module Minjs module ECMA262 # ECMA262 punctuator element # # @see ECMA262 7.7 class Punctuator < Literal attr_reader :val @@sym = {} def initialize(val) @val = val.to_sym end # Returns punctuator object representation of string. # # @param val [String] punctuator def self.get(val) @@sym[val] ||= end # Returns a string containg the representation of punctuator. def to_s val.to_s end # Returns a ECMAScript string containg the representation of element. # @see Base#to_js def to_js val.to_s end # Return true if punctuator equals to other. # # @param obj other element. def ==(obj) self.class == obj.class and self.val == obj.val end end #punctuator PUNC_CONDIF = Punctuator.get('?') #punctuator PUNC_ASSIGN = Punctuator.get('=') #punctuator PUNC_DIVASSIGN = Punctuator.get('/=') #punctuator PUNC_MULASSIGN = Punctuator.get('*=') #punctuator PUNC_MODASSIGN = Punctuator.get('%=') #punctuator PUNC_ADDASSIGN = Punctuator.get('+=') #punctuator PUNC_SUBASSIGN = Punctuator.get('-=') #punctuator PUNC_LSHIFTASSIGN = Punctuator.get('<<=') #punctuator PUNC_RSHIFTASSIGN = Punctuator.get('>>=') #punctuator PUNC_URSHIFTASSIGN = Punctuator.get('>>>=') #punctuator PUNC_ANDASSIGN = Punctuator.get('&=') #punctuator PUNC_XORASSIGN = Punctuator.get('^=') #punctuator PUNC_ORASSIGN = Punctuator.get('|=') #punctuator PUNC_LOR = Punctuator.get('||') #punctuator PUNC_LAND = Punctuator.get('&&') #punctuator PUNC_OR = Punctuator.get('|') #punctuator PUNC_XOR = Punctuator.get('^') #punctuator PUNC_AND = Punctuator.get('&') #punctuator PUNC_EQ = Punctuator.get('==') #punctuator PUNC_NEQ = Punctuator.get('!=') #punctuator PUNC_SEQ = Punctuator.get('===') #punctuator PUNC_SNEQ = Punctuator.get('!==') #punctuator PUNC_LT = Punctuator.get('<') #punctuator PUNC_GT = Punctuator.get('>') #punctuator PUNC_LTEQ = Punctuator.get('<=') #punctuator PUNC_GTEQ = Punctuator.get('>=') #punctuator PUNC_LSHIFT = Punctuator.get('<<') #punctuator PUNC_RSHIFT = Punctuator.get('>>') #punctuator PUNC_URSHIFT = Punctuator.get('>>>') #punctuator PUNC_ADD = Punctuator.get('+') #punctuator PUNC_SUB = Punctuator.get('-') #punctuator PUNC_MUL = Punctuator.get('*') #punctuator PUNC_DIV = Punctuator.get('/') #punctuator PUNC_MOD = Punctuator.get('%') #punctuator PUNC_INC = Punctuator.get('++') #punctuator PUNC_DEC = Punctuator.get('--') #punctuator PUNC_NOT = Punctuator.get('~') #punctuator PUNC_LNOT = Punctuator.get('!') #punctuator PUNC_LPARENTHESIS = Punctuator.get('(') #punctuator PUNC_RPARENTHESIS = Punctuator.get(')') #punctuator PUNC_LSQBRAC = Punctuator.get('[') #punctuator PUNC_RSQBRAC = Punctuator.get(']') #punctuator PUNC_LCURLYBRAC = Punctuator.get('{') #punctuator PUNC_RCURLYBRAC = Punctuator.get('}') #punctuator PUNC_COMMA = Punctuator.get(',') #punctuator PUNC_COLON = Punctuator.get(':') #punctuator PUNC_SEMICOLON = Punctuator.get(';') #punctuator PUNC_PERIOD = Punctuator.get('.') Punctuator.class_eval { private_class_method :new } end end