mkdir C:\chef > C:\chef\wget.vbs ( echo.url = WScript.Arguments.Named^("url"^) echo.path = WScript.Arguments.Named^("path"^) echo.Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject^("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"^) echo.Set wshShell = CreateObject^( "WScript.Shell" ^) echo.Set objUserVariables = wshShell.Environment^("USER"^) echo. echo.'http proxy is optional echo.'attempt to read from HTTP_PROXY env var first echo.On Error Resume Next echo. echo.If NOT ^(objUserVariables^("HTTP_PROXY"^) = ""^) Then echo.objXMLHTTP.setProxy 2, objUserVariables^("HTTP_PROXY"^) echo. echo.'fall back to named arg echo.ElseIf NOT ^(WScript.Arguments.Named^("proxy"^) = ""^) Then echo.objXMLHTTP.setProxy 2, WScript.Arguments.Named^("proxy"^) echo.End If echo. echo.On Error Goto 0 echo. "GET", url, false echo.objXMLHTTP.send^(^) echo.If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then echo.Set objADOStream = CreateObject^("ADODB.Stream"^) echo.objADOStream.Open echo.objADOStream.Type = 1 echo.objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody echo.objADOStream.Position = 0 echo.Set objFSO = Createobject^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^) echo.If objFSO.Fileexists^(path^) Then objFSO.DeleteFile path echo.Set objFSO = Nothing echo.objADOStream.SaveToFile path echo.objADOStream.Close echo.Set objADOStream = Nothing echo.End if echo.Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing ) @rem Install Chef using chef-client MSI installer cscript /nologo C:\chef\wget.vbs /url: /path:%TEMP%\chef-client-latest.msi msiexec /qb /i %TEMP%\chef-client-latest.msi