define("dojox/grid/TreeGrid", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "../main", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/query", "dojo/keys", "dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel", "./DataGrid", "./_Layout", "./_FocusManager", "./_RowManager", "./_EditManager", "./TreeSelection", "./cells/tree", "./_TreeView" ], function(dojo, dojox, declare, array, lang, event, domAttr, domClass, query, keys, ForestStoreModel, DataGrid, _Layout, _FocusManager, _RowManager, _EditManager, TreeSelection, TreeCell){ dojo.experimental("dojox.grid.TreeGrid"); var _TreeAggregator = declare("dojox.grid._TreeAggregator", null, { cells: [], grid: null, childFields: [], constructor: function(kwArgs){ this.cells = kwArgs.cells || []; this.childFields = kwArgs.childFields || []; this.grid = kwArgs.grid; =; }, _cacheValue: function(cache, id, value){ cache[id] = value; return value; }, clearSubtotalCache: function(){ // summary: // Clears the subtotal cache so that we are forced to recalc it // (or reread it) again. This is needed, for example, when // column order is changed. if({ delete; } }, cnt: function(cell, level, item){ // summary: // calculates the count of the children of item at the given level var total = 0; var store =; var childFields = this.childFields; if(childFields[level]){ var children = store.getValues(item, childFields[level]); if (cell.index <= level + 1){ total = children.length; }else{ array.forEach(children, function(c){ total += this.getForCell(cell, level + 1, c, "cnt"); }, this); } }else{ total = 1; } return total; }, sum: function(cell, level, item){ // summary: // calculates the sum of the children of item at the given level var total = 0; var store =; var childFields = this.childFields; if(childFields[level]){ array.forEach(store.getValues(item, childFields[level]), function(c){ total += this.getForCell(cell, level + 1, c, "sum"); }, this); }else{ total += store.getValue(item, cell.field); } return total; }, value: function(cell, level, item){ // summary: // Empty function so that we can set "aggregate='value'" to // force loading from the data - and bypass calculating }, getForCell: function(cell, level, item, type){ // summary: // Gets the value of the given cell at the given level and type. // type can be one of "sum", "cnt", or "value". If itemAggregates // is set and can be used, it is used instead. Values are also // cached to prevent calculating them too often. var store =; if(!store || !item || !store.isItem(item)){ return ""; } var storeCache = store._cachedAggregates = store._cachedAggregates || {}; var id = store.getIdentity(item); var itemCache = storeCache[id] = storeCache[id] || []; if(!cell.getOpenState){ cell = this.grid.getCell(cell.layoutIndex + level + 1); } var idx = cell.index; var idxCache = itemCache[idx] = itemCache[idx] || {}; type = (type || (cell.parentCell ? cell.parentCell.aggregate : "sum"))||"sum"; var attr = cell.field; if(attr == store.getLabelAttributes()[0]){ // If our attribute is one of the label attributes, we should // use cnt instead (since it makes no sense to do a sum of labels) type = "cnt"; } var typeCache = idxCache[type] = idxCache[type] || []; // See if we have it in our cache immediately for easy returning if(typeCache[level] != undefined){ return typeCache[level]; } // See if they have specified a valid field var field = ((cell.parentCell && cell.parentCell.itemAggregates) ? cell.parentCell.itemAggregates[cell.idxInParent] : "")||""; if(field && store.hasAttribute(item, field)){ return this._cacheValue(typeCache, level, store.getValue(item, field)); }else if(field){ return this._cacheValue(typeCache, level, 0); } // Calculate it return this._cacheValue(typeCache, level, this[type](cell, level, item)); } }); var _TreeLayout = declare("dojox.grid._TreeLayout", _Layout, { // Whether or not we are collapsable - this is calculated when we // set our structure. _isCollapsable: false, _getInternalStructure: function(inStructure){ // Create a "Tree View" with 1 row containing references for // each column (recursively) var g = this.grid; var s = inStructure; var cells = s[0].cells[0]; var tree = { type: "dojox.grid._TreeView", cells: [[]] }; var cFields = []; var maxLevels = 0; var getTreeCells = function(parentCell, level){ var children = parentCell.children; var cloneTreeCell = function(originalCell, idx){ var k, n = {}; for(k in originalCell){ n[k] = originalCell[k]; } n = lang.mixin(n, { level: level, idxInParent: level > 0 ? idx : -1, parentCell: level > 0 ? parentCell : null }); return n; }; var ret = []; array.forEach(children, function(c, idx){ if("children" in c){ cFields.push(c.field); var last = ret[ret.length - 1]; last.isCollapsable = true; c.level = level; ret = ret.concat(getTreeCells(c, level + 1)); }else{ ret.push(cloneTreeCell(c, idx)); } }); maxLevels = Math.max(maxLevels, level); return ret; }; var tCell = {children: cells, itemAggregates: []}; tree.cells[0] = getTreeCells(tCell, 0); g.aggregator = new _TreeAggregator({cells: tree.cells[0], grid: g, childFields: cFields}); if(g.scroller && g.defaultOpen){ g.scroller.defaultRowHeight = g.scroller._origDefaultRowHeight * (2 * maxLevels + 1); } return [ tree ]; }, setStructure: function(inStructure){ // Mangle the structure a bit and make it work as desired var s = inStructure; var g = this.grid; // Only supporting single-view, single row or else we // are not collapsable if(g && g.treeModel && !array.every(s, function(i){ return ("cells" in i); })){ s = arguments[0] = [{cells:[s]}]; } if(s.length == 1 && s[0].cells.length == 1){ if(g && g.treeModel){ s[0].type = "dojox.grid._TreeView"; this._isCollapsable = true; s[0].cells[0][(this.grid.treeModel?this.grid.expandoCell:0)].isCollapsable = true; }else{ var childCells = array.filter(s[0].cells[0], function(c){ return ("children" in c); }); if(childCells.length === 1){ this._isCollapsable = true; } } } if(this._isCollapsable && (!g || !g.treeModel)){ arguments[0] = this._getInternalStructure(s); } this.inherited(arguments); }, addCellDef: function(inRowIndex, inCellIndex, inDef){ var obj = this.inherited(arguments); return lang.mixin(obj, TreeCell); } }); var TreePath = declare("dojox.grid.TreePath", null, { level: 0, _str: "", _arr: null, grid: null, store: null, cell: null, item: null, constructor: function(/*String|Integer[]|Integer|dojox.grid.TreePath*/ path, /*dojox.grid.TreeGrid*/ grid){ if(lang.isString(path)){ this._str = path; this._arr ='/'), function(item){ return parseInt(item, 10); }); }else if(lang.isArray(path)){ this._str = path.join('/'); this._arr = path.slice(0); }else if(typeof path == "number"){ this._str = String(path); this._arr = [path]; }else{ this._str = path._str; this._arr = path._arr.slice(0); } this.level = this._arr.length-1; this.grid = grid; =; if(grid.treeModel){ this.cell = grid.layout.cells[grid.expandoCell]; }else{ this.cell = grid.layout.cells[this.level]; } }, item: function(){ // summary: // gets the item associated with this path if(!this._item){ this._item = this.grid.getItem(this._arr); } return this._item; }, compare: function(path /*dojox.grid.TreePath|String|Array*/){ // summary: // compares two paths if(lang.isString(path) || lang.isArray(path)){ if(this._str == path){ return 0; } if(path.join && this._str == path.join('/')){ return 0; } path = new TreePath(path, this.grid); }else if(path instanceof TreePath){ if(this._str == path._str){ return 0; } } for(var i=0, l=(this._arr.length < path._arr.length ? this._arr.length : path._arr.length); ipath._arr[i]){ return 1; } } if(this._arr.lengthpath._arr.length){ return 1; } return 0; }, isOpen: function(){ // summary: // Returns the open state of this cell. return this.cell.openStates && this.cell.getOpenState(this.item()); }, previous: function(){ // summary: // Returns the path that is before this path in the // grid. If no path is found, returns null. var new_path = this._arr.slice(0); if(this._str == "0"){ return null; } var last = new_path.length-1; if(new_path[last] === 0){ new_path.pop(); return new TreePath(new_path, this.grid); } new_path[last]--; var path = new TreePath(new_path, this.grid); return path.lastChild(true); }, next: function(){ // summary: // Returns the next path in the grid. If no path // is found, returns null. var new_path = this._arr.slice(0); if(this.isOpen()){ new_path.push(0); }else{ new_path[new_path.length-1]++; for(var i=this.level; i>=0; i--){ var item = this.grid.getItem(new_path.slice(0, i+1)); if(i>0){ if(!item){ new_path.pop(); new_path[i-1]++; } }else{ if(!item){ return null; } } } } return new TreePath(new_path, this.grid); }, children: function(alwaysReturn){ // summary: // Returns the child data items of this row. If this // row isn't open and alwaysReturn is falsey, returns null. if(!this.isOpen()&&!alwaysReturn){ return null; } var items = []; var model = this.grid.treeModel; if(model){ var item = this.item(); var store =; if(!model.mayHaveChildren(item)){ return null; } array.forEach(model.childrenAttrs, function(attr){ items = items.concat(store.getValues(item, attr)); }); }else{ items =, this.grid.layout.cells[this.cell.level+1].parentCell.field); if(items.length>1&&this.grid.sortChildItems){ var sortProps = this.grid.getSortProps(); if(sortProps&&sortProps.length){ var attr = sortProps[0].attribute, grid = this.grid; if(attr&&items[0][attr]){ var desc = !!sortProps[0].descending; items = items.slice(0); // don't touch the array in the store, make a copy items.sort(function(a, b){ return grid._childItemSorter(a, b, attr, desc); }); } } } } return items; }, childPaths: function(){ var childItems = this.children(); if(!childItems){ return []; } return, function(item, index){ return new TreePath(this._str + '/' + index, this.grid); }, this); }, parent: function(){ // summary: // Returns the parent path of this path. If this is a // top-level row, returns null. if(this.level === 0){ return null; } return new TreePath(this._arr.slice(0, this.level), this.grid); }, lastChild: function(/*Boolean?*/ traverse){ // summary: // Returns the last child row below this path. If traverse // is true, will traverse down to find the last child row // of this branch. If there are no children, returns itself. var children = this.children(); if(!children || !children.length){ return this; } var path = new TreePath(this._str + "/" + String(children.length-1), this.grid); if(!traverse){ return path; } return path.lastChild(true); }, toString: function(){ return this._str; } }); var _TreeFocusManager = declare("dojox.grid._TreeFocusManager", _FocusManager, { setFocusCell: function(inCell, inRowIndex){ if(inCell && inCell.getNode(inRowIndex)){ this.inherited(arguments); } }, isLastFocusCell: function(){ if(this.cell && this.cell.index == this.grid.layout.cellCount-1){ var path = new TreePath(this.grid.rowCount-1, this.grid); path = path.lastChild(true); return this.rowIndex == path._str; } return false; }, next: function(){ // summary: // focus next grid cell if(this.cell){ var row=this.rowIndex, col=this.cell.index+1, cc=this.grid.layout.cellCount-1; var path = new TreePath(this.rowIndex, this.grid); if(col > cc){ var new_path =; if(!new_path){ col--; }else{ col = 0; path = new_path; } } if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ //when editing, only navigate to editable cells var nextCell = this.grid.getCell(col); if (!this.isLastFocusCell() && !nextCell.editable){ this._focusifyCellNode(false); this.cell=nextCell; this.rowIndex=path._str;; return; } } this.setFocusIndex(path._str, col); } }, previous: function(){ // summary: // focus previous grid cell if(this.cell){ var row=(this.rowIndex || 0), col=(this.cell.index || 0) - 1; var path = new TreePath(row, this.grid); if(col < 0){ var new_path = path.previous(); if(!new_path){ col = 0; }else{ col = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1; path = new_path; } } if(this.grid.edit.isEditing()){ //when editing, only navigate to editable cells var prevCell = this.grid.getCell(col); if (!this.isFirstFocusCell() && !prevCell.editable){ this._focusifyCellNode(false); this.cell=prevCell; this.rowIndex=path._str; this.previous(); return; } } this.setFocusIndex(path._str, col); } }, move: function(inRowDelta, inColDelta){ if(this.isNavHeader()){ this.inherited(arguments); return; } if(!this.cell){ return; } // Handle grid proper. var sc = this.grid.scroller, r = this.rowIndex, rc = this.grid.rowCount-1, path = new TreePath(this.rowIndex, this.grid); if(inRowDelta){ var row; if(inRowDelta>0){ path =; row = path._arr[0]; if(row > sc.getLastPageRow({ //need to load additional data, let scroller do that this.grid.setScrollTop(this.grid.scrollTop+sc.findScrollTop(row)-sc.findScrollTop(r)); } }else if(inRowDelta<0){ path = path.previous(); row = path._arr[0]; if(row <= sc.getPageRow({ //need to load additional data, let scroller do that this.grid.setScrollTop(this.grid.scrollTop-sc.findScrollTop(r)-sc.findScrollTop(row)); } } } var cc = this.grid.layout.cellCount-1, i = this.cell.index, col = Math.min(cc, Math.max(0, i+inColDelta)); var cell = this.grid.getCell(col); var colDir = inColDelta < 0 ? -1 : 1; while(col>=0 && col < cc && cell && cell.hidden === true){ // skip hidden cells col += colDir; cell = this.grid.getCell(col); } if (!cell || cell.hidden === true){ // don't change col if would move to hidden col = i; } if(inRowDelta){ this.grid.updateRow(r); } this.setFocusIndex(path._str, col); } }); var TreeGrid = declare("dojox.grid.TreeGrid", DataGrid, { // summary: // A grid that supports nesting rows - it provides an expando function // similar to dijit.Tree. It also provides mechanisms for aggregating // the values of subrows // description: // TreeGrid currently only works on "simple" structures. That is, // single-view structures with a single row in them. // // The TreeGrid works using the concept of "levels" - level 0 are the // top-level items. // defaultOpen: Boolean // Whether or not we default to open (all levels). This defaults to // false for grids with a treeModel. defaultOpen: true, // sortChildItems: Boolean // If true, child items will be returned sorted according to the sorting // properties of the grid. sortChildItems: false, // openAtLevels: Array // Which levels we are open at (overrides defaultOpen for the values // that exist here). Its values can be a boolean (true/false) or an // integer (for the # of children to be closed if there are more than // that) openAtLevels: [], // treeModel: dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel // A dijit.Tree model that will be used instead of using aggregates. // Setting this value will make the TreeGrid behave like a columnar // tree. When setting this value, defaultOpen will default to false, // and openAtLevels will be ignored. treeModel: null, // expandoCell: Integer // When used in conjunction with a treeModel (see above), this is a 0-based // index of the cell in which to place the actual expando expandoCell: 0, // aggregator: Object // The aggregator class - it will be populated automatically if we // are a collapsible grid aggregator: null, // Override this to get our "magic" layout _layoutClass: _TreeLayout, createSelection: function(){ this.selection = new TreeSelection(this); }, _childItemSorter: function(a, b, attribute, descending){ var av =, attribute); var bv =, attribute); if(av != bv){ return av < bv == descending ? 1 : -1; } return 0; }, _onNew: function(item, parentInfo){ if(!parentInfo || !parentInfo.item){ this.inherited(arguments); }else{ var idx = this.getItemIndex(parentInfo.item); if(typeof idx == "string"){ this.updateRow(idx.split('/')[0]); }else if(idx > -1){ this.updateRow(idx); } } }, _onSet: function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){ this._checkUpdateStatus(); if(this.aggregator){ this.aggregator.clearSubtotalCache(); } var idx = this.getItemIndex(item); if(typeof idx == "string"){ this.updateRow(idx.split('/')[0]); }else if(idx > -1){ this.updateRow(idx); } }, _onDelete: function(item){ this._cleanupExpandoCache(this._getItemIndex(item, true),, item); this.inherited(arguments); }, _clearData: function() { this.inherited(arguments); this._by_idty_paths = {}; }, _cleanupExpandoCache: function(index, identity, item){}, _addItem: function(item, index, noUpdate, dontUpdateRoot){ // add our root items to the root of the model's children // list since we don't query the model if(!dontUpdateRoot && this.model && array.indexOf(this.model.root.children, item) == -1){ this.model.root.children[index] = item; } this.inherited(arguments); }, getItem: function(/*integer|Array|String*/ idx){ // summary: // overridden so that you can pass in a '/' delimited string of indexes to get the // item based off its path...that is, passing in "1/3/2" will get the // 3rd (0-based) child from the 4th child of the 2nd top-level item. var isArray = lang.isArray(idx); if(lang.isString(idx) && idx.indexOf('/')){ idx = idx.split('/'); isArray = true; } if(isArray && idx.length == 1){ idx = idx[0]; isArray = false; } if(!isArray){ return, idx); } var s =; var itm =, idx[0]); var cf, i, j; if(this.aggregator){ cf = this.aggregator.childFields||[]; if(cf){ for(i = 0; i < idx.length - 1 && itm; i++){ if(cf[i]){ itm = (s.getValues(itm, cf[i])||[])[idx[i + 1]]; }else{ itm = null; } } } }else if(this.treeModel){ cf = this.treeModel.childrenAttrs||[]; if(cf&&itm){ for(i=1, il=idx.length; (i cellDef.level){ var dVal = this.openAtLevels[cellDef.level]; if(typeof dVal == "boolean"){ return dVal; }else if(typeof dVal == "number"){ return (store.getValues(item, cf).length <= dVal); } } return this.defaultOpen; }, onStyleRow: function(row){ if(!this.layout._isCollapsable){ this.inherited(arguments); return; } var base = domAttr.get(row.node, 'dojoxTreeGridBaseClasses'); if(base){ row.customClasses = base; } var i = row; var tagName = i.node.tagName.toLowerCase(); i.customClasses += (i.odd?" dojoxGridRowOdd":"") + (i.selected&&tagName=='tr'?" dojoxGridRowSelected":"") + (i.over&&tagName=='tr'?" dojoxGridRowOver":""); this.focus.styleRow(i); this.edit.styleRow(i); }, styleRowNode: function(inRowIndex, inRowNode){ if(inRowNode){ if(inRowNode.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && this.aggregator){ query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath]", inRowNode).forEach(function(rowNode){ this.rows.styleRowNode(domAttr.get(rowNode, 'dojoxTreeGridPath'), rowNode); },this); } this.rows.styleRowNode(inRowIndex, inRowNode); } }, onCanSelect: function(inRowIndex){ var nodes = query("tr[dojoxTreeGridPath='" + inRowIndex + "']", this.domNode); if(nodes.length){ if(domClass.contains(nodes[0], 'dojoxGridSummaryRow')){ return false; } } return this.inherited(arguments); }, onKeyDown: function(e){ if(e.altKey || e.metaKey){ return; } switch(e.keyCode){ case keys.UP_ARROW: if(!this.edit.isEditing() && this.focus.rowIndex != "0"){ event.stop(e); this.focus.move(-1, 0); } break; case keys.DOWN_ARROW: var currPath = new TreePath(this.focus.rowIndex, this); var lastPath = new TreePath(this.rowCount-1, this); lastPath = lastPath.lastChild(true); if(!this.edit.isEditing() && currPath.toString() != lastPath.toString()){ event.stop(e); this.focus.move(1, 0); } break; default: this.inherited(arguments); break; } }, canEdit: function(inCell, inRowIndex){ var node = inCell.getNode(inRowIndex); return node && this._canEdit; }, doApplyCellEdit: function(inValue, inRowIndex, inAttrName){ var item = this.getItem(inRowIndex); var oldValue =, inAttrName); if(typeof oldValue == 'number'){ inValue = isNaN(inValue) ? inValue : parseFloat(inValue); }else if(typeof oldValue == 'boolean'){ inValue = inValue == 'true' ? true : inValue == 'false' ? false : inValue; }else if(oldValue instanceof Date){ var asDate = new Date(inValue); inValue = isNaN(asDate.getTime()) ? inValue : asDate; }, inAttrName, inValue); this.onApplyCellEdit(inValue, inRowIndex, inAttrName); } }); TreeGrid.markupFactory = function(props, node, ctor, cellFunc){ var widthFromAttr = function(n){ var w = domAttr.get(n, "width")||"auto"; if((w != "auto")&&(w.slice(-2) != "em")&&(w.slice(-1) != "%")){ w = parseInt(w, 10)+"px"; } return w; }; var cellsFromMarkup = function(table){ var rows; // Don't support colgroup on our grid - single view, single row only if(table.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table" && query("> colgroup", table).length === 0 && (rows = query("> thead > tr", table)).length == 1){ var tr = rows[0]; return query("> th", rows[0]).map(function(th){ // Grab type and field (the only ones that are shared var cell = { type: lang.trim(domAttr.get(th, "cellType")||""), field: lang.trim(domAttr.get(th, "field")||"") }; if(cell.type){ cell.type = lang.getObject(cell.type); } var subTable = query("> table", th)[0]; if(subTable){ // If we have a subtable, we are an aggregate and a summary cell = ""; cell.children = cellsFromMarkup(subTable); if(domAttr.has(th, "itemAggregates")){ cell.itemAggregates =, "itemAggregates").split(","), function(v){ return lang.trim(v); }); }else{ cell.itemAggregates = []; } if(domAttr.has(th, "aggregate")){ cell.aggregate = domAttr.get(th, "aggregate"); } cell.type = cell.type || dojox.grid.cells.SubtableCell; }else{ // Grab our other stuff we need (mostly what's in the normal // Grid) = lang.trim(domAttr.get(th, "name")||th.innerHTML); if(domAttr.has(th, "width")){ cell.width = widthFromAttr(th); } if(domAttr.has(th, "relWidth")){ cell.relWidth = window.parseInt(domAttr.get(th, "relWidth"), 10); } if(domAttr.has(th, "hidden")){ cell.hidden = domAttr.get(th, "hidden") == "true"; } cell.field = cell.field||; DataGrid.cell_markupFactory(cellFunc, th, cell); cell.type = cell.type || dojox.grid.cells.Cell; } if(cell.type && cell.type.markupFactory){ cell.type.markupFactory(th, cell); } return cell; }); } return []; }; var rows; if( !props.structure ){ var row = cellsFromMarkup(node); if(row.length){ // Set our structure here - so that we don't try and set it in the // markup factory props.structure = [{__span: Infinity, cells:[row]}]; } } return DataGrid.markupFactory(props, node, ctor, cellFunc); }; return TreeGrid; });