#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- coding: binary -*- $:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..')) require 'rex/test' require 'rex/proto/drda/packet' class Rex::Proto::DRDA::UnitTest < Test::Unit::TestCase Klass = Rex::Proto::DRDA Konst = Rex::Proto::DRDA::Constants # Test a sample param def test_mgrlvlls_param p = Klass::MGRLVLLS_PARAM.new assert_kind_of(Struct, p) assert_equal(Konst::MGRLVLLS, p.codepoint) end # Test a sample ddm def test_secchk_ddm d = Klass::SECCHK_DDM.new assert_kind_of Struct, d assert_equal Konst::SECCHK, d.codepoint end # All parameter names should have a corresponding codepoint, # except "DDM_PARAM" (a generic parameter). def test_all_param_codepoints params = Klass.constants.map {|x| x if x =~ /PARAM$/}.compact assert_operator params.size, :>=, 6 # Allow for more later. params.each do |p| cp = p.split(/_PARAM/).first next if cp == "DDM" assert Konst.const_defined? cp assert_kind_of Numeric, Konst.const_get(cp) end end # Similarly, so should DDM Structs. def test_all_ddm_codepoints ddms = Klass.constants.map {|x| x if x =~ /DDM$/}.compact assert_operator ddms.size, :>=, 4 # Allow for more later. ddms.each do |p| cp = p.split(/_DDM/).first next if cp == "BASIC" assert_kind_of Numeric, Konst.const_get(cp) end end # Ensure that all params have the same struct. def test_param_struct params = Klass.constants.map {|x| x if x =~ /PARAM$/}.compact params.each do |p| obj = Klass.const_get(p).new assert_equal 3, obj.size assert_respond_to obj, :codepoint assert_respond_to obj, :length assert_respond_to obj, :payload end end # Make some similiar assertions about DDMs, though specific DDMs # will have particular elements after the codepoint, usually more # than one. def test_ddm_struct ddms = Klass.constants.map {|x| x if x =~ /DDM$/}.compact ddms.each do |d| obj = Klass.const_get(d).new assert_operator obj.size, :>=, 7 assert_respond_to obj, :length assert_respond_to obj, :magic assert_respond_to obj, :format assert_respond_to obj, :correlid assert_respond_to obj, :length2 assert_respond_to obj, :codepoint end end # The server packet is special since it's an Array of BASIC_DDM's, # and doesn't have a particular, fixed struct. (It would be nice # to build those up on the fly, but we're not really interested in # validating most server responses right now. def test_server_packet_structure s = Klass::SERVER_PACKET.new assert_kind_of Array, s assert_respond_to s, :to_s assert_respond_to s, :sz assert_respond_to s, :read end # Exercise the SERVER_PACKET#read function with a sample packet. def test_server_packet_read pkt = "0015d0420001000f1219000611490000000511a4000050d0520002004a2201000611490000000c112ee2d8d3f0f8f0f2f4000d002fd8e3c4e2d8d3e7f8f6000a00350006119c033300062103022e00172135c3f0c1f8f6c1f0f14bc5c6f1f2070402195612008cd0030002008624080000000000303030303053514c303830323400ffffffff0200000000000000030000000000000000000000202020202020202020202000124d59444232444220202020202020202020200000003331ff383139ff4d59555345522020ff4d594442324442ff514442322f4c494e5558ff353538ff353538ff30ff31323038ff30ffff".scan(/../).map {|x| x.to_i(16).chr}.join s = Klass::SERVER_PACKET.new assert_equal 0, s.size s.read(pkt) assert_equal 3, s.size assert_equal Konst::SECCHKRM, s[0].codepoint assert_equal Konst::ACCRDBRM, s[1].codepoint assert_equal Konst::SQLCARD, s[2].codepoint assert_equal 0xd0, s[0].magic assert_equal 0x52, s[1].format assert_equal 134, s[2].length2 assert_equal 21+80+140, s.sz end end