class AdminSyncPage < Page REMOTE_NAME = 'yodel' respond_to :get do with :json do return {success: false, requires_push: true} if site.remote_id.nil? conflicts = pull if conflicts.empty? {success: true} else {success: false, conflicts: conflicts} end end end respond_to :post do with :json do if params['remote'] remote = Remote.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['remote'])) response = remote.create_site return response if !response['success'] # link the current site to the new remote site.remote = remote site.remote_id = response['id'] # add a default domain for the remote raise "Could not find default yodel domain" if site.local_domain.nil? << "#{site.local_domain.gsub('.yodel', '')}.#{}" # assign git remote Dir.chdir(site.root_directory.to_s) do `#{Yodel.config.git_path} remote rm #{REMOTE_NAME}` `#{Yodel.config.git_path} remote add #{REMOTE_NAME} #{remote.git_url(site.remote_id)}` end {success: true} else conflicts = pull if conflicts.empty? Dir.chdir(site.root_directory.to_s) do {success: true, status: `#{Yodel.config.git_path} push #{REMOTE_NAME} master`, remoteDomain: site.remote_domains.first} end else {success: false, conflicts: conflicts} end end end end private def commit Dir.chdir(site.root_directory.to_s) do status = `#{Yodel.config.git_path} status --porcelain -z`.split("\0").collect(&:strip) status.each do |change| state, file = change.split `#{Yodel.config.git_path} add #{file}` if state == '??' || state.include?('U') end unless status.empty? `#{Yodel.config.git_path} commit -a --allow-empty-message -m ''` end end end def pull conflicts = [] commit Dir.chdir(site.root_directory.to_s) do `#{Yodel.config.git_path} pull #{REMOTE_NAME} master` status = `#{Yodel.config.git_path} status --porcelain -z`.split("\0").collect(&:strip) status.each do |change| state, file = change.split conflicts << file if state.include?('U') end end conflicts.tap do |conflicts| if conflicts.empty? Migration.run_migrations(site) end end end end