# Capistrano::Rbenv::Install
Capistrano plugin for **lightweight** rubies management with rbenv.
Works with Capistrano 3 (only). For Capistrano 2 support check
[this repository](https://github.com/yyuu/capistrano-rbenv)
(version 1.x of `capistrano-rbenv` gem).
### Installation
Install by adding the following to the `Gemfile`:
gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.2.1'
gem 'capistrano-rbenv', '~> 2.0' # required
gem 'capistrano-rbenv-install', '~> 1.2.0'
$ bundle install
### Configuration and usage
The following goes to `Capfile`:
require 'capistrano/rbenv_install'
This plugin heavily relies on
[capistrano-rbenv config options](https://github.com/capistrano/rbenv#usage).
So make sure to properly setup `capistrano-rbenv` and you'll be good.
For example, in `config/deploy.rb`:
set :rbenv_ruby, '2.0.0-p247'
Other than that, this plugin does not need any setup.
$ bundle exec cap production deploy
And watch ruby being installed.
### Purpose
Installing software packages on servers is called
Installing and managing rubies falls into that domain, and is best done with a
proper tool like chef, puppet, ansible or something else.
Why this plugin then?
- Capistrano is a great tool (written in ruby btw) so, when there's a need,
installing rubies with it should be easy too
- not everyone knows (or has time to learn) how to use provisioning tools
mentioned above
- sometimes installing ruby manually is just easier than fiddling with your
chef cookbooks. Instead of manually, you can do it with this plugin now
Imagine you want to quickly deploy a ruby `1.9.2` app to a server that already
has one or more ruby `2.0.0` apps.
"Oh, let's just quickly update our cookbooks" - yea right! I'd rather manually
`ssh` to the server directly and run `rbenv install 1.9.2-p320`. But I don't
want to manually `ssh` to the server too. In that case I just can install
`capistrano-rbenv-install` and forget about it altogether.
### What it does
It only does the bare minimum that's required for Capistrano to work. That's
why it's a plugin for *lightweight* ruby management.
It makes sure that:
- `rbenv` and `ruby build` are installed (installs them using `git`)
- ruby specified with `:rbenv_ruby` option is installed
- `bundler` gem is installed
### What it does NOT do
It **does not**:
- manage ruby gems
`bundler` is installed by default and that's pretty much it.
- does not install ruby dependency packages
(git-core build-essential libreadline6-dev etc ...). You should probably
install/provision those some other way.
- does not manage `rbenv` plugins
It only installs `ruby build` for the purpose of installing ruby.
- does not setup rbenv for direct use on the server via the command line
Example: `ssh`ing to the server and manually running ruby commands is not
### More Capistrano automation?
Check out [capistrano-plugins](https://github.com/capistrano-plugins) github org.
### Thanks
@yyuu and the original
[capistrano-rbenv](https://github.com/yyuu/capistrano-rbenv) project for
### License