalid.'); if ( FunctionBar.isShown() ) { // deactivate the function bar; it's not gonna work now FunctionBar.deactivate(); } if ( Help.isShown() ) { Help.hide(); } } } }, /** * replaceFieldSelection * Replaces the currently selected substring of the textarea with * a new string. * * @param jQuery A jQuery object for the textarea. * @param string The string to replace the current selection with. * @param boolean Reselect the new text range. */ replaceFieldSelection: function( $field, replaceText, reselect, cursorOffset ) { var selPos = FunctionBar.getFieldSelectionPosition( $field ); var fullStr = $field.val(); var selectNew = true; if ( reselect === false) { selectNew = false; } var scrollTop = null; if ( $field[0].scrollTop ) { scrollTop = $field[0].scrollTop; } $field.val( fullStr.substring(0, selPos.start) + replaceText + fullStr.substring(selPos.end) ); $field[0].focus(); if ( selectNew ) { if ( $field[0].setSelectionRange ) { if ( cursorOffset ) { $field[0].setSelectionRange( selPos.start + cursorOffset, selPos.start + cursorOffset ); } else { $field[0].setSelectionRange( selPos.start, selPos.start + replaceText.length ); } } else if ( $field[0].createTextRange ) { var range = $field[0].createTextRange(); range.collapse( true ); if ( cursorOffset ) { range.moveEnd( selPos.start + cursorOffset ); range.moveStart( selPos.start + cursorOffset ); } else { range.moveEnd( 'character', selPos.start + replaceText.length ); range.moveStart( 'character', selPos.start ); } range.select(); } } if ( scrollTop ) { // this jumps sometimes in FF $field[0].scrollTop = scrollTop; } } }; /** * FormatSelector * * Functions relating to the format selector (if it exists) */ var FormatSelector = { $_SELECTOR: null, /** * FormatSelector.evtChangeFormat * Event handler for when a format has been changed by the format * selector. Will automatically load a new language definition * via JS if necessary. * * @return void */ evtChangeFormat: function( e ) { var newMarkup = $(this).val(); FormatSelector.updateCommitMessage( newMarkup ); LanguageDefinition.setActiveLanguage( newMarkup ); }, updateCommitMessage: function( newMarkup ) { var msg = document.getElementById( "gollum-editor-message-field" ); var val = msg.value; // Must start with created or updated. if (/^(?:created|updated)/i.test(val)) { msg.value = val.replace( /\([^\)]*\)$/, "(" + newMarkup + ")" ); } }, /** * FormatSelector.init * Initializes the format selector. * * @return void */ init: function( $sel ) { debug('Initializing format selector'); // unbind events if init is being called twice for some reason if ( FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR && typeof FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR == 'object' ) { FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR.unbind( 'change' ); } FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR = $sel; // set format selector to the current language FormatSelector.updateSelected(); FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR.change( FormatSelector.evtChangeFormat ); }, /** * FormatSelector.update */ updateSelected: function() { var currentLang = LanguageDefinition.getActiveLanguage(); FormatSelector.$_SELECTOR.val( currentLang ); } }; /** * Help * * Functions that manage the display and loading of inline help files. */ var Help = { _ACTIVE_HELP: '', _LOADED_HELP_LANGS: [], _HELP: {}, /** * Help.define * * Defines a new help context and enables the help function if it * exists in the Gollum Function Bar. * * @param string name The name you're giving to this help context. * Generally, this should match the language name. * @param object definitionObject The definition object being loaded from a * language / help definition file. * @return void */ define: function( name, definitionObject ) { if ( Help.isValidHelpFormat( definitionObject ) ) { debug('help is a valid format'); Help._ACTIVE_HELP_LANG = name; Help._LOADED_HELP_LANGS.push( name ); Help._HELP[name] = definitionObject; if ( $("#function-help").length ) { if ( $('#function-help').hasClass('disabled') ) { $('#function-help').removeClass('disabled'); } $('#function-help').unbind('click'); $('#function-help').click( Help.evtHelpButtonClick ); // generate help menus Help.generateHelpMenuFor( name ); if ( $('#gollum-editor-help').length && typeof $('#gollum-editor-help').attr('data-autodisplay') !== 'undefined' && $('#gollum-editor-help').attr('data-autodisplay') === 'true' ) { Help.show(); } } } else { if ( $('#function-help').length ) { $('#function-help').addClass('disabled'); } } }, /** * Help.generateHelpMenuFor * Generates the markup for the main help menu given a context name. * * @param string name The context name. * @return void */ generateHelpMenuFor: function( name ) { if ( !Help._HELP[name] ) { debug('Help is not defined for ' + name.toString()); return false; } var helpData = Help._HELP[name]; // clear this shiz out $('#gollum-editor-help-parent').html(''); $('#gollum-editor-help-list').html(''); $('#gollum-editor-help-content').html(''); // go go inefficient algorithm for ( var i=0; i < helpData.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof helpData[i] != 'object' ) { break; } var $newLi = $('