module Riemann class Dash helpers do include ::Rack::Utils alias_method :h, :escape_html # Returns a scalar factor from 0.2 to 1, where 0.2 is "on the order of # age_scale ago", and 1 is "very recent" def age_fraction(time) return 1 if time.nil? x = 1 - (( - time) / Dash.config[:age_scale]) if x < 0.2 0.2 elsif x > 1 1 else x end end # Finds the longest common prefix of a list of strings. # i.e. 'abc, 'ab', 'abdf' => 'ab' def longest_common_prefix(strings, prefix = '') return strings.first if strings.size <= 1 first = strings[0][0,1] or return prefix tails = strings[1..-1].inject([strings[0][1..-1]]) do |tails, string| if string[0,1] != first return prefix else tails << string[1..-1] end end longest_common_prefix(tails, prefix + first) end # An overview of states def state_list(states) ul( { |s| state_short s }) end def state_grid(states = Dash.client.query) h2('States by Host') + table( *Event.partition(states, :host).map do |host, states| tr( th(host, :class => 'host'), *Event.sort(states, :service).map do |state| state_short state end ) end ) end # Renders a state as the given HTML tag with a % width corresponding to # metric / max. def state_bar(s, opts = {}) opts = {:tag => 'div', :max => 1}.merge opts return '' unless s x = s.metric # Text text = case x when Float '%.2f' % x when Integer x.to_s else s.state || '?' end # Size size = case x when 0 0 when nil 100 else begin x * 100 / opts[:max] rescue ZeroDivisionError 0 end end size = "%.2f" % size time =[:strftime]) tag opts[:tag], h(text), :class => "state #{s.state}", :style => "opacity: #{age_fraction s.time}; width: #{size}%", :title => "#{s.state}\n#{s.description}\n\n(at #{time})" end # Renders a set of states in a chart. Each row is a given host, each # service is a column. Each state is shown as a bar with an inferred # maximum for the entire service, so you can readily compare multiple # hosts. # # Takes a a set of states and options: # title: the title of the chart. Inferred to be the longest common # prefix of all services. # maxima: maps each service to the maximum value used to display its # bar. # service_names: maps each service to a friendly name. Default service # names have common prefixes removed. # hosts: an array of hosts for rows. Default is every host present in # states, sorted. # transpose: Hosts go across, services go down. Enables :global_maxima. # global_maximum: Compute default maxima for services globally, # instead of a different maximum for each service. def state_chart(states, opts = {}) o = { :maxima => {}, :service_names => {} }.merge opts if o[:transpose] and not o.include?(:global_maximum) o[:global_maximum] = true end # Get all services services = { |s| s.service }.compact.uniq.sort # Figure out what name to use for each service. prefix = longest_common_prefix services service_names = services.inject({}) do |names, service| names[service] = service[prefix.length..-1] names end.merge o[:service_names] # Compute maximum for each service maxima = if o[:global_maximum] max = services.inject({}) do |m, s| m[s] = max m end.merge o[:maxima] else states.inject( do |m, s| if s.metric m[s.service] = [s.metric, m[s.service]].max end m end.merge o[:maxima] end # Compute union of all hosts for these states, if no # list of hosts explicitly given. hosts = o[:hosts] || do |state| end hosts = hosts.uniq.sort { |a, b| if !a -1 elsif !b 1 else a <=> b end } # Construct index by = states.inject({}) do |index, s| index[[, s.service]] = s index end # Title title = o[:title] || prefix.capitalize rescue 'Unknown' if o[:transpose] h2(title) + table( tr( th, * do |host| th host end ), * do |service| tr( th(service_names[service]), * do |host| s = by[[host, service]] td( s ? state_bar(s, :max => maxima[service]) : nil ) end ) end << {:class => 'chart'} # ruby 1.8.7 this is your fault ) else h2(title) + table( tr( th, * do |service| th service_names[service] end ), * do |host| tr( th(host), * do |service| s = by[[host, service]] td( s ? state_bar(s, :max => maxima[service]) : nil ) end ) end << {:class => 'chart'} ) end end # Renders a state as a short tag. def state_short(s, opts={:tag => 'li'}) if s "<#{opts[:tag]} class=\"state #{s.state}\" style=\"opacity: #{age_fraction s.time}\" title=\"#{h s.description}\">#{h} #{h s.service}" else "<#{opts[:tag]} class=\"service\">" end end # Renders a time to an HTML tag. def time(unix) t = "" end # Renders an HTML tag def tag(tag, *a) if Hash === a.last opts = a.pop else opts = {} end attrs = do |k,v| "#{k}=\"#{h v}\"" end.join ' ' content = if block_given? a << yield else a end.flatten.join("\n") s = "<#{tag} #{attrs}>#{content}" end # Specific tag aliases %w(div span h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol li table th tr td u i b).each do |tag| class_eval "def #{tag}(*a, &block) tag #{tag.inspect}, *a, &block end" end end end end