module Rev # HTTP client handling authentication and HTTP requests at the low level for the Api class. # Not indended to be used directly - clients should be using the Api class instead. class HttpClient include HTTParty USER_AGENT = "RevOfficialRubySDK/#{VERSION}" # Create a new HttpClient, connecting to given host, and using the given Client and User API Keys. # # @param client_api_key [String] the client API key to use for authenticating # @param user_api_key [String] the user API key to use for authenticating # @param host [String] the host to send requests to. Should be one of Rev::Api::PRODCUTION_HOST or Rev::Api::SANDBOX_HOST def initialize(client_api_key, user_api_key, host) endpoint_uri = "https://#{host}/api/v1" self.class.base_uri(endpoint_uri) auth_string = "Rev #{client_api_key}:#{user_api_key}" @default_headers = { 'Authorization' => auth_string, 'User-Agent' => USER_AGENT # to track usage of SDK } end # Performs HTTP GET of JSON data. # # @param operation [String] URL suffix describing specific operation, like '/orders' # @param headers [Hash] hash of headers to use for the request # @return [HTTParty::Response] response def get(operation, headers = {}) headers = @default_headers.merge(headers) self.class.get(operation, :headers => headers) end # Performs HTTP GET of binary data. Note, unlike post, this returns a # Net::HTTP::Response, not HTTParty::Response. # # If this method is passed a block, will pass response to that block. in that case the response is not yet # read into memory, so the block can read it progressively. otherwise, returns the response. # # @param operation [String] URL suffix describing specific operation, like '/orders' # @param headers [Hash] hash of headers to use for the request # @yieldparam resp [Net::HTTP::Response] the response, ready to be read # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] response def get_binary(operation, headers = {}, &block) uri = URI.parse("#{self.class.base_uri}#{operation}") headers = @default_headers.merge(headers) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true get =, headers) if block_given? http.request(get) do |resp| yield resp end else http.request(get) end end # Performs HTTP POST of JSON data. # # @param operation[String] URL suffix describing specific operation # @param data [Hash] hash of keys/values to post in request body # @param headers [Hash] hash of headers to use for the request # @return [HTTParty::Response] response def post(operation, data = {}, headers = {}) headers = @default_headers.merge(headers), :headers => headers, :body => data) end # Performs HTTP POST of binary data. Note, unlike post, this returns a # Net::HTTP::Response, not HTTParty::Response. # # @param operation[String] URL suffix describing specific operation # @param file [File] file-like object containing the data to post # @param headers [Hash] hash of headers to use for the request # @return [Net::HTTP::Response] response def post_binary(operation, file, headers = {}) uri = URI.parse("#{self.class.base_uri}#{operation}") headers = @default_headers.merge(headers) http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true post =, headers) post["Content-Length"] = file.stat.size.to_s post.body_stream = file response = http.request(post) end end end