# For complete Aruba step listing see: # lib/aruba/cucumber.rb # or https://github.com/aslakhellesoy/aruba/blob/master/lib/aruba/cucumber.rb Feature: Examining files In order to test a running system As an administrator I want to examine files Background Given that "cuken/file" has been required @steps Scenario: File exists Given the file "foo.file" contains nothing Then the file "foo.file" exists @steps Scenario: File does not exist Then the file "foo.filepants" does not exist @steps Scenario: Atime Given the file "foo.file" contains nothing And we record the a-mtime of "foo.file" And I run `sleep 1` And I run `touch -a foo.file` Then the atime of "foo.file" changes @steps Scenario: Mtime Given the file "foo.file" contains nothing And we record the a-mtime of "foo.file" And I run `sleep 1` And I run `touch -m foo.file` Then the mtime of "foo.file" changes @steps Scenario: File contents When I write to "monkeytest.file": """ monkeypants monkeyshorts """ Then the file "monkeytest.file" contains "monkeypants" @steps Scenario: File contents exact match When I write to "monkeytest.file": """ monkeypants monkeyshorts """ Then the file "monkeytest.file" contains exactly: """ monkeypants monkeyshorts """ Scenario: File contents multiple matches When I write to "monkeytest.file": """ monkeypants monkeyshorts monkeypants monkeyshorts """ Then the file "monkeytest.file" contains "monkeyp" exactly "2" times Then the file "monkeytest.file" does not contain "monkey" exactly "2" times @steps Scenario: File modes When I run `touch filemode.file` And I run `chmod 644 filemode.file` Then the file "filemode.file" has octal mode "188" And the file "filemode.file" has octal mode "33188" And the file "filemode.file" has decimal mode "644" And the file "filemode.file" has decimal mode "0644" @steps Scenario: Directory exists When I run `mkdir -p dirtest` Then the directory "dirtest" exists @steps Scenario: Directory does not exist Then the directory "dirtest-m000" does not exist @steps Scenario: Directory modes When I run `mkdir -p dirtest` And I run `chmod 755 dirtest` Then the directory "dirtest" has decimal mode "755" And the directory "dirtest" has decimal mode "2755" Then the directory "dirtest" has octal mode "901" And the directory "dirtest" has octal mode "17901"