require 'shellwords' require 'tempfile' require "open3" require 'securerandom' module Danger # Check and warn the conflict between PRs. # # @example Get information about the conflict between PRs. # conflict_checker.check_conflict # @example Warn in PR comment about the conflict between PRs. # conflict_checker.check_conflict_and_comment # # @see justice3120/danger-conflict_checker # @tags pr conflict # class DangerConflictChecker < Plugin def initialize(dangerfile) super(dangerfile) end # Get information about the conflict between PRs # @return [Array] # def check_conflict() check_results = [] repo_name = github.pr_json[:base][:repo][:full_name] pull_requests = github.api.pull_requests(repo_name).select do |pr| pr[:id] != github.pr_json[:id] && pr[:base][:label] == github.pr_json[:base][:label] end return check_results if pull_requests.empty? g = pull_requests.each do |pr| result = { pull_request: pr, mergeable: true, conflicts: [] } uuid = SecureRandom.uuid r = g.add_remote(uuid, pr[:head][:repo][:ssh_url]) r.fetch() branch1 = github.pr_json[:head][:ref] branch2 = "#{uuid}/#{pr[:head][:ref]}" base = `git merge-base #{branch1} #{branch2}`.chomp'tmp') do |f| patch = `git format-patch #{base}..#{branch2} --stdout`.chomp f.sync = true f.puts patch out, s = Open3.capture2e("git apply --check #{f.path}") out.each_line do |line| if 'patch failed' == line.split(':')[1].strip conflict = { file: line.split(':')[2].strip, line: line.split(':')[3].strip.to_i } result[:conflicts] << conflict end end result[:mergeable] = result[:conflicts].empty? end g.remove_remote(uuid) check_results << result end check_results end # Warn in PR comment about the conflict between PRs # @return [Array] # def check_conflict_and_comment() results = check_conflict() results.each do |result| next if result[:mergeable] message = "

This PR conflicts with ##{result[:pull_request][:number]}.

" table = '' + result[:conflicts].map do |conflict| file = conflict[:file] line = conflict[:line] line_link = "#{result[:pull_request][:head][:repo][:html_url]}/blob/#{result[:pull_request][:head][:ref]}/#{file}#L#{line}" "" end.join('') + '
' puts (message + table) warn("
" + message + table + "
") end results end end end